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1、万载届高三英语周考试题江西省万载县2018届高三英语9月周考试题(无答案)第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话, 选出最佳选项。1.What does the woman want to do? A. Make chairs. B. Play a video. C. Find some old wood.2. Where will the woman go next? A. To her house. B. To class C. To a bookstore.3. How did the woman get her dress?

2、 A. By buying it on sale. B. By copying it C By designing it in a sewing class.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Other stores. B. Some reports. C. A sales promotion.5. Why does the woman need money?A. To pay for an autograph. B. To buy a basketball. C. To buy a book.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分

3、,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或对白,选出最佳选项。请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. How does the man feel about reality TV shows? A. Theyre not as interesting as they used to be. B. Theyre getting better every season. C. Theyre a waste of time.7. What will the speakers probably watch together next week? A. A reality show. B. A new movi

4、e. C. A TV series.请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题.8. Where was the recipe from? A. From the house of the womans grandmother. B. From the mans family member. C. From the woman herself.9. What does the woman say about the vegetables? A. She had a lot of difficulties growing them. B. Only the tomatoes came from the s

5、tore. C. She grew them all.10. Why did the woman put strawberries in her salad? A. She didnt know what to put in the salad. B. She wanted to make something unusual. C. She had a lot of extras.请听第8段材料,回答第11、12题。11. Why is the man apologizing? A. He arrived late. B. He missed a full day of work. C. He

6、 didnt tell the woman about his back.12. Why did the man stop taking his medicine? A. His back is getting better. B. He couldnt bear the taste. C. He couldnt afford it.请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Who is the man? A. A house agent. B. The womans husband. C. The owner of the house.14. What part of the house

7、is the least modern? A. The laundry room. B. The bedrooms. C. The kitchen.15. Where is the bathroom on the main floor? A. Down the hall by the two bedrooms. B. In the master bedroom. C. By the laundry.16. How many people are in the womans family? A. Just two. B. Three. C. Four.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.

8、Where did Michelle Obama graduate in 1985? A. Harvard University. B. Princeton University. C. The University of Chicago.18. When did Michelle Obama meet her husband? A. In 1985. B. In 1989. C. In 1991.19. What did Michelle Obama do for youths education? A. She directed public programs. B. She taught

9、 in high schools. C. She built public schools.20. What was one of Michelle Obamas accomplishments? A. She was the only First Lady to have a postgraduate degree. B. She became a role model and fashion symbol.C. She introduced healthier lunches at elementary schools.第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分60分)(共15小题;每小题2分,满

10、分30分)AEditors note: Recently, the opinion of Xiong Xuanang, one of Chinas top scorers on the gaokao, led to heated discussions. He believes that its hard for students from rural areas to be enrolled in (入学) good schools, yet people from middle class families with educated parents living in big citie

11、s enjoy academic advantages. Do you agree with his opinion?Yes Wang Yixian, 17: The main difficulty for poor students trying to achieve success is material poverty, which stops them easily finishing their studies, while also widening the wealth gap. Although they can get assistance from the governme

12、nt, the burdens (负担) of supporting their family in the future is heavy. Finally, many of them may choose to start making money at a young age instead of pursuing (追求) a higher education. Yu Tianchen, 17: Compared to previous generations, having good teachers and resources (资源) appears to be more imp

13、ortant for students nowadays. In this case, rich students have more advantages. Owing to the urgent (迫切的) need for all-around talents, the ones with greater backgrounds are more likely to get more opportunities. We cant deny that a hard life makes us stronger, but we should all be given the same cha

14、nce in life. NO Huang Zijin, 17: Students born into poor families may cherish (珍惜) the opportunity to get an education more than others, and consequently work harder than those better-off students who think that the chance to study should be taken for granted (想当然). As the saying goes, the good seam

15、an is known in bad weather. People developed in hard environments will win better results on gaokao. Yang Jiying, 17: These days, one cant only learn a wide range of subjects, but also dig deeper than before thanks to the guidance of specialists. However, those brought up in rural areas are more lik

