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1、从习语中看翻译和文化的关系以及影响文化的因素模板从习语中看翻译和文化的关系以及影响文化的因素The Relation between Translation andCulture from the Aspect of Idioms and the Factors which Influence the CultureAcknowledgmentsThis thesis concludes my postgraduate study in Henan Normal University. I wouldlike to express my sincere appreciation to the

2、professors in the College ofForeign Language, whose preciseness and strictness set a good example for me inthe future academic career. I felt gratitude especially goes to my supervisor ,Guo Yingzhen ,whose illuminating instruction and endless assistance havegreatly conduced to the acplishment of thi

3、s thesis.Im alsovery grateful to the teachers who have taught me in various ways during thecourse of my study for the bachelors would like to thank Professor Guo Yingzhen and other professors in the Faultyof Foreign institution who inspired me a lot. Last but not least, I contribute this article to

4、my dearfamily for their help during my college life.摘要 翻译是一个复杂的过程,对于文化翻译尤其如此。一般来说,翻译涉及语言以及文化。译者应该知道外国文化以及文化自己的人民。此外,译者应连续比较两种文化之间的等价获得意义。翻译的主要任务是翻译源语言到目标语言。如何消除不同文化之间的语言障碍,如何传达源语言的意义的重点到底是不同国家的人。本文说明了不同文化的影响已经在翻译。文能从不同的方面分析:如思维的差异,心理学的文化之间的差异,不同的宗教、环境和生活环境不同的人,等等。 翻译是一个复杂的过程,它是关于文化翻译尤其如此。一般来说,翻译涉及语言

5、以及文化。译者应该知道外国文化以及文化自己的人民。此外,译者应连续比较两种文化之间的等价获得意义。翻译的主要任务是翻译源语言到目标语言。如何消除不同文化之间的语言障碍,如何传达源语言的意义。本文说明了不同文化的影响已经在翻译。文能从不同的方面分析:如思维的差异,心理学的文化之间的差异,不同的宗教、环境和生活环境不同的人,等等。关键字:翻译;文化意识;文化和思维;文化差别;习语AbstractTranslation is a plex process, especially when we translate thecultural text. Generally speaking ,trans

6、lation involves language as well asculture. A translator should know foreign culture as well as the culture of hisown people. Moreover ,a translator should make continuous parisons betweenthe two cultures for getting the equivalence meaning . The major task oftranslation is to translate the source l

7、anguage to the target language How toget rid of the language barrier between different culture, how to convey themeaning of the source language exactly is the focus of the people in differentcountries. This thesis illustrate the influences of different cultures haveupon translation. Wen can analysis

8、 it from different aspects: such as thedifference of thinking, the psychology of culture, the difference betweendifferent religion, the environment and living surroundings of differentpeople, and so on.Key Words: translation; the consciousnessof culture; culture and thinking; cultural difference; id

9、iomsTable of ContentsAcknowledgmentsI摘要AbstractIIITable of ContentsIVIntroduction1PART ONE THE CONCEPT OF TRANSLATION AND CULTURE2 The concept of translation3 The concept of culture5PART TWO THE FACTORS WHICH INFLUENCE CULTURE7 Religion7 The psychology of culture8 The way of thinking9 different ways

10、 of life10 Geographical environment14 Geographical environment15PART THREE BETWEEN CULTURE AND TRANSLATION16CONSLUSIONS18Bibliography19IntroductionThis article contains the concept of translation and the concept of aim of translation is to making munication. Humans social development and process nee

11、d translation andhumans social development and progress should makemunication between different nations, and during the process ofmunication, translation is indispensable. Translation, as an cultural phenomenon,thinking activity, related to the era and social background all in is to render the meani

12、ng of a text into another language in the waythe author intended the text. Translation is an art that involves there-creation of a work in another language for readers with a differentbackground. Culture is a very broad concept, to give it a rigorous and precisedefinition is a very difficult thing.

13、Many philosophers, sociