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1、学习情境十二签订进口合同和国内销售合同,项目基本情况,签订进口合同,签订国内销售合同,1,2,3,王鹏与两家韩国企业反复磋商,对方报价如下:Socan Industries Inc.:USD2.70/kg Hut Industries Inc.:USD2.80/kg王鹏对两家韩国企业进行资信调查,结论如下:Socan公司略好于Hut公司王鹏决定:与Socan公司签订进口合同,如何调查?,客户资信调查,调查渠道调查内容,签订进口合同,第一步 签订进口合同,合同文本形式,约首,本文,约尾,品质;2.数量;3.价格;4.包装;5.装运;6.保险;7.支付;8.检验;9.索赔;10.仲裁;11.不可抗

2、力;12.单据等,合同份数合同使用文字及效力;合同生效时间当事人签字,合同名称合同编号订约日期、地点订约双方当事人名称、地址双方订立合同的意愿表示,约首,约尾,交易条件,品质条款数量条款包装条款价格条款运输条款支付条款保险条款,不可抗力仲裁争议解决索赔,品质条款,要点:构成:品名+品质描述品名:专业术语准确(中文/英文)品质描述:根据商品特性确定品质指标凭样品或技术合同成交(如纺织品、机械设备)As per the confirmed sample No.As per the attachment No.,品质条款的拟定1.商品品质描述方法-实物样品表示法:看货买卖、样品买卖-文字说明表示法:


4、度。b.在信用证未以包装单位件数或货物自身件数的方式规定货物数量时,货物数量允许有5%的增减幅度,只要总支取金额不超过信用证金额。,要不要加?加,有什么好处?不加,有什么问题?这些好处或问题是对买方还是卖方?,包装条款的拟定商品包装方式:包装材料+包装件数商品包装标志,尤其是运输标志-正唛:收货人名称缩写、参考号、目的港、件数;-侧唛:包装尺寸,件数,毛重,净重等,价格条款,要点构成:货币符号+单位价格+计量单位+贸易术语注意:合同文本中贸易术语填写位置;,USD 75.00 PER PIECE FOB OSAKA,计价货币,计价货币,计价数量单位,价格术语,SAY U.S.DOLLARS T

5、WO THOUSAND ONLY,“大写”,金额,商品总价,“整”,(1)单价,(2)总价,要点:构成:装运时间+装运港+目的港+分批转运规定重点:装运时间的规定方法(必须结合支付方式确定)确定具体的装运时间;前T/T:收到预付款后XXX天;within days after receipt of%of the proceeds by T/T in advance.信用证:收到信用证后XXX天;within days after receipt of the relevant L/C.,Time of shipment,Shipment in March 2008Shipment during

6、 Feb./Mar.2008Shipment at or before the end of May 2008Shipment not later than July 31st 2008 Shipment on or before July 15th 2008 Shipment on or about July 15th 2008Shipment within 45 days after receipt of L/C,Partial shipment and transshipment,Terms in S/C Allowed/not allowed&Yes/Noeg“Partial ship

7、ment and transshipment are not allowed”“Partial shipment is allowed,transshipment is not allowed”“Partial shipment is allowed,transshipment at the port of Shanghai is allowed.”,支付条款*,T/T典型示例:付款方式30%前T/T+70%凭提单传真件T/T 支付条款付款方式+付款比例+付款时间托收典型示例:付款方式30%前T/T+70%即期付款交单 支付条款付款方式+付款比例+付款时间信用证典型示例:付款方式信用证 支付条


9、归属;保险金额;投保险别;保险条款;eg,Insurance is to be covered by.for%of invoice value against.withat the rate of,as per Ocean Cargo Clauses of The Peoples Insurance Company of China dated 1981.1.1,请拟订下列合同条款品质条款气相色谱仪苹果皮包服装面料针对上述商品拟定数量条款和包装条款,运输条款装运时间-请采用五种不同的装运时间规定方法拟定装运时间装运地与目的地分批与转运装运通知或装船指示 The seller shall,wit

10、hin 48 hours after shipment,advise by fax the buyer of the contract number,commodity,quantity,invoiced value,gross weight,name of vessel and the date of sailing etc.,支付条款装运前T/T装运后见提单传真件T/T后T/T即期D/P远期D/PD/A即期L/C远期L/C履约保函预付款保函混合支付方式,每种付款方式怎么操作?对进出口哪一方更有利?英语如何表达?,检验条款检验权归属检验时间、地点检验机构(检验标准)检验内容检验凭证(如果需要

