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1、外贸英文函电100句1外贸英文函电100句(1)Format and Basic principles of Business Writing Letters商务信函的格式及写作基本原则1. A good business letter can play an important role in trade, increase friendship and obtain complete understanding between the parties involved. Business letter writing is one of the necessary business act

2、ivities.一封好的商业信函可以在贸易中扮演很重要的角色,它增进友谊并且使贸易双方获得互信。商业信函写作是商业活动中必不可少环节。2. Only when the letter conveys the intended message faultlessly can it be regarded as an effective business letter. 只有当信函完整地表达预期的信息才会被看作是一封有效的商务信函。3. Effective business letters should be easy to read and easy to understand. They mus

3、t be friendly and courteous.有效的商务信函应该易读和易懂,也一定是友好和礼貌的。4. Generally speaking, we need to apply some specific writing principle while writing a business letter. They are: consideration, completeness, correctness, concreteness, conciseness, clarity and courtesy.一般而言,书写商务信函时,应该遵守其特有的写作规则,即体贴、完整、准确、具体、简洁

4、、清楚、礼貌。5. Consideration is an important rule of good business writing .The letter you send out must create a good impression。Try to put yourself in his or her place to give consideration to his or her varied wishes, demand, interest and difficulties.体贴是商务写作应遵守的重要原则。你寄出的信件一定要给对方留下良好的印象。尝试站在对方的立场考虑其不同

5、的愿望、需求、利益和困难。6. Correctness means not only proper expression with correct grammar, punctuation and spelling, but also appropriate tone which helps to achieve the purpose.准确表达不仅是指语法、标点符号和拼写使用的正确,而且要使用恰当的语调来帮助达到目的。7. A business letter is successful and functions well only it contains all the necessary

6、 information. An outline helps to make the letter full and complete. See to it that all the matters are discussed, and all questions are answered. Incompleteness is not only impolite but also leads to the recipients unfavorable impression towards your firm.商务信函只有包含所有必要的信息时才能达到理想效果,而列出提纲则有助于信函全面而完整。注

7、意讨论所有的事情回答所有的问题。不完整不仅仅意味着不礼貌,同样会导致收件人对你公司不佳的印象。8. The following guidelines can help us write concretely: use specific facts and figures; put action in your verbs, prefer active verbs to passive verbs or words in which action in hidden; choose vivid, image-building words; pay attention to word orders

8、, put modifiers in the right place.以下方法可以帮助我们把书信写得更具体:使用具体的事实与数据;用恰当的动词表达你要采取的行动;多使用主动语态,少用被动语态或隐含动作的词语;选择生动、形象的词语;注意语序,妥善放置修饰语。9. Conciseness is often considered to be the most important writing principle. It can save both the writers and recipients time. Conciseness means the message expresses wit

9、h brevity without sacrificing clarity or courtesy.简洁常常被视作写作的第一要义,因为这样可以同时节约写信人和收信人的时间。简洁意味着信息简短且又不失清晰和礼貌。10. When you are certain about what you want to say, express it in plain and simple words, present it in well-constructed sentences and paragraphs, and include necessary transitional words or exp

10、ressions to link them up.当你明了想要表达的想法,请用清晰、简单的词语,用准确无误语句、段落表达出来,其中包括必要的过渡词语。11. Courtesy plays a considerable role in business letter writing as in all business activities. It is a favorable introduction card, helping to strengthen your business relations and establish new ones.在商务函电写作中乃至所有的商务活动中,礼貌都

11、起着至关重要的作用。它是有效的自我推荐名片,它有助于加强并建设新的贸易关系。Establishing Business Relations建立商务关系12. In order to open up a market to sell or buy something from the other firms or maintain or expand business activities, establishing business relations is the first step in a transaction in foreign trade. 为了打开与其它公司的买卖市场商业活动

12、,建立商务关系是国际贸易的第一步。13. Writing letters to new customers for the establishment of relations is a common practice in business communications. First you must find out whom you are going to deal with. 写信函给新的顾客以建立商务关系在商业中是一种惯用惯例。首先你一定要找到你想要合作的对象。14. Generally speaking, this kind of letter begins by telling

13、 the addressee how you have obtained his name and address. Then express your desire to establish business relations with him and give information about your intention, the business scope of your firm and your firms financial position and integrity. 一般而言,这类信函开头要告诉收件人你是如何获得贵公司的名字和地址。然后说明你希望与之建立商务联系的愿望

14、,并给予对方你公司的信息,公司经营范围、财务状况和诚信。15. At the end of the letter you should express your expectation of cooperation and an early reply.在信的结尾,你应表达合作的期望并盼早日答复。16. The first impression matters very much. Be sure to follow the standard format and try your best to avoid making mistakes. Be sure to answer in full

15、 without the least delay after you receive any letter of this nature. Only in this way can you create goodwill and leave a good impression on the reader.第一印象非常重要,要确定信函是按标准格式书写的,并尽力避免出错。要确认你收到此类信函后能尽快做出详细的答复,只有这样你才能给对方创立良好的关系并留下一个深刻的印象。Enquiries and Replies询盘及回复17. The enquiry letter is the most impo

16、rtant form in business letters. If a buyer intends to make a purchase of some goods , he must often write letters to get information about the price , samples ,catalogues , discount , delivery date , terms of payment ,insurance ,claim and other terms .询价信函在商务信函中最、很重要的形式。如果买家想购买商品。他必须经常写信了解价格、样品、目录、折

17、扣、交货期、付款方式、保险、索赔和其它的条款信息。18. If you want to receive the information you want as quickly as possible, youd better send the letter to the company rather than to a certain person. 如果你想尽快收到你所需的信息,你最好寄信给公司而不是特定的个人。19. If you address the enquiry to an individual the letter may be delayed because of his or

