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1、大学英语泛读答案Unit 2 EducationTeaching Purposes:(1) Enable students to see how the author develops the idea “Bachelors degree has it lost its edge and its value?” by means of exemplification.(2) Help them figure out the intention of the essay: a correct understanding of getting bachelors degree.(3) Make s

2、tudents draw implications from the text: get educated and further employability. .Some points to be considered in the teaching process:A good understanding of the relationship between degrees and jobs;The significance of furthering degrees;Study and learn the following expressions:hallmark ?n mark u

3、sed for indicating the standard of gold, silver and platinum on articles made of these metals (金 银及铂的制品上打的)纯度印记. (fig 比喻) distinctive feature, esp of excellence 特点, 特徵(尤指优良事物所具有者): Attention to detail is the hallmark of a fine craftsman. 能工巧匠的特点是一丝不苟. hallmark v Tn stamp (sth) with a hallmark 给(某物)打

4、上纯度标记.trump 1 ? n (in card-games such as whist or bridge) card of a suit that temporarily has a higher value than the other three suits (惠斯特或桥牌等牌戏的)王牌, 主牌, 将牌: Hearts are trumps. 红桃是王牌. * He took my ace with a low trump. 他用一张小的王牌吃了我的A牌. * We played the game in no trumps, ie withno suit chosen as tru

5、mps. 我们打的是无主的牌. (infmldated 口, 旧) person who is generous, loyal, helpful, etc 慷慨 忠诚 乐於助人等的人. (idm 习语) ,come/,turn up trumps (infml 口) (a) be especially helpful or generous 大有帮助; 格外慷慨: Nobody else in the family gave anything for the jumble sale, but my sister came up trumps. 家里人谁也没拿出东西来捐助这次义卖活动, 只有我妹

6、妹慷慨相助. (b) do or happen better than expected 结果比预期的要好: The team turned up trumps on the day. 那个队这一天的成绩好得出乎意料. declare trumps = declare. draw trumps = draw2. trump v 1 Tn, sth (with sth) take (a card or trick) with a trump 出王牌吃掉(一牌或一墩牌): trumped my ace (with a six) 用(六点的)王牌吃掉了我的A牌. 2 (phr v) tr

7、ump sth up (usu passive 通常用於被动语态) invent (a false excuse, accusation, etc) in order to harm sb 编造(谎言 罪名等)加害某人: arrested on a trumped-up charge 根据罗织的罪名被捕.# trump-card n (a) card of the suit that is trumps王牌; 将牌; 主牌. (b) (fig 比喻) way of gaining what one wants, esp after trying other ways; most valuabl

8、e resource 为达到目的采取的方法(尤指已试过其他方法); 最有效的一招: Finally she played her trump-card and threatened to resign. 最後她使出了绝招, 扬言要辞职.trump 2 ?/ tr?mp; tr?mp/ n (arch 古) sound made by a trumpet 喇叭声; 号声.steppingstone ?n.(名词)1. A stone that provides a place to step, as in crossing a stream. 阶沿石:提供脚踩的地方的石头,如横跨小河时踩的石头2

9、. An advantageous position for advancement toward a goal. 进身的阶:向某一目标努力的有利地位attendance ? n U, C action or time of being present 出席; 到场; 参加: Attendance at evening prayers is not compulsory. 参加晚祷并非硬性规定. * You have missed several attendances this term. 这学期你有几次缺席. C number of people present 出席人数: Theyre

10、expecting a large attendance at the meeting. 他们希望有很多人出席这次会议. * Attendances have increased since we reduced the price of tickets. 我们降低了票价, 到场的人就多起来了. (idm 习语) dance attendance on sb = dance2. in attendance (on sb) present in order to look after, protect or serve sb 护理; 卫护; 服侍: A nurse was in constant

11、 attendance. 有个护士随时护理. * The President always has six bodyguards in close attendance. 总统有六名警卫员时时刻刻在左右保卫.attendance allowance (Brit) money paid by the state to sb who cares for a severely disabled relative, etc (国家付给因护理严重伤残的亲友的)护理津贴.attendance centre (Brit) place where young offenders must go regular

12、ly for supervision, as an alternative to being sent to prison 少年教导所.morph ?verbV, VN to change smoothly from one image to another using computer ANIMATION; to make an image change in this waymorphing noun Usaddle ?n (a) seat, often of leather, for a rider on a horse, donkey, etc or on a bicycle or m

13、otor cycle 鞍; 鞍座; (自行车或摩托车的)车座. =illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page xiii. (b) part of a horses back on which this is placed 马背装鞍的部位. ridge of high land rising to high points at each end 两峰间的凹下部分; 鞍状山脊. = illus at mountain 见mountain插图. joint of meat from the back of an animal, together with part of the back

14、bone and ribs (动物的)带脊骨和肋骨的大块肉: a saddle of lamb, venison, beef, etc 羊脊肉 鹿脊肉 牛脊肉. (idm 习语) in the saddle (a) on horseback 骑着马: spend hours in the saddle 骑马数小时. (b) (fig 比喻) in a position of control 处於控制地位: The director hopes to remain in the saddle (ie in his job) for a few more years. 该董事希望再多留任几年.sa

15、ddle 1 Ip, Tn, Tn.p up; sth (up) put a saddle on (a horse) 给(马)装鞍: saddle up and ride off 套上鞍骑走 * saddle ones pony (up) 给小马套上鞍. 2 (phr v) saddle sb with sth give sb an unwelcome responsibility, task, etc 让某人承担使人厌恶的责任 任务等: Ive been saddled with the job of organizing the conference. 组织会议这件倒霉事交给我了. * T

