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1、年度十大石油新闻EIA上调2013年一季度及全年的原油价格预期关键词:原油价格摘 要:EIA将2013年的价格预期从103.75美元上调至105.17美元。中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯纽约1月8日消息,政府最新公布的预测数据显示,美国上调了2013年全年的原油价格预期。尽管对于一季度和剩余时间的预期有所上调,但由于全球产量充足、需求持续疲弱,原油价格预期仍低于当前油价水平。根据美国能源部下属能源情报署(EIA)最新公布的月度短期能源展望,2013年第一季度与全年的汽油零售价格预期基本与此前持平,但柴油零售价格预期被上调。该署预计第一季度西得克萨斯中质油(WTI)价格为每桶90美元,去年12月给出

2、的预期为每桶87.67美元。该署还将2013年WTI价格预期从每桶88.38美元上调至每桶89.54美元。第一季度布伦特原油价格预期从每桶106美元上调至每桶109美元,2013年的价格预期从103.75美元上调至105.17美元。唐绍红摘译自道琼斯原文如下:EIA Raises Estimates for Crude Prices for 1Q, 2013NEW YORK-The U.S. raised its estimates for crude-oil prices for all of 2013, according to the latest government forecast

3、.Even though the forecasts were tweaked higher for the first quarter and the rest of this year, crude prices are still seen as lower than current levels due to abundant global production and demand remaining tepid.Retail gasoline prices are seen basically flat from previous estimates, according to t

4、he latest edition of the monthly Short-Term Energy Outlook, which is released monthly by the U.S. Energy Information Agency. Meanwhile, retail diesel price forecasts were raised and natural gas estimates were mixed.The new forecasts tweaked estimates higher for both of the worlds oil benchmarks-West

5、 Texas Intermediate and Brent. West Texas Intermediate, or WTI, was seen at $90 a barrel in the first quarter, compared to an estimate of $87.67 in last months report. WTIs price outlook for 2013 was elevated to $89.54 from the previous $88.38.The Brent price outlook jumped to $109 a barrel in the f

6、irst quarter and $105.17 for 2013, from $106 and $103.75, respectively.全球拥有1.4万亿桶油当量未开发油气藏关键词:油气储量摘 要:全球拥有将近1.4万亿桶油当量待开发的常规油气储量,大部分储量位于中东地区。中国石化新闻网讯 据挪威上游在线9月12日伦敦报道,全球著名的能源咨询公司英国伍德麦肯兹公司(Wood Mackenzie/WM)12日在一份研究报告中表示,全球拥有将近1.4万亿桶油当量待开发的常规油气储量。伍德麦肯兹在报告中指出,在这1.4万亿桶油当量的未开发常规油气储量中,大部分储量位于中东地区。李峻 编译原文如

7、下:WoodMac: 1.4 trillion boe in global undeveloped reserves12 September 2013/UpstreamonlineThe world has nearly 1.4 trillion barrels of oil equivalent in conventional reserves waiting to be developed, with the most valuable of those reserves located in the Middle East, according to consultancy Wood M

8、ackenzie.美国将取代沙特成为全球最大的石油供应国关键词:美国页岩液体摘 要:2013年美国预计液体平均产量将达到1210万桶/天,比沙特高出30万桶,比俄罗斯高出160万桶/天。中国石化新闻网讯 据悉,PIRA能源集团表示,如果将天然气液体和生物燃料加入到石油中,那么今年美国有望取代沙特成为全球最大的石油供应国。据10月10日至11日在纽约召开的PIRA Retainer Client研讨会上提供的数据显示,2013年美国预计液体平均产量将达到1210万桶/天,比沙特高出30万桶,比俄罗斯高出160万桶/天。过去的四年中,美国页岩液体产量已经攀升了320万桶/天。庞晓华摘译自HP 20

9、13-10-16原文如下:US to overtake Saudi Arabia as top oil supplier By MARK SHENKThe US is expected to overtake Saudi Arabia as the world biggest total supplier of oil this year when natural gas liquids and biofuels are added to crude, PIRA Energy Group said.The US is projected to produce an average of 12.

10、1 million bpd of liquids in 2013, 300,000 bpd higher than Saudi Arabia and 1.6 million more than Russia, according to data presented at PIRAs Retainer Client Seminar Oct. 10 and Oct. 11 in New York.Shale liquids output has climbed 3.2 million bpd in the last four years.IEA:2014年将有更多炼厂面临关停关键词:欧洲炼厂摘 要

