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1、新托福高分120系列听力文本Lectures1An imal Aware ness and Thought (动物的意识与思想 )2Antibiotics (抗生素)3Beta Pictoris (绘架座 3 星)4Child Development (儿童的发展过程)5Climate and Population (气候与人口)6Co-evolution (共同进化)7Deforestation (森林砍伐)8Early Magazines (早期的杂志)9Early Written Language (早期的手写文字)10Gen etic Diversity in Crops (农作物基因

2、的多样性 )11Gullies on Mars (浸蚀谷)12History of In sura nee (保险的历史)13In flue nee of thd Media (媒体的影响)14Mammoth Cave Archeology (巨大洞穴考古研究 )15Mayan Drought (毁玛雅文明的大旱灾 )16New Media T echnology (新媒体科技)17Nullification Crisis (拒行联邦法危机)18Periodic Extinction (周期性绝种)19Petrified Wood (石化木)20Salesperson Attributes (

3、销售人员特征)21Stress (压力)22Support Groups for Writers (作家互助会)23Tidal Power Gen eratio n (潮汐发电)24Why Pla nets Are Rou nd (行星体为何成球状 )We need to understand how the reading process varies when we go from writing system toano ther, kno wledges of how this affects the n eurological processesAnimal Awareness an

4、d ThoughtAnimal behaviour is currently jK well jk I guess you could say its a pretty hot field of research. A lot of work is being done in trying to answer certain basic questions about the other creatures we share this planet with One of the issues that I find particurly interesting is the question

5、 of to what degree animals-and by animals, of course I mean animals other than humans-to what degree these non-human animals are capable of self awareness and conscious thought. For some time now, researchers have been trying to determine if animals think in the same sense that we do, or if. on the

6、other hand, their behaviour is just a 卩altern of automated reactions, kind of like a computer program that runs from birth-what we commonly refer to as instinct.In 亡ase any of you are wonderirig why we should careb Jefs talk about the importance of this for a minute or two. Whether animals think is

7、a question that has both practical and moral implications-serious ones. We as humans position ourselves at the top of the nsdu合I hierarchy by comparing ourselves to other animals and then basicaHy |k well, basically g treat those animals accordingly, often in ways that can only be described as artro

8、匚iou合 Our jiustificati on of that treatment 冷 based on the assumption that animals dont reason, think or feel in the same way that we humans do. And this is something weve really had little reason ta doubt, until recently. Butk what if animals are found to have the capacity for thought. the jk ah jK

9、 welll jK maybe I should ask you for an answer to this questiork What do you think the practical consequences ofthis might be?(Student 1) I think it would change the world. Issues would come up about evething from the raising of animals for consumption as food to their use as research subjects and e

10、ven the keeping 口f animals ss 卩et$ or in zoos. AH sorts of scientific research would be affected. So would the testing of new products ilike cosmetics and medicines;(Student 2) I agree. I think the question of animal awareness and thought alrriost 帖sto be ignored; at least until our technology gets

11、to a point where we no longer have to exploit them the way we do now Besiides, hew can we ever be sure whether they have it or not?Well, iVs ceftainly not possible to ask them questions to find out. Ac:cording to someresearchers, that fact alone-the fact that animals are incapable af using language

12、conversationaNy-is enough to tell us they cannot reason and are without selfie on sciousness. But there are indicatio ns that language ability, or the lack of it may not be the whole storyA number of years ago a pioneering study of seawareness in animals was done using a technique called the mirror

13、test1 A group of chimpanzees that were famihar with mirrors were anaesthetized and then marked on their foreheads with red dye. After they awoke, the marked animals were allowed to see themselves in a mirror. These animals tended to touch their own foreheads in the region of the mark more frequenUy

14、than a group that was unmarked or another group that was marked but not allowed to look in a mirror. Whats more, some of the marked chimpanzees would examine their fingers after touching the red mark on their foreheads. This clearly suggested they understood that what they were seeing was not anothe

15、r chimpanzee, but a epfeseation of themselves This realization required that a thought process, on some basic level anyway, be taking place.This realization required that a thought process, on some basic level anyway, be taking place.(Student 1) But professor, those were chimpanzees. Theyre about as

