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1、外研版小学六年级英语上册导学案外研版小学六年级英语上册导学案MODULE 1 (Unit 1)The Great Wall学习目标(Learning aims):1、知识目标(Knowledge aims):能够听说读写四会单词 postcard more thousand kilometer million;会翻译课文,背诵课文;能运用重要句型:A:These postcard are great!B:Yes, they are.A: Tell me more about the Great Wall. How long is it?B: Its about six thousand sev

2、en hundred kilometers.2、能力目标(Ability aims):培养学生自学能力以及使用英语简单进行交流的能力。3、情感目标(Emotional goal):通过这篇课文的学习让学生对英语学习产生更多的兴趣,对长城的了解,培养学生爱国之心。导学重点、难点:背诵课文以及熟记单词 课时安排:1课时导学过程(Guiding process): 一、 自学指导(Self-learning guide) 同学们先自学Page 46的单词以及Page 2 的课文,同学们可以小声拼读单词朗读课文,利用手中的英汉字典试着翻译The Great Wall,弄懂这篇课文讲述的大体内容,用铅笔

3、勾出不会读以及不懂的生词,时间 8分钟看谁最好最快的完成自学要求。二、 合作探究(Group work) 8分钟过后,同学们放下笔,举手提出心中的疑问,比如:postcard 怎么读;tell me more什么意思等等。老师把同学们提出的问题一一写在黑板上,让学生以小组为单位合作、讨论、探究解决问题,在此过程中同学们也可以互相帮助解决更多的疑问。此环节7分钟时间,7分钟过后请同学们举手回答黑板上的问题。三、 达标检测(Test)1、 英汉互译(English-Chinese translation): thousand_ more_ million_lots of_ 千米_ tell me

4、more_2、 看一看,连一连(Look and match):long smallbig lessthis thatthese shortmore those拓展延伸(Consolidation and extension): Tell me more.总结反思(Summary reflection):这节课我学到了_课后作业(Homework):1. MODULE 1 New words每个抄写三遍 2.熟记MODULE 1 New words 3.练习册 MODULE 1(Unit 1) 4.背诵The Great Wall MODULE 1 (Unit 2)New York is in

5、 the east of America?学习目标(Learning aims):1.知识目标(Knowledge aims):记住词汇east west south north hundred thousand million metrekilometre lots of such a big country能运用重要句型:A:Wheres New York?B: Its in the east of America.A: Wheres Qingdao?B: Qingdao is in the east of China. Canada is north of America.2.能力目标(

6、Ability aims):学会描述某个国家或者城市的地理位置。3.情感目标(Emotional goal):通过这篇课文让学生对英语学习产生更多的兴趣,同时对西方国家的地理位置有所了解。导学重点、难点:背诵重要词汇以及用英语描述国家或者城市的地理位置。课时安排:1课时导学过程(Guiding process):一、自学指导(Self-learning guide )1.自学内容(Self-study contents):同学们先复习Page 46的单词以及自学Page 4课文New York is in the east of America?。2.自学方法(Self-study metho

7、d):同学们可以小声拼读单词朗读课文,自主学习对话,可以利用手中的英汉字典试着翻译New York is in the east of America? 3.自学目标(Self-learning aims):弄懂这篇课文讲述的大体内容,用铅笔勾出不会读以及不懂的生词,流利背诵对话。(自己能独立背诵并默写重点句型)4.自学时间(Self-study time):同学们用8分钟时间完成自学目标。二、合作探究(Group work) (小组内讨论交流展示,组员推荐一人在全班展示。)Step1 8分钟过后,同学们放下笔,举手提出心中的疑问,比如:in the east of 怎么读;San Franc

8、isco什么意思等等。老师把同学们提出的问题一一写在黑板上,让学生以小组为单位合作、讨论、探究解决问题,在此过程中同学们也可以互相帮助解决更多的疑问。此环节7分钟时间,7分钟过后请同学们举手回答黑板上的问题。Step2 1. SB Activity2 Now ask and answer.E.g. A:Tell me more about China. Wheres Qingdao ?B:Qingdao is in the east of China.2. SB activity 3.Listhen and repeat. Pay attention to the stress.Tell me

9、 more about the Great Wall.How long is it?Its about six thousand seven hundred kilometers.Beijing has got about fourteen million people.Step3小组展示(Group show) 对合作探究中的两个问题进行展示。三、达标检测(Test)1、英汉互译(English-Chinese translation): hundred _ east_ west_north_ south_ in the east of_ 千米 _ 许多_ 从到 _ 如此之大_How big

