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1、六上册英语知识纲要六年级上册英语复习纲要Unit 1 What did you do during the holidays?1. during在期间 holiday假日;假期 learn学习practice练习 speak说2. learn words and sentences学习单词和句子play games做游戏 learn writing学习写作practice listening练习听力3. The new school year begins after the summer holidays. 新学年在暑假之后开始。4. The students are talking abo

2、ut their holidays.学生们正在讨论他们的假期。5. Glad to see you!见到你很高兴!Glad to see you, too!见到你我也很高兴!6. Read it to us. 把它读给我们听。7. What did you do during the holidays?在假期里你做了些什么?I read many books during the holidays.在假期里我读了很多书。I learnt writing.我学习写作了I wrote a little storybook.我写了一本小故事书。I visited my grandparents.我看

3、望我的祖父母了。I played games with my friends.我和朋友做游戏了。8. 动词原形及其过去式:read-read读learn-learnt学习write-wrote写play-played玩practise-practised练习talk-talked讲话visit-visited参观listen-listened听do-did做have-had有go-went去take-took拿走speak-spoke说teach-taught教say-said说stand-stood站ring-rang 按铃 sit-sat坐run-ran跑climb-climbed爬 as

4、k-asked问can-could能feel-felt觉得 become-became 变成enjoy-enjoyed享受9. 一般过去时态:表示过去某一时间所发生的动作或存在的状态。谓语动词要用一般过去式。口决:一般过去的时态并不难,过去动作,状态记心间,动词要用过去式,时间状语句未站.否定句很简单,didnt站在动原前,其它部分不要变.一般疑问句也好变,did放在句子前,主语、动原、其它部分依次站立。特殊疑问句很简单,疑问词加一般疑问句记心间。最后一条请注意,动词过去式要牢记!肯定句:主语+动词过去式 +宾语.否定句:主语+didnt+动词原形+宾语.疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形+宾语?

5、 Yes, 主语+did. / No,主语+didnt.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句+did+主语+动词原形+宾语?动词变化:情况方法示例一般情况+edwork- worked look-looked以不发音e结尾+dlive -lived hope-hoped以辅音字母+y结尾变y为i+edstudy- studied carry-carried以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母双写最后的辅音字母+edstop- stopped plan-planned以ic结尾的动词变ic为ick+edpicnic-picnicked traffic-trafficked特殊情况不规则have-hadare

6、-wereis/am-wasdo-did Unit 2 Katie always gets up early1. weekday平日after在之后wave挥手return返回 always总是 often常常;时常sometimes有时 never从不(频度副词放在实意动词前或be动词后)2. wave goodbye挥手再见 be late for school上学迟到do her homework做她的家庭作业 read a newspaper读报play chess下象棋 take a walk散步3. 表示经常和习惯性的动作,用一般现在时态。一般现在时态中,第三人称单数做主语时,如:

7、he/she/it/Lingling/Peter 动词应是第三人称单数形式,加s或es. 其他人称做主语时,如:I/we/you/they/Lily and Lucy动词不变,保持原形。动词第三人单数的变化规则:1、直接 s ; 如:workworks, livelives, playplays, singsings.2. 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,要先将y变为i,加es如:fly fliescarry carriesstudy studies 3、以sh, ch, s, x, o 结尾的动词,词尾加 -es,teachteaches, washwashes, dodoes, gogoesKa

8、tiealwaysgets up early.凯蒂总是起床很早。Her familyoftenhas breakfast at 6:45a.m.她的家人经常在上午6:45吃早餐Shewavesgoodbye to her mother and goes to school.她向妈妈挥手再见,去上学。Katiereturnshome at 5:00 p.m.她下午5:00回家。Sheoftendoesher homework before dinner.她经常在晚饭前做家庭作业。Sheplayschess with her father after dinner.晚饭后她和爸爸下棋。 Unit

9、3 I like my computer1. search查找;寻找 find out about发现;查清(信息等)world世界 email电子邮件;给发电子邮件send发送;寄 greeting问候2. 动词原形及其过去式buy-bought am/is-was can-could see-saw3. Peters father bought him a computer for his birthday.彼得的爸爸为他的生日给他买了一台电脑。buy sb(某人)sth(某物)=buy sth for sb给某人买某物4. He could do a lot of things with

10、 this computer.他能用这台电脑做许多的事。a lot of=lots of许多既可修饰可数名词,相当于many;也可以修饰不可数名词,相当于much。5. It will help you a lot.它将帮助你很多。will+动词原形将要做be going to+动词原形计划/打算/将要做6. Now I can search for a lot of things about it.现在我能查阅很多关于它的事。7. You can also find out about countries in the world.你也能查找关于世界上的国家的情况。8. Lets try i

