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1、前厅部培训英语浴室用品booth foam 沐浴露 body lotion 润手霜 cotton bud 棉花棒emery board 指甲锉(nail clipper) razor 剃须刀 soap 肥皂 tooth brush牙刷 toothpaste牙膏 bath tub浴缸 shampoo洗发香波 comb 梳子 hand shower 手动冲淋器 shower room浴房 sewingkit针线包客用布巾Bed spread 床罩 duvet被子 bed pad 床垫 bed sheet床单 Duvet cover 被罩 bath mat 浴垫(防滑垫) bath robe 浴袍B

2、lanket 毯子 bath towel 浴巾 hand towel 手巾 face towel 面巾Night mat夜地巾 pillow枕头 turn down service夜床 shower cap 浴帽 shoe shine machine擦鞋器 pillow case枕套 客房文具Message stand 留言架 envelope 信封 post card明信片telephone memo pad 电话留言条 telephone memo holder 留言垫Book mark书签 letter head信纸 minibar bill 迷你吧账单Laundry list 洗衣单其

3、他物品Shoe basket 鞋篮 shoe horn 鞋拔子 cloth brush 衣刷 shopping bag购物袋 utility bag 多功能袋 Shoe bag 鞋袋 hair dryer 吹风机客房用品Umbrella 雨伞 ice bucket 冰桶 ice clip 冰夹 bed board 床板Black tea 红茶 green tea绿茶 instant coffee 速溶咖啡Detergent 洗衣粉 rubbish bin 垃圾桶 matches火柴 lamp 台灯 Dont disturb card DND卡 air-conditioner 空调 TV set

4、 电视 writing desk写字台 Extension cord插线板 transformer/adapter转换插头Floor drain 地漏 remote contorl 电视遥控器Luggage rack 行李架 drawer 抽屉 Ashtray 烟缸Service guide 服务指南 carpet 地毯 flashlight 手电筒Mirror 镜子 kettle热水壶 slipper 拖鞋 flush toilet抽水马桶前台专业术语ABF : American breakfast 美式早餐CBF: Continental buffet breakfast 欧陆式早餐Adv

5、ance deposit 预先担保金 Billing instruction 付账说明Amenity 优惠项目 Arrival 客房入住登记日期 Cancellation 取消预定 cash advance 信用卡提现 Cash overage 多出现金 cash shortage 现金短缺 Check out结账离店 close cashier 平账,关闭账户Commission 佣金 complimentary rooms免费房Confidential stay 保密入住 house use rooms酒店自用房Connecting rooms 连通房 confirmation lette

6、r 确认函Corporate rate 公司合同价 baby cot 婴儿床 Departure date 离店日期 discont 折扣Do not move (DNM) 请勿动 pay out现金付出Block 锁房 Day use 日用房cash float 备用金 check in入住登记down grade 降级 drop safe 投款箱due in预抵 due out预离credit card信用卡 credit limit信用额度dead move客人不在店换房 no show预订未到double occpancy 双重预订 House status 房态room rate 房

7、价 share with共享(两人住一间)early arrival 提前到达 early departure 提前离店express check out快速退房 extension of stay延住extra bed加床 guaranteed reservation担保预订guest folio宾客账单 guest history客史half day charge半日房费 in house guest在店客人late check out(L/O)延期退房 log book工作日志locator message位置留言 limousine(transportation)酒店豪华车market

8、 share市场份额 net rate净房价out of town(sleep out)外宿 overbooking 超额预订out of order rooms(OOO)坏房out of service rooms(OOS)待修房average transient rate(ATR) average room rate(ARR) 平均房价average House rate(AHR) package包价 percentage of occupancy出租率(OCC)Permanent folios 假房 profile 客人档案Registration card登记卡(RC) Room di

9、screpancies房间差异Room types房间类型 rooming list客人名单Round trip transfer双重接机 Tour group旅行团Trace备注,跟进事项 Travel agent 旅行社Unexpected departure Up grade升级Up sell推销 Valued rate门市价Vacant room空房 Vacant dirty VD 空脏房Vacant clean VC 空干净房 Occupied clean OC 在住干净房Occupied dirty OD 在住脏房 Walk-in 散客FIT=free individual tou

