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1、英语学习词句汇编1000句双语版001. For over an hour, Chinese dream makers manifested the five thousand-year history of China and its splendid culture.在一个多小时的时间里,中国梦的创造者昭示了中国五千年的历史和灿烂文化。002. Most unforgettable was the special torch ignition.特有的火炬点火最为难忘。003. The special torch ignition made spectators gasp with admi

2、ration.独特的火炬点火使观众惊叹折服。004. I will applaud her outstanding performance.我为她的精湛表演鼓掌。005. I am waiting to see what greatness will come out of China.我期待着看到出自中国的卓越成就。006. The opening ceremony was breathtaking. 开幕式令人震惊。007. The world, the earth and human beings need only one word and idea: “harmony”.全世界,地球

3、和全人类需要之一个字和一个信念,那就是“和谐”。008. I hope there will be enough wind for sailing during my business.我希望在我的事业中能一帆风顺。009. I wish you all well for your family. 愿你和你的家人一切都好。010. The company wants to reverse the stocks slump.公司想扭转股票的跌势。011. Every athlete came here to mine the Olympic gold medal. 来这的运动员都想摘取奥运金牌。

4、012. A good system can do it best. 好的制度能使作到最佳。013. Facts are the single standard by which to judge whether a theory is valid.事实是判断这一理论是否令人信服的唯一标准。014. The term was formally raised by practices. 该条款正式执行。015. The core ideas were to mobilize us to look for means of development in economic term. 核心思想是动员

5、我们千方百计寻求发展经济。016. The principles are popular terms extensively used in different aspects of social life. 该原则是广泛适用与社会生活不同领域的公认的信条。017. People differ in their expectations of competitions. 人们对比赛寄予不同的期待。018. Spectators are obsessed with their favorite athletes. 观众惦念着他们所喜爱的运动员。019. He soon became accust

6、omed to Chinese food. 他很快就习惯了中餐。020. Lost in thought. I was not aware of the time.陷入沉思的我不知道是什么时间了。 021. be grateful to sb. for sth. 因为某事感谢某人 She was extremely grateful to her parents for their support. 她对父母的支持特别感激。022. be prepared to 愿意 They would be prepared to pay a small tax on cars. 他们愿意付点轿车税。02

7、3. in tone 具有。特性 The story is of philosophy in tone. 这个故事是有哲理性的。024. focus attention on 集中注意力于 He focused attention on writing. 他把注意力集中在写作上。025. Not all the representatives voted against the document. 并非每个代表都愿意签字。026. Only much later he was free.过了很久他获得了自由。027. The failure changed his sensitivity. 这

8、次失败改变了他的敏感点。028. Teachers should not put pressure on students. 教师不该学生施加压力。029. The mob smashed windows and broke down doors. 暴徒捣毁窗户,砸坏房门。030. send in 召集来;派遣 Troops were sent in to protect the people in disaster areas. 派部队来保护灾民。031. on the run 在逃 He spent a year on the run before being arrested and s

9、ent to prison for life. 躲避了一年之后他被逮捕入狱并被判终身监禁。032. behind bars 铁窗之下 He continued to be an influential figure behind bars. 身陷囫囵,他仍然是一位有影响的人物。033. be instrumental in 对。有帮助/很重要 He was instrumental in helping rectify my flaws. 他帮助改正我的缺点。034. root in 植根于;源自 It is a dream deeply rooted in the Chinese dream

10、. 这个梦想深深植根于中国梦中。035. put right 纠正 He was able to expose and put right many wrongs. 他揭露并纠正了学多错误。036. The water was achingly cold. 水寒冷刺骨。037. get to ones feet 站起来 They came up to me and I got to my feet. 他们向我走来于是我站了起来。038. He is the boss here. 在这儿他说了算。039. If it is in this territory, it is my business