16、ely to have two important characteristics: perseverance (毅力) and self-discipline (自律). Forming these precious habits would ensure the ability to get through any obstacle.21. Who object to the opinion that its hard for students from rural areas to be enrolled in good schools? A. Wang Yixian and Huang

17、 Zijin . B. Yu Tianchen and Yang Jiying .C. Wang Yixian and Yu Tianchen. D. Huang Zijin and Yang Jiying.22. According to the discussions in the passage, which of the following is NOT the disadvantage for poor students? A. Material poverty. B. Assistance from the government.C. Worse educational resou

18、rces. D. the urgent need for all-around talents23. All of the following factors contribute to the success of poor students EXCEPT _.A. hard environments B. cherishing opportunity better C. perseverance D. self-disciplineB The Ninth BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Summit was hel

19、d in southeast Chinas coastal city Xiamen from September 3 to 5, laying a foundation for furthering partnership among member countries and working together to usher in the second golden decade of BRICS cooperation. Over the past 10 years, which began with the breakout of the global financial crisis

20、in 2008, BRICS countries have surmounted various difficulties to develop their economies and improve their peoples livelihoods. The combined GDP of the five major emerging countries has grown from 12 percent of the world total 10 years ago to the current 23 percent, and they contribute more than 50

21、percent of global economic growth. BRICS countries have become an important force to promote world economic growth, pushing forward changes in the global order and safeguarding international peace and stability.As BRICS cooperation enters its second decade, Chinese President Xi Jinping has put forwa

22、rd proposals on jointly ushering in the second golden decade of BRICS cooperation. As Xi said in his address at the opening ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum, all members should boost BRICS cooperation to create new impetus for the economic growth of the five countries. BRICS countries should sho

23、ulder their responsibilities to uphold world peace and stability and contribute to enhancing global economic governance. BRICS should increase its influence and build extensive partnerships.Xi also proposed the BRICS Plus cooperation model based on the previous years experience. The approach of invi

24、ting countries outside of BRICS is called “BRICS Plus”. The model has been widely welcomed by emerging economies and developing countries.The coming decade will present BRICS nations with both opportunities and challenges.BRICS countries must try to seize opportunities, face up to challenges and ram

25、p up cooperation. Only in this way can they jointly create another golden decade.24. What have BRICS countries achieved over the past 10 years?A. They have managed to improve their peoples livelihoods. B. They have raised the world GDP by 23 percent.C. They have organized an armed force to promote w

26、orld economic growth. D. They have created a peaceful and stable world.25. One of the Chinese President Xi Jinpings suggestions for the second decade of BRICS cooperation is _.A. to grow the economy separately B. to take the responsibilities of governing the worldC. to strengthen BRICS cooperation.

27、D. to help China develop its economy.26. The BRICS Plus cooperation proposed by President Xi refers to _.A. increasing the influence of BRICS B. building extensive partnerships C. inviting more countries to attend the Summit D. emerging economies and developing countries.27. What does this passage b

28、elong to? A. A meeting introduction. B. A book review. C. A news report. D. A product advertisement.CSince I was a little girl, my parents have encouraged me to watch and read news every day to learn about major events in the world. And at school, my teacher urges my peers and I to study English so

29、we can one day become “global citizens”. However, does simply having the skill of commenting on world affairs in fluent English make one a citizen of the world? If youd asked me this question just a few months ago, I would probably have answered “yes”, but my view completely changed during summer sc

30、hool this year. In July, I attended the PLE political science, law and economics session at the Yale Young Global Scholar program in the United States. We had about 230 students in total and about 45 percent of us were international students. We enjoyed lectures led by Yale professors and students,

31、covering race, religion, terrorism, cyberspace (网络), and philosophy (哲学). I was impressed with how the speakers stood on the stage, as I imagined I were one of them. But more importantly, it was their views that impressed me the most and made my experience in Yale especially meaningful. I talked to

32、students from all over the world: a Palestinian girl told me the real living conditions of refugees (难民) in her country; a Greek guy introduced to me his countrys government and peoples attitude toward the debt crisis (危机); a Mexican boy told me the story behind his national flag, how the nation originated (起源于) and how it gained independence. By talking to them, I found myself opening a gate to a whole new world. I suddenly rea

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