16、 close to humans as you can get geneti亡音lly What about other species?Im glad s口mebody asked that, because thats the really sticky issue. Once we decide that thought s not exclusively a human characteristic, where do we draw the line? How do we decide which animals p口ssess it and which do not, which

17、animals qualify for treatment as smntient beings mnd which do not. Why should a dog be treated one way and a chicken another, for example? Think about it and prepare ycur arguments for our next class.According to the lecture, what is it that researchers are trying to deiermine about animals?O Whethe

18、r they are bom with instinct.O Whether they have language.O Whelher their behaviour is automatic.O Whether they can be trained to recognize themselvesAccording to the professor, why is the research mentioned in the feclure important?O If how anrmals think fs known, they can be trained more easdy.O T

19、he way animals are treated is based on our understanding of themO Some animals may appr口白ch humans in intelligenceO Animals must be understood before they can be protected.Which of the fbll口wing can be inferred about chimpanzees from the Jecture?O They can distinguish between an 口bject and its image

20、O Instinct plays no part in their behaviour.O They are very social animals.O They are nearly as intelligent as humans.What question does the professor ask his students to consider for the next class?O How human thought differs from thought in animats.O How animals that 匕日n think should be treatedO H

21、owto distinguish between animals that can think and those that cant.O Why dogs and chickens shouid be considered as thinking creatures.Why does the professor say thisjk?O He wnts to exptfn the reason for discussing something.O He wants the students to know their understanding will be testedO He thin

22、ks some students may not have understood what he just saidO He doesnt think what he is saying is very tmportantWhat does the profess口r mean when he says ihisjK?O He expecled a question.O The student has asked a meaningful question.O He knows the answer to the question.O The students should ask more

23、questions.AntibioticsIn our last class we drscussed how antibiotics are developed and how some of them work In this lecture, Id like to jKwell, Id like to consider them from another aspect. Tciday, I want to look into the limitations of antibiotics, and the dangers of misusing them. Im sure non己 of

24、you would argue if i 阳id that the development of antibiotics qualifies as cne of the most significant medical advances afthe twentieth century Okay(KI can see most of you are nodding your heads in agreement After Fridays class, Id be surprised if you didnt. I mean jk we talked about howtheyVe saved

25、millions of Irves and relieved enormous suffering, rigM?Antibiotics worked so well that only a few decades ago it was thought they would allow us to eliminate forever many of the infectious diseases that had been such a threat to human life But jK unfortunately, now it looks like things may not work

26、 out that way The optimism brought about by successes in the battle against diseases like tuberculosis and syphilis is now giving way to daubt: and concern, even to fear over what the future may hold.Soh now, w/y have things taken such a turn for the worse? i guess we could say that its because micr

27、oofganisms are the ultimate v survivalists. Given half a chance they u白n adapt to practically anything. The organisms that cause many of our worst diseases 日re. in a sense, learning how to defeat the antibiotics we use against them, though it can really be called learning, as Ill explain later.Maybe

28、 we should take a closer fook at why these tiny creatures are the most adaptablE organisms on this planet. If we think about it, its really not that hard to figure out what their secret is; well, part of their secret anyway. Does anyone want 1 口 take a guess? Ah jK yes jK Donna, go ahead.(Student 1)

29、 I think I remember reading somewhere that it has to do with the way they repr口ducm.Okay. youYe pointed in the right direction. But can you be a Bttle more specific?(Student 1) Pm sorry, but thats all I can remember now.(Studer 2) Im pretty sure its haw fast they reproduce They do it so quickly that

30、 they just evolve faster than other kinds of organisms.Thats a good pmrt of the answer. The rateat which they reproduce is very fast compared to other, especially larger organisms. ltRs important to remember that because high rates of reproduction mean more genetic mutations jk uh, in other words mo

31、re changes to lheir genetic makeup jK taking place over a certain period of time. Now, these changes .like all mutations, are randorn; they arent consciously drrected in any way by the bacteria. Thats what I meant a few minutes ago when I said we cant refer to the process as teaming. But its easy to

32、 see how having more changes happening in a given period of time means theres a better chance thal a version, called 3 strain1 by biologists, will be produced that is resistant to a particular kind f antibiotic.What makes things worse jk much worse |K for us is that the bacteria dont even have to rely on reproduction to pass this resistance from individual to individual. They can transfer it between themselves with something called a plasmid. Plasmids are fragments-piecss-of DMA t

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