18、 her absence. Or you may make a mistake and send it to the wrong person who is not in charge of the matter. 如果你把询盘发给个人,那么信函有可能会因为他的疏忽而被延误。或者你可能会错把信函寄送给了一个非相关人员。 20. Enquiries mean potential business so any business should be happy to respond to a direct enquiry promptly and politely. If the goods en

19、quired are out of stock, the seller should inform the buyer of the reason and when the goods will be available. 询盘意味着潜在的业务,所以任何的商家都应乐意直接迅速且有礼貌地回复询盘。如果询盘的货物短缺,卖方须告知买方原因和何时有货。21. The moment you get the necessary information from the suppliers reply you must first find out whether the quality of the go

20、ods is high and satisfactory and also the price is reasonable.当你从供应方的回信中获得你所需的信息,你一定要看看商品的质量是否上乘,是否令人满意,另外价格是否合理。22. If you have the intention of buying the goods you can send a specific enquiry including the name of article and quantity and other particulars as well. Actually you are now asking for

21、 a quotation or an offer. 如果你打算购买此商品,你可以寄送一份详细的询盘,包括商品名称、数量和其它特殊的条款。实际上,你是在询问报价或报盘。23. For your information, in our trade with customers, we always adhere to the principle of enquiry and mutual benefit. 兹奉告,我们与客户进行贸易时,需一贯坚持平等互利的原则。24. Our purpose is to explore the possibilities of developing trade w

22、ith you. Of course to respect the local custom of buying country is one important aspect of Chinas foreign policy. 我们打算和你们发展贸易关系。当然,尊重买方国家的风俗习惯是我们中国贸易政策的一个重要方面。25. In order to acquaint you with the textiles we handle, we take pleasure sending you by air our latest catalogue for your perusal. 为了使贵方了解

23、我方经营的纺织品,特航寄我方最新目录,供细读。26. We thank you very much for your letter of 24th August and happy to learn that you are interested in our carpets. I am sure that you will receive a copy of our illustrated catalogue with samples of carpets in only a few days.欣悉贵公司8月24日的来函。高兴地获知贵公司对我们的毛毯感兴趣。我确保贵公司会在不日之内收到我方寄

24、送的毛毯样品和图表目录副本。27. We have seen your advertisement in the New Asia Journal and are particularly interested in your handmade artificial leather bags. Please send me your current illustrated catalogue and a price list. 我方在新亚洲杂志看到贵公司的广告,并对贵公司的手工制作的皮革包特别感兴趣。请给我方寄送贵公司最新的图表目录和价目表。28. We regret to inform yo

25、u that the goods you enquired about are out of stock. We shall, however, file your inquiry and E-mail you our offer as soon as we have got supplies.我方十分遗憾地告知贵公司,您所询价的商品已脱销,不管怎样,我们会保存贵公司的询盘,当有供货时我方会立即通过电子邮件告知贵公司。29. Seeing your ad in Family Life, we become interested in your silver wares of court sty

26、les. Please give your prices, delivery date, terms of payment, and discounts for regular purchases.我们看到贵公司刊登在家庭生活杂志上的广告,对你们的宫廷银器感兴趣。请贵方提供价格、交货日期、付款方式及所能提供的定期购货折价。30. If your quotations are suitable and the quality proves good, well be pleased to invite your representative over for detailed discussio

27、n.如果贵方的报价合理并能证明质量上乘,我方将邀请贵方的代表来详谈。31. Would you please send us a copy of your computer catalogue with details of your price and payment terms? We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples.恳请惠寄计算机目录、价格表和付款方式细则。如能提供样本,不胜感激。32. We would like you to send us details of your various rang

28、es, including sizes, colors and prices, and also samples of the different qualities of material used. 我方希望贵公司能够寄送各种系列的产品详情,包括尺寸、颜色和价格,同时还包括不同材料制造的产品样品。33. We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to you as large dealers in textiles and believe there is a promising market in our area for moder

29、ately priced goods of the kind mentioned. 我方借次机会向贵公司介绍我方是纺织品行业中最大的销售商,相信贵公司提及的产品以合适的价格销售将会在本地区有广阔的前景。34. We feel confident that you will be satisfied with the goods both excellent in quality and reasonable in price. 我方十分有信心,贵公司会对产品的优良品质和合理价格感到满意的。35. On regular purchases in quantities of not less th

30、an 100 dozen of individual items, we would allow you a discount of 2%. Payment is to be made by irrevocable L/C at sight. 按照常规,个别产品在购买数量上不少于100打,我方将会给予2%的折扣。付款方式是即期不可撤销信用证。36. Our all cotton textiles are becoming popular because of their softness and durability. After studying the samples and their

31、price you will not be surprised to learn that we are finding it difficult to meet the demand.由于此类我们的棉制品的舒适度和耐用度,所以在市场上越来越畅销,如果贵方参考此类样品和价格,将不难发现,我方产品已供不应求。37. Mr. Zhang, our sales representative, will be in Milan early next month and will be pleased to call on you. He has with him a wide range of our

32、 manufactures and when you see them we think you will agree that the quality of the materials used and high standard of craftsmanship will appeal to the most selective buyers.张先生是我们的销售代表,他在下个月初会去米兰,并联系您。当见到您时他带着我们生产的一系列产品。我相信您会同意产品的质量和高规格的手工制造会吸引最具挑选眼光的买家。38. The various kinds of tea with different brands that we handle are all famous Chinese tea, superior in quality, and have been sold to many countries and regions in Europe, America, Asia, Africa.我方生产的各种各样不同品牌的茶全部都是中国名茶,质量上乘,已经销售到欧洲、亚洲和非洲系许多的国家和地区。39. Should you

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