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1、在职攻读硕士学位全国联考教育硕士英语考题下2001在职攻读硕士学位全国联考教育硕士英语考题下 (供报考学科教学(英语)专业考生使用)考生须知1、选择题(第01-40题)的答案必须用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡上。用其他笔填涂的答案或填涂在试题册上的答案无效。2、选择题答案选出后,必须用2B铅笔在答题卡上相应的选中项上划一横线,如:ABCD.划线要粗,要有一定浓度。修改时,必须用橡皮擦净后,再填涂其他选项。3、其他题(翻译和写作)一律用蓝色或黑色钢笔或圆珠笔在答题纸上按规定的要求作答。凡做在试题册上或未做在指定位置的答案无效。4、本考试时间为3小时。Section I Use of English (1

2、0%)Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and ma,A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1 (客观答题卡).We suffer from a conspicuous lack of role models and shared causes. This is 1 ofreason, I think, that many young Asian-Americans continue to assimilate quietly into Americ

3、a 2 as doctors, scientists and engineers. Our struggles are individual and familial but 3 communal or political. Ours is a frustratingly limited version of the AMERICAN DrearrWhile I can strive for 4 into Harvard and become the talk of the Korean mothers in mlhometown, God forbid that I aim much fur

4、ther and higher than that 5 fame antinfluence as a writer, an intellectual or perhaps president of the United States. I wish more than anything else to feel like part of something 6 than myself and mpersonal ambitions, part of a larger culture. Unfortunately, by coming to America my parent, 7 the cu

5、ltural legacy they would have passed on to me. When I visited 8 last summer, found that I was 9 and chastised by many people for never learning how to speak Koreanand for turning my 10 on their culture. Taxi drivers would 11 to stop for me and my Korean-American friends because they knew from our 12

6、 where we had come from.And 13 , in spite of the 17 years I have spent in this country, I feel more acutely consciousthan ever of the fact that I am not completely 14. Recently, a black man called me a “littleChinese faggot” in a mens room, and a 15 woman on the street told me to “go back toJapan.”

7、Americans, I think, feel a(n) 16 to keep both Asians and Asian-Americans at asociological, philosophical and geographical distance. With 17 numbers of Asian-American18 applying to top colleges, many white students have begun to complain about Asian-American 19 and competitiveness, calling us “Asian

8、nerds.” Many Americans consider thisas part of a larger “Asian invasionf associated 20 Japans export success in America.01. A one B part C much D some02. A country B city C land D society03. A hardly B frequently C approximately D always04. A scholarship B citizenship C admittance D integration05. A

9、 toward B nearC between D among06. A more B better C larger D longer07. A sold B maintained C memorized D sacrificed08. A Japan B China C Korea D Thailand09. A scorned B respected Csurprised D ignored10. A side B head C eyes D back11. A like B refuse C straggle D want12. A skin B clothes C faces D p

10、oliteness13. A also B so C yet D then14. A hated B ignored C treated D welcome15. IAI homeless B careless C selfless D shameless16. A fear B need C interest D hate17. A growing B expanding C developing D enlarging18. A people B residents C students D foreigners19. ,Al diligence B laziness C hardship

11、 D stubbornness20. A for B to C with D atgection II Reading Comprehension (60%)Part A (40 %)Read the following texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1 (客观答题卡).Text 1InfraGard is a grass-roots effort to respond to the need for cooperat

12、ion and collaboration n countering the threat of cybercrime and terrorism to private businesses and the government. By the end of September, there will be InfraGard chapters in all 50 states, Calloway said.With advice from the FBI, each local chapter will be run by a board of directors that includes

13、 members of private industry, the academic community and public agencies. Banks,utilities, and other businesses and government agencies will use a secure Web site to share nformation about attempts to hack into their computer networks. Members can join the system!t no charge.A key feature of the sys

14、tem is a two-pronged method of reporting attacks. A “sanitized”description of a hacking attempt or other incident - one that doesnt reveal the name or ensitive information about the victim- can be shared with the other members to spot trends?hen a more detailed description also can be sent to the FB