11、. 既然是在这片地界,就关我的事。040. One who is alive knows his business. 只要人活着就得干事。041. The novel can be read as a simple adventure story. 这部小说可以作为一个简单的历险故事来读。042. The novel is the story of one mans refusal to be defeated. 这部小说讲的是一个人拒绝被打败的故事。043. The fishing boat broke down during a tropical storm. 渔船在热带风暴中出了故障。0

12、44. No individual can exist alone. 没有任何人可以独立存在。045. It would be a poor expert who could not give the correct answer. 不能给出正确答案的专家是个蹩脚的专家。046. He stretched out his hand for the manuscript. 他伸手接过手稿。047. He flattened the map upon his knee. 他把地图平铺在腿上。048. It is a statement of a certain legend which runs

13、in the family. 这里记述的就是在这个家族里流传的故事。049. He has recently died in strange circumstances. 最近他死了, 死得很蹊跷。050. commit to ones care 托付/委托某人 The document was committed to her care. 这个文件委托给她保管。051. His success is due to the age in which he lived. 他的成功要归因于他所处的那个时代。052. The old Beijing was a city of great contr

14、asts. 老北京是个充满巨大反差的城市。053. People from the countryside are flocking to Beijing, hoping to find work. 人们从乡下蜂拥到北京寻找工作。054. To face a growing crime problem, the city police force must be strengthened. 为应对日益增多的犯罪问题,应加强城市警力。055. The professor asked his students to investigate and solve the mystery. 教授请他的学

15、生们来调查和解决这个谜。056. I have gone through the drawer twice but the pen isnt there. 我已经翻开抽屉两遍,但没见那支铅笔。057. Fresh fruit goes bad easily in summer. 夏天新鲜水果容易变质。058. To my surprise, the money has been stolen. 使我吃惊的是,钱被偷走了。059. She knew nothing about her husband. 她没有一点有关她丈夫的线索。060. The Internet is the perfect

16、way to get in touch with my granddaughter. 英特网是与我孙女保持联系的最佳方法。061. How do you keep in touch with each other after graduation? 你们毕业后彼此如何联系?062. People join the website and give information about themselves. 人们加入这个网站并提交自己的信息。063. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. 发自内心地感谢你。064. She couldnt possibl

17、y have said why. 她不可能说出所以然来。065. I know it as strongly as I know. 我对此确信无疑。066. What I saw frightened me. 我看到的一切使我震惊。067. I was feeling that I was dreaming but awake at the same time. 我感觉像在半梦半醒中。068. Humans are only one of the creature types who exist at present. 人类只是现在存在的物种之一。069. War can turn a pla

18、ce in darkness and fear. 战争能使一切成为黑暗的恐怖。070. We burst out laughing at his final line. 他说到最后一句话时我们哄堂大笑。071. The child burst out crying at the sight of the ugly dog. 看见那只难看的狗,那孩子突然大哭起来。072. We could talk about personal matters that were of importance to us. 我们可以谈论对我们重要的问题。073. He was so tired that he c

19、ould not think clearly. 他累得头脑都不清楚了。074. I stood there trying to decide what to do. 我站在那里想着干什么。075. The cat put out a paw to pat dish in the water. 猫伸出爪子拍打水中的鱼。076. One acts as if the one is completely invisible to others. 一个人行事好像无人看见他似的。077. The young man was keeping his eyes on the place where the

20、old had vanished. 年轻人的眼睛盯着那老人消失的地方。078. She kept her eyes on the portrait of her the painter had just painted. 她仔细看画家刚给她画的肖像。079. The patch was almost square in shape. 那块基本上呈方形。080. He uttered nothing at the discussion for a certain reason. 由于某种原因他在讨论上一言不发。081. Imagine a situation how she was embarr

21、assed by lack of intelligence. 设想一下她因才智欠佳而尴尬情形。082. What is the purpose of your visit to me? 你拜访我的目的是什么?083. By continuing with such a model, the game can continue. 通过继续这样的模式,比赛可以继续进行。084. The girl hardly knew what to talk about. 那女孩几乎不知道说什么好。085. The couple has so little in common. 在那一对身上几乎找不到共同之处。

