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1、英语四六级考试译文笔记 第3篇英语作文写作及翻译老师笔记(四六级考试)1.人文教育可以丰富学生的生活,为他们提供看待社会运转方式的不同视角。Liberal arts education(1. 人文教育)canenrich students life(2.丰富学生的生活)and provide them withdifferent perspectives on(3.对不同的视角)the waysociety works(4.社会运转).1- liberal arts是指大学里的文科,包括历史、语言和文学等,与之相对应的是sciences(理科)。liberal artsmainly USplu

2、ral noun college or university subjects such as history, languages and literature(大学的)文科外刊例句:外刊例句:Thats an attitude that might seem at odds with the UKs increasingly exam-driven higher education. But as the sectors offerings become more diverse, it seems likely thataliberal arts educationwill become

3、 an option for students outside the US. (The Guardian)Historians try to correct this biasby telling us about the masses of ordinary Romans, but rarely do we have works written by or about these people. (The Guardian)注意:“人文教育”不能写成literature education或者cultural education,此外,liberal education是指“通识教育”,它

4、与“人文教育”有所区别。2-enrich somebodys life是一个常见搭配,含义是“丰富某人的生活”enrichnrtverb提高transitive to improve the quality of something by adding something else使丰富,使富含;充实Fertilizer helps toenrich the soil.化肥可以提高土壤肥沃度。My life was greatlyenriched by knowing her.认识了她,让我的生活变得非常充实。外刊例句:Then, in 1948, she encountered the fi

5、rst of three significant relationships with men that were toenrich her life, as well as give her emotional pain. (The Guardian)注意:“丰富学生的生活”不能写成rich students life或者fulfill students life,rich是形容词,不能当动词用,fulfill含义是“实现,履行(梦想、希望等)”,没有fulfill students life这样的说法。3-perspective含义是“(思考问题的)角度,观点,想法”,后面常跟介词onpe

6、rspectiveUKpspek.tvUSpspek-noun想法countable a particular way of considering something(思考问题的)角度,观点,想法He writesfroma Marxistperspective.他从一个马克思主义者的角度写作。Because of its geographical position, Germanysperspectiveonthe situation in Eastern Europe is rather different from Britains.由于地理位置不同,德国对东欧局势的看法与英国大相迳庭

7、。外刊例句:Two new books approach British history by offeringdifferent perspectives onthe question of belonging and continuity.(The Guardian)注意:不要将perspective与prospect(可能性,机会)相混淆。4-work在这里的含义是“运转,运行;操作”If a machine or device works, it operates, especially correctly and without failure, and if you work it

8、, you make it operate运转,运行;操作Our telephone isntworking.我们的电话坏了。You need a team of about twelve people towork a furnace this size.这样大小的熔炉需要大约12个人来维持其运行。外刊例句:Theyve talked about using AI to distinguish between constructive and unconstructive comments; one possibility is that by tweaking the code in th

9、ings, you can have a sea change inthe way society works. (The Guardian)可供替换的表达:the way society functions注意:“社会运转”不能写成society runs,因为当run取“运转”含义时是及物动词,我们可以说He runs a company. 但不能说 The company runs.Q:provide 后接双宾语是否要接with?A: provide后接双宾语需要接with,我们要说provide somebody with something,而不能说provide somebody

10、something,关于这一点可以查看朗文词典provide这一词条的说明。Q:enrich students life :我用的life的复数形式,这里不太清楚为什么使用单数形式。经查询,以下情况作可数名词:表示某种方式的生活、性命、一生、一辈子、生平、传记等。 以下情况作不可数名词:表示一般意义的生活”、泛指意义或抽象意义的生命、人生、生气、活动等。 这里为什么使用单数呢?A:enrich students life和enrich students lives所代表的含义不同,enrich students life是将这些学生的生活当成一个整体来看待,enrich students li

11、ves 则是指不同学生不同的生活。这里使用enrich students life会更加恰当。关于life与lives的区别可以参考这个帖子2.大学生以其忙碌的日常安排而出名。除了完成作业以及应对考试之外,他们还要兼顾课外活动以及兼职工作。University students havenotoriously(1.以而出名)busy schedules(2.忙碌的日常安排).In addition to(3.除了)working on assignments and preparing for exams, they also have tojuggle(4.兼顾)extracurricula

12、r activities and part-time jobs.1- notorious一般用于形容某事臭名昭著,它的副词形式notoriously可以用于指某事物因为规模、难度等巨大而出名,此时它是一个中性词。举个例子,新概念英语3里面就有一个句子:Predicting the future isnotoriously difficult.柯林斯词典上还有更多例句:The train company is overstaffed and notoriously inefficient.铁路公司冗员过多,工作效率出了名地低。He worked mainly in New York City w

13、here living space is notoriously at a premium.他主要在纽约市工作,那儿的住房出了名地昂贵。Doctors notoriously neglect their own health and fail to seek help when they should.众所周知,医生不注意自身的健康,而且在应该求助时也不这么做。外刊例句:New Years resolutions arenotoriously difficultto stick to, so why do we still take up new activities each year on

14、ly to drop them after only a few weeks? (The Guardian)可供替换的表达:be renowned for / be famous for2-a busy schedule是指“繁忙的日常安排”,也可以说a full schedule,如果要进一步强调繁忙的程度,可以说a hectic/tight schedulescheduleUKed.ju:lUSsked-nouncountable a list of planned activities or things to be done showing the times or dates whe