11、t now. 现在咱们试试吧!Lets +动词原形。让我们。We can 我们可以/能email my friends给我的朋友发电子邮件send greetings发送问候情态动词can+动词原形search for a lot of things搜索各种信息find out about countries查找国家的资料Unit 4 The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming1the Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节 nearby附近的centre中心 mooncake月饼 type类型 lotus莲花 seed种子 taste尝2. nuts坚果 lot

12、us seed莲子 red bean红豆egg yolk蛋黄 have a look 看一看 a box of 一盒shopping centre购物中心at the nearby shopping centre在附近的购物中心。I enjoyeating mooncakes. 我喜欢吃月饼。enjoy+动词ing喜欢/享受lookingat the moon. 我喜欢赏月。drinking tea. 我喜欢喝茶。4. There are many mooncakes in the shopping centre.在购物中心有许多月饼。5. How much is a box of moonc

13、akes?一盒月饼多少钱?Its 50 yuan. 50元。6. Here you are. 给你。Thank you. 谢谢。7. Id like a box of lotus seed mooncakes and a box of red bean mooncakes, please.请给我来一盒莲蓉月饼,一盒红豆月饼。Id like=I would like 我想要8. This mooncake tastes good.这块月饼好吃。Which type do you like? 你喜欢哪一种?I like the ones withnuts. 我喜欢五仁的那些。lotus seeds

14、.我喜欢莲蓉的那些。red beans.我喜欢红豆的那些。egg yolks.我喜欢蛋黄的那些。I like thenutmooncake.lotus seedred beanegg yolk Unit 5 It will be suuny and cool tomorrow.1. Forecast预报 clear晴朗的 light轻柔的rain雨、下雨 heavy大量的;重的2. weather forecast天气预报 sunny and warm晴朗和温暖的sunny and cool晴朗和凉爽的strong wind强风、大风 light wind微风light rain小雨heavy

15、 rain大雨heavy snow大雪 light snow小雪3. Its time for the weather forecast.到天气预报的时间了。Its time for+名词到的时间了。4. Tomorrow will be clear in Beijing.明天北京天气晴朗。5. There will be a strong wind in Xian.西安将有大风。6. Itwill rain tomorrow in Changsha. Itwont be heavy.明天长沙将下雨,但是不会太大。wont = will not7. Whats the weather like

16、?=How is the weather?天气怎么样?It is sunny/rainy/windy/cloudy/snowy/warm/hot/cool/cold.今天天气是晴朗的/下雨的/刮风的/多云的/下雪的/温暖的/炎热的/凉爽的/寒冷的。Whats the weather like tomorrow?明天天气怎么样It will be+表示天气的形容词将要sunny晴朗的 clear晴朗的 rainy下雨的windy刮风的 cloudy多云的snowy下雪的warm温暖的 hot炎热的 cool凉爽的cold寒冷的It will +动词原形rain下雨 snow下雪There wil

17、l be+表示天气的名词将有a strong wind强风、大风 a light wind微风a heavy rain大雨 a light rain小雨a heavy snow大雪 a light snow小雪a big storm一场大的暴风雨Unit 6 I will bring a big bottle of orange juice.1. bring带来 bottle瓶子 picnic野餐 fruit 水果bar 条;棒 peanut花生candy糖果wait等;等待 can罐;听2. a bottle of orange juice一瓶橘子汁a box of cakes一盒蛋糕a f

18、ew cans of Coke 几罐可乐a few bars of chocolate几条巧克力meet 遇见 peanut 花生 fruit水果cool and nice凉爽清新的 have a picnic 进行野餐3. The weather is getting cool and nice.天气变得凉爽、清新。get:译为:变得, 后接形容词。4. Today/Tomorrow is Saturday.今天/明天是星期六。在星期几前介词用on如:on Monday/Tuesday5. I will bring some fruit. 我将带一些水果。some和any的区别:some意为

19、“一些”,常修饰可数名词复数,也可修饰不可数名词,且常用在肯定句中;any意为“任何一个,一些”,可修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,常用于疑问句和否定句中。6. I will bring a few bars of chocolate.我将带几条巧克力。a few意为“一些;几个”+可数名词复数7. Lets meet at the park at 9:00 a. m.咱们早上9:00在公园见吧。Lets+动词原形让我们。8. I cant wait for tomorrow to come. 我都等不及明天的到来了。wait forsb(某人)/sth(某物)等待某人或某物What are w

20、e going to bring for the picnic? 去野餐我们将带些什么? be going to+动词原形将要/计划/打算做I will bringwill+动词原形将要做a bottle of orange juice.一瓶橘子汁a few cans of Coke. 几罐可乐a box of cakes.一盒蛋糕afew bars of chocolate. 几条巧克力some peanuts and candies.一些花生和糖果some fruit.一些水果I am going to bringbe going to+动词原形将要/计划/打算做一般将来时一.一般将来时的

