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老友记 六人行 第二季第十五集经典笔记.docx

1、老友记 六人行 第二季第十五集经典笔记The One Where Rachel and Ross. You KnowOriginally written by Transcribed by Joshua HodgeMinor additions and adjustments by Dan Silverstein.215罗斯和瑞秋生米煮成 乔伊买了个大电视,以及两张舒适的真皮躺椅。 于是他和钱德寸步不离躺在椅子里看电视。 菲比给莫妮卡帮忙,为理查伯克医生的派对供应食物。 理查医生同盖勒家(就是莫妮卡家啦)是世交,新近离婚。 莫妮卡和理查医生不顾世俗压力开始忘年交。 罗斯和瑞秋约会,却因公事被召

2、回博物馆。 收工后原计划泡汤,他们在博物馆度过了浪漫的一夜。第二天早上Scene: Chandler and Joeys apartment. Joey and Chandler enter with Chandler covering his eyes and Joey leading him.JOEY: Alright, no peeking. No peeking, no peeking, no peaking 不准偷看CHANDLER: Alright, alright, but you better be wearing clothes when I open

3、my eyes.JOEY: Alright open your eyes. opens his eyes to see two black leather recliners and a big screen TVrecline v.斜倚,靠,躺/recliner n.斜躺者,可躺式椅/ Alright, open your eyes. Opens his eyes to see two black leather recliners and a big screen TV: a chair with an adjustable(adj.可调整的) back and footrest(n.脚凳

4、)CHANDLER: Sweet mother of all that is good and pure.Sweet mother of all that is good and pure: very good, excellent; COOLJOEY: Huh? Days of our Lives picked up my option.option n.选项, 选择权, 经买卖的特权/pick up my option 和我续签了/ Huh? Days of our Lives picked up my option: The privilege of demanding fulfillm

5、ent of a contract at a specified timeCHANDLER: Congratulations!JOEY: I know.chandler: Now we can finally watch Green Acres the way it was meant to be seen.acre n.英亩,地产,大片田地/the way it was meant to be seen 比较象样地/Green Acres:乔伊挣钱了,给公寓买了两个沙发和一个新电视,钱德勒说,这下可真的可以好好看看绿色田野(Green Acres)了。这是美国六十年代著名的电视剧,剧中有很多

6、令人心旷神怡的农村风光/ Now we can finally watch Green Acres the way it was meant to be seen: Green Acres (1965-71, CBS), a famous US sitcom. In Green Acres, Oliver Wendell Douglas was a successful New York lawyer, who decided to get close to nature and buy a 160-acre(160英亩) run downfarminthe Hooterville farmi

7、ng community. Along with him, came his extravagant(adj.奢侈的) wife, Lisa, who wanted nothing to do with farm life, she preferred living in New York. However, she slowly grew to love life on the farm yet she still wore fancy outfits(n.装备to衣装) that she used to wear in New York.JOEY: Uh-huh.CHANDLER: So

8、uh, which one is mine?JOEY: Whichever one you want, man. Whichever one you want. Chandler starts to sit in one of the chairs Not that one.CHANDLER: sits down Ohh yes.JOEY: sits down Ohh yeah, thats the stuff这才是生活.CHANDLER: reaches for the footrest lever Do we dare?reach for伸手拿东西/footrest n.脚凳/lever

9、n.杆, 杠杆, 控制杆JOEY: We dare.BOTH: both extend the footrests Aaahhhh. both recline their chairs AAAAHHHHHH.OPENING TITLESScene: Chandler and Joeys apartment. Chandler and Joey are sitting in their recliners watching TV. Monica, Ross, and Phoebe are there.PHOEBE: I cant believe two cows made the ultimat

10、e sacrifice so you guys could watch TV with your feet up.cow:这里指recliner(n.躺椅)/make the ultimate sacrifice最终作出牺牲CHANDLER: Well they were chair-shaped cows. They never would have survived in the wild.ROSS: This screen is amazing, I mean Dick Van Dyke is practically life-size.practically adv.几乎,简直/lif