15、n they are intended to happen or be done计划表;日程表; 进度表 ; 时刻表a productionschedule生产进度表a hectic/tight (= very busy)schedule 忙乱的紧张忙碌的排程Everything wentaccording toschedule (= as planned).一切按照排程进行。外刊例句:Widely recognised as one of the most innovative musicians working today, Ms Alsop hasa busy schedule.可供替换

16、的表达:have a busy agenda3-in addition to的含义是“除了之外还有”in addition (to)* as well (as)Inadditionto his flat in London, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland.除了在伦敦拥有一层公寓外,他在义大利还有一座乡间别墅,在苏格兰有一座城堡。外刊例句:In addition toits polarised Congress, America has a polarised Supreme Court. (The Economist)可供替换

17、的表达还有:apart from / aside from注意:这里不能使用besidesbesides or also?Warning:choose the correct adverb!Usebesidesat the beginning of a clause to add a fact or reason that is stronger than what you have already said Im too tired to go to the supermarket. Besides, its closed on Sunday. To just add extra infor

18、mation, dont say besides sayin additionoralso:I speak French fluently. Besides, I speak some Italian.I speak French fluently. Also, I speak some Italian.4-juggle是一个很好用的词,它本义是指“玩杂耍(连续向空中抛接多个物体)”,引申义是“同时兼顾多种活动”。juggletransitiveinformal to succeed in arranging your life so that you have time to involve

19、 yourself in two or more different activities or groups of people尽力同时应付(两种或两种以上不同的活动或人)Many parents find it hard tojuggle children and a career.许多父母发现一边照顾孩子一边忙事业很难应付。外刊例句:The interviewers are trying tojuggletheir day jobswiththeir recruiting duties: they seldom spend more than a minute or so reviewi

20、ng each application form. (The Economist)注意:这里不可以使用balance,balance是指同等重视相对的两个事物或方面,比如:She tries to balance home life and career.她力图兼顾家庭生活和事业。而原句子提到的活动已经超过了两个,因此应该用juggle。3.教育的作用不只在于传授知识,更在于培养学生的批判性思维以及为他们未来的职业发展做准备。The function of education isnot just about(1.不仅仅在于)imparting knowledge(2.传授知识), but m

21、ore aboutdeveloping studentscritical thinking(3.批判性思维) andpreparing them for(4.帮助某人做好准备) theirfuture career development(5.未来职业发展).1- not just about but more about 是一个常用的句式,它的含义是“不仅仅在于还在于”外刊例句:Europeans worry a lot about wage competition. The researchers note that globalisation isnot just aboutwages,

22、but more broadly aboutfinding efficiencies anywhere along complex supply chains. (The Economist)2- impart knowledge是一个常见搭配,含义是“传授知识”。柯林斯词典例句:The ability toimpart knowledgeand command respect is the essential qualification for teachers.具备传授知识并赢得尊敬的能力是对教师的基本要求。I am about toimpart knowledgeto you that

23、you will never forget.我会向你传授让你终生牢记的知识。外刊例句:Ever heard of behaviour for learning? Most often, all that seems to mean is that students are being quiet and respectful so that the teacher is free toimpart knowledgeinstead of trying to make them shut up and listen. (The Guardian)注意:“传授知识”不能写成deliver know

24、ledge,deliver的意思是“运送,投递”,不能修饰knowledge。3-critical thinking(批判性思维)是一个专有名词,它是指为了得到肯定的判断所进行的清晰、理性的思考方式。关于批判性思维的更多介绍可以参考https:/外刊例句:A genuine sex education should take the bio-psychological, emotional and social aspects of sexuality into account, should allow child

25、ren to understand differences between the sexes, interpersonal relationships, the importance of developingcritical thinking, an open mind and respect for the other. (The Guardian)注意:critical thinking是一个专有名词,不能写成critic thinking4-prepare somebody for something含义是“使某人做好准备”intransitive/transitiveto make

26、 yourself or someone else ready and able to deal with a future eventprepare (yourself) for something:I think you should prepare yourself for a shock.prepare someone for something:This course prepares graduates for management careers in the tourist industry.prepare (yourself) to do something:She knoc

27、ked twice on the door and prepared herself to meet her new son-in-law.prepare someone to do something:We aim to cover your basic military training and prepare you to join the Navy team.外刊例句:In our survey, nearly 70% of employers blamed inadequate training for the shortfall in skilled workers, yet 70

28、% of education providers believe they suitablypreparegraduatesforthe jobs market. (The Economist)5- future career development,未来职业发展外刊例句:My third top suggestion for newly minted graduates is the following: where you go to work will be far more important to yourfuture career developmentthan the dolla

29、r amount you make during those first few years out of college. (Forbes)4.一般来说,大学生已经被社会视为成年人,那么在体育锻炼方面,他们应当享有相应的决策自主权。In general, university studentsare treated as(1.被视为)adults by society and should be given acorresponding(2.相应的)level ofdecision-making autonomy(3.决策自主权)with respect to(4.在方面)physical activity.1- treat somebody as something把某人当成来看待,也可以说 treat somebody like somethingtreat /trit/verbVN BEHAVE TOWARDS SB / STH对待 1. sb / sth (with / as / like sth)to behave in a particular way towards sb / sth以态度对待;以方式对待:totreat people with respect /

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