22、086. He had to select flowers of certain colors to visit his girlfriend. 他必须挑选特定颜色的花去见女朋友。087. They used the very useful social technique. 他们使用这种很有用的社交技巧。088. He had crossed the road to avoid talking to me he recognized. 他故意过马路以避免认识我与我说话。089. The principal was prepared to have some conversation open

23、ers ready. 校长准备了几句开场白。090. Will you help me to get the baby for bed? 你能帮我安顿一下孩子睡觉吗?091. That way, she does not damage her confidence. 那样她的自信心就不会被伤害。092. Listening is a skill which most persons lack. 倾听是大多数人所缺乏的技巧。093. Communication is a two-way process. 交流是双向的过程。094. Communication involves speaking

24、and listening. 交流包括说和听。095. You need to know how long you should stay. 你需要知道该呆多久。096. You need to know when you have to leave. 你需要知道该何时离开。097. At the Opening Ceremony approach, I was getting more and more excited. 当开幕式来临时我变得越来越激动。098. As a diver I have taken part in the Olympic Games and won two gol

25、d medals. 我作为一名跳水运动员参加奥运会并获得两枚金牌。099. When the band began to play the national anthem people attending the ceremony sang in unison. 当乐队开始奏国歌时,出席开幕式的人们一同唱起。100. Of all the programs conducted in the ceremony, the most striking was the grand spectacle of the performance. 在所有开幕式演出的节目中,最扣人心弦的是宏伟壮观的演出。101

26、.on a scale 按照等级Participants were asked to score the paper on a scale. 要求参加者按照等级给试卷打分。The scores were ranged on a scale.分数按等级排列。102.One theory is that we laugh because we find something incongruous.有一种理论认为我们发笑是因为发现了不协调。103.Something that shouldnt have happened does happen. 不该发生的事情却实实在在地发生了。104.Our s

27、ense of logic and familiarity cannot be confused.我们的逻辑性和熟悉感不可混淆。105.He who laughs, lasts. 笑者长寿。106.I definitely would come to the party if only a certain personal matter hadnt suddenly come up. 要不是突然发生了一件个人的事,我肯定会参加晚会的。 107.count on 依靠、指望Whatever you decide, you can count on my complete support.不管你们

28、做出什么决定,我都完全支持。 with 处理、对付What we want to debate was how to do with the problem.我们要争论的是如何应对这个问题。109.indulge in 沉溺于,沉湎于The humorist indulges in flashes common sense or wit.幽默者沉溺于常识和智慧的闪念间。 up 显露、使显现It took a single searching question to show up the flaw in their argument.用一个敏锐的问题将他们争论的缺点

29、显现出来。111.The organization failed in its aim to prevent the conflict.该组织没能实现其阻止发生冲突的目标。112.The company runs a staff of more than 2000 and manages a budget of nearly $1 billion.本公司管理着两千多名员工以及1亿美元的预算。 this effect 有这样的意思; 大意是说The old man left a huge amount of money in his will to this effect.大意是说这

30、个老人在遗嘱中留下了大笔资金。 support of 支持She addressed the conference in support of womens rights.她在大会上发表过旨在支持妇女权益的演说。115.on earth 究竟Peace on earth depends on our ability to secure our living environment.和平将取决于我们究竟有没有保护生存环境的能力。116. make ones way towards 朝。方向走去 Then I made my way towards the office. 然后我向办公

31、室走去。117.take command of 控制、指挥 The official came forward to take command of the operation. 这位官员过来指挥这次行动。118. for the purpose of 目的 She studied with energy for the purpose of earning the scholarship. 她努力学习的目的是得到奖学金。119. on contact with 接触The drugs would be ruined on contact with fire.烧毁毒品。120. make up for 弥补、补偿 The bad way to make up for the financial loss was to tax citizens. 不好的方法是为了弥补财政损失向公民征税。 Hard work makes up for the lack of intelligence. 勤能

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