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1、小学英语阅读优秀教案小学英语阅读优秀教案(最新版)编制人:_审核人:_审批人:_编制学校:_编制时间:_年_月_日序言下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典教案,如幼儿教案、小学教案、初中教案、高中教案、大学教案、其他教案等等,想了解不同教案格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download i

2、t, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!In addition, this shop provides you with various types of classic lesson plans, such as preschool lesson plans, elementary school

3、lesson plans, junior high school lesson plans, high school lesson plans, university lesson plans, other lesson plans, etc. If you want to learn about the format and writing of different lesson plans, stay tuned!小学英语阅读优秀教案各个教学步骤教学环节的时间分配等等,都要经过周密考虑,精心设计而确定下来,体现着很强的计划性。下面是本店铺给大家整理的小学英语阅读优秀教案,仅供参考希望能够帮

4、助到大家。 小学英语阅读优秀教案1 一、复习回顾 检查上节课所学单词情况 二、listen and say 1、听录音,并模仿跟读 2、师帮助学生读好问答句。 3、学习特殊疑问句 What can you hear? 其中can表示“能够”的意思。其回答要说出听到的具体发出声音的某样东西,如: dog、cat、bird、car、bus、aeroplane 和boat等。 4、帮助学生读好dog、cat、bird等,让学生回答 S1、What can you hear? S2、 I can hear a boat. 5、学生练习对话 三、学习Read and eat 在学习What can yo

5、u hear? I can hear 的基础上学习用can引起的一般疑问句及其回答。 1、放录音,学生听音模仿。 2、师示范朗读答句,学生跟读。 3、通过变换不同的发声物,师帮助学生操练问答。 S1:Can you hear a dog? S2:Yes ,I can./No,I can hear a dog . 4、学生练习问答。 5、学生表演 四、总结 典型题例 Can Ming hear a dog ?(作否定回答) 作业设计 完成练习册5页的练习 板书设计 句型: 特殊疑问句:S1:What can you hear ? S2:I can hear an aeroplane. 一般疑问句

6、:S1:Can you hear an aeroplane? S2:Yes,I can/ No,I can hear an aeroplane. 小学英语阅读优秀教案2 Teaching Aims: 1. Words: quiet, loud, television, 2. Sentences: Whats that noise? Its loud. I dont like it. Can you hear raindrops? Emotion aims: 让学生懂得环境保护的重要 Difficult teaching points: quiet, loud, Whats that noise

7、? Can you hear Teaching aids: pictures, cassette and a cassette player Teaching Process: Step One: Warming-up 1. Sing a song 2. Listen and act Step Two: Revision 1. Ask and answer : Whats this/that? Its What can you see? I can see What colour can you see? I can see. 2. Say something about the pictur

8、e Step Three: Presentation 1. Students start imitating the sounds of different objects. Ask: Whats that noise? Is it a/an? To elicit: Yes, it is. / No, it is a/an 2. loud, quiet a.Turn up the radio. “Its loud.” Say “loud” loudly Write “loud” on the board b.Turn down the radio. “Its quiet.” Say “quie

9、t” quietly Write “quiet” on the board. c. Imitate the sounds of different objects. Ask: Is it loud or quiet? To elicit: It is loud / quiet. d: Play a game. Blindfold one of the students. Choose an object and hide it somewhere in the classroom. The rest of the class provides hints by saying : loud lo

10、udly when the student is getting closer to the object and quiet quietly when they are moving further away from it. 3. television a.Look at the picture of television , then read after the teacher. b.draw and say 4. Make some noises, then ask: Whats that noise? Is it a/an 5. Play the cassette very sof

11、tly. Ask: Can you hear? To elicit: No. Play the cassette properly for a few seconds. Ask: Can you hear? To elicit: Yes. Write “Can you hear?” on the board. 6. Ask students to predict the answers and tick the boxes of Ask and answer. Play the cassette: Look and say. Students listen and follow in thei

12、r books to check if their prediction is correct. 7. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat. 8. Students work in pairs to check answers by asking and answering. Invite pairs of students to read the questions and answers to the class. 9. Form students into groups and act the story. For mo

13、re able students, encourage them to change the objects in the story. Step Four: Consolidation 1. Students work in groups and discuss what noises they dont like to hear while they are in the cinema or in their bedroom. 2.Grammer Practice book Step Five: Homework 1. Listen to the tape 2. Copy the word

14、s: noise, lorry, loud, television, quiet, radio 小学英语阅读优秀教案3 一、教学内容: 综合练习 二、教学目标: 1、 掌握形容词以及比较级的使用。 2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写tall ,light ,young ,old ,heavy. 3、掌握会话中出现的三会单词和词组twin ,minute ,centimeter, child ,cute, also, chat. 4、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写四会句型:Who taller than David? Gao Shan is taller than David . 5、能听得懂、会说、

15、会读日常交际用语. Whose bag is heavier ,yours or mine ? Im as tall as you . SuYang is younger than Su Hai . 6、了解字母组合or在单词中的读音。 7、 会说英语歌谣Iwish Iwas taller. 三、教学重、难点: 正确掌握B部分出现的四会单词light lighter , heavy heavier,和句型Who is taller ,you and SuYang? Whose ruler is longer ,yours or mine? 四、课前准备: 1、 准备录音机和本课H部分的磁带。

