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1、中英双语婚礼主持词中英双语婚礼主持词篇一:中英双语主持词神木二小中英双语升旗仪式主持词尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好!Good morning everyone!今天的升旗仪式由我们主持,我是主持人 ,我是主持人 。 Its our turn to host todaysFlag-Raising Ceremony. Im 现在,我宣布担任本周升旗仪式的是( )年级( )班的四位同学,全体起立!,will protect and raise the flag,All attention,plese!第一项:升国旗, 奏国歌, 少先队员行队礼, 其他人行注目礼. The fist part:

2、 Fly the flag. Play the National Song. All salute. 礼毕!Hands down plese! 第二项:唱国歌,指挥The second part:Sing the National Song. Our conductor is 第三项:有请 为大家做国旗下演讲,大家欢迎! The third part:Plese welcome 第四项:教师寄语,有请 老师为我们寄语。第五项:值周汇报,由老师做值周汇报,并宣布文明班级。 The fifth part:Lets invite last week,And declare the well-beha

3、ved class.本周升旗仪式到此结束,祝老师们工作顺利,同学们学习进步!各班依次退场。The flag ceremong is over,I wish the teachers work smoothly, the students learning progress!Plese go back by order.篇二:西式婚礼牧师主持词(中英)Judge法官,牧师或者神父等主持婚庆典礼者。Judge: I think its time for the wedding to begin. 好,时间差不多了。 Judge: All right, ladies and gentleman. P

4、lease take your place. The wedding ceremony is about to begin.好,女士们,先生们。请各就各位,婚礼马上就要开始了。Judge: OK, (Sb.) start the music.好,(某某)请放乐曲。 the music and ceremony begin. 婚礼进行曲响起,圣洁的婚礼正式开始Judge: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here todayto join this man and this woman in holy matriomony.Do either of you hav

5、e any reason why you should notlegally be joined in marriage大家好,我们今天在这里出席这位男士和这位女士的神圣的婚礼。 请问你们俩彼此当中,位有谁有什么理由认为你们的婚盟不合法吗? Is there anyone present who can show any just causewhy these two people should not be legally joined inmarriage在场的各位当中,有谁能提供正当的理由,指出这两位的婚姻不合法吗? (如果任何人知道有什么理由使得这次婚姻不能成立,就请说出来) Then

6、, (full name of the bridegroom here), do you take (full name of the bride here) to be your lawful, wedded wife好,(新郎正式姓名),你愿意接受(新娘正式姓名),作为你的合法妻子吗?bridegroom: I do.新郎: 我愿意。 Judge: And you,(full name of the bride here),do you take (full name of the bridegroom here) to be your lawful, wedded husband好,(新

7、娘正式姓名),你愿意接受(新郎正式姓名),作为你的合法丈夫吗?Bride: I do.新娘: 我愿意。 Judge: The rings, please. 请交换结婚戒指。 The two rings should be put on the Bible held by the Judge. Then the bridegroom take one up and puts it on the brides finger. The bride take the other one up and puts int on the bridegrooms finger. 两枚婚戒被放到圣经上。新郎把其

8、中一枚为新娘戴到她的手指上。 然后新娘把另一枚为新郎戴到他的手指上。Judge: By the power vested in me by the laws of (the country name), I now pronounce you husband and wife. you may kiss the bride now, (the full name of bridegroom here).以(国家名)法律所赋予的合法权利,我现在宣布,你们正式结为合法夫妻。 你现在可以亲吻你的妻子了,(新郎正式姓名)。 the bridegroom lifts the veil and kisse

9、s the bride. The guests laugh,applaud,and throw confetti. 新郎此刻揭起新娘的面纱,亲吻新娘。亲朋好友欢笑鼓掌,抛撒彩纸,庆贺美满婚姻。 参考文献:FAMILY ALBUM (走遍美国) 2 篇三:婚庆主持词英文版Ladies and gentlemen,We are about to witness and s romantic wedding. Im the new couples friend, the host of the wedding,Longfei. At this moment, In the marriage hall

10、, everything seems so amazing for your presence.Today,a father is going to open the gate of love ,which will bring his daughter to the road lead to happpiness.The bridegroom, , is going to welcome his beautiful bride with his true heart and excitment, Now, welcome Mr. David!One of the man is her fat

11、her, the other is her lover, they are two of the most important man in her life. It not only the deliver of love, but also the relay of love.Now, lets keep quiet, with our blessing, the new couple will walk towards to the most holic marriage hall hand in hand.篇四:主持词Final(中英文双语版)爱普塔(青岛)商业设施有限公司新工厂启 用

