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1、学年新教材高中英语Unit6AtonewithnaturePartDevelopingideas教案外研版Part Developing ideasA Love of Gardening“(1)If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.” These words come from the author of the book The Secret Garden, (2)first published in 1911.At that time, only the very rich in Br

2、itain had gardens.Very soon after this, homes with gardens began to be built.d.This_is_what_started_the_British_love_of_gardening!Today, millions of Brits like to say (3)that they have “ green fingers”,with around half the population spending their free time gardening.c.For_many_people_in_the_UK,the

3、ir_garden_is_their_own_private_world. Each spring, children plant sunflowers and wait to see (4)which one is the tallest.Expert gardeners know just the right corner for roses, and others spend hours trying to grow perfect vegetables to enter into competitions.And (5)while many Brits like nothing bet

4、ter than spending their Sunday cutting the grass, some are happy just to sit under the branches of the trees and enjoy the beauty of the world around them.b.But_in_cities,limited_space_has_led_to_people_looking_for_new_solutions. Those without outside space can rent small pieces of land on which to

5、grow things.Today, there are over 4,000 people in London (6)waiting for such pieces of land.One recent idea has been to turn rooftops and walls into private gardens.These gardens have helped make the cities greener and improve air quality.a.As_well_as_being_good_for_the_environment,_gardening_is_als

6、o_good_for_the_soul.What other free-time activity allows you to be at one with nature and create more beautiful living things? And if youre in any doubt about this, take a moment to reflect on this line from The Secret Garden:“Where you tend a rose.A thistle cannot grow.”(1)if引导条件状语从句;that引导宾语从句作see

7、的宾语。(2)first published in 1911为过去分词短语作后置定语。(3)that引导宾语从句,作say的宾语,that在从句中不作成分;另外“with宾语现在分词短语”构成的with的复合结构。(4)which引导宾语从句,作see的宾语。(5)while“而,然而”引导并列句,表示对比;后句含有“主语be形容词不定式”结构,其中不定式作状语。(6)此处为现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰people。publish v.出版at that time在那时,那时millions of数以百万计的green finger高超的种植技能spend.(in) doing sth花费(时

8、间、金钱)做某事expert adj.内行的,专家的gardener n.园艺爱好者,园丁enter into.参与;进入beauty n.美,美丽rent v.租用,租借turn.into.把变成rooftop n.屋顶improve v.改善,改进air quality空气质量as well as又;也;除之外be good for对有益soul n.灵魂allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事at one with nature与大自然融为一体be in doubt about.对有疑问reflect on仔细考虑,思考line n.文字thistle n.蓟Step Fact

9、ual readingRead the text carefully and choose the best answer.1.What can we infer from the second paragraph?A.Different from people in other countries, the British peoples fingers are green.B.All the British people have their own gardens.C.Around half the population spend most of their free time gar

10、dening.D.Lots of British people not only love but also are good at gardening.2.What do the words “the world around them” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A.their housesB.their gardensC.their living conditionsD.their hometown3.What is the third paragraph mainly about?A.Gardens have helped make the cities

11、 greener and improve air quality.B.Today more than 4,000 Londoners rent small pieces of land on which to grow things.C.But in cities, limited space has led to people looking for new solutions.D.Some people have turned rooftops and walls into private gardens.答案1.D2.B3.CStep Cloze testFill in the blan

12、ks according to the text.“1.If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.” These words come from the author of the book The Secret Garden, first 2.published (publish) in 1911.At that time, only the very rich in Britain 3.had (have) gardens.However, today, millions of Brits

13、 like to say that they have “green fingers”, 4.with around half the population spending their free time gardening.Those without outside space can rent small pieces of land on which 5.to_grow (grow) things.Today, there are over 4,000 people in London 6.waiting (wait) for such pieces of land.One recen

14、t idea has been to turn rooftops and walls into private 7.gardens (garden).These gardens have helped make the cities 8.greener (green) and improve air quality.As well as being good for the 9.environment (environmental), gardening is also good for 10.the soul.1.replace vt.以替换,更换;放回原处In sentence (a),

15、can we replace “in which” with “where” without changing the meaning?(教材P65)在句(a)中,在不改变句意的情况下,我们能用“in which”代替“where”吗?写出下列句中replace的含义Do you think it is possible that robots will replace the workers in the factories in the future?替换You have to replace the books on the shelves before you leave.放回原处单句

16、语法填空/句型转换It is still under discussion whether the old bus station should be replaced with/by a modern hotel or not.John is ill and I want to know who is going to replace him.John is ill and I want to know who is going to take the place of him/take his place.用法总结replace sth with/by sth用/以代替/替换take th

17、e place oftake ones place代替in place of 代替 adj.内行的,专家的n.专家Expert gardeners know just the right corner for roses, and others spend hours trying to grow perfect vegetables to enter into competitions.(教材P68)专业的园艺爱好者知道种植玫瑰的合适角落,另外一些人则花费好几个小时试图种植蔬菜来参与竞争。She is an expert in child psychology.她是儿童心理学

