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1、完整版企业社会责任协议企业社会责任协议CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Agreement甲方(Party A): 乙方(Party B):CSR,全称Corporate Social Responsibility,即企业社会责任,包括对劳工权益、环境保护、职业健康与安全、商业道德等方面的要求。为促进和规范甲方供应链上的合作伙伴积极履行企业社会责任,经甲乙双方友好协商,自愿达成协议如下:CSR is short for Corporate Social Responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility in

2、clude labor, environment, health, ethics and so on. For the purpose of promoting and standardizing the performance of the partners on Party As supply chain for Corporate Social Responsibility, on the basis of friendly, voluntary negotiation, Party A and Party B signed this Supplementary Agreement as

3、 follows:一、保证 Guarantee乙方同意作出如下陈述和保证:Party B agrees to abide by the following statement and guarantee:1.劳工 Labor本协议中的员工:包括所有临时工、外出务工人员、学生工、合同工、派遣工、直属员工和任何其他类型的员工。The employees in this agreement include temporary, migrant, student, contract, dispatched labor, direct employees, and any other type of e

4、mployees. 1.1 人权Human Rights 乙方应承诺按照国际社会公认的准则维护员工人权,并给予他们尊严和尊重。Party B shall be commit to uphold the human rights of employees, and to treat them with dignity and respect as understood by the international community. 1.2 自由选择职业 Freely Chosen Employment 1.2.1 不得雇佣被强迫、抵押(包括债役)或用契约束缚的劳工、非自愿的狱中劳工、奴隶或贩卖人

5、口。包括不得通过威胁、强迫、强制、诱拐或欺骗方式运送、窝藏、招聘、转移或接收此类劳工或服务。Forced, bonded (including debt bondage) or indentured labor, involuntary prison labor, slavery or trafficking of persons shall not be used. This includes transporting, harboring, recruiting, transferring or receiving persons by means of threat, force, co

6、ercion, abduction or fraud for labor or services. 1.2.2 除了禁止对进出办公场所进行不合理限制以外,还不得对员工在工作场所中的行动自由设置不合理限制。There shall be no unreasonable restrictions on workers freedom of movement in the facility in addition to unreasonable restrictions on entering or exiting company-provided facilities.1.2.3 作为招聘流程的一部

7、分,在员工离开其所在国家/地区之前,必须为其提供以其母语书写的书面雇佣协议,其中应包含对雇佣条款与条件的说明。As part of the hiring process, workers must be provided with a written employment agreement in their native language that contains a description of terms and conditions of employment prior to the worker departing from his or her country of origi

8、n. 1.2.4 所有工作必须是自愿的,且员工应有自由随时离开工作岗位或终止雇佣。All work must be voluntary and workers shall be free at any time to leave work or terminate their employment.1.2.5 乙方及其代理不得保留或以其他方式损毁、隐匿、没收或拒绝员工查看本人的身份或移民文件,例如政府颁发的身份证明、护照或工作许可,除非依据法律要求必须保留工作许可。Party B and its agents may not hold or otherwise destroy, conceal

9、, confiscate or deny access by employees to employees identity or immigration documents, such as government-issued identification, passports or work permits, unless the holding of work permits is required by law.1.2.6 乙方或乙方的代理不得要求员工支付金额超过一个月工资作为招聘费或其他费用。必须披露向员工收取的任何费用,且金额超过一个月工资的费用必须返还给员工。Workers sh

10、all not be required to pay party B and its agents recruitment fees or other aggregate fees in excess of one months salary. All fees charged to workers must be disclosed and fees in excess of one months salary must be returned to the worker.1.3 青年员工 Young Workers青年员工包括童工和未成年工。Young workers include ch

11、ild labor and juvenile workers.1.3.1 在制造的任何阶段均不得使用童工。“儿童”指未满15岁、低于完成义务教育的年龄或低于国家/地区的最低就业年龄(这三种情形中以最高者为准)的任何人。支持采用遵守所有法律法规的合法工作场所学徒计划。中国法律规定童工年龄为未满16周岁。Child labor is not to be used in any stage of manufacturing. The term “child” refers to any person under the age of 15, or under the age for completi