10、 is it?_How long is the Great Wall?_巩固延伸(Consolidation and extension): SB activity 5.Game What am I? (policeman doctor nurse teacher pupil farmer driver pilot)A: What am I?B: Are you a teacher?A: Yes, I am. / No, Im not.总结反思(Summary reflection):这节课我学到了_课后作业(Homework):1. MODULE 1 New words每个抄写三遍 2.熟记

11、MODULE 1 New words 3.练习册 MODULE 1(Unit 2) 4. 背诵单词:policeman doctor nurse teacher pupil farmer driver pilot MODULE 2(Unit 1)Chinatown in America学习目标(Learning aims):1.知识目标(Knowledge aims):记住词汇miss sometimes restaurant really dancing square会翻译课文,背诵课文;能运用重要句型:A:There is a Chinatown in New York?B:There a

12、re lots of Chinese shops there. A: There are lots of Chinese restaurant there.B: And theres Chinese dancing.2.能力目标(Ability aims):学会介绍某地有某物。3.情感目标(Emotional goal):通过这篇课文让学生对英语学习产生更多的兴趣,对Chinatown的了解,让学生更多的了解中外的文化知识。导学重点、难点:背诵课文以及熟记单词和句型 课时安排:1课时导学过程(Guiding process):一、自学指导(Self-learning guide )1.自学内容

13、(Self-study contents):同学们先自学Page 46的单词以及Page 6的课文。2.自学方法(Self-learning method):同学们可以小声拼读单词朗读课文,自主学习对话,可以利用手中的英汉字典试着翻译Chinatown in America!,3.自学目标(Self-learning aims):弄懂这篇课文讲述的大体内容,用铅笔勾出不会读以及不懂的生词,流利背诵对话。(自己能独立背诵并默写重点句型)4.自学时间(Self-study time):同学们用8分钟时间完成自学目标。二、合作探究(Group work) (小组内讨论交流展示,组员推荐一人在全班展示

14、。)Step1 8分钟过后,同学们放下笔,举手提出心中的疑问,E.g.:Chinatown 怎么读;There is/There are什么意思等等。老师把同学们提出的问题一一写在黑板上,让学生以小组为单位合作、讨论、探究解决问题,在此过程中同学们也可以互相帮助解决更多的疑问。此环节7分钟时间,7分钟过后请同学们举手回答黑板上的问题。Step2 1.你能流利朗读对话吗?大声读给你的组员听吧!听谁的发音最正确。(1)小组内自由读。(2)各小组长领读,全班跟读。(3)小组推荐优秀组员分角色表演。2. SB activity3.Look and say.(1)There are lots of co

15、mputers in the picture.(2)There are many chairs and desks in the classroom.(3)There are two guitars in the picture.Step3小组展示(Group show) 对合作探究中的两个问题进行展示。三、达标检测(Test)1、Look and complete.看一看,填一填: computer computers bus_ piano_emails _families 2、读一读,选一选。(Read and circle.):There _ a computer in my room.

16、A. is B. areThere _some buses on the street. A. is B. are_ are lots of emails to you. A. These B. ThereThere is_ in front of the wall.A. flowers B. a flowerThere are _at the top of the tree.巩固延伸(Consolidation and extension): 用There is/ There are 写五句话。总结反思(Summary reflection):这节课我学到了_课后作业(Homework):1

17、. MODULE 2 New words每个抄写三遍 2.熟记MODULE 2 New words 3.练习册 MODULE 2(Unit 1) 4. 背诵Chinatown in AmericaMODULE 2(Unit 2)Postcards from China?学习目标(Learning aims):1.知识目标(Knowledge aims):记住词汇及短语miss sometimes restaurant really dancing square the Changjiang River the Tiananmen Square riding bicycles to work t

18、he West Lake the Huangshan Mountain the Great Wall能运用重要句型:There is a Chinatown in New York! There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. Lets go to Chinatown now.We cant go now. Its nine oclock.2.能力目标(Ability aims):学会介绍某地有某物。3.情感目标(Emotional goal):通过这篇课文让学生知道祖国的美丽,从而增加爱国之情。导学重点、难点:背诵重要词汇以及