11、:欧洲炼厂在来自美国与亚洲炼厂的竞争冲击中受创尤为严重。中国石化新闻网讯 据石油天然气新闻在线网站12月15日消息,国际能源署(IEA)在其最近的月度报告中表示,炼油能力的提升与非炼厂加工燃料产量的增长,将导致更多炼厂在2014年关停。IEA在12月石油市场报告中预测,2013年原油蒸馏产能将净增长至110万桶/天,2014年还将继续增长到120万桶/天。欧洲炼厂在来自美国与亚洲炼厂的竞争冲击中受创尤为严重,尽管2013年的关停数较前年相对减少,2014年的形势却不容乐观。报告称:“表面上看,炼油能力的提升符合2013与2014年的预计需求增长,但实际上,需求中的增加部分已被炼油体系之外的供应

12、所满足。因此,2013年出现了利润率下滑,新一轮炼厂整合似乎正在酝酿。”IEA表示,需求增长中的大部分将由天然气与生物燃料所满足,其生产无需通过炼油体系。詹乐乾 摘译自Oil And Gas News Worldwide,2013-12-17原文如下:More refineries set to close in 2014: IEAAn increase in new oil refining capacity and a rise in production of fuel not processed at refineries will lead to more plant closure

13、s in 2014, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said in its latest monthly report.Crude distillation capacity will increase by a net 1.1 million barrels per day (bpd) in 2013 and a further 1.2 mbpd in 2014, IEA forecast in its December Oil Market Report. Refineries in Europe, in particular, have be

14、en hit hard by competition from plants in the United States and Asia, and although there were relatively few closures in 2013 compared with the previous year, 2014 looks to be challenging.“While on the face of it, refinery capacity additions look in line with projected demand growth over 2013 and 20

15、14, in practice an increasing share of demand is being met by supplies bypassing the refining system,” the report said.“As such, 2013 has seen simple margins plummet, and another round of refinery consolidation looks to be in the cards.”Much of the increased demand will be met by natural gas and bio

16、fuel, which typically does not go through the oil refining system, the IEA said.俄油完成收购TNK-BP成为世界最大石油公司关键词:世界最大的石油公司摘 要:新的俄罗斯石油公司将日产2亿桶原油,成为世界最大的石油公司,拥有280亿桶石油储量。中国石化新闻网讯 据海外媒体3月21日伦敦报道,俄罗斯石油巨头俄罗斯石油公司(俄油/Rosneft)周四完成了收购俄罗斯第3大石油公司TNK-BP公司,从而成为了世界最大的石油公司。这笔交易已经获得了俄罗斯监管机构和乌克兰监管机构以及欧洲委员会的批准。据俄新社报道说,这笔交易3

17、月21日在伦敦英国石油公司(BP)总部完成。俄罗斯代表团由俄油总裁伊戈尔谢钦率领。俄油获得了目前由英国石油公司和俄罗斯AAR财团共同拥有的TNK-BP公司的全部股份。英国石油公司获得了171亿美元和19.75%的股份,成为了俄油第2大股东,仅次于俄罗斯政府。俄罗斯AAR财团获得了280亿美元。新的俄罗斯石油公司将日产2亿桶原油,成为世界最大的石油公司,拥有280亿桶石油储量。新公司将由目前俄油副总裁埃杜阿尔德胡达伊纳托夫领导,而大部分TNK-BP公司高级管理人员将离开他们的岗位。英国石油公司首席执行官罗伯特达德利预计将进入俄油董事会。(李 峻 编译)原文如下:Rosneft finalizes

18、 TNK-BP deal, becomes worlds largest oil producerMarch 21, 2013/RTRussian oil giant Rosneft has finalized the purchase of TNK-BP Thursday becoming the biggest oil company in the world. The deal has already been approved by the Russian and Ukrainian antimonopoly watchdogs, and the European Commission

19、.The deal has been formalized in London at the BP headquarters, RIA Novosti news agency reports. The Russian delegation was headed by Rosneft President Igor Sechin.Rosneft has acquired 100% of the company currently joint-owned by BP and the AAR consortium (Alfa Group, Access Industries and Renova).B

20、P earns $17.1 billion and becomes the second biggest shareholder of Rosneft after the Russian state, with a 19.75% stake. AAR gets $28 billion.The new Rosneft will produce 200 million barrels of crude oil per day and become the largest producer in the world, with 28 billion barrels of oil reserves.T

21、he company will be headed by the current Rosneft vice-president, Eduard Khudainatov, while most of the TNK-BP senior managers will leave their posts. Group Chief Executive of BP Robert Dudley is expected to make it to the board of Rosneft.巴西将利布拉油田开采权授予多国财团关键词:利布拉油田摘 要:利布拉油田估计拥有80亿-120亿桶可采储量,巴西政府称该油田

22、将在未来30年带来1万亿美元的公共财政收入。中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯里约热内卢10月21日消息,周一巴西将大型油田利布拉的开发权出售给由五家公司组成的财团。此次拍卖唯一的竞标者为一个由多家油企组成的混合体,该财团包括两家私有企业,荷兰皇家壳牌有限公司和道达尔集团;两家亚洲国有企业,中国海洋石油有限公司和中国石油天然气集团公司;一家巴西国有企业,巴西国家石油公司Petrobras。据巴西一项新法案规定,Petrobras将牵头油田开发工作。中标财团将负责为利布拉油田开发提供资金。利布拉油田估计拥有80亿-120亿桶可采储量,巴西政府称该油田将在未来30年带来1万亿美元的公共财政收入。中标财团将