12、ng compulsory education, or under the minimum age for employment in the country, whichever is oldest. The use of legitimate workplace learning programs, which comply with all laws and regulations, is supported. “Child labor” refers to any people under the age of 16 pursuant to Chinese law.1.3.2 年龄低于

13、18岁的员工(即青年员工)不得从事可能危及健康或安全的工作,包括夜班和加班。Workers under the age of 18 (Young Workers) shall not perform work that is likely to jeopardize their health or safety, including night shifts and overtime. 1.3.3 乙方应合理维护学生工记录、对导师搭档进行严格的尽职调查,并按照适用法律和法规保护学生工权利,从而确保对学生工进行恰当的管理。乙方应为所有学生工提供适当的支持和培训。如无当地法律规定,学生工、实习生和

14、学徒的工资率至少应与其他执行相同或相似岗位的初级员工相等。Party B shall ensure proper management of student workers through proper maintenance of student records, rigorous due diligence of educational partners and protection of students rights in accordance with applicable law and regulations. Party B shall provide appropriate

15、support and training to all student workers. In the absence of local law, the wage rate for student workers, interns and apprentices shall be at least the same as other entry-level workers performing equal or similar tasks.1.4 工作时间 Working Hours 1.4.1 周工作时间不得超过当地法律规定的最大限度。Workweeks are not to exceed

16、 the maximum set by local law. 1.4.2 除非遇到紧急或异常情况,一周的工作时间包括加班在内不得超过60个小时。A workweek should not be more than 60 hours per week, including overtime, except in emergency or unusual situations. 1.4.3 员工每七天至少休息一天。Workers shall be allowed at least one day off every seven days. 1.5 薪资福利 Wages and Benefits1.

17、5.1 向员工支付的报酬应符合所有适用的薪资法律,包括有关最低薪资、加班时间及法定福利的法律。根据当地法律,员工的加班报酬应高于正常的每小时工资水平。Compensation paid to workers shall comply with all applicable wage laws, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime hours and legally mandated benefits. In compliance with local laws, workers shall be compensated for

18、 overtime at pay rates greater than regular hourly rates. 1.5.2 禁止以扣减工资作为纪律处分手段。Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted.1.5.3 在每个工资结算周期,应及时向员工提供清晰易懂的工资单,有足够的信息来确认付出的劳动所应得的准确报酬。For each pay period, workers shall be provided with a timely and understandable wage statemen

19、t that includes sufficient information to verify accurate compensation for work performed. 1.5.4 应按照当地法律的限制规定聘用临时工、派遣员工和外包劳工。All use of temporary, dispatch and outsourced labor will be within the limits of the local law.1.6 人道待遇 Humane Treatment1.6.1 不得对员工实施性骚扰、性虐待、体罚、精神或肉体胁迫或言语侮辱等严苛的非人道待遇;亦不得威胁实施此类

20、行为。There is to be no harsh and inhumane treatment including any sexual harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse of workers; nor is there to be the threat of any such treatment. 1.6.2 支持这些要求的纪律处分政策和程序应清楚地界定并传达给员工。Disciplinary policies and procedures i

21、n support of these requirements shall be clearly defined and communicated to workers.1.7 非歧视 Non-Discrimination1.7.1 乙方应承诺员工免受骚扰以及非法歧视。Party B should be committed to a workforce free of harassment and unlawful discrimination. 1.7.2 乙方不得因人种、肤色、年龄、性别、性取向、性别认同和性别表现、种族或民族、残疾、怀孕、宗教信仰、政治派别、社团成员身份、受保护的退伍军人

22、身份、受保护的基因信息或婚姻状况在发放工资、升迁、奖励、培训机会等聘用或雇佣行为中歧视员工。Party B shall not engage in discrimination based on race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ethnicity or national origin, disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, union membership, covered veteran stat

