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1、小学5年级英语教案课例简介 学 科 小学英语 课例名称 Book 6 Unit 6 Lesson 1 At Market 执教教师 课 型 新授课 年 级 五年级 教材版本 安徽省外研版小学英语 课时安排本课例为一课时(40分钟)的教学课例, 是本单元的第一课时 教 学 目 标认知 目标1. Recall previously taught words, phrases and sentences such as: tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, grapes, fish, an orange, a peach. 2. Learn new words

2、 and phrases such as: flour, meat, salt, sugar, corn, lettuce, beans, cucumbers 能力 目标1. 在创设的真实情景中,让学生体验语言、习得语言,培养他们口头表达和灵活运用How much句型的能力 2. 对所学会句型能灵活运用,能主动联系实践,掌握语言知识基本技能,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 策略 目标a.学生能积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。 b.对所学内容能主动练习和实践。 c.积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 情感 目标使学生有兴趣说英语,敢于开口,积极参与,具有团结协作、共同进步的精神。 教 材 分 析教

3、学 方法从激发学生的兴趣入手,引导学生由词到句,层层递进,整个以活动主题为主线,使学生在活动中学习,在生活中交际,在情景中操练,在运用中创新,充分发挥学生的自主性和创造性。本节课使用直观呈现法、情景交际法和任务型教学法,使学生能熟练地掌握本节课的重点句型,并且能较好的理解对话内容。并通过教师设计的模拟演示教学活动情景,引导学生积极主动地参与、体验、实践和感知,整节课使学生都能沉浸再英语学习的思维中去,使其形成综合运用语言的能力。 重点 拼写、理解运用flour, meat, salt, sugar, corn, lettuce, beans, cucumbers 难点yuan a kilo.

4、How much are ? Its 用How much is the 询问和回答关于不同食品的价 yuan a kilo. ? Theyre the 格。并区分单复数的用法。 学生和内容 分析 本单元的教学内容贴近于学生的生活,因此我把句型和日常生活中的综合运用作为重点来进行教学。我认为五年级的学生正处于由感性认识向理性认识发展的阶段,把握好他们的学习情感与认知趋势,相信对他们学习英语的“情感、态度、价值观”的培养能起到事半功倍的作用。 前课 备准 flowers Flashcards 、CAI课件、 教学手段 传统教学与多媒体辅助教学相结合 板书设计Unit 6 At the Market

5、 Lesson1 Warm-Up and Dialogs/ Vocabulary Countable Uncountable How much is the flour ? How much are the beans ? cucumbers ? meat carrots ? salt tomatoes ? sugar potatoes ? corn Its/ Theyre yuan a kilo. Teaching Procedure Teachers Activities Students ActivitiesDesign Suppose Step1 Warm-up/ Review 1 G

6、reetings T: Im fine. Its( Monday). Its (sunny). Ss: How are you? it? day is What Hows the weather today? 通过师生相互问候营造学习英语的氛围。 2 导入 新课favorite s your WhatReview food? fruit/ fruit. and some food tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, grapes Spell and number. 利用旧知形象呈现新知,使学生饶有兴趣地进入一个有形的环境,更好地把原有知识转化到语言中来。

7、 3 Where are Tina and Jia Ming? re at the market. They to Does Q1: Tina want buy some peaches? orange is Q2: Whose it? the Where Q3: are cabbages? t. doesn1. No, she buy She wants to some grapes. s I2. ts Jia Mingorange. re in front of 3. Theythe carrots. Step2 Vocabulary 呈现A新知 for Mei Ling and have

8、 dumplings her mother dinner. What do we need? 1 Learn to say: What do you need? Salt. We need salt. 介绍出两位朋友,设置悬念,引出对话中难句的学习。 Candy-sugar Sugar is sweet. Salt is salty. s this? Whats that? Whats a flower. Its flour. ItWe need flour./ meat 启发学生利用同音词来学习和积累有联系知识点。 2 :Riddle Im tall and thin. I have a l

9、ong body. Im green.What am I ? say: Learn to cucumber 巧妙地由猜谜引出颖有本课新知,新注意中学生趣,集 力。 Show some vegetables. Learn to say: corn/ lettuce/ beans that Ss tell the Language note: Make sure to some of the words are countable and some are uncountable. Make sure it is clear to them that flour uncountable nouns