15、Is computer crimes unit to ietermine if there are grounds for an investigation.Cybercrime has jumped in recent years across the nation, particularly in hotbeds of financial cormmerce and technology like Charlotte. “Ten years ago, all you needed to protect yourself was a safe, a fence and security of

16、ficers,” said Chris Swecker, who is in charge of the FBIs Charlotte office. “Now any business with a modem is subject to attack.”FBE agents investigating computer hacking that disrupted popular Web sites including A, CNN and Yahoo! this year identified several North Carolina victims. The investigati

17、on has also identified computer systems in North Carolina used by hackers to commit such attacks.Prosecutions of hackers have been hampered by the reluctance of businesses to report security intrusions for fear of bad publicity and lost business. Meanwhile, too many corporations have made it too eas

18、y for criminals by sacrificing security for speed and accessibility. Jack Wiles, who will lead the local InfraGard chapters board, said a recent report estimated 97 percent of all cybercrime goes undetected. Wiles, a computer security expert, has a firewall on his personal computer to prevent hacker

19、s from getting into his files.”I get at least one report a day that somebody was trying to get into my computer,” he said. “The Net is a wonderful place, but its also a dangerous one.”21. From the first paragraph, we knowA InfraGard is a protective measure aga/nst cybercrime.BI InfraGard is a measur

20、e of cooperation and collaboration.C there will be 50 InfraGard chapters in all states.DJ private business and the government are now committing cybererime.22. Each local chapter of InfraGard will be run by the following EXCEPTAl academic communities.B public agencies.C FBI.D private industry.23. By

21、 saying “too many corporations have made it too easy for criminals by sacrificing security for speed and accessibility” the author meansA too many corporations take no notice of the security problem of computers.B criminals are sacrificing security for speed and accessibility.C its very easy to sacr

22、ifice security for speed and accessibility.D many companies suffer from computer hacking because they value speed and accessibility more than security.24. All the following are reasons for the rise in cybercrime EXCEPTA victims wont report intrusions by hackers.B vi victims have no fkewalls.C the us

23、e of modem is increasing.D companies dont pay enough attention to Security.25. It can be concluded from the passage thatA not all hacking attempts are worthy of investigation.B information of the victims is inaccessible.C InfraGard chapters will be in effect by the end of September.D A was once disr

24、upted by hacking.Text 2The annual Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup poll of attitudes towards public education releasedthis week found that a majorty of Americans feel t is important to put “a qualified,competent teacher in every classroom”. Bob Chase, president of the National EducationAssociation (NEA), the

25、main teachers union, wasted no time in pointing out that this willrequire raising teachers salaries so that more qualified candidates will enter the profession andstay there.A study by two economists suggests that the quality of Americas teachers has more to dowith how they are paid rather than how

26、much. The pay of American public-school teachers isnot based on any measure of performance; instead, it is determined by a rigid formula based onexperience and years of schooling, factors massively unimportant in deciding how wellstudents do.The uniform pay scale invites what economists call adverse

27、 selection. Since the mosttalented teachers are also likely to be good at other professions, they have a strong incentive toleave education for jobs in which pay is more closely linked to productivity. For dullards, theincentives are just the opposite.The data are striking: when test scores are used

28、 as a proxy for ability, the brightestindividuals shun the teaching profession at every juncture. Clever students are the least likelyto choose education as a major at university. Among students who do major in education, those with higher test scores are less likely to become teachers. And among in

29、dividuals who enterteaching, those with the highest test scores are the most likely to leave the profession early.The study takes into consideration the effects of a nationwide 20% real increase in teachersalaries during the 1980s. It concludes that it had no appreciable effect on overall teacherqua

30、lity, in large part because schools do a poor job of. recruiting and-selecting the best teachers.Also, even if higher salaries lure more qualified candidates into the profession, the overall effect on quality may be offset by mediocre teachers who choose to postpone retirement.The study also takes a

31、im at teacher training. Every state requires that teachers be licensed,a process that can involve up to two years of education classes, even for those who have auniversity degree or a graduate degree in the field they would like to teach. Inevitably, thissystem does little to lure in graduates of top universities or professionals who would like toenter teaching at mid-career.26. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A NEA is the largest society for teachers.B Education-majored students are not as wise as people have assum

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