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1、工程管理专业外文翻译工程管理专业外文翻译西安科技大学高新学院毕业设计(论文)外文翻译学生姓名: 贺永琴 院(系): 建筑与土木工程学院 专业班级: 工程管理1004班 指导教师: 李 慧 完成日期:2013年12月30日要 求1.外文翻译是毕业设计(论文)的主要内容之一,学生必须独立完成。2.外文翻译文内容应与学生的专业或毕业设计(论文)内容相关,不得少于15000印刷字符。3.外文翻译文用A4纸打印。文章标题用3号宋体,章节标题用4号宋体,正文用小4号宋体;页边距上下左右均为2.5cm,左侧装订,装订线0.5cm。按中文翻译在上,外文原文在下的顺序装订。4.年月日等的填写,用阿拉伯数字书写,

2、要符合关于出版物上数字用法的试行规定,如“2009年2月15日”。5.所有签名必须手写,不得打印工程管理专业外文翻译 摘要本翻译主要针对工程管理本专业的工程项目管理、工程量清单、工程量等专业术语进行阐述,从而使自己对工程管理专业有更深刻的了解和认识。当前,世界经济一体化,我国随后加入了世贸组织,使我国在各行各业都有了新的突破,为了增强国际竞争力,在重视硬件发展的同时,我们不能忽视软件(工程管理)的发展。因此,工程量清单计价规范和无底招标的推行使我国工程管理和工程量清单等实现了与国际社会的全面接轨。关键词:工程管理,工程量清单,工程量工程管理是对具有技术成分的活动进行计划、组织、资源分配以及指导








10、理的专业化。顺应行业专业化发展的趋势,相关的职业也将呈现出专业化发展的态势,使原来的职业逐渐细分,达到功能运作的合理与完善,以适应激烈的市场竞争。该专业毕业生就业趋势,也将逐步适应市场行业的快节奏发展步伐,在全行业回暖的经济背景下,在与国际化逐渐接轨的历史条件下,继续向好的方向发展。除此之外,在工程管理项目中,工程量清单是完成建设工程需要实施的各个分项及其工程数量的明细清单,它是将设计图纸和业主对项目的建设要求以及要求承建人完成的工作转换成许多条明细分项和数量的表单格式,每条分项描述叫一个清单项目或清单分项,它也反映了承包人完成建设项目需要实施的具体的分项目标。 工程量清单是投标人填报分项工程



13、决算完成搬迁的。缺乏连续性的情况下, 以完善的控制水平,发展控制系统的投资项目, 投资建设项目,可以促进我国社会主义市场经济发展,适应全球经济一体化进程。Project management professional foreign language translation SummaryThe translation is mainly for project management professional project management, engineering, engineering and other professional terminology to explain, a

14、llowing themselves to have a better knowledge and understanding of project management major. At present, the world economy, then joined the World Trade Organization, so that there is a new breakthrough in all sorts, in order to enhance their international competitiveness, emphasis on hardware develo

15、pment at the same time, we cannot ignore the software (management) development. Therefore, normative and non-implementation of the tendering of Bill of quantities of engineering management and Bill of quantities to achieve a full integration with the international community.Key words: project manage

16、ment, Bill of quantities, quantitiesProject management is to plan, organize activities with technological components, resource allocation, as well as guidance and control of science and art. Consulting project of the Chinese Academy of engineering engineering management of the status quo of scientif

17、ic research of engineering management in the report has the following definition: project management is expected to achieve its objectives, the efficient use of resources, project decision making, planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlling. Project management is a major component

18、of project management, it project management methodology for project process management, planning and control guarantees the achievement of project objectives, including not only project management, including decision-making, project evaluation, project economic analysis of contract management, engi

19、neering, project management, project quality management, project investment and financing, asset management, such as. Project managements goal is to achieve project success, is to meet successfully the requirements for a specific project, these requirements translate into the target.At the same time

20、, project management is the project life-cycle management, including early decisions for engineering design and management, program management, construction management, operations, maintenance and management. In addition, project management is aimed at engineering approach to systems management, thr

21、ough an ad hoc, flexible organizations, specialized, project construction and operations processes for efficient planning, organizing, directing and controlling based on dynamic management of engineering, realization of the project objectives. Therefore, in engineering management from the following

22、areas: 1、Technology project Management professional training with basic knowledge in management, economics and civil engineering technology students during the study period, to accept the basic quality and training of engineers and economists, good engineering, management, economics, law, foreign la

23、nguages, and a solid foundation of computer applications. School of management in engineering management in the course of professional training, also provides the appropriate conditions, students according to their ability, to pursue a dual degree in related disciplines, and double majors. A lot of

24、people believe that project management is a simple management discipline, project management needs to learn more than just a management idea, also requires a certain degree of knowledge of engineering and mathematics.2、Training requirements In the professional learning, should understand this basic

25、equation is project management = economic+ management of engineering, of course, by no means a simple sum, but some basic skills: (1) Master in civil engineering technology-oriented theoretical knowledge and practical skills;(2) To acquire the relevant management theory and methods; (3) Control of e

26、conomic theory;(4) Acquire the relevant laws and regulations; (5)With the theoretical knowledge and practical abilities in engineering management; (6) Has a reading ability to project management professional foreign language documents;(7) With the use of computer-assisted project management problem-

27、solving abilities; (8) With strong scientific research capabilities. In General, project management emphasis on scientific management, for those strong interpersonal communication skills, and good reason to think the candidates. 3、Cultivation and training objectives in the field This professional tr

28、aining objective is the modernization of training needs, the needs of development, with basic knowledge such as engineering and economic management, legal, access to basic training of engineers, with a strong practical ability, creativity, organization and management of advanced project management t

29、alents. Project management professional and national registered supervision engineers, State-registered cost engineer knowledge structures of integration into the professional direction covering project management, property management, and cost management of project investment, international project

30、 contracting and other directions. Graduates in engineering consulting, project construction, real estate development and management of related work, professional wide coverage, industry wide social needs.4、The employment situation Of engineering management major areas of employment involved in cons

31、truction, engineering, construction and management, property management, and financial management, hotels, trade and industry sectors. This specialty involves high demand for talents in the field of employment more widespread. Securities from banks to hotels, from construction to real estate develop

32、ment companies will need to replenish large amounts of engineering construction management and related professional talents, talents for the professionals are in great demand on the market. The work of the professionals involved in the field of employment are: integrated systems management, architectural, economic, legal, and other basic knowledge, focused on engineering and construction, construction management and real estate management and development, and is familiar with Chinas relat

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