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最新人教版英语必修五unit 2 the united kingdom 单元讲练含答案.docx

1、最新人教版英语必修五unit 2 the united kingdom 单元讲练含答案最新教学资料人教版英语人教新课标版高二必修五Unit 2 The United Kingdom期末知识梳理一、训练导入I.考纲单词写出下列考纲词汇的词性和汉义(如果不止一个词性学生自行增补词性及相应汉义)1.unite 2.province 3.union 4.attract 5.collection 6.port 7.countryside 8.description 9.possibility 11.quarrel 12.arrange 13.fold14.delight 15.unifo

2、rm II.核心短语1._of由组成2.break_(from) 挣脱(束缚);脱离3.leave_省去;遗漏;不考虑4.take the_of代替5.divide_把分成 ones_为带来荣誉;值得赞扬7.break_(机器)损坏;破坏8._with sb,about因与某人争吵9.leave_动身去某地 on_展览二、知识精讲I.重点词汇 1. consist vi.由.组成, 在于, 一致consist of=be made up of 由组成;由构成典例1) Substances consist of small particles called molecules.

3、 物质是由叫做分子的微粒组成的。2) True charity doesnt consist in almsgiving. 真正的慈善不在于施舍。 2. clarify v.澄清, 阐明典例 1)-Could you clarify the first point please? 请你澄清第一个要点,好吗?-I dont understand it completely,either我也并不完全理解。2) His mind suddenly clarified. 他的脑子突然清醒过来。3. convenience n.便利, 方便, 有益, 有用的, 方便的用具典例1) We bought t

4、his house for its convenience我们买下这所房子是为了方便。2) Please come at your convenience请在你方便的时候来。3) Gas is one of the modern conveniences the newly-built apartment building provides这幢新造的公寓大楼装有煤气等现代化设备。重点用法 inconvenience n 不方便convenient adj 便利的,适宜的at ones convenience在某人方便的时候for ones convenience(of)为了某人的方便for c

5、onveniences sake为了方便起见make a convenience of 利用4. influence n.& vt.影响, 感化, 势力, 有影响的人(或事)典例1) What influenced you to do it?是什么感染了你要这么做?2) Dont be influenced by him; you should hold your own decision.别被他影响了你,你该有你自己的决定。重点用法have influence on/with对产生影响under the influence of 在.的影响下5. available adj.可用到的, 可利

6、用的,有空的, 典例 1) Attention,pleaseThese tickets are available on the day of issue only请注意,这种车票仅在发售当天有效2) Dresses are not available in your size, Im afraid. 这些衣服恐怕没有你的尺寸。重点用法反义词:unavailable 考例单项填空We regret to inform you that there are no tickets _ for Fridays performance.A. available B. spare C. convenie

7、nt D. affordable【解析】 根据句意“我们很遗憾地通知你星期五的演出票没有了”。可知available “可提供的,可得到的”,常作后置定语。答案:A。6. arrange v.安排, 排列, 协商典例1) The child was required to arrange his shoes in a neat row by his parents.家长要这个小孩把鞋放成整齐的一排 2) He was arranged by his family to marry a girl of his own class 他家里安排他娶一个门当户对的女孩。重点用法arrange for安

8、排, 准备arrange with sb. about sth.与某人商定某事7. delight n.快乐, 高兴, 喜悦v. (使)高兴, (使)欣喜典例 1) Sometimes an old movie can still delight the people who have a sweet memory for the old days.有时一部旧片仍能给怀念旧时光的人们带来喜悦。2) The movie Xi Yangyang & Hui Tailang gave delight to millions of children. 电影喜羊羊与灰太郎使千万小朋友获得乐趣。重点用法t

9、ake/find/have delight in喜爱, 以.为乐to sb.s delight令人高兴的是. delight in 嗜好II.重点词组 1.take the place of代替,取代典例1) In the future, natural gas will take the place of petrol as the major fuel.将来天然气会代替汽油成为主要的能源。2) Ill take the place of MrLin next week=Ill take MrLins place next week下周我将代替林老师。重点用法take place发生;举行t

10、ake ones place就位;代替某人in place of (= instead of)代替in place在适当的位置out of place不得其所,不适当地in the first place首先from place to place到处;各处2. break down损坏,跨,压倒,分解经典例句1) The bridge broke down桥塌了。2) The engine broke down发动机坏了。3) He has broken down from overwork他因工作过度而累垮了。4) Water can be broken down into hydrogen