11、e-size adj.与实物大小一样的/Dick Van Dyke,Rose Marie:罗斯在夸奖乔伊的新电视屏幕很大,说看起来迪克范戴克和真人大小一样。范戴克是美国著名的老演员,身材不高。莫尼卡则说看来罗斯玛丽只适合在小屏幕上放,这是美国早期的一本电影。/ This screen is amazing, I mean Dick Van Dyke is practically life-size: Dick Van Dyke was a popular song-and-dance man in 1960s movies like Mary Poppins (1964), Lt. Robin

12、 Crusoe, USN (1966, with Nancy Kwan) and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968). On TV hes best known as the star of the much-loved 1960s sitcom The Dick Van Dyke Show (in which Mary Tyler Moore played his wife). Van Dyke has starred in several other TV series, including the 1990s forensic adventure Diagnos

13、is Murder (co-starring Scott Baio).ALL: Woah!MONICA: Rose Marie really belongs on a smaller screen, doesnt she?Rose Marie really belongs on a smaller screen, doesnt she: A famous US actress who created an independent, funny, vulnerable character “Sally Rogers” in The Dick Van Dyke Show. As Baby Rose

14、 Marie, at the age of five, she was signed by NBC to star in her own coast-to-coast radio show. At the age of seven she was sent on the road by NBC just to prove that her deep adult like voice did indeed belong to a child. In 1933 she appeared in her first film, International House with W.C. FieldsR

15、achel entersRACHEL: Hi you guys.ALL: Hey.RACHEL: Hey you.ROSS: Hey you. they stand together in front of the TV.CHANDLER and JOEY: Woah, hey, yo. Rachel and Ross moveRACHEL: So, uh, how was your day?ROSS: Oh you know, pretty much the usual, uh, sun shining, birds chirping.pretty much the usual和平时差不多/

16、chrip v.吱喳而鸣, 尖声地说/ Oh you know, pretty much the usual, uh, sun shining, birds chirping: the characteristic short sharp sound especially of a small bird or insectRACHEL: Really? Mine too.PHOEBE: Hey cool, mine too.ROSS: beeper goes off Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got to get to the museum. So um, Ill see you

17、 tonight.RACHEL: OK. they go to kiss but everyones watching so Ross just kisses her on the top of her head and leavesROSS: Bye guys.ALL: Bye.MONICA: walks up to Rachel in front of the TV Tonight?CHANDLER and JOEY: Hey, yo. they move from out of in front of the TVMONICA: Whats tonight?RACHEL: It is o

18、ur first official date. Our first date.MONICA: Uh, hello.RACHEL: Hi.MONICA: Tonight youre supposed to waitress for me, my catering thing, any of those words trigger anything for you?waitress for sb帮我做女服务员/catering n.派对供餐/trigger vt.引发, 引起, 触发n.板机/any of those words trigger anything for you我的这些话有没有使你

19、想起些什么呢RACHEL: God, oh God Monica, I forgot. This is our first date.MONICA: Yes but my mom got me this job.PHOEBE: OK, I can be a waitress, I can be a waitress.RACHEL: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. See Phoebe, Phoebe.MONICA: Really Phoebs? Because, you know, youd have to be an actua

20、l waitress. This cant be like your I can be a bear cub thing.cub n.幼兽,不懂规矩的年轻人/bear cub小熊/ Because, you know, youd have to be an actual waitress. This cant be like your I can be a bear cub thing: a young carnivorous(adj.食肉动物) mammal(n.哺乳动物) (as a bear, fox, or lion)PHOEBE: I can be a waitress. OK wa