10、, such as meat, corn, etc. should be treated like singular nouns. 帮助学生整理单复数的形式,并让其体验理解他们的用法。 3 Play the tape. Listen and say. B . 1 How many cucumbers are there? much How are the cucumbers? There are two cucumbers. Theyre three yuan a kilo. 1kg = one kilo = a kilo Learn to say: a kilo 让形象生动的多媒体更加清晰准

11、确地帮助学生理解难点词汇。 2 Practice to say. 1/kg = ¥ one yuan a kilo ¥2/kg 6/kg ¥10/kg ¥20/kg ¥ 3 the How much are cucumbers? How much is the corn? Learn to say: C. 巩固 检查Show a picture. Practice in pairs. the How much is lettuce? s four yuan a kilo. Itthe much How are beans? a Theyyuan three re kilo. 幸运问答环节快速并

12、具有挑战性地对本课难点句型进行 了突破。Step 3 Dialogs 听说相济 回归教材 1 Describe Scene 1 to 5 pointing to the people. 情景 融入Where are they? Who can we see? We can Mei Ling and her Mom in the living room. 与学生谈论图片,能训练学生的听说能力。事先就图谈话,为理解对话扫清障碍。学生根据有关信息,理解大意。并设计相关的问答,使学生情景融入,有效参与。 Scene1 Mei Ling and her Mom are at home and that

13、Mei Ling is hungry. Does Mei Ling look happy? Look at her hands. How do you think she feels? She looks hungry. Dialog1 Mom, Im hungry. Can for we have dumplings I can help. dinner? Good idea. I can make them. Scene2 re in the kitchen now. They are looking to Theysee if they have all the ingredients

14、they need to make the dumplings. are What they doing now? Where are they? the in Theyre chicken. Dialog2 What do we need? need Let me see. We some meat. Scene3 s mom is asking Mei Ling to go to the Mei Lingmarket. s Mei What is LingMom giving to her? Her mom is giving her five yuan. Dialog3 you Can

15、go to the market? s five yuan. Hereof need two kilos We meat. Scene4 Where is Mei Ling now? What is she doing? Dialog4 How much is the meat? have Umm. Can I two kilos, please. s three yuan a kilo. Itare. you Sure. Here Six yuan. Dialog5 Does she look happy at the end? Why not? No, she looks sad. She

16、 has only five yuan. Uh oh! 2 Play the tape. Listen and say 听录音跟读,模仿正确的语音语调,培养学生良好的听 录音的习惯。 Ask some questions about the dialogs. Answer the questions. 回答问题既是对对话理解的检验又锻炼了学生的表达能力。 Fast Reading. Read the short the passage about the answers from dialogs. 巧妙地把对话的理解整理成有理有序的小短文,给学生渗透语篇意识。 Read the dialogs

17、. 再次用角色朗读感知新对话,为学生理解掌握新知助了一臂之力。 Step4 Wrap-up 1 理解 参与 This is something about students to math. Have blanks and the fill in following complete the sentences. the Ss complete dialog. A: How much ? the yuan a kilo. B: , A: Can I have please? B: Sure. Six yuan,A: Thank you. 数学与英语学科整合,把具有挑战性的数学题运用到英语价格表

18、上,是学生学好语言交际的基础。 2. 迁移 运用 Role-play. A: Can I help you? ? B: How much is/ are theyuan a kilo. A: kilos, please? B: Can I have yuan, please. A:Sure. B: Thanks. A: Goodbye. B: Bye! 通过创编表演,启发学生,鼓励学生创造性地使用语言,并且通过小组活动培养学生合作精神及创新能力,使学生在情境中学,在情境中用,折射出的思维的火花。 3 How to make dumplings? Step5 Homework 延伸 拓展List

19、en to the tape and read it. 1.Have students to go to the market to ask the 2. price of some food and write them down. on mother your for Make 3.dumplings Mothers Day.采访型作业让学生在实践中用所学知识,巩固提高运用英语的能力。在即将到来的母亲节为母亲亲手做水饺,学生感 恩情结得到释怀。Book6 Unit6 Lesson1 At the Market 小学英语新课程教学理念下的课堂教学设计表 一、教学流程图 Presentation Greetings/Sing Review some words Warm-up/Revision Vocabulary ( A ) Practice Application Consolidation Practice Consolidation Relax Dialogs ( B ) Wrap-up Role-play Homework

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