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1、英语第七册810模块课题:M8U1 Looking at Photos学习任务:Do you often play with dolls?功能:谈论行为习惯和喜好一、 教学过程一、复习: 1、老师向学生展示自己的一些照片,让学生对照片进行描述。 2、让学生几个人一组讨论各自在星期天都喜欢干什么,引导大家关注自己和同伴的日常生活。二、任务呈现与课文导入: 1、拿着自己的照片,询问学生是否经常去公园或经常做与你相同的事情:Do you often ?出示一些表现各种活动的单词卡片,让学生说出相应动词或词组。例如:help your mum ,eat fast food , read stories

2、 等。出示单词卡片,向学生提问:Do you often help your mum?引导学生作出回答。 2、带领学生温习often 的意思。在黑板上写出星期一到星期日的单词,一边说句子,一边在相应的位置上打勾号I watch TV on Friday , Saturday and Sunday . I often watch TV. 3、告诉学生:在今天的课文中,我们要了解到Amy 和Lingling 的一些爱好和习惯。大家要注意他们使用的语言。三、课文学习: 1、使用挂图和录音呈现SB活动1的内容。让学生听一听Amy ,Lingling 之间的对话。听第一遍录音后,老师提问:How man

3、y photos are there in the story ? What can you see in them ? Does Amy often play with dolls /read stories / clean her room?让学生试着在课文中找出问题的答案。 2、带领学生完成AB练习1,通过练习帮助他们理解课文内容。四、巩固练习: 1、以小组为单位完成练习2和3。 2、让学生看SB活动2 的图片,试着说出它们分别代表什么行为。 (play with dolls ,read book , clean room )让学生两人一组使用这些词组展开对话,然后听录音跟读。如: Do

4、es Amy /Lingling often play with dolls /read books /clean her room ?课题:M8U2 I often go swimming.学习任务:1、在同学中调查他们对一些物品和活动的喜爱程度; 2、AB UNIT 2 练习曲 和练习本;3、学习过活动家的韵诗后, 以小组为单位将韵诗表演出来教学程序:1.Warmer Tell the students you are going to mime three things you often do. They have to guess what the three things are.

5、 Now mime three things you dont often do and once again, get the students to guess what youre doing. Make sure they say complete sentences,i.e.,You often/dont often. Now get the students continue the activity in pairs.they should take turns to do the mines.2. Memory game: listen and say. Get four st

6、udents to come to the front of the class. Have each student make up a statement using always, never, sometimes or often. Make sentences with he, she , his, her.Examples: T (points to or indicates daming) Ss: he always cleans his room. Tpoints to or indicates lingling) Ss: she never plays with dolls.

7、3.Listen and say, then chant. Get the students to look at the pictures and describe them(a child laughing, singing, clapping, reading a book). Ask the students if they like doing these activities. Play the tape and let the students listen to the chant, play it again and have the students say the cha

8、nt at the same time. Go through the chant and cemonstrate the mime for each of the actions mentioned in the chant. The students should do the appropriate mime as they read the activities in the chant.4. after saying the chant Have the students substitute other actions instead of the ones mentioned i

9、n the chant. Explain that as tree and tv rhyme. They should not change those two activities. Point out that they shoud choose activities with the same number of syllables as the originals.5.homework: read the chant 6. blackboard design: Unit 2 I often go swimming.Always never sometimes or often he a

10、lways cleans his room. she never plays with dolls.教学反思该教案是以任务的布置为线索串联起本课,学生在上本课是有学习的动力,一定程度上提高了学生的积极性,但是,在具体实施起来,有很多不尽人如意的地方。以下是存在的不足:1、一节课40分钟,如果每项任务要全面实施下来,时间是远远不够的,今后,怎么高效的利用科学设置的任务,去促进英语教学的开展是我所考虑的。2、学生英语的口头表达能力欠缺。本节课英语任务教学法,需要学生不断地用英语表达,才能开展本课内容,由于学生间的差距拉大,在小组合作中,成员之间很难合作。3、现代网络技术资源给我们带来了很大的方便,

11、可以把大量的信息直观的瞬间展现,但是对于学生来说,同时也带来了一定的压力,他们很难在较短的时间内吸收消化。我认为,网络信息资源只能是我们英语教学的辅助手段,不能一味的依赖网络技术。课题:M9U1 A Visit to the UN二、 教学课题1、知识目标: 能够听懂、会说目标语句:Do you want to visit the UN building in New York? 并能口头运用I want to show Daming the present from China.这类语句回答有关询问。2、能力目标:能运用“What do you want to do ? I want to”

12、句型询问或谈论自己的意愿和想法。3、情感态度目标:通过任务,感受竞争带来的求知欲望,激发学生探索新知的好奇心,体会到学习的快乐。通过任务,感受父母对自己的关心,从而为自己的父母骄傲,知道孝敬父母,感恩父母的良好情操。三、 教材分析Module 9 Book 7的主题是“参观访问联合国”, Unit 1A Visit to the UN的语言功能是Ask about otherswillings(询问他人的意愿);学习任务为:学习目标语句“Do you want to visit the UN building in New York/go inside?”并能用 I want to来回答询问。

