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1、学年高二英语人教版选修6专项语法填空2019-2020学年高二英语人教版选修6专项训练语法填空1、 The adobe dwellings(土坯房) _(build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even_most modem of architects and engineers. In addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their_(able) to air conditio

2、n a house without_(use) electric equipment. Walls made of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat_(slow) during cool nights, thus warming the house. When a new day breaks, the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough_(cool) the house during the hot day; _

3、the same time, they warm up again for the night. This cycle_(go) day after day: The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and are thus always a timely offset (抵消) for the outside temperatures. As_(nature) architects, the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly_thick the adobe walls n

4、eeded to be to make the cycle work on most days.2、 When Jack was a small boy, he was once asked to give a speech about Big Challenge in My Life. He was(terrible) shy the moment he thought of so many eyes(stare) at him. He had no other (choose), though. First Jack was to draft the speech, which was j

5、ust a piece of cake for him because he was a good writer. But the hard part(lie) in his oral presentation (陈述), for it was not allowed to read from the paper. He had to give the speech from his memory in front of such a big audience! A real trial began when Jack stood on the platform with his legs t

6、rembling and his mind blank. How much time had passed, he didnt know.His listeners were still waiting patiently and without any signs of laughing. Gradually he found himself back, giving his speech without much difficulty. Afterseemed to be a hundred years, he found the audience applauding. He made!

7、 From then on, his fear of talking before an audience disappeared.Actually with his confidence (build) up, Jack now turns out(be) a great speaker. As we know, the greater difficulty we meet on our way to success, the(likely) we will be to achieve our goals.3、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Jane

8、 Austen(17751817),an English novelist,started writing young and completed six novels in her life. Today Austens books are more popular _ever. In the last 10 years, five of her six novels _(make) into Hollywood films, while her books continue to be best-sellers. Austens novels are about marriages, fr

9、iendship and family, all of _are still with us today. The stories are timeless. Pride and Prejudice(1813) is Austens most famous work. It is a love story about Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy. At first, these two dislike each other. _(be) pretty, smart and lively, Elizabeth is a bit proud. Mr Darcy is

10、 handsome and comes from a _(wealth) and powerful family. So he is proud, _. Meanwhile, Darcy holds a prejudice against Elizabeths family. Anyway, Elizabeth and Darcy eventually fall in love and become _romantic couple. One thing Austen wanted to convey in Pride and Prejudice is that lovers should n

11、ot only make each other feel _(relax) or comfortable, but also educate and improve each other. _(surprise) enough, Austen, who is often called the greatest romantic writer,_(remain) unmarried throughout her life. Maybe she was too romantic, waiting for the perfect man.4、Tuesday was Valentines Day,a

12、day young men and women worried about not only what words are appropriate, or even what kind of promises to make, but also to eat and what gift to buy their ( importance ) other, Beijing News commented on Tuesday.Businessmen who are good at (turn) all holidays into shopping carnivals(狂欢节)have alread

13、y begun to turn the day into a commercial festival. All the ( discount) and sales promotions for the day greatly imply that those who are single should feel inferior because they are not spending money a loved one.Through the different ways of celebrating Valentines Day, a non-public holiday, we can

14、 still see the different cultures. In Europe, where St. Valentines Day ( origin) appeared as a Christian feast day honoring one or more early saints named Valentinus, the day has more of a holiday atmosphere. The acceptance of Valentines Day in China and the way it ( celebrate) mainly come from the

15、customs in the United States where the day is more commercialized it is in Europe. In the US, Valentine Day is equal to spending money to prove how much a person loves the other or show how romantic they are.As matter of fact, people can choose to celebrate the festivals they want in the way they li

16、ke.5、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Running is good for your health. It may help to protect you _heart disease and other health problems. Running may also help you live longer. According to a research _(do) in the US recently, runners are a great deal _(health) than non-runners. In fact, the r

17、unners live, on average, three years longer than the non-runners. Running may be good exercise, but it can be difficult on the body. Here _(be) commonly shared ideas among fitness experts to lower the risk of injury for people _(run) regularly. Do not run too much, too soon or too fast. Most people

18、get running injuries when they push _(they) too hard. Get good running shoes. You should find the shoes _offer the best fit and support for your feet. More _(important), you should have a new pair of shoes every 500 to 800 kilometers. After each run, write down notes about what you did and _you felt

19、. You may find that your knees hurt when you run sometimes. Or perhaps you feel great when you have _rest between running days. These notes will help you make the best plan for running.6、 The Importance of Hobbies A hobby is something that one likes to do in ones spare time, A hobby is treated as a

20、favorite activity that a person does for pleasure and not as 1._ regular business. A hobby is not an inborn preference. It develops through a constant and systematic process s A hobby is not pursued 2._ (make) a profit. The main purpose of a hobby is to derive (获得)pleasure out of it. It gives us men

21、tal and physical 3._ (relax). One makes the best of ones spare time h y pursuing a hobby. While 4._ (make) a choice out of many ways of spending our time, we ought to ensure something that restores our lost energy and cheers 5._ up. As is known to all, there 6._ (be) a good number of hobbies. The ho

22、bby that fits our interest, nature and our budget would be the 7._ (good). The hobby 8._ (select) by teens depends upon the time for hobbies. While teens become busy in shaping their careers, it is very important to develop a hobby, 9._ can open up new views of knowledge, entertainment and careers.

23、As a student, one may develop the hobby of reading newspapers and magazines 10._ (regular). They keep one aware of the current events. In the long run, one will benefit from it if one has to appear in competitive examinations.7、Are you facing a situation that looks impossible to fix? In 1969, the po

24、llution was terrible along the Cuyahoga River near Cleveland, Ohio. It (be) unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up. The river was so polluted that it (actual) caught fire and burned. Now, years later, this river is one of most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.But the river wasnt

25、changed in a few days seven a few months. It took years of work (reduce) the industrial pollution and clean the water. Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is (clean) than ever.Maybe you are facing an impossible situation. Maybe you have a habit is driving your family craz

26、y. Possibly you drink too much or dont know how to control your credit card use. When you face such an impossible situation, dont you want a quick fix and something to change immediately?While there are (amaze) stories of instant transformation, for most of us the (change) are gradual and require a

27、lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. Just be (patience).8、Some new car models are fashionable. Others can go a long way with only a little gas. But all are taking advantage of technology that is making driving safer and (easy).The new Ford Escape has technology that helps the c

28、ar avoid crashes. A new control system changes the cars speed (keep) a safe distance from other cars on the road. It works using sensors that measure the Escapes distance from other vehicles. (drive) can connect to the Ford Escapes electronic system with their smartphone. The phone can start and tra

29、ck their car from anywhere. emergency vehicles are near, the Heedful Audio Alert System, or HAAS, will warn drivers. The device has a sensor detects (发现)the sound ofan emergency vehicle siren(气笛). The device then (send) a warning to the drivers phone.A company ( call ) Sober Steering has developed a

30、 device to stop drunken drivers. The device can detect alcohol in the skin. If the drivers alcohol level is too high, 9 will shut down the vehicle.Just as technology is changing life at home and at work, it (change) life on the road as well.9、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 The truth that trees

31、 are vital to our life is not a secret. They provide us with food, wood and most _(important), oxygen. Now there is one _(much) thing we can add to this listblocking out harmful bacteria from water. The discovery _(make) by a team _(consist) of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) and high school students _were seeking

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