11、)索赔条款索赔依据索赔期限索赔方法(索赔权利范围)罚金与违约金,a.The manufacturers shall before making delivery,make a precise and comprehensive inspection of the goods as regards their quality,specifications,performance and quantity/weight,and issue certificate certifying that the goods are in conformity with the stipulation of

12、this contract.The certificates shall form an integral part of the documents to be presented to the paying bank for collection of payment but shall not be considered as final in respect of quality,specifications,performance and quantity/weight.b.After arrival of the goods at the port of destination,i

13、f any discrepancies are found regarding the specifications or the quantity/weight or both,except those for which either the insurance company or the shipping company is responsible,the Buyer shall,within 120 days after discharge of the goods at the port of destination,have the right either to reject

14、 the goods or to claim against the Seller on the strength of the relevant certificate issued.c.Any and all claims shall be regarded as accepted if the Seller fails to reply within 30 days after receipt of the Buyers claim.,Sample of inspection and claim clause,Settlement of Claims:In case the Seller

15、s are liable for the discrepancies and a claim is made by the Buyers within the period of claim or quality guarantee period as stipulated in Clause 12 and 13 of this contract,the sellers shall settle theclaim upon the agreement of the Buyers in the following ways:Agree to rejection of the goods and

16、refund to the Buyer the value of the goods so rejected in the same currency as contracted herein,and to bear alldirect losses and expenses in connection therewith including interest accrued,banking charges,freight,insurance premium,inspection charges,storage,stevedore charges and all other necessary

17、 expenses required for the custody and protection of the rejected goods.b.Devaluate the goods according to the degree of inferiority,extent of damage and amount of losses suffered by the Buyers.c.Replace the defective goods with new ones,which conform to the specifications,quality and performance as

18、 stipulated in this contract,and bear all expenses incurred to and direct losses sustained by the Buyers.The Sellers shall,at the same time,guarantee the quality of the replacementgoods for a further period of 12 month as specified in Clause 12 of this contract.,Sample of inspection and claim clause

19、,Force Majeure/不可抗力:The Sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in delivery or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure.However the Sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence and within fourteen days thereafter,the Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for

20、their acceptance a certificate of the accident issued by the Competent Government Authorities of the place where the accident occurs as evidence thereof.Under such circumstances the Sellers,however,are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods.In c

21、ase the accident lasts for more than ten weeks,the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the contract.由于人力不可抗拒原因而导致不能交货或装船延迟,卖方不负责任。但卖方必须立即将事故电告买方并在事故发生后14日内将灾害发生地点之有关政府机关所发的事故存在证明书航空邮寄给买方,并取得买方的认可。在上述情况下,卖方仍负有采取一切必要措施从速交货的责任。如果事故持续超过10个星期,买方有权取消合同。,Sample of inspection and claim clause,Arbitration/仲

22、裁:All dispute in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled friendly through negotiations.In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation,the case should then be submitted for arbitration to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the P

23、romotion of International Trade,Beijing,in accordance with the“Provisional Rules of Procedures of the Foreign Trade Arbitration commission of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade”.The arbitration shall take place in Beijing and the decision rendered by the said Commission shall be

24、final and binding upon both parties;neither party shall seek recourse to a law court or other authorities for revising the decision.The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing part.Or the arbitration may be settledin the third country mutually agreed on by both parties.,Sample of inspection and

25、 claim clause,签订国内销售合同,第二步:签订国内销售合同国内销售合同哪些条款与进口合同一致?国内销售合同哪些条款与进口合同不一致?,Think about,国内销售合同条款,主要依据:进口合同及操作实践品质条款:同进口合同数量条款:同进口合同包装条款:同进口合同价格条款:根据进口价格核算双方权责:交货:交货时间、交货地点货款结算:结算方式、结算时间、结算单据,支付、交付条款与进口合同不同;支付依据:凭增值税发票、包装完毕且验收合格;支付时间:交货前、交货后立即、交货后一段时间;交付地点:工厂仓库、码头;交付条件:货款付清、部分货款付清、指定时间;国内购销合同没有贸易术语,所以需书面约定买卖双方责任义务,南京丽霞进出口有限公司与Mayama Corporation签订进口合同;浙江金苑进出口有限公司与南京历玛机械股份有限公司签订国内销售合同;,谢谢观赏!,Thanks!,

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