21、tch this. Um, gimme two number ones, 86 the bacon, one Adam and Eve on a raft and rickem土司, la-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la.number one n.一号餐/86 the bacon 86分熟的培根/raft n.筏, 救生艇, 橡皮船/Adam and Eve on a raft n.熏肉加鸡蛋/ I can be a waitress. OK watch this. Um, gimme two number ones, 86 the bacon, one Adam an

22、d Eve on a raft and rickem: Adam and Eve on a raft is an American diner staff slang for two poached eggs(n.荷包蛋) on toast (POACH v.水煮 是一种以温和的方法保持食材外观的的烹饪方法,水温必须控制约在65度80度之间 (华氏150度175度); rick means to pile (as hay n.干草)in ricks.Scene: Dr. Burkes apartment. Dr. Burke answers the door for Phoebe and Mo

23、nica.PHOEBE: Its James Bond.MONICA: Sorry were late.DR. BURKE: Ah, thats OK, come on in. Um, Im sorry, is Monica Geller coming? I was told she was.MONICA: Dr. Burke, it, its me.DR. BURKE: Monica? My God you used to be so. . . I mean you, you, you, you must have lost like. . . You look great.MONICA:

24、Thank you. This is my friend Phoebe. Shes gonna be helping me tonight.DR. BURKE: Hi Phoebe, nice to meet you. Phoebe just giggles when they shake So, how ya been?giggle v.(at)咯咯地笑,傻笑MONICA: Ive been great, just great. How have you been? tilting倾斜 her headDR. BURKE: Oh, well obviously you know Barbar

25、a and I split up分手, otherwise you wouldnt have done the head tilt.MONICA: The head tilt歪头?DR. BURKE: Yeah, since the divorce, when anybody asks me how I am, its always with a sympathetic head tilt. demonstrating How ya doin? You OK?MONICA: Im sorry.DR. BURKE: No no, it, its fine, believe me. I do it

26、 too. I always answer with the Im OK head bob. demonstrates Im OK. tilts head You sure? bobs head Yeah, Im fine. Hey listen, Ive got to set up the music. I got a new CD changer, of course the divorce only left me with 4 CDs to change.bob v.上下或来回的动/head bob点头(=nod)/set up the music放音乐了/CD changer自动换片

27、CD机/ I always answer with the Im OK head bob: to move up and down in a short quick movement/ I got a new CD changer, of course the divorce only left me with 4 CDs to change: A device which is connected to a stereo system(n.立体音响系统) and allows several music CDs to be playedMONICA: her and Phoebe tilt

28、their heads Oh, thats too bad.DR. BURKE: bobbing his head Ill survive死不了的.Scene: Chandler and Joeys apartment. Theyre still in their chairs watching TV. Chandler is ordering a pizza.CHANDLER: Uh, two larges, extra cheese on both. But listen, dont ring the buzzer for 19, ring 20, Geller-Green, theyll

29、 let you in, OK. If you buzz our door, theres no tip for you. OK, thanks. Pizzas on the way. I told you we wouldnt have to get up.JOEY: What if we have to pee?CHANDLER: Ill cancel the sodas.soda n.碳酸水Scene: Dr. Burkes apartment. Monica and Dr. Burke are in the kitchen.MONICA: Youve got to get back o

30、ut there, its your party.DR. BURKE: But theyre so dull, theyre all opthamologists.opthamologist n.眼科医生/ But theyre so dull, theyre all ophthalmologists: An ophthalmologist is an eye doctor. This type of doctor helps people with all kinds of eye problems and does surgery on the eye if needed.MONICA:

31、Youre an opthamologist.DR. BURKE: Only because my parents wanted me to be, I wanted to be a sherrif.sherrif n.警长/ Only because my parents wanted me to be, I wanted to be a sheriff: an important official of a shire(n.郡) or county charged primarily主要负责 with judicial(adj.司法的,法院的) duties (as executing the processes and orders of courts and judges)PHOEBE: entering the kitchen from the party Thats funny, no. Cadillac, cataract, I get it, no I get it, y

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