12、 仪 式 主 持 词(XX年7月6日) 尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾,女士们、先生们: Respected leaders, Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentleman,上午好!今天我们在这里隆重举行爱普塔(青岛)商业设施有限公司新工厂启用仪式。新工厂的启用,得到了各级领导的关心和厚爱。首先,请允许我介绍出席今天项目开工典礼的主要领导和嘉宾,他们是: Good morning!Today, we are gathering here to witness the grand opening ceremony for the new factory of E

13、PTA (Qingdao).With the great supports from the government and all the friends here, we are here to have todays grand opening ceremony. First of all, please allow me to introduce respected leaders and distinguished guests present at the ceremony. They are: 青岛高新区管委会工委委员、副主任赵士玉先生Mr. Zhao Shiyu, member

14、of the Work Committee and deputy-director of the Administrative Commission in Qingdao Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone;意大利驻中国大使馆经济贸易参赞 Michele Sabatino 米凯利。塞巴蒂诺Michele Sabatino, Economic and trade counselor of Italian embassy in China;市北区人民政府副区长马继世先生Ma Jishi, Deputy-director of Peoples Government

15、 in Shibei district新产业团地 管理办主任尹义林先生Yin Yilin, Director of the Management Office in New Industry 以及市高新区有关部门的负责同志,区直有关部门负责人、爱普Park Management Committee; 市商检局处长 聂华民Nie Huamin, Director of Qingdao Municipal Commodity Inspection Bureau;意大利爱普塔集团副董事长,及爱普塔(青岛)商业设施有限公司董事长Eico Nocivelli 恩里科。诺奇维里Eico Nocivelli

16、, The vice president of Epta , and the President of EPTA (Qingdao).爱普塔(青岛)商业设施有限公司总经理 Alain Rokacz 阿兰。洛卡兹Alain Rokacz, General Manager of EPTA (Qingdao).爱普塔(青岛)商业设施有限公司常务副总经理 张林强 Charles Zhang, Executive Deputy General Manager of EPTA (Qingdao).塔(青岛)商业设施有限公司员工、新闻单位的朋友们。让我们用热烈的掌声对各位领导和嘉宾的到来表示诚挚的欢迎和衷心

17、的感谢!Today, we also sincerely give our welcome and thanks to all the leaders from related departments of Qingdao Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, department directors from Peoples Government in Shibei District, good friends from the media, and all the employees from EPTA (Qingdao). and dear frien

18、ds from the media. Thanks for their coming to todays grand opening ceremony!下面,我宣布“爱普塔(青岛)商业设施有限公司新工厂启用仪式”现在开始!Now, Its my pleasure to announce the opening ceremony forthe new factory of EPTA (Qingdao) start!仪式进行第一项:请意大利驻中国大使馆经济贸易参赞米凯利塞巴蒂诺(Michele Sabatino)致欢迎辞;First, I would like to invite Michele

19、Sabatino, Economic and trade counselor of the Italian embassy in China, to deliver a welcome speech.仪式进行第二项:请爱普塔(青岛)商业设施有限公司董事长恩里科诺奇维里(Eico Nocivelli)讲话;Now, the floor is given to Mr. Eico Nocivelli, President of EPTA (Qingdao).Please welcome!仪式进行第三项:请青岛高新区新产业团地管理办尹义林主任致辞Now, I would like to invite

20、Mr. Yin Yilin, Director of the Management Office in New Industry Park Management Committee, to address the ceremony.仪式进行第四项:请各位领导、嘉宾为新工厂启用剪彩。Now, all respected leaders and distinguished guests please come for the ribbon-cutting ceremony to open our new factory.让我们共同鼓掌,祝愿项目建设顺利、早日竣工!并祝各位领导、嘉宾身体健康、工作顺

21、利!爱普塔(青岛)商业设施有限公司新工厂启用仪式到此结束,谢谢大家!Enclosing, wish the project smooth and completed on time. Wish all leaders and guests good health and splendid career. The grand opening ceremony for the new factory of EPTA (Qingdao). is done! Thank you all!篇五:婚礼主持语 英文版王淳立 王艺瑾婚礼主持词Wang Chunli Wang Yijin Wedding开场前新