11、 and oxygen水可以分解为氢和氧。5) The plan to build another chemical work has broken down because it will cause serious pollution再建一个化工厂的计划失败了,因为这将引起严重的污染。词汇激活 break away from摆脱,脱离break in闯入;插话break into闯入;破门而人;打断(谈话)break off中止;折断;打折break out爆发;突然发生break through突破;冲垮break up分解;(使)结束;分开,分离3. leave out省去,遗漏 典例

12、1) You have left out the most important word in this sentence你在这一句中遗漏了最重要的一个单词。2) Dont leave me out when you invite people to your party当你邀请人们去参加晚会时,别把我漏掉了。重点用法leave for 动身到(某处)leave alone不管;撇下一个人leave aside搁置leave behind遗忘;遗留III.重点句型 1. There is no need to debate any more about why different words

13、are used to describe the four countries.没有必要去争论为什么要用不同的词去描述这四个国家。解释There is no need to do没有必要做某事There is no doubt that 是毫无疑问的1. It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.这似乎是一件怪事:这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过,而且在伦敦去世.解释 It is/seems/that 从句用虚拟语气,由“should+v.

14、原形”构成典例1) It is strange that my mother should agree with me.真奇怪我妈妈竟然答应了我。2) It was strange that my mother should have agreed with me. 真奇怪我妈妈竟然答应了我。三、语法突破过去分词作宾语补足语英语中,过去分词可以用作宾语补足语。能用作宾语补足语的过去分词一般都是及物动词,表示被动意义或完成意义,有时候两者兼而有之。作宾语补足语的过去分词与宾语有逻辑上的动宾关系,即宾语是过去分词动作的对象。如: She found the door broken in when

15、she came back. 她回来时发现有人破门而入。 (此句中过去分词作宾语补足语,与宾语door之间具有被动关系,表示一种状态。) 解释例子过去分词用在表示状态的动词keep,leave等的后面。They kept the door locked for a long time. 他们把门锁了好长一段时间。 Dont leave the windows broken like this all the time. 不要让窗户一直像这样破着。“have+宾语+过去分词”可以表示两种含义。1)表示“让某人做某事”。如: I have had my bike repaired.我让人修了修我的

16、自行车。The villagers had many trees planted just then.就在那时,村民们叫人种了许多树。2)表示“遭遇到某种不幸;受到打击”。如: My elder sister had her wallet stolen on a bus last month.上个月,我姐姐的钱包在汽车上被偷了。The old man had his wrist broken in the accident.这位老人在事故中腕部摔坏了。在“make+宾语+过去分词”这种结构中,过去分词的动词必须表示结果。I raised my voice to make myself hear

17、d.我提高了嗓门以便被人家听到。They managed to make themselves understood using very simple English.他们用了很浅易的英语来设法使自己被理解。过去分词常用在感官动词watch,notice,see,hear,listen to,feel,find等的后面。When we got to school,we saw the door locked.当我们到学校时,我们看见门锁着。We can hear the windows beaten by the heavy rain drops.我们可以听到大雨点敲打窗户的声音。过去分词用

18、在want,wish,like,expect,order等表示“希望,愿望,命令”这一类动词的后面作宾语补足语。The teacher wouldnt like the problem discussed at the moment. 老师不想此刻讨论这个问题。I want the suit made to his own measure. 我想要这套衣服照他自己的尺寸做。My parents expected me to be well-prepared for the entrance examination. 我父母希望我好好准备入学考试。过去分词用在“with+宾语+宾补”这一结构中,

19、过去分词与宾语之间是动宾关系。The thief was brought in with his hands tied behind his back. 小偷被带进来了,双手被反绑在后面。 With many brightly-colored flowers planted around the building,his house looks like a beautiful garden. 周围种了许多色彩鲜艳的花,他的房子看上去就像一座漂亮的花园。【考题印证】(2012四川卷-12.)Before driving into the city, you are required to ge

20、t your car _.A. washed B. wash C. washing D. to wash 【解析】A。考查非谓语动词。考查过去分词作宾语补足语。此题中使役动词get后接的宾语car与作宾语补足语的动词wash之间为被动关系,构成短语:get sth. done。故答案选A。句意为:在驱车进城之前,你必须将你的车洗了。(2011浙江卷,14)Even the best writers sometimes find themselves for words.A. lose B. lost C. to lose D. having lost【解析】B。考查非谓语动词。句意为“甚至最优

