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Hit the Nail on the Head教案.docx

1、Hit the Nail on the Head教案Text I Hit the Nail on the HeadI.Teaching objectives1.Understanding the various aspects related to the usage of words.2.Cultivating a sense of appropriateness in style3.Learning to use analogy as an expository means.II.Warm-up questions1.Does the title strike you as a bit u

2、nusual? 2.Have you ever heard of the English proverb “Hit the nail on the head”? What does it mean?3.Whose job involves hitting nails? Is the text concerned about the carpenter? Then, whats the major concern of the author? 4.What similarities does the author recognize in the job of a carpenter and t

3、he work of a writer?5.How much do you know about style? Do you find it an interesting topic? 6.How do you like the text? Do you find it difficult or easy? Did it take you long to prepare before you come to the class? Are there many new words in the text? III.Organization of the textSection I (paragr

4、aph 1-3): Raising the subject:Importance of choosing the right word Para 1: Introducing the topic by drawing an analogy between the carpenter hammering a nail and the writer using words. Para 2-3: Elaborating on the importance of choosing the right word It is a process of realizing, defining and cla

5、rifying your thought. Section 2 (paragraph 410): Explaining the various aspects in the profile of a wordPara4-7:I Illustrating how words with common roots have different meanings (Semantic aspect)Para 8: Illustrating how words with similar meanings may have different associations (Connotational aspe

6、ct)Para 9: Illustrating how words with similar meanings may have stylistic differences. (Stylistic/situational aspect)Para 10: Pointing out that a general notion may be expressed by a variety of specific words (Variation in expression ) Section 3 (paragraph 11): Conclusion: Quality is more important

7、 than quantity in learning vocabulary (with an analogy to echo the beginning) IV.Textwork and language points Section I (paragraph 1-3)Paragraph 1:1. Call students attention to the use of analogy by asking questions such as How does the author introduce the subject?What expository means is used in t

8、he first paragraph?Can you explain the difference between “comparison” and “analogy”?2. Ask students to read the passage on page7 with the following questions in mind:WHAT is the purpose of drawing an analogy?WHEN is it often used?HOW is it different from “comparison”?3. Ask students to identify the

9、 use of comparison and the use of analogy in para. 1Comparison:A clumsy man a skillful carpenter A good writer a skillful carpenterAnalogy:A writer choosing the right word A carpenter hammering a nail4. Sum up the main points:Analogy is a special kind of comparison and a more concrete way to explain

10、 things. The purpose of analogy is to explain something abstract and remote. With analogy, of the two things being compared, one is usually a familiar subject, which helps to explain the other, which is usually a difficult and abstract subject, something hard to define.Paragraph 2-31.Ask questions t

11、o check students understanding of the texta)How is paragraph 2 linked to the previous one? What does the word “this” refer to?b)Is it easy to find the word that expresses precisely what a writer wants to express? Why? Do you have this problem in writing? i.Words are many in numberii.Words may have s

12、ubtle differences in them (semantic, stylistic)c)Does a big vocabulary guarantee the ability of using the right word? Why?d)Do you agree with the author that there is a great deal of truth in the seemingly stupid question “How can I know what I think till I see what I say?” The question sounds irrat

13、ional, but is true. Unless we have found the exact words to verbalize our own thoughts, we can never be very sure of what our thoughts are. Without words, our thoughts can not be defined or stated in a clear and precise manner.defining your thoughtChoosing words is a process of clarifying what you m

14、ean. realizing your meaning2.Call students attention to the authors generalization (line 11- 16: “Words are many and various those who hear or read our words.”; (line 19-21)“It is hard work we are dealing with”) Ask them to read aloud. Remind students the importance of generalization after illustrat

15、ions.Language points1) (line 4) drive something home: force (the nail) into the right place; make something unmistakably clear. e.g.The person who wins the argument is the one who drives home his points.Advertisers keep repeating the names of the product in order to drive the message home.(also: dri

16、ve home to sb, sth.)You must drive home to John where the difficulty lies. You must drive it home to John that we dont have enough money. 1)(line 4) hitting it squarely on the head: directly, used both literally and figuratively, examples:The boxer hit his opponent squarely on the jaw.We must face t