22、人电子相册循环播放Before the wedding, repeatedly play the newlyweds E-albums1、 开场前主持人温馨提示:1. Before the wedding, the host gives the warm tips:尊敬的各位来宾,亲爱的各位朋友,大家中午好,再次感谢您的光临,有请所有来宾抓紧时间入席就坐,请摄影师摄像师就位,请音响师就位,请督导师就位,公元XX年7月10日,王淳立 王艺瑾 神圣浪漫婚礼 现在开始ladies and gentlman, dear friends! Thanks for your attending. It is

23、 July 10, XX, the date for the sacred and romantic wedding of Wang Chunli and Wang Yijin. Now, the wedding begins.2、 主持人开场白:2. Opening Remark:千百年来,斗转星移,人世间总有一份恒久不变的情怀 那就是爱,只要心中有爱,不管是远隔千山万水,还是远在异国他乡,总会换来相守今生的姻缘,在今天,这份爱的真谛即将呈现,所以下面就请所有来宾把目光聚焦幸福舞台,首先让我们响起热烈的掌声,有请今天婚礼的男主人公,新郎王淳立 幸福登场Over thousands of ye

24、ars, time goes by, but onething be there is never changed. You know thats not diamond. That is love. The true he was a punk,she did ballet. She have a pretty face and he hve lovely Asian they falling love so , lets give bridegroom the warmest welcome,he is a hero whos the princess waiting for a long

25、 wangchunli to the stage.(新郎舞台一侧出场,站在舞台中央)(The bridegroom comes to the stage from one side and stand in the center of the stage)(一) 新郎接新娘:(1) The bridegroom comes to pick up the bride.幽幽的情怀,久久的期待,今天终于梦想成真,所以来吧新郎,请你在所有来宾的见证和祝福中,走向你最深爱的她,去给她幸福,给她快乐(新郎接新娘)Our bridegroom ,please walk to your beloved gir

26、l,give her your heart,let her hold your hand.(二) 新郎跪地献花带新娘回主舞台: (2) The bridegroom knees down to give the flowers to the bride.新郎的手中早已准备好了一束美丽的手捧花,新郎的这束鲜花是他在花园当中采摘的,当玫瑰花的花刺刺破了他的指尖,他知道,爱情除了甜蜜,还需要勇敢和付出,他会用尽一生告诉她,我可以为你流血流汗,但从此不会让你为我流一滴眼泪there is a beautiful bunch of roses in bridegrooms hand. The flowe

27、rs was picked by him in the garden .when the thorn punctured his fingertips, he realizes that except sweetness, love also needs courage and dedication .he will tell her onething in his whole life “I can shed blood and sweat for you , but I will not let you shed a drop fo tear”(三) 西式证婚(3) Western Wit

28、ness执子之手,与子偕老,这幅画面真的好美,所以在这幸福美好的时刻,来吧新郎新娘,请你们面对面,拉住彼此的手,让你们的双眸,在此刻告诉对方,这就是爱婚姻,是一种承诺,婚姻,就是要求延续一生的相互陪伴,这其中包括相互的支持,帮助和爱,生活会给你们带来想到和想不到的困难、挫折和压力,但是爱会让你们每天都充满希望,将幸福 带入彼此的心田,此刻的你们虽然想对无言,默默无语,那是因为你们懂的,任何华丽的辞藻都无法表达你们对于爱的承诺,也唯有两枚爱的戒指,可以诠释永恒。Marriage is a commitment; its a accompaniment in the whole life. It

29、includes mutual support, help and love. There will always be unexpected difficulties, setbacks and pressure in life, but love fills everyday with hope and brings happiness to your heart. At this moment, any gorgeous word cannot describe your commitment to love. Only the two rings of love can interpr

30、et eternity.来吧新郎新娘,请你们用右手取戒,放在自己的胸口,左手与对方合二为一,轻轻凝视对方的双眸,在所有见证者面前,郑重回答,以下的问题:please use your right hand to take out the ring and hold it before your chest. Cover each others hand with your left hand, look into the others eyes and answer the following questions seriously in front of all witnesses:尊敬的新

31、郎,在你生命的记忆中,你面前这位美丽的姑娘,有一天,他可能真的 不再青春靓丽,你是否愿意陪伴他 走过漫漫人生长路,一起牵着彼此温暖的手,去迎接你们人生中的每一次挑战,无论遇到任何困难,你都会用你的生命呵护她,陪伴他,永远不离不弃,甘苦与共,如果你愿意,请用你男人的胸襟和气魄,让您的声音,响彻全场。Wang chun li , are you willing to accompany her to go through the long life. Hold her hands to face every challenge in your life. No matter what difficulties you face, you will take care of her and accompany her with your life. Never leave her alone and share sorrows and happiness with her forever.

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