23、us, protected genetic information or marital status in hiring and employment practices such as wages, promotions, rewards, and access to training.1.7.3 应向员工提供合理的宗教活动安排。Workers shall be provided with reasonable accommodation for religious practices.1.7.4 不得要求员工或准员工接受可能带有歧视性目的的医疗测试或体检。workers or poten

24、tial workers should not be subjected to medical tests or physical exams that could be used in a discriminatory way.1.8 自由结社 Freedom of Association 1.8.1 按照当地法律的要求,乙方应尊重所有员工自由结社及加入工会、集体谈判和参与和平集会的权利,并尊重员工不参加此类活动的权利。In conformance with local law, Party B shall respect the right of all workers to form a

25、nd join trade unions of their own choosing, to bargain collectively and to engage in peaceful assembly as well as respect the right of workers to refrain from such activities.1.8.2 员工和/或其代表应能与管理层公开沟通和分享有关工作环境和管理实践的建议与意见,而无需担心歧视、报复、威胁或骚扰。Workers and/or their representatives shall be able to openly co

26、mmunicate and share ideas and concerns with management regarding working conditions and management practices without fear of discrimination, reprisal, intimidation or harassment.2.健康与安全 Health and Safety2.1 职业安全 Occupational Safety应通过正确的设计、工程和管理控制、预防性维护和安全工作流程(包括上锁/挂牌)以及持续的安全培训来控制员工可能遇到的潜在安全危险(如电器和其

27、他能源、火、车辆及坠落危险)。如果无法通过上述方式有效控制危险,应为员工提供适当的、保养良好的个人防护装备和有关上述危险可能导致风险的教育资料。应鼓励员工提出安全疑虑。Potential safety hazards (e.g., electrical and other energy sources, fire, vehicles, and fall hazards) towards workers are to be controlled through proper design, engineering and administrative controls, preventative

28、 maintenance and safe work procedures (including lockout/tag), and ongoing safety training. Where hazards cannot be adequately controlled by these means, workers are to be provided with appropriate, well-maintained, personal protective equipment and educational materials about risks to them associat

29、ed with these hazards. Workers shall be encouraged to raise safety concerns.2.2 应急准备 Emergency Preparedness应识别并评估紧急情形和紧急事件,并通过实施应急方案及应对程序将其影响降到最低,包括:紧急报告、员工通知和撤离程序、员工训练与演习、适当的火灾侦测及扑灭设备、充足的出口设施和复原计划。此类计划和程序应尽可能减少对人身、环境和财产的危害。Potential emergency situations and events are to be identified and assessed,

30、 and their impact minimized by implementing emergency plans and response procedures including: emergency reporting, employee notification and evacuation procedures, worker training and drills, appropriate fire detection and suppression equipment, adequate exit facilities and recovery plans. Such pla

31、ns and procedures shall focus on minimizing harm to life, the environment and property.2.3 工伤和疾病 Occupational Injury and Illness应制定程序和体系以预防、管理、跟踪和报告工伤和疾病,包括以下规定:鼓励员工报告;对工伤和疾病案例进行分类和记录;提供必要的医疗服务;调查案例并采取纠正措施以消除影响;帮助员工重返工作。Procedures and systems are to be in place to prevent, manage, track and report o

32、ccupational injury and illness including provisions to: encourage worker reporting; classify and record injury and illness cases; provide necessary medical treatment; investigate cases and implement corrective actions to eliminate their causes; and facilitate return of workers to work.2.4 工业卫生 Industrial Hygiene 应鉴别、评估并控制由化学、生物及物理试剂给员工带来的影响。必须采取工程技术或管理手段来控制危险源过度暴露。无法通过这些方法有效控制危险源时,须通过适当的个人防护装备方案保护员工健康。 Work exposed to chemical, biological and physical agents is to be identified, evaluated, and controlled. Engine

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