19、there be 句型的用法。课时安排:1课时导学过程(Guiding process):一、自学指导(Self-learning guide )1.自学内容(Self-study contents):同学们先复习Page 46的单词以及自学Page 8的课文。2.自学方法(Self-study method):同学们可以小声拼读单词朗读课文,自主学习对话,可以利用手中的英汉字典试着翻译Postcards from China3.自学目标(Self-learning aims):弄懂这篇课文讲述的大体内容,用铅笔勾出不会读以及不懂的生词,流利背诵The Changjiang River the

20、 Tiananmen Square riding bicycles to work the West Lake the Huangshan Mountain the Great Wall。(自己能独立背诵并默写重点句型)4.自学时间(Self-study time):同学们用8分钟时间完成自学目标。二、合作探究(Group work) (小组内讨论交流展示,组员推荐一人在全班展示。)Step1 8分钟过后,同学们放下笔,举手提出心中的疑问,比如:the Tiananmen Square 怎么读; riding bicycles to work the West Lake the Huangsh

21、an Mountain the Great Wall 什么意思等等。老师把同学们提出的问题一一写在黑板上,让学生以小组为单位合作、讨论、探究解决问题,在此过程中同学们也可以互相帮助解决更多的疑问。此环节7分钟时间,7分钟过后请同学们举手回答黑板上的问题。Step2 1. SB Activity3. Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the stress. Theres a Chinatown in New York! There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. Lets go to Chin

22、atown now. We cant go now. Its nine oclock.2. SB Activity4. Listen and say, then sing.Step3小组展示(Group show) 对合作探究中的两个问题进行展示。三、达标检测(Test)1、英汉互译(English-Chinese translation): 长江_ 长城_ the Huangshan Mountain _riding bicycles to work _ the West Lake _ the Tiananmen Square_ Theres a Chinatown in New York!

23、_ There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there._2、Fill and match.填一填,连一连。m_ss A.人们str_ng B. 伟大的 p_ople C. 强壮的f_mous D. 想念gr_at E.著名的巩固延伸(Consolidation and extension): Memory game: Look, then close your eyes and say. There are noodle shops总结反思(Summary reflection):这节课我学到了_课后作业(Homework):1. MO

24、DULE 2 New words每个抄写三遍 2.熟记MODULE 2 New words 3.练习册 MODULE 2(Unit 2) 4. the Changjiang River the Tiananmen Square riding bicycles to work the West Lake the Huangshan Mountain the Great Wall MODULE 4 (Unit 1)Happy Thanksgiving学习目标(Learning aims):1.知识目标(Knowledge aims):记住词汇festival special meal sound

25、lantern race moon cake I memy we our;会翻译课文,背诵课文;能运用重要句型:A:Can you tell me more about American festivals?B:Well,thanksgiving is my favorite festival. A: What do you do on Thanksgiving Day?B: We always have special meal. We say“thank-you” for our food,family and friends.2.能力目标(Ability aims):培养学生自学能力以及

26、使用英语简单进行交流的能力。3.情感目标(Emotional goal):通过这篇课文让学生对英语学习产生更多的兴趣,对感恩节的了解,让学生更多的了解国外的文化知识。导学重点、难点:背诵课文以及熟记单词 课时安排:1课时导学过程(Guiding process):一、自学指导(Self-learning guide )1.自学内容(Self-study contents):同学们先自学Page 46的单词以及Page 14 的课文。2.自学方法(Self-study method):同学们可以小声拼读单词朗读课文,自主学习对话,可以利用手中的英汉字典试着翻译Happy Thanksgiving

27、!,3.自学目标(Self-learning aims):弄懂这篇课文讲述的大体内容,用铅笔勾出不会读以及不懂的生词,流利背诵对话。(自己能独立背诵并默写重点句型)4.自学时间(Self-study time):同学们用8分钟时间完成自学目标。二、合作探究(Group work) (小组内讨论交流展示,组员推荐一人在全班展示。)Step1 8分钟过后,同学们放下笔,举手提出心中的疑问,比如:festival 怎么读;on Flag Day什么意思等等。老师把同学们提出的问题一一写在黑板上,让学生以小组为单位合作、讨论、探究解决问题,在此过程中同学们也可以互相帮助解决更多的疑问。此环节7分钟时间,7分钟过后请同学们举手回答黑板上的问题。Step2 1.你能流利朗读对话吗?大声读给你的组员听吧!听谁的发音最正确。(

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