18、家。A musician is one who is expert in playing a musical instrument.音乐家是指擅长演奏某种乐器的人。句型转换/翻译句子She is an expert in/on/at training animals.She is expert in/at training animals.Even expert drivers can make mistakes.即使很熟练的驾驶员也会犯错误。用法总结an expert on/in/at 某方面的专家be expert in/at 在某方面擅长 v.租用,租借n.租金Those w

19、ithout outside space can rent small pieces of land on which to grow things.(教材P69)那些没有外部空间的人可以租用小块土地种东西。Some farmers rent their land from the council.一些农民从地方议会租用土地。With the development of pulling down household, it is harder to find apartments for rent.随着房屋拆迁的扩大,租房更难了。介词填空Does he still live in the f

20、lat that was rented from a local farmer three years ago?Can you tell me what kind of cars you have for rent?用法总结rent sth from sb从某人处租用某物for rent 供租用的 adj.有限的But in cities,limited space has led to people looking for new solutions.(教材P70)但是在城市,有限的空间使人们寻找新的解决方法。She has reached the limit of her

21、 patience.她已到了忍无可忍的地步。They limit the speed of cars to 50 kilometers per hour on this road.他们限定这条路的车速为每小时50千米。单句语法填空/补全句子They have to set a limit to the cost.The speed of cars and trucks is_limited_to_30_kilometers per hour in large cities in China.在中国的大城市里,小汽车和卡车的车速限定在每小时30千米。单词一族limit n.限制;极限;界限 vt

22、. 限制limitless adj. 无限制的,无界限的用法总结set a limit to 限制,控制reach the limit 达到极限 把限制在5.benefit n.好处,益处vt.有利于;有益于;受益What are the benefits of gardening?(教材P70)园艺的好处是什么?As we know, books are the source of knowledge.I benefit a great deal from reading.我们都知道书是知识的源泉。我从读书中获益匪浅。Doing exercise every day is

23、of great benefit to health.天天做运动对健康有好处。The soldier lost his life for the benefit of his motherland.这名士兵为了祖国的利益献出了生命。单句语法填空/补全句子The doctor considered that the change would be beneficial (benefit) to her health.It is said that Yoga is of great benefit to health.There is no doubt that the plants will_b

24、enefit_from_the_rain.毫无疑问这些作物会从这场雨中受益。单词一族beneficial adj.有利的;有益的;受益的用法总结(1)for the benefit of for ones benefit 为了的利益be of benefit to 有益于;对有好处(2)benefit from/by. 从中受益/获益名师提醒benefit一般为不可数名词,但意为“具体的好处”时是可数名词,可用复数形式。as well as既又,不但而且;和一样好As well as being good for the environment, gardening is also good

25、for the soul.(教材P70)园艺不仅对环境有好处,而且有益于心灵。as well as常用来连接两个并列的成分,它强调的是前者,后者只是顺便提及。当它连接主语及其附属成分时,谓语动词与主语保持一致。Your wife as well as you is friendly to me.Not only you but also your wife is friendly to me.不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。You look as well as you did ten years ago.你的身体看起来还和十年前一样好。选词填空:as well/as well asElect

26、ric energy can be changed into light energy as_well_as into sound energy.Tom is going to London and his brother is going as_well.句型转换He speaks not only English but also French.He speaks French as well as English.短语记牢as well 也,又,还(常位于句末)名师提醒not only.but also.连接两个并列的主语时,它强调的是后者。因此,谓语动词和后面的主语保持一致。And w

27、hile many Brits like nothing better than spending their Sunday cutting the grass, some are happy just to sit under the branches of the trees and enjoy the beauty of the world around them.(教材P68)许多英国人最喜欢星期天剪草坪,而一些人则高兴地坐在树枝下,享受他们的花园之美。【分析】 本句中while用作并列连词,意为“而,然而”,表示一种对比关系。【拓展】 while的用法:(1)while引导时间状语从

28、句,意为“当时候”(2)while引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然,尽管”,一般放在句首,相当于although(3)while引导条件状语从句,意为“只要”Cloning plants is simple while cloning animals is very complicated.克隆植物简单,但克隆动物就非常复杂了。While the Internet is of great help, I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it.虽然网络很有帮助,但我认为在网上花太多时间不是个好主意。I learnt a lot

29、 of French while I was in Paris.在巴黎时我学了很多法语。While there is life, there is hope.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。补全句子You like sports,while_I_prefer_music.你喜欢体育,而我更喜欢音乐。I lived in a dorm while_I_was_a_student.我求学期间住在宿舍里。While_he_loves_his_students,_he is very strict with them.虽然他爱他的学生,可是他对学生们很严格。.单词拼写1.It has also led to

30、lots of American words and structures (结构)passing into British English.2.Henry Luce had a grand (宏伟的)design for Americas future.3.The house is located (位于的)next to the river.4.Some experts (专家) think that language learning is much easier for children.5.Is it practicable to try to develop agriculture

31、 in desert (沙漠) regions?6.According to a survey published (出版) by an American university, the ten fastest growing jobs will be related to computers and health.7.Theyre renting (租) an apartment near the beach.8.Camels (骆驼) are much better than horses for travelling a long distance.9.They spent several days going through all related reference materials(材料).10.The village lie

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