13、本单元是对前一模块表达意愿的进一步拓展升华,有效地对学生的知识进行了自然的迁移。本节课为了能够让学生在真实的场景中领会新知,我们的课堂设置在了学校教学楼面前。四、 教学方法 Module 9 Book 7的主题是“参观访问联合国”, Unit 1A Visit to the UN的语言功能是Ask about otherswillings(询问他人的意愿)。六年级学生正处在生理、心理发育期,决定了既不能像小学低年级阶段的学生那样,以单纯游戏的方式练习说的能力,也不能以传统的讲解方法进行英语授课。因此,本课我主要应用了以下教学方法:对话交流法、情景法、任务教学法,目的是为了提高学生学习的积极性,

14、提高课堂效率,同时在轻松、愉快的气氛下学习英语知识,全面提高听说读写的能力。本课是围绕参观联合国为内容展开的,可是教师尽量英语网络资源的优势,让学生在形象直观的前提下,接触新学知识。五、 教学过程1. Leading-inT:Wow.Whose father/mother is this?(我用课件展示家长会的图片)S1:Wow.That is Liu Xinjies father.S2:I can see my mother and father.T: Smart! Our school is very big !Who would like to be a guide for your f

15、ather and mother?S:Id like to.【设计意图】:因为我们学校昨天刚开过家长会,家长来校后,对学校的环境还不是很熟悉,所以我采用了让学生带领家长参观校园为生活场景,来展开我的教学。2. Presentation在这环节,我首先用课件展示一组Daming 与Simin和Simon的爸爸去纽约观光的图片,然后问:What can you see?(小组可以进行适当地交流),接着引导学生猜测他们去了哪里?并且看到了什么? Listen to the tape and study in groups by the teachers leading.Task 1 in group

16、s: find words or sentences you cant read or understand.(火眼顺耳听着看)Task 2 in groups: (火眼顺耳听着看) Where do Simon ,Daming and Simons Dad visit?任务二:“法眼”说话(语法现身)教学方法:视频教学工具:课件、照片 教师在用课件展示出Simons Dad指着联合国大楼问Simon 和Daming的图片,用课件原声发出:Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?(趁机板书),学生回答:Yes, we do! (趁机板书

17、);接着课件原声展示:Do you want to go inside?,学生回答:Yes , I want to show Daming the present from China?, 通过课件引出“want to”的语法知识点,让其现身。【设计意图】:在Free talk 的基础上,快速进入课文情景,教师让学生猜Simon带着他的爸爸参观拿了,设置悬念,激发学生好奇心,让学生带着想探究的欲望进入课文学习。任务三:老爸爱唠叨(练一练)教学方法:情景法教学工具:课件、图片Simons Dad经常带着Simon出去旅游,Simon非常爱他的爸爸。那么接下来给大家介绍三个朋友,看一看他们的父亲也

18、是那么受自己的孩子欢迎吗?教师用课件依次呈现出出学生们熟悉的卡通人物,如功夫熊猫,莫尼,那吒等学生喜欢的卡通人物的图片。分别呈现卡通人物与他们父亲的对话,运用本课语法句“What do you want to do ? I want to”来进行操练。T:Look, who is this?S: Its Po.(学生这时侯十分兴奋)T:Do you like him?S:Yes, of course. Dad:Po,what do you want to do? Po:Dad, I want to play Kongfu. Marlin: What do you want to do? Nem

19、o: Dad, I want to swim far. Dad: Child, what do you want to do? Nezha: Dad, I want to help my friend.【设计意图】:在这一环节,呈现孩子们喜欢的动画片中的任务进行语法练习,吸引了孩子们的好奇心,既练习了“What do you want to do ? I want to”句型,又活跃了课堂气氛,孩子们十分的积极。任务四:老爸,我要对你说(学生分小组分别扮演家长和孩子进行对话练习)教学方法:情景再现法教学工具:课件、照片、茶杯、课本 T:Do you like their fathers? S:

20、Yes, I do?/ No, I dont.( 有的学生可能喜欢刚才动画人物的爸爸,也有的不喜欢 )T: What about your fathers? Do you love your father?What do you want to say to your father? 同学们的爸爸是否也爱唠叨,你们有话对他们说吗?这时候,教师利用课件中的家长会的照片和学生交流。同学们两人一组进行练习,表演和自己父亲谈话的场景,用“What do you want to do ? I want to”句型来练习。【设计意图】:在这一环节,孩子们进行与自己的父亲进行“面对面“的交流,把自己的心里话