16、2 、练习题的投影片。 3 、课前写好本课的课题。 五、教学过程: A、 跟音乐集体唱歌曲。 B、 1、Free talk. 师生交流 2、请学生之间用所学的句型问答,分组比赛 C、Revision 复习 1、看A部分投影片,创设情景让学生表演 2、让学生复述A部分第一段和会话。 3、学生小组内表演会话内容。 4、教师让学生根据实际情况说自己的优势 Im taller than _x Im younger than _x Im stronger than _x My father is taller than My pencil is longer than _xs. 5、让学生看黑板,朗读、

17、拼读刚才教师板书的四会单词。 6、学生拿出课前准备好听写本,听写本课四会单词。 D、学生一齐拍手唱歌谣两遍。 E、 Practice and consolidation练习和巩固 1、游戏; 用所学的句型来猜班级的同学 2、教师投影本单元的练习题请学生完成 六、布置作业: 1、 朗读本课的会话,要求学生能够复述、背诵。 2 、学会唱歌曲。 七、板书设计: 投影本单元的练习题目 小学英语阅读优秀教案4 教学目标: 1. Learn new words:fork,spoon,chopsticks,juice,bread. Learn new structure: I want some. 2. U

18、nderstand the whole passage and can act it out. 3. Arouse students interest in learning English. 教学重点: Understand the whole passage and can act it out. 教学难点: 1. Understand the whole passage and can act it out. 2.让学生在听说唱玩的动态学习过程中体验英语的快乐。 教学准备: 课件、单词卡片、文具用品等。 教学过程: Step 1: Warming up 1.Greetings: T: G

19、ood morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, teacher. T: Hows the weather? Ss: Its hot. T: Its summer now. T: Do you like summer? T: Do you like to play? T: Do you like to sing? 2.Song: Do you like? Step 2: Pre-task T: Do you like to play games ? Ss:Yes, I do. T: Now.Lets play a game.You should li

20、sten and judge. Rules: Say Yes, Yes, Yes if you think it is true. Say No, No, No if you think it is false. T: Look. They are tableware. They are food and drinks. T: So many delicious food and drinks.Miss Zhao feels a little hungry. Chant : Hungry,hungry,I am hungry. (Drill hungry) T : I want some bi

21、scuits. What do you want ? Ss : I want some. Step 3: While-task T : We are eating. T: What are they doing ? They are _. A: eating and drinking. B: playing. Now, Lets watch the cartoon. S : They are eating and drinking. T : Is Sam hungry ? Lets watch the cartoon. T : Is May thirsty ? S : No. T : She

22、is thirsty.(Drill) T :Do they want 4 spoons ? Do they want a knife ? T :Now,Lets watch picture 2. T : Read in different ways. T : Role play Step 4 : Post-task 1.Song time : Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Im hungry. Im hungry. I want some bread. I want some bread. Do you want some bread? Do you want

23、 some bread? Yes, please. Yes, please. No, thanks. No, thanks. Im thirsty. Im thirsty. How about you? How about you? 2. Enjoy some delicious food and drinks. Enjoy food and drinks, enjoy life. Step 5: Homework Read P28 and act it out. Try to say English to your parents: Im. I want some. Enjoy food,

24、enjoy life 小学英语阅读优秀教案5 1、知识目标 a、学生能听懂、会说动物单词lion, tiger, monkey , elephant, giraffe, panda, zebra, snake b、知道句型I like 和 I dont like 的含义,知道like后面跟名词复数。 2、技能目标 a、能运用I like 和 I dont like 的句型表达自己喜欢或不喜欢某种动物,并能准确使用like的句型结构。 b、句型Do you like ? Yes, I like . /No, I dont like 在对话中的使用。 c、以小组为单位来学习,让学生在玩中学,学中玩

25、,寓教于乐; 教学重点: (1)单词snake、giraffe、zebra的含义及正确发音。 (2)句型Do you like ? Yes, I like . /No, I dont like 在对话中的使用。 教学难点: 句型Do you like ? Yes, I like . /No, I dont like 在对话中的使用。 课前准备: 1 、录音机及相关磁带 2、准备动物的词卡和图片 教学步骤: 一、温故互查 出示小黑板,展示动物的图片,说一说在黑板上你认识哪些,并用英语表达 (复习以前学过的旧动物单词,以旧连新,创设情境) 二、设问导读 学习六个关于动物的新单词 句型Do you

26、like ? Yes, I like . /No, I dont like 在对话中的使用。 三、导学过程 1、复习旧单词,引出新单词。 2、听录音,初步感知六个新单词的发音。 3、教师带领学生念,学生带领学生念。并且书写在黑板上。 4、玩游戏巩固:炸弹游戏以及what is missing游戏。 5、运用新句型向学生提问,要求学生在教师的提示下进行回答。 6、出示新句型并书写在黑板上,做讲解。 7、听录音,再次感受新句型,以小组为单位进行对话。 (注意:在like之后的名词是复数, 要加s的) 8、要求几对学生朗读课文,全班一起进行学习。 9、练习:根据所给的图片单词来练习新句型。以小组为单位,并且教师进行提问,学生来回答。

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