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英语课改学习单 unit 23Lesson 1.docx

1、英语课改学习单 unit 23 Lesson 1Unit 23 Lesson1 Living in a community【学习目标】1. 自主学习,合作探究,把握整段,整篇理解文章的方法;2. 分析并了解相关词汇,准确把握文章主旨,提升阅读理解能力;【自主研读学习单】. Important words.( read and recite them)-3 mins1 _ vt. 分类2 _ n 不和,冲突3 _ n 食谱,配方4 _ a 圣洁的5 _ n 公正,正义6 _ n 妥协,让步7 _ n. 移民,入境8 _ vt. 显露,暴露9 _ n. 异口同声,合唱10 _ n 离开,离去11

2、_ 失去控制12 _ 演出来,表现出来13 _ 陷入困境14 _ 交出, 移交15 _ 向告别16. _使某人发疯. Do exercise 5 on Page 67 1._ 2._ 3. _ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 11_ 12._ 13. _ 14._.SummaryDrummer hits the roadYang Ming, a drummer and 1_, held parties every night, which has caused many 2_ from his neighbours about loss of sleep. They

3、say they were being 3_ mad being 4_ to such noise. Since they moved into the building, they have rarely got a full nights sleep. They even couldnt get 5_ or read without 6_ their ears. Moreover, one neighbour think Yang is an 7_ and had a bad 8_ on his son. Finally, the local council took action. Ya

4、ng Ming had to leave his 9_ apartment. His 10_ has made his neighbours life return to normal.【合作探究学习单】1betray vt.出卖,背叛;泄露(秘密)betray_oneself 露出本来面目,原形毕露betray_sb./_sth. 出卖/背叛某人/某物教材原句He is betrayed by a family member.译文:_.1 Quite a lot of people will betray themselves when tempted by money._.2 He bet

5、rayed his intention by his behavior._.3 They had been betraying state secrets to Russia for years._.2compromise教材原句Government minister announces compromise on new TV violence laws.政府部长宣布向新的电视暴力法让步。(1)n.妥协;让步reach / come to / arrive at a compromise 达成妥协make a compromise (on .) with . (就)与妥协Both natio

6、ns desired peace, so they _ at last.两国都渴望和平,因此他们最终达成了妥协。They _ the matter _ each other at last.最终,就这个事情他们彼此作出让步。(2)vi.妥协;让步compromise with sb. on sth.和某人就某事达成妥协Is the boss prepared to _the workers _ their pay demand?老板是否准备向工人就其工资要求进行妥协呢?3expose vt.暴露,显露;使遭受(危险或不快)教材原句Yang Mings neighbours say they w

7、ere being driven mad being exposed to such noise.杨明的邻居们说处于这样的噪音中他们快要疯了。The reporter was killed because he tried to expose a plot.这名记者因为试图揭露一个阴谋而被杀害。Travelling abroad exposes children to different languages and cultures.出国旅行能使孩子们接触不同的语言和文化。expose sb./sth./oneself to sth. 使面临/遭遇be exposed to 处于可能受伤害的境

8、遇We should not _ babies _ strong sunlight.我们不应该让婴儿受到强烈的阳光的照射。As a peacekeeping policeman, he_ various dangers.作为一名维和警察,他置身于各种各样的危险之中。4classify vt.把分类/归类教材原句Yang Ming hates being called an alcoholic, but it is the fact that people have classified his music as “noise” that upsets him most.classify .in

9、to .把分成classify .as . 把归类为People who work in libraries spend a lot of time _ books.在图书馆工作的人花大量的时间为书籍分类。Would you _ it _ a hard or a soft drug?你会把它界定为致瘾毒品还是非致瘾毒品?The boys here _classes according to their ages.这儿的男孩子们根据他们的年龄被编班。5hand over把交给;交出;移交(权力,责任)hand back 交回;归还hand down 传给(后代)hand in 上交,提交hand

10、 out 分发,散发She resigned and handed over to one of her younger colleagues.她辞职了,由一位比她年轻的同事接任。Its said that the leader refused to _ power to others.据说那位领导人不愿把权力交给别人。The teacher had the monitor _the papers.老师让班长分发试卷。This custom has been _since the 18th century.这风俗从十八世纪开始流传下来。6out of control失控教材原句Army arr

11、ests “out of control” civilians军队逮捕“失控的”平民 The children were completely out of control since their father left.这些孩子们自他们的父亲离开后就无法无天了。under control得到成功控制lose control (of) 失去(对的)控制beyond ones control 不受某人控制take / gain control (of) 取得(对的)控制under the control of . 在控制下be in control (of) 控制着,掌控着Dont worry

12、everythings under control.别担心,一切都控制住了。The family has sold most of its shares and will _ the company.这个家族已售出大部分股份,将失去对公司的控制。There has been some violence after the match, but the police are now_ the situation.比赛后发生了一些暴力事件,但是现在警方已控制了局势。7bid . goodbye (bid goodbye to .)向告别的过去式、过去分词:bidbidbid bidbadebidd