10、rist 散客实用句型- Reservation1.Do you have one single room for two night?我想预订2晚单人房间,有吗?2.Good moring.Room Reservation.How may I help you ?早上好,预订部,有什么可以帮您?3.How many night do you wish to stay? 您想住多久?4.How much is the room? 房间多少钱?5.The room rate is RMB xxx. 房价是.6.Would you like to make a guaranteed reserva

11、tion by credit card?你愿意用您信用卡作担保吗/7.Id like to confirm your reservation. 让我来确认一下您预订.8.May I have your airline and flight NO.please?我能知道您航班以及航班号吗?9.We offer free trasportation to and from the airport.我们提供免费机场接送。10.Do you know your arrival time at BaoTou airport,sir?您知道您到达包头机场具体时间吗?11.What kind of room

12、 would you prefer? 您想要哪种房间12.Id like to reserve a room with a city view.我想要能看到城市房间。13.Id like to a king size room。我想要个大床房。14. Does the price include Breakfast?房价包含早餐吗?15. We offer spical rates for your company ,sir.For a single room there is a 15% discount.我们给贵公司提供是特惠房价,单人间有15%折扣。16.Do you accept cr

13、edit cards /travelers checks?你们接受信用卡/旅行支票吗?17.We hope well have another opportunity to serve you.我们期待下次为您效劳。18.Your room is confirmed. 您预订以确认。19.When did you make the reservation. 您预订是什么时候?20. In whose name was the reservation made?您预订是用谁名字做。21. Id like to extend my reservation for more night.我想将我预订

14、延长一晚。22. Well extend the reservation for you.我们将为您延长预订。23.Id like to change /cancel a reservation.我想改变/取消我预订24. Certainly sir. Well make the change /cancellation for you.我们将为您改变/取消预订。25.Im sorry,but we are fully booked for those days as it is the peak season.(off/slack season淡季)非常抱歉我们房间在旺季都已经预订出去了。2

15、6. Cam you book me into another hotel in the area.你可以帮我在当地订其它酒店吗?实用句型- Concierge 礼宾1.Let me help you with the luggage.请让我帮您拿行李。2.How many pieces of luggage do you have?您有几件行李?3.Is this all your luggage?您行李齐了吗?4.Is there anything valuable oe breakable in your bag?您包里有什么贵重或易碎物品吗?5.Just a minute ,pleas

16、e. Ill bring a baggage cart.请稍等,我去给您推辆行李车过来。6.Shall I put your suitcase here?我把您行李箱放在这里好吗?7.May I show you to your room.需要我带您去房间吗?8.Ill take care of your luggage.我将会帮您看管行李。9.Youre got three pieces of baggage.Is that right ,sir?您总共由三件行李,对吗先生?10.Youre welcome.Its my pleasure.不用谢,这是我应该做。11.The lift is

17、over there,folloe me/this way ,please.电梯在那边请跟我来12.Thank you .Thats very nice of you.非常感谢你真好13.Thats very nice of you,but Im afraid we dont accept tips, thank you all the same.您真好,但是我不能接受您小费,同样非常感谢。14.Could you call a taxi for us?可以帮我们叫辆出租车吗?15.Heres your taxi,please get in!车来了请上车!实用句型- Check in1.May

18、 I know your name?可以知道您姓名吗?2.May I use your ID card /passport?可以用一下您身份证或护照吗?3.Do you have a reservation with us?您有预订吗?4.Can you fill out the registration form,please?请您填写一下表格。5.How would you like to make payment?您怎样付费?6.Please sign at the botton on the right hand side.请您在右下角签字。7.You can just skip th

19、at and Ill fill it in fo you later on.您可以不必填这些项,过后我帮您补上。8.Your bill will be paid by XX.您账单将由xx来支付。9.Please enjoy your stay here.祝您入住愉快。10.May I have the hotel voucher please.请您出示您住店凭证。11.That will do.有这个就足够了。12.Ill afraid that this is only a confirmation note ,but not a voucher.恐怕这只是预订确认单,而不是住店凭证。13

20、.Who is the tour leader please?谁是领队?14.Id like to reconfirm the schedule of you stay here.我想和您再次确认贵团在本店行程。15.Is there any change in the number of your group?贵团人数有什么变化吗?16.May I have a group rooming list please?请给我一份团队房间名单吗?17.I s there anything else I can do for you?我还鞥为您做些什么呢?18.If I can be of any