21、秀的作家有时也会发现他们难以用文字表达自己。”lose是及物动词,A、C、D项都是主动式,空格后没有lose的宾语,故用过去分词lost当形容词用,作find themselves的宾语补足语。选B。(2011重庆卷,33)Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself of his own dreams.A. reminding B. to remind C. reminded D. remind【解析】C。考查非谓语动词。句意为“Michael在他的床头贴了姚明的照片提醒自己不要忘了自己的梦想。”空格前

22、的himself与动词remind之间存在着被动关系。故选C。【真题体验】1.【2011陕西卷,14】Claire had her luggage an hour before her plane left. A.check B.checking check D.checked 2.(2010上海卷)Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleagues with her stories. A. amused B. amusing C. to amuse D. to be amused 3.(2010辽宁卷)Al

23、exander tried to get his work _in the medical circles.A. to recognize B. recognizing C. recognize D. recognized 4.(2009海南卷)Now that weve discussed out problem, are people happy with the decisions ?A. taking B. take C. taken D. to take 5.【2012浙江温州高三第一学期期末八校联考】John received an invitation to dinner, an

24、d with his work _, he gladly accepted it. A. finished B. finishing C. having finished D. was finished 6. 【2012上海市长宁期末】They will have you _ if you dont pay taxes, because it is everyones duty to pay taxes. A . arrest B. arrested C. to be arrested D. being arrested 7.【2012莱芜期末】 -Do you think you could

25、 get this parcel _ for me, please? -Consider it done! A. to mail B. mailed C. mailing D. mail 8. (2011河北正定中学月考)We must be sure that children in our country should get well _Aeducate B educating Ceducation Deducated 9.(2011河北正定中学月考)Everyone of us has many responsibilities _usSo we must work hard.Aatt

26、aching B attaching to Cattached with Dattached to10.The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already _ for a meal to be cooked.Alaid Blaying Cto lay Dbeing laid【答案解析】1.【解析】D。考查非谓语动词。句意为“Claire在登机前一小时她携带的行李接受了检查。”have sth. done“让被做”。逻辑主语是her luggage,和check的关系是被动关系,所以答案选择D。2.【解析】A。考查非谓语动

27、词。keep+sb. /sth. +done,根据句意, sb.与它后面的动词成被动关系, 故选A.3.【解析】D。考查非谓语动词用法。句意:亚历山大试图让他的工作在医学圈内得到认可。宾语work和recognize之间存在被动关系, 所以用过去分词作宾语补足语。4.【解析】C考。查with +宾语+宾语补足语的用法。句意为:现在,我们已经讨论了问题,是人们最满意的决定? take 与the decisions之间存在的关系是动宾关系, 故用过去分词表示被动5.【解析】A。考查with复合结构。 由语境和常识可知,愉快的接受邀请是因为工作已经做完,所以用过去分词表示被动和完成。6.【解析】B。

28、考查非谓语动词的用法。 have sb.done sth 中,过去分词表被动,让某人被怎样。这里是被捕,所以选B。而have sth 让某人去做某事。7.【解析】B。考查过去分词做宾补的用法。mail 和其逻辑主语parcel是被动关系,所以用过起分词做宾补,构成get sth. done 结构。8.【解析】D考查过去分词的用法。此处get相当于系动词,句意:我们必须保证我们国家的孩子们应该受到良好的教育。9.【解析】D考查分词的用法。此处attached to us作定语,我们每个人都有依附于我们的责任。所以我们必须努力学习。10.【解析】A考查with的复合结构。此处为with

29、+名词+过去分词的用法,表示桌子被放好。四、单元自测第一节 单项选择1. _ the injures to his face and hands,he broke his left leg. A. Beside B. Despite C. Apart from D. Because of 2. John Snow was well known doctor,-so famous, indeed, that he _Queen Victoria as her personal physician.A looked into B attended C took care D cared 3.The

30、 theory he _ isnt understood by most of the people.Aput up B. put down C. put off D.put forward4.He came to my class every week, but his attitude _ he was not really interested in the subject. A. expressed B. described C. explained D. suggested5. The building around the corner caught fire last night. The police are now _ the matter.A. seeing through B. working out C. looking into D.looking up6.

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