13、en教材原句Hes bid his furnished apartment goodbye after complaints from his neighbours about loss of sleep.在邻居们纷纷抱怨失眠之后,他告别了自己装修好的住房。 We _ the Greens and walked home.我们告别了格林一家,然后走回了家。I _ when I met her at the gate.我在大门口遇到老师时向她问好。I_all the friends I had made in Paris.我告别了我在巴黎结交的所有朋友。8in a flash (like a f

14、lash)瞬间,即刻 教材原句He was up there in a flash.刹那间,他就去到楼上了。Believe it or not, the plane disappeared _.信不信由你,刹那间,飞机就不见了。I didnt get the number of the car that knocked you over. It was gone _. All I know is that its a big, brown car.我没有记下撞倒你的那辆汽车的号牌,它一下子就开走了,我只知道那是一辆棕色的大轿车。a flash of hope 一线希望flash v. 闪过,掠

15、过,闪现flash back 回忆,回想flash into/across/through ones mind 在某人脑海中闪过It flashes upon sb. that . 某人突然想到As long as theres a flash of hope, well not give up.译文:_.4 A look of terror flashed across his face.译文:_.Her thoughts flashed back to their wedding day.译文:_.句型展示1Had_they_known their neighbour was a drum

16、mer, they wouldnt_have_moved_into the building.如果早知道邻居是个鼓手,他们是不会搬进这座大楼的。本句是与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句,其正常语序为:If they had known their neighbour was a drummer, they. building. if引导的虚拟条件从句中若含有 were, had,should, 可以省去 if, 而把 were, had, should 放在从句主语之前,形成倒装结构,否定形式的 not 不能提前。1 If he had recognized me, he would have com

17、e over.如果他认出了我,早就走过来了。 _ If I were you, I would go.如果我是你,我就去。 _ If it should_happen,_what would you do?如果真发生这样的事,你该怎么办? _2Wed be_sitting there happily reading our newspapers, when suddenly so much water would come from above that wed be as wet as if wed showered with our clothes on!我们本来坐在那里开开心心地看报纸,

18、突然很多水从天而降,我们就好像穿着衣服洗澡一样全身湿透!1 我正在看电视这时有人敲门。_我就要离开,这时电话铃响了。 _他刚一到家就下起雨来了。 _【反馈巩固学习单】I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示, 写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. If I knew your d_ today, I would see you off at the station. 2. This old t_ is famous for making good suits according to customers special needs.3. Laws exist to ensure j_ for

19、 all citizens.4. You cant give away Grannys old bookcase its a valuable _ (古董).5. Everyone should devote some time to _ (社区) service.6. After living at school for a _ (两星期), Tom is really missing his parents.7. It is hoped that a _ (和解) will be reached in todays talks.8. The princess _ (女佣) helped h

20、er to dress up for the party.II. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. In the Middle East the _ (race) argument is a political hot potato.2. There are strict controls on _ (immigrate) into America.3. The couple rented a _ (furnish) flat near their workplace.4. Wine, spirits and beer are _ (classify) as alcoholic drink

21、s.5. Children will be badly influenced if they are _(expose) to TV violence.6. The law forbids the sale of _ (alcoholic) to people under 18.7. His accent _ (betray) the fact that he was a foreigner.8. _ (be) a teacher, first of all, he should love his students.III. 用适当的介词或副词填空。1. Several days after

22、the trains went back _ normal, Guangzhou Station was not so crowded.2. Most of Lu Xuns works were classified _ essays.3. I didnt get the license plate number of the car that knocked him over. It was gone _ a flash.4. Mother scolded me badly that day in the presence of a crowd _ my friends.5. Somebod

23、y were knocking at the door and all at once Grandma blew _ the candles.6. Yesterday we walked home in the rain after school and were all wet _.IV. 根据括号内的提示翻译下列句子。1. 如果你一直这样努力工作,到头来这家公司就能归你掌管。(end up doing sth.)2. 小狗迈克不仅身体强壮,而且还很聪明。(not only用在句首)3. 我们刚离开教室,天就下起雨来了。(no sooner . than)4. 经过这起交通事故,小王开始意识

24、到粗心会导致丢掉性命。(come to .; cost ones life)5. 我们应该采取行动改善我们社区的环境。(take action)Lesson 1 检测题 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. It is the fact _ English has become the global language _ has made more and more people learn English in recent years.A. which; that B. that; which C. that; that D. which; which2. Wer

25、e going to Norway for skiing. Would you like to join us? No. _ I enjoy is a holiday in a very hot place.A. Which B. That C. What D. Where 3. Remember that if you dont _ your rights, no one else will do it for you. A. stand by B. stand for C. stand up to D. stand up for 4. Scientists will have to _ new methods of increasing the worlds food supply in the future.A. put up with B. come up with C. split up with D. catch up with 5. Yesterday I rented a _ apartment, so I didnt have to buy any desks or chairs.A. surrounded B. surrounding C. furnished D. furnishing6. It is thought t

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