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1、Unit 13,综合英语(2),Functions/Themes(功能与主题)Identify something辨认某物Ask about material询问制作材料Ask for advice寻求建议Express a concern/a regret表示担心或后悔Make a judgment做出判断Forms(语法形式)一般疑问句和特殊疑问句做宾语从句should+have done 的用法,Learning Objectives,Preview Gifts for Fathers Day,Fathers Day is a celebration honoring fathers a

2、nd celebrating fatherhood,paternal(父亲的)bonds(情感纽带,关系),and the influence of fathers in society.Many countries celebrate it on the third Sunday of June,but it is also celebrated widely on other days.Fathers Day was created to complement(补充)Mothers Day,a celebration that honors mothers and motherhood.,

3、Preview Gifts for Fathers Day,elegant adj.优雅的intellectual adj.智慧的DIY 自己动手的selection n.选择whatever adj.无论什么样的Handy Cam 手持式摄像机,Preview Gifts for Fathers Day,occasion n.场合wrap vt.包裹,包装herbal adj.草药的(herb)peppermint n.薄荷chamomile n.甘菊tastefully adj.高雅地,Will you do anything special on Fathers Day?Will you

4、 send a gift to your father?If yes,what will it be?If no,why?,Preview Gifts for Fathers Day,I really appreciate your coming with me,Larry.I have so much trouble picking out gifts.have trouble/difficulty/a hard time doing sth:在.有困难 pick out sth=choose:挑选;pick up sth.:捡起,获得Well,take your time.Look aro

5、und,and maybe youll get inspired.take ones time=go slowly,dont hurry.从容不迫.get inspired=come to some right idea about:得到灵感 inspire vt.启发,给以灵感,激励,A,Theyre a real value(价值)for the money.=These sweaters are worth the price.这些毛衣很值/物有所值。the one with the blue stripe(条纹)s:一件带蓝色横条的毛衣This is a beauty.a beauty

6、:(美人)美景,美好的东西Its 100 percent wool(羊毛).Its also the latest(最近的)style(流行式样).What if Carol doesnt like stripes?要是怎么样?What if=What will happen/What should I do if Carol doesnt like stripes?,B,Do you know what size your friend wears?size 尺码,大小,型号 what size does your friend wear?简单疑问句 前一句是嵌入式疑问句,区别在于语序不同,

7、宾语从句要用陈述句的语序I guess I should have found out(what size she wears).guess=think(AmE)-I guess he was wrong.should(not)have done sth:本来(不)应该做而没做(做了),虚拟语气,表示对过去的遗憾-Maybe I shouldnt have bought her a CD.,B,I dont have the slightest idea what she needs.我根本不知道她需要什么。=(I have no idea what she needs.)slight 轻微的

8、,稍微的 the slightest idea=no idea 不知道-No one has the slightest idea who will win.Hmm maybe Ill get her a CD.get sb sth.=get sth for sb.双宾Are you happy with what you bought?be happy with=be satisfied with,C,solid color 纯色,单色A:Could I see that shirt,please?B:Which one?A:The plaid one.A:Whats this blouse

9、 made of?B:Its made of silk.B:Its 100 percent silk.,Lesson 83 What is is made of?,plaid pld n.&adj.方格呢,格子图案,be made of/be made from 由制成 made of 表示仍可看出原材料是什么-The fishing rod is made of split made from 表示在成品中已无法辨认原材料。-Butter is made from milk,一般疑问句-Does he have any hobbies?-What size d

10、oes she wear?嵌入式疑问句-Do you know if she has any hobbies?-Do you know what size she wears?,一般疑问句&嵌入式疑问句,84 What if he doesnt like it?Express a Concern,A:I finally got my brother a birthday present yesterday.B:You did?Great!A:But what if he doesnt like it?B:Oh,Im sure he will.,用 What if?谈论将来的时间概念时,用一般现

11、在时。,What if she decided to go back there?What if they dont like me?What if she turns me down?,A:Doesnt your sweater have a hole in it?B:I guess I should have looked it over more carefully.,85 I should have looked it over more carefully.,should+have done/ought to+have done本应该做的事,事实上并没有做,表示后悔或遗憾(否定句表示

12、“不该做某事而做了”)-They should/ought to have paid more attention to quality control.-I shouldnt/ought not have mentioned her secrets.-It serves him right,he shouldnt have broken the rules.活 该,谁叫他不守纪律.ought to 语气上比should 要强,may(might)+have done 推测过去可能发生的事情,把握不大-What has happed to George?-I dont know.He may

13、have got lost.must have+done 对过去可能发生的事情的推测,语气肯定-Linda has gone to work,but her bicycle is still here.-She must have gone by bus.,情态动词+have+过去分词,neednt have done sth 本没必要做某事,却做了-I neednt have written to him because he phoned me shortly afterwards.,情态动词+have+过去分词,Still no Kate?=Hasnt Kate shown up yet

14、?Kate还没出现吗?Still no Kate and still no word.still no word.:There isnt any information from her,either.也没她的消息。What if somethings happened to her?她要是出了事怎么办?It seems like one thing after another.该句表示不好的事接二连三地发生:“真是祸不单行啊!”,L86 I tried calling you,But maybe now that things are taking a turn for the better

15、 take a turn for the better=get/turn better:形势好转They are?=The things are getting better?It turns out that her daughter,Lisa,was playing with the neighborhood kids,and they took the mask into the room she was staying in.It turns out that=It so happens that 结果是-It turns out that her aunt is my cousin.