23、把Libra油田原油产量的41.95%上交巴西政府,这是政府在拍卖前设定的最小值。唐绍红摘译自道琼斯原文如下:Brazil Awards Libra Oil Field Rights to Consortium of Petrobras, Total, Shell, Cnooc, CNPCBy Jeff Fick, Paul Kiernan and Luciana Magalhaes RIO DE JANEIRO-Brazil sold the rights Monday to develop a huge oil field to a consortium of five companies

24、. The sole bidder at the auction was a consortium made up of many flavors. It included two private-sector firms, Royal Dutch Shell PLC and Total SA; two Asian state-owned companies, CNOOC Ltd. and China National Petroleum Corp.; and Brazils state-owned Petroleo Brasileiro SA, or Petrobras, which, as

25、 determined by new legislation, will lead the consortiums operations. The companies will be responsible for providing the financial muscle to develop Libra. The field is estimated to contain between eight billion and 12 billion barrels of oil, and the government has proclaimed it could generate $1 t

26、rillion in public revenue over 30 years. The consortiums bid was to give 41.95% of the oil production from Libra to the government, the minimum amount set by the state before the auction.南苏丹石油出口预计5月底前抵达国际市场关键词:南苏丹摘 要:在南苏丹和苏丹签署了一项旨在表明他们通过苏丹管道从南苏丹恢复石油出口承诺的协议以后,南苏丹的石油出口预计将在5月前抵达国际市场。中国石化新闻网讯 据希腊能源网3月13

27、日朱巴报道,南苏丹国家石油公司的一名高级官员周三在朱巴表示,在南苏丹和苏丹签署了一项旨在表明他们通过苏丹管道从南苏丹恢复石油出口承诺的协议以后,南苏丹的石油出口预计将在5月前抵达国际市场。这名要求不透露姓名的官员说,由于石油生产迄今还没有重新启动,因此,5月份恢复石油出口还是一个设想和预计。他说,由于南苏丹国家石油公司迄今还没有收到恢复石油生产的正式通知,因此,南苏丹国家石油公司在接到正式通知以后可能逐步重新启动石油生产,但仍存在一定的不确定性。在恢复石油生产前还有更多的技术问题需要讨论。然而,分析师和交易商对南苏丹可以通过被战争损坏的石油设施重新启动石油出口的速度表示怀疑。(李 峻 编译)原

28、文如下:South Sudan Official Expects Oil to Reach Global Market by MayEnergia.greeceWednesday, March 13, 2013A top official in South Sudan s national oil company said Wednesday that oil exports were expected to reach the international market by May after South Sudan and Sudan signed an agreement signali

29、ng their commitment to resuming crude-oil shipments from the South through Sudanese pipelines.A May resumption of exports is within the spectrum and that is expected, said the official, who asked not to be named, as oil production hadnt restarted yet. He said the national oil company, Nilepet, could

30、 gradually restart oil flows at short notice, but some uncertainties remain, since the company hasnt yet received an official order to resume production.More technical discussion has to take place prior to the startup, the official said.Analysts and traders have cast doubt over the speed at which So

31、uth Sudan could restart exports through war-damaged oil facilities.壳牌计划与Adnoc建合资企业开发阿布扎比气田关键词:壳牌公司摘 要:阿布扎比国家石油公司(Adnoc)已经选择壳牌公司运营具有战略重要性的Bab酸性天然气田。中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯迪拜4月30日消息,壳牌公司周二表示,阿布扎比国家石油公司(Adnoc)已经选择壳牌公司运营具有战略重要性的Bab酸性天然气田。壳牌公司在一份电子公告中称,公司将与Adnoc组建一家期限为30年的合资企业开发Bab酸性天然气储藏,该气田位于距阿布扎比西南150公里处。壳牌将持有合

32、资企业40%权益,并作为作业者,而Adnoc将持有剩余60%权益。该气田生产的天然气将供应阿联酋国内市场。Bab天然气田投产后将生产5亿立方英尺8亿立方英尺/天的天然气,但是需要专门的技术处理天然气中含有的硫,据估计该天然气田生产的天然气将含有15%的硫化氢。庞晓华摘译自道琼斯原文如下:DJ Shell To Participate in 30-year JV To Develop Abu Dhabis Bab FieldBy Summer SaidDUBAI-Royal Dutch Shell PLC (RDSA, RDSB) said Tuesday it was selected by state-run Abu Dhabi National Oil Co., or Adnoc, to operate the strategically important Bab sour-gas field.Shell will partic

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