21、help please let me know.,如果您有其它需要请联系我们。19.Im afraid that your room is not quite ready yet .Would you mind waiting please?恐怕您房间 还没准备好,您介意稍等一会吗?20.We are very sorry for the inconvenience.很抱歉给您带来不便。21.There is no hot water.没有热水。22.The room is too noisy.房间噪音太大。23.The window curtain is full of dust.这个窗帘满

22、是灰尘。24.There is no toilet paper in the bathroom.浴房里没有卫生纸了。25.My necklace /watch /wallet is missing.我项链/手表/钱包不见了。26.Im terribly sorry to hear that.听到这些我感到非常抱歉。27.Ill attend to this right way.我会马上处理这件事。28.Ill look into this matter at once. 我会马上处理这件事。29.We might have overlooked some points.我们可能忽略些细小事情。

23、30.You put the “DND” sign on the knob,so the HSKP didnt make up the room.您把“DND”牌挂到门把手上乐,所以服务员没有帮您打扫房间。31.If you please get your luggage ready,we would move you to another room.如果您把行李准备好,我们将为您换另外一间房间。32.Ill send a porter to help you with the luggage.我会派行李员帮您拿行李。33.This is really the least we can do

24、for you.我们能为您做实在是太有限了。34.May I know your room number,please?我可以知道您房号吗?35.May I have your room key, please?我可以用一下您房卡吗?36.Something used of your minibar?您迷你吧有消费吗?37.Wait for a moment ,Ill print /draw up your bill for you.请稍等,我给您打印账单。38.Your bill totals RMB xxx.您账单总金额为。39.How to settle your bill?/ How

25、would you like to pay?您怎样付费。40.Do you accept AE/DC/JCB/MC/VISA?可以使用运通/大莱/。卡吗?41.Could you sign here,please?请在这签名。42.Here is your card and your receipt.这是您卡和收据。43.Thank you for waiting ,MRxxx,here is your bill would you like to check it?xxx先生让您久等了,这是您单据,您还需要检查一下吗?44.Would you like a breakdown of the

26、bill?您账单要细分吗?45.If you think there is any error in your bill.we can check it for you.如果您认为账单有误,我们愿意帮您查一下。46.May I have an invice?可以给我开发票吗?47.How would you like to settle the bill /make payment?您想怎样付费?48.Sure ,sir.May I know the name of your company.好先生,我能知道您公司名称吗?49.Heres your change and receipt /in

27、voice.这是您收据和发票50.Your bill will be paid by xx company.您账单由XX公司来付。51.Could you make out tow separate bill for me ?你能帮我把账单分成两个吗?52.What charges does each bill cover,please?您每个账单上都包含那些费用?53.One bill covers the room rate and telephone rate.They are paid by our company.一个账单包含房费和电话费,这些费用是由我们公司付。54.May I h

28、ave your signature ,please?Could you sign your name gere .please?请在这签名。55.May I have a name /business card ,please?我能知道您名字或者名片吗?56.Im afraid that we only offer one-way change.我们只提供单项兑币。57.Id like to change these US dollars into RMB.我想把美元换成人民币。58.Would you like it in small or large bills?您想要小还是大账单。59

29、.Please keep the receipt ,youll have to produce it when you want to change your money back.请保管好您收据,当您需要换回时请出示它。60.We have a change limit of Usxx between 9p.m. and 8a.m.我们兑换美元时间为每天下午9点到上午8点.61.You may go to the Bank of China to change your money.您可以到中国银行去兑换外币。62.If we change amounts our cash supply r

30、uns out and were unable to serve our other guest.如果我们要换大数额外币,我们备用金将会不够支付我们其它客人。63.We hope you can understand.我们希望您能明白。64.Im afraid the currency is not accepted in our hotel.恐怕这个币种我们酒店不能接收。65.If you check-out after 12:00 (18:00)at noon,youll bave to pay half of the rate(the full rate).如果您在中午12点(18点)以

31、后退房,我们将加收您半日房费(全日房费)。66.Here is the money you overpaid.这是您所要付费用。67.Hava a nice trip.祝您旅途愉快。68.We look forward to servieing again.期待再次为您服务。实用句型- BCOPR1.Please,hold on.请稍等2.Would you like to leave a message.您需要留言吗?3.Sorry ,sir/madam, Im afraid he/she is not in.对不起先生/女士,恐怕它不在。4.When would you like us to wake you up?您想我们什么时间叫醒您?5.One moment,please. Ill pur you through.请稍等,马上为你转接。

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