17、he problem squarely.2)(line 7) clean English: English which is precise and clear (in contrast with vague, slovenly language)3)(line 10) scrupulous writers: writers who are very careful, paying attention to details 一丝不苟的作家. “scrupulous” generally means painstaking, meticulous (i.e. paying great atten

18、tion to small things). It may be positive or negative in association, e.g. He is scrupulous in his business dealings. (positive, 正派, 谨慎)The nurse treated him with the most scrupulous care. (positive)The paper is not entirely scrupulous in setting its assumptions. (negative)He pays scrupulous attenti

19、on to style. (positive)Compare: “unscrupulous” 不择手段的 (usually negative in association)4)shades of meaning: slight differences in meaning.5)Some useful sentence patterns in this section(line 13) It is not only a matter of , it is also (line 19) It is hard work + doing sth (line 23) hesitate doing sth

20、 (also . hesitate about doing sth, hesitate to do sth. hesitate at sth.)Sentences for paraphrase 1.“A word that is more or less right, a loose phrase, an ambiguous expression, a vague adjective, will not satisfy a writer who aims at clean English.” : i.e. A writer who is particularly concerned about

21、 the precise expression in English will never feel happy with a word which fails to express an idea accurately.2.“Choosing words is part of the process of realization, for those who hear or read our words.” : i.e. The process of finding the right words to use is a process of perfection where you try

22、 to search for words that may most accurately express your thoughts and feelings, and words that may most effectively make your listeners and readers understand your thoughts and feelings.3.“ It is hard work choosing the right words, but we shall be rewarded by the satisfaction that finding them bri

23、ngs.” : i.e. Finding the most suitable word to use is in no sense easy. But there is nothing like the delight we shall experience when such a word is found.Relevant information: The allusion to Flaubert (Note 7, page 5)Gustave Flaubert (1821 1880), French novelist, was associated with, though not re

24、presentative of, the movement of naturalism and known as one of the greatest realists of the nineteenth-century France. He devoted his life to long hours spent in heavy toil over his work. His writing is marked by exactness and accuracy of observation, extreme impersonality and objectivity of treatm

25、ent, and precision and expressiveness in style, or the principle of the mot juste.Section 2 (paragraph 4 10): The various aspects in word usage(I) The semantic aspect of words (paragraph 4-7)1.Ask students to make comments on the three pairs of examples given in this section Compare and contrast the

26、ir differences in meaning. human: of, or relating to man, 1) e.g. human being; human nature; human rightshumane: . characterized by kindness, mercy, or compassion. e.g a humane judge/officer human action = action taken by man humane action = merciful action human killer = person that kills humans hu

27、mane killer =that which kills but causes little pain, esp. instruments for the painless killing of animals anxiety: associated with worry/fear 2) eagerness:full of interest or desire singularity (of mind): oddity, peculiarity, sth that singles a person out from others 思想奇特、古怪 3) singleness (of mind)

28、: holding steadfastly to the purpose in mind, without being drawn aside by less worthy objects. 思想专一、坚定2.Point out what may happen if we confuse words with a similar form. (one possible consequence: malapropism). Explain: Malapropism is the use of a word in mistake for one sounding similar, resultin

29、g in comic effect, e.g. “allegory” for “alligator”; “delusions” for “allusions”The word has its origin in Mrs. Malaprop, a famous character in Sheridans comedy the Rivals (1775). She is noted for her blunders in the use of words. “As headstrong as an allegory (alligator) on the banks of the Nile” is

30、 one of her grotesque misapplications. She also requests that no delusions (allusions) to the past be made. She has given us the word malapropism as a name for such mistakes.Ask students whether they can recall other names of fiction characters that have entered the English dictionary as Mrs. Malapr

31、op, (e.g. Mr. Micawber, Rip Van Winkle etc)3.Ask students to give further examples of confusing words, i.e. words that look similar in form but different in meaning, such as “credulous” and “credible”, etc. Language points:1) distinct: adj. A. different in kind e.g. We should keep the two ideas dist

32、inct. 将两个概念区别开来Donkeys and horses are distinct animals. 不同的动物B. clearly marked, plain, e.g.a distinct improvement 明显的a distinct pronunciation 清晰的2) afield: adv. away from ones home or usual environment. e.g.Dont go too far afield.In the text, it may be interpreted as: There is no need for us to make an effort to find proof of bad carpentry in

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