21、说出来,一方面可以巩固拓展本课语法,另一方面增进了孩子与家长的感情。任务五: Homework( 分层作业)果皮作业(学困生作业):Write those words in this class five times.果肉作业(中等生作业):Listen and repeat the dialogue and try to retell the dialogue.种子作业(学优生作业):用本节课学过的句型询问你的朋友或家长想做的事情。【设计意图】进行分层次作业,更好地适合了学生不同层次的学习要求,让不同层次的学生都在原有基础上有一个进步,形成持续性的发展。 课题:M9U2 do you wan

22、t to go to Guilin?学习任务:Do you want to go to Guilin/ Yes, I do. / No, thank you.功能:询问他人的意愿并表达自己的意愿六、 教材分析Module 9 Book 7的主题是“参观访问联合国”, Unit 1A Visit to the UN的语言功能是Ask about otherswillings(询问他人的意愿);学习任务为:学习目标语句“Do you want to visit the UN building in New York/go inside?”并能用 I want to来回答询问。本单元是对前一模块表达

23、意愿的进一步拓展升华,有效地对学生的知识进行了自然的迁移。本节课为了能够让学生在真实的场景中领会新知,我们的课堂设置在了学校教学楼面前。教学方法 Module 9 Book 7的主题是“参观访问联合国”, Unit 1A Visit to the UN的语言功能是Ask about otherswillings(询问他人的意愿)。六年级学生正处在生理、心理发育期,决定了既不能像小学低年级阶段的学生那样,以单纯游戏的方式练习说的能力,也不能以传统的讲解方法进行英语授课。因此,本课我主要应用了以下教学方法:对话交流法、情景法、任务教学法,目的是为了提高学生学习的积极性,提高课堂效率,同时在轻松、愉

24、快的气氛下学习英语知识,全面提高听说读写的能力。本课是围绕参观联合国为内容展开的,可是教师尽量英语网络资源的优势,让学生在形象直观的前提下,接触新学知识。教学过程:WarmerDraw a map of china on the board.Now mark the following places on the map.Guilin Kunming Harbin Binjing HongkongTell the students that you are going to point out cities on the map and they have to guess the place

25、s.Look, listen and point.Put the following table on the board.Who wants to go to? Beijing/Hongkong /Harbin/ Kunming /GuilinNow, ask the students to listen to the recording and say who wants to go to which city.Pause the tape as often as is necessary for the students to do the activity.Listen and say

26、, then chant.Before saying the chantHave the students look at the picture and describe it Ask the students if they know any clapping games if they do, have some of them come to front and demonstrate the games.While saying the chantPlay the tape and let the students listen. Play it again and have the

27、 students s ay the words at the same time as the tape.Now demonstrate the actions. Get students to come to the front and be your partner.Now have some pairs come to the front and do the actions as the rest of the class says the chant.After saying the chantHave the students work with a partner and fi

28、nd all the rhyming words in the chant (sea and me; bus and us, zoo and too).Homework: practice the dialogue with the partner.板书设计:Unit 2 do you want to go to Guilin?Do you want to go to Guilin? Yes, I do. / No, thank you.任务五: Homework( 分层作业)果皮作业(学困生作业):Write those words in this class five times.果肉作业

29、(中等生作业):Listen and repeat the dialogue and try to retell the dialogue.种子作业(学优生作业):用本节课学过的句型询问你的朋友或家长想做的事情。【设计意图】进行分层次作业,更好地适合了学生不同层次的学习要求,让不同层次的学生都在原有基础上有一个进步,形成持续性的发展。 教学反思该教案是以任务的布置为线索串联起本课,学生在上本课是有学习的动力,一定程度上提高了学生的积极性,但是,在具体实施起来,有很多不尽人如意的地方。以下是存在的不足:1、一节课40分钟,如果每项任务要全面实施下来,时间是远远不够的,今后,怎么高效的利用科学设置

30、的任务,去促进英语教学的开展是我所考虑的。2、学生英语的口头表达能力欠缺。本节课英语任务教学法,需要学生不断地用英语表达,才能开展本课内容,由于学生间的差距拉大,在小组合作中,成员之间很难合作。3、现代网络技术资源给我们带来了很大的方便,可以把大量的信息直观的瞬间展现,但是对于学生来说,同时也带来了一定的压力,他们很难在较短的时间内吸收消化。我认为,网络信息资源只能是我们英语教学的辅助手段,不能一味的依赖网络技术。课题:M10U1 At the library学习任务: Dont talk in the library. Please stand in line.功 能: 使用祈使句发出指令或

31、要求; 能够遵守规章制度、执行指令教学程序:1. warmer write the following words on the board.CDs cassettes photocopier boods newspapers and magazines computers teach any unfamiliar vocabulary, check the studentsunderstanding by having the students ask you, how do you sayin Chinese? Now explain that the words on the board represent some items found in a library. Examples: T:newspaper.Ss:true.T: clothes.Ss:False.1. listen, point and find please,dont. write these library rules on the board.Library rulesDont talk in the lib

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