21、定义:表:将来某一个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常或重复发生的动作.二.一般将来时的标志:tomorrow(明天), the day after tomorrow(后天) next year(明年)next month(下一个月) next week(下一个星期)三.一般将来时的构成:1.肯定句:主语+be(am,is,are) going to+动词原形+.例如:I am going to play football tomorrow.明天我将要踢足球.否定句 :主语+be(am,is,are) not going to+动词原形+.例如:I amnot going to p

22、lay basketball tomorrow. 明天我不将踢足球.一般疑问句:Am/Is,Are+主语+going to+动词原形+.例如:Are you going to play basketball tomorrow?明天你将会踢足球吗? Yes,I am./No, Im not.特殊疑问句:What(Where,How.)+be(am,is,are)+主语+going to+动词原形+.?例如:(A).-What are you going to do tomorrow? 明天你将要做什么?-Im going to the park? 我将要去动物园.(B).-Where are y

23、ou going to swim? 你将要去哪儿游泳?-Im going to swim in the river. 2.肯定句:主语+will+动词原形+. 例如:Ill make a beautiful card.我将会做一张漂亮的卡片。否定句:主语+will not+动词原形+. (will not=wont)例如:Ill not make a beautiful card.我将会做一张漂亮的卡片。一般疑问句:Will+主语+动词原形+.例如:-Will you make a beautiful card? 你将要做漂亮的卡片吗?-Yes,I will./No, I wont. 是的,我

24、将./不,我将不会。特殊疑问句:What(When,Where,How.)+will+主语+动词原形+.?例如:(A).-What will you do next week? 下个星期你将要做什么?-I will do my homework。 我将要做作业. (B).-How will she come here tomorrow? 明天她将要怎么来这儿?-She will come here by bus。 她将要乘公共汽车来这儿. Unit 7 What can I do?1. weak弱的 slow慢的2. an old woman一位老妇人help old people on th

25、e road在马路上老人make tea沏茶 make cakes 做蛋糕clean their houses 打扫他们的房子make them happy使他们开心3. The children want to help old people.孩子们想要帮助老人。want+名词 want+ to do4. Janesays, “I can make tea or coffee for them.”珍妮说:“我能为他们沏茶或煮咖啡。”5. Lingling says, “I can ask Mum to make cakes for them.”玲玲说:“我能请妈妈给他们做蛋糕。”ask sb

26、 to do sth请求某人做某事6. Peter asks himself, “What can I do?”彼得问自己: “我能做什么?”7. I can help them to get on or off the bus.我能帮助他们上公交车或下公交车。help sb帮助某人help sb (to) do sth帮助某人做某事。8. 反身代词:表示“我自己”、“你自己”、“他自己”、“我们自己”、“你们自己”、“他们自己”的代词。enjoy oneself 过得快乐myselfyourselfhimselfherselfitself我自己你自己他自己她自己它自己ourselvesyou

27、rselvesthemselves我们自己你们自己他/她/它们自己What can I do?我能做什么?I can我能/可以情态动词:can+动词原形makethem happy.使他们开心。help them on the road.在马路上帮助他们。make tea/coffee/cakes for them.为他们沏茶/煮咖啡/做蛋糕。clean their houses/homes.打扫他们的房间/家。sing to them.给他们唱歌。helpthem to carry thing.帮助他们拿东西。Unit 8 We shouldnt waste water.1. should应

28、该shouldnt=should not waste浪费blouse女式短上衣enough足够的save节约drop(一)滴 fresh新鲜的2. keep the rivers clean保持河流干净keep the air clean and fresh保持空气干净又清新keep+名词+形容词保持某物/某人状态plant more tree种更多的树use bikes instead of cars使用自行车代替小汽车shouldnt kill wild animals不应该捕杀野生动物shouldnt waste water不应该浪费水shouldnt litter不应该乱扔垃圾What

29、 should we do?我们应该做什么?We should我们应该情态动词:should+动原keep the rivers clean.保持河流干净keep the air clean and fresh.保持空气干净又清新plant more tree.种更多的树use bikes instead of cars使用自行车代替小汽车What shouldnt we do?我们不应该做什么?We shouldnt我们不应该kill wild animals.不应该捕杀野生动物waste water.不应该浪费水litter.不应该乱扔垃圾3. What are you doing?你在做

30、什么?Im washing my blouse.我正在洗衬衫。4. You need water. 你需要水。Everyone needs water.每个人都要水。everyone/everybody每个人;人人;所有的人;大家做主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数。5. There isnt enough water on the earth.地球上没有足够的水。enough足够的修饰名词时,放在名词前;修饰形容词时,放在形容词后。6. We mustsave every drop of water.我们必须节约每一滴水。情态动词:must+动词原形7. I see.我知道了;我明白了。 Unit 9 This bird is bigger than the first one.1. than

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