16、he boss saddled her with all the most difficult customers. 老板把那些最难应付的顾客全推给她了.hefty ? (infml 口) (of a person) big and strong (指人)身高体壮的. usu attrib 通常作定语 (a) (of a thing) large and heavy (指物)又大又重的: a hefty suitcase 又大又沉的衣箱. (b) powerful 有力的: deal sb a hefty blow 给予某人重重的一击. (c) (fig 比喻) extensive; subs

17、tantial 大量的; 可观的: She earns a hefty salary. 她的薪水很高. heftily adv: a heftily-built fellow 高大健壮的人.differential ? adj attrib 作定语 of, showing or depending on a difference 不同的; 有分别的; 基於差别的; 区别性的: differential treatment of applicants for jobs, eg varying according to their education, etc 对求职者区别对待(如根据学历等) *

18、 Non-EEC countries pay a higher differential tariff. 欧洲经济共同体以外的国家须付高於成员国的差别关税.differential n (also ,differential wage) (esp Brit) difference in rates of pay for different types of work or workers (不同工种或工人的)工资级差: a dispute about the differential between men and women workers 有关男女工不同酬的争议. (also differ

19、ential gear) gear enabling a vehicles back wheels to turn at different speeds when going round corners (车辆转弯时使两後轮以不同速度转动的)差速器. =illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page xii.differential calculus (mathematics 数) branch of calculus concerned with calculating rates of change, maximum and minimum values, etc 微分(学).

20、 Cf 参看 integral calculus (integral).turmoil ?n C usu sing, U 作可数名词时通常作单数, 亦作不可数名词 (instance of) great disturbance, agitation or confusion 骚动; 混乱; 动乱: The country was in (a) turmoil during the strike. 这个国家在罢工期间陷於一片混乱.Of late idm 习语) at the latest no later than 至迟; 最晚: Passengers should check in one h

21、our before their flight time at the latest. 乘客至迟应在班机起飞前一小时办理登机手续. an early/late night = night. its ,never too ,late to mend (saying 谚) it is always possible to improve ones character, habits, etc 改过不嫌晚. of late lately; recently 最近以来; 近来.Why do an accelerated MS program?A Masters degree?gives more ex

22、posure to advanced technical material.? This means that all else being equal, a person with an MS has a competitive advantage compared to someone who has just a BS: it becomes easier to get a job, and provides better job security. And having a graduate degree usually translates to a higher salary. A

23、n Accelerated MS program is quicker and cheaper than the traditional 4-year baccalaureate (学士学位) and 2-year Masters!Accelerated masters degree programs typically result in greatly reduced time in school, but they arent necessarily cheaper and often demand great focus and discipline on the part of th

24、e student. A variety of schools and institutions offer these programs in the U.S., online and abroad. Many accelerated programs cater specifically to populations with existing family and career responsibilities. They also frequently allow application of real world experience toward degree requiremen

25、ts.adrift ? adj pred 作表语 (a) (esp of a boat) driven by wind and water and out of control; drifting (尤指船)随风及水流漂浮而失去控制; 漂浮: cut a boat adrift from its moorings 割断系索使小船漂离系泊处 * The survivors were adrift on a raft for six days. 幸存者在筏子上漂浮了六天. (b) (fig 比喻) having no purpose; aimless 没有目的; 无目标: young people

26、 adrift in our big cities 在我们大城市里四处游荡的年轻人 * turn sb adrift, ie send sb away without help or support 逐出某人(使其漂泊流浪). (infml 口) (a) unfastened; loose 脱开; 松开: Part of the cars bumper had come adrift. 汽车的保险杠有一处松动了. (b) out of order; wrong 有故障; 出错; 有毛病: Our plans went badly adrift. 我们的计划严重受挫.fare n money c

27、harged for a journey by bus, ship, taxi, etc (公共汽车 轮船 计程车等的)票价: What is the bus fare to London? 到伦敦的公共汽车费是多少? * travel at half/full/reduced fare 半价全价/减价票旅行 * economy fares 经济舱票价. passenger who pays a fare, esp in a taxi (付费的)乘客; (尤指)计程车的乘客.fare-stage n part of a bus route regarded as a unit in calcu

28、lating the fare (公共汽车路线中的作为计算票价单位的)一段路程.fare 2 n U food, esp when offered at a meal (used esp with the adjs shown) 食物; (尤指)饭菜(尤与下列形容词连用): fine, simple, wholesome fare 很好的 简单的 有益健康的食物.fare v I (fml 文) progress; get on 进展; 过日子: How did you fare (ie What were your experiences) while you were abroad? 你在

29、国外时好吗(感受如何)?crux n sing most vital or difficult part of a matter, an issue, etc 事情 问题等最重要或最棘手的部分: Now we come to the crux of the problem. 现在我们来谈问题的症结所在.GPA ?noun (AmE) the abbreviation for GRADE POINT AVERAGE: He graduated with a GPA of 3.8.Grade (education) ?For meanings of GPA other than Grade poi

30、nt average, see GPA (disambiguation).A grade in education can mean either a teachers evaluation of a students work or a students level of educational progress, usually one grade per year (often denoted by an ordinal number, such as the 3rd Grade or the 12th Grade). This article is about evaluation of students work and various systems used in different countries.

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