16、,L86 I tried calling you,Oh,no!She has good taste,that kid!good taste:不错的品味,调侃孩子拿了昂贵的面具做玩具More than that.They solved the“dancer crimes”too,you know.不光是这个呢,你知道,他们还破了舞者案件Three women danced all the way to jail.all the way:一路不停The caught them breaking into the house next door to the Kims.catch sb.doing

17、sth.:当场捉住某人正在做某事,L86 I tried calling you,L 88 The Gift,O.Henry(1862-1910)was a famous American short story writer.The story here is adapted from one of his most famous works,“The Gift of the Magi.”,adapted from:由改编的,Della had been saving every penny she could for months.Twenty dollars a week doesnt

18、go far.Expenses had been greater than she had calculated.They always are.She had been saving every penny she could(have saved)for months.德拉几个月来一直在一分一分地攒钱。这个句子用了过去完成进行时,表示她一直在攒钱。Twenty dollars a week doesnt go far 每个月20美圆用不了多久。,The Gift,Expenses had been greater than she had calculated.They always ar

19、e.花销一直都比她预计得要多。一直都是。They always are.They 指代expensesRapidly she pulled down her hair and let it fall to its full length.let it fall to its full length:使头发落到全长,即“批散下来”。,The Gift,Now,there were two possessions in which they both took a mighty pride.One was Jims gold watch that had been his fathers and

20、his grandfathers.The other was Dellas hair.目前德拉和吉姆最引以自豪的有两样东西:一样是吉姆的金表,是吉姆祖父和父亲留下的,另一样是德拉的头发。该句使用了定语从句,in which 中的介词 in 和从句中took a mighty pride 是一个短语,take(a)pride in sth./sb:为 感到骄傲自豪 mighty adj.巨大的,强大的-There were two possessions which they both took a mighty pride in.,So now Dellas beautiful hair fe

21、ll about her,rippling and shining like water.It reached below her knee and made itself almost a garment for her.And then she did it up again nervously and quickly.fell about(around)her:头发披在身上 rippling(起涟漪的)and shining(闪光的)like water.现在分词短语做方式状语“像波浪起伏”made itself almost a garment for her:make sth.1+s

22、th.2:使某物成为另一物-It made me a fool.-His constant blunders made him the laughing-stock of the whole class.他总是出错,成了全班的笑柄.,And then she did it up again nervously and quickly.然后她又紧张地重新把头发快速梳好。do up:束起,精心打扮,宾语可是物,也可是人-do the hair up,do the children upOn went her old brown jacket.On went her old brown hat.她穿

23、上她那件旧的棕色夹克,戴上她那顶旧的棕色帽子。注意:这两句都是倒装句,强调 old brown jacket 和 old brown hat,同时也说明了她穿衣服、戴帽子的过程,穿了衣服,戴上帽子。,The Gift,She stopped where the sign read:Madame Sofronie.Hair Goods of All Kinds.Up the stairs she ran.当她看到牌子上写着:“索弗朗妮夫人。各种头发制品”的时候,她停住脚步,然后跑上了台阶。read:写明,读数为,标明”。-The cake read HAPPY BIRTHDAY.-His wat

24、ch read two-fifty-eight.Up the stairs she ran.倒装句,突出ran的动作,The Gift,For the next two hours,Della searched the stores for Jims for:在某地搜查某物-search a house for a hidden weapon:在一所住宅内搜查武器And she found it at last,a beautiful gold watch chain.她终于找到了,一条漂亮的金表链。代词it指代前面提到的Jims present at last:

25、表示经过千辛万苦而得到或达到的。a beautiful gold watch chain,是代词it的同位语,The Gift,Twenty-one dollars they took from her,and she hurried home with 87 cents.店家问她要了21块钱,她带着87美分匆忙赶回了家。这个句子同样是倒装句,正常语序是:They took twenty-one dollars from her.把宾语Twenty-one dollars 放到句首,强调礼物几乎花掉了她所有的钱When he saw Della,he stopped,as unmoving a

26、s a dog that smells a unmoving(不移动的;静止的)as a dog that smells a bird.:形容词短语作方式状语。象一只闻到了小鸟气味的狗一样,停在那里。,The Gift,Jim,darling,she cried,dont look at me that way.I sold my hair because I couldnt have lived through Christmas without giving you a present.Dont you like me just as well?I couldnt have lived through Christmas without giving you a present:我要是不送你个礼物,这个圣诞节我就过不下去了。该句用了couldnt have done sth:虚拟语气Dont you like me just as well?你不是还一样喜欢我吗?Jim seemed to wake quickly out of his trance.wake out of ones trance:某人从恍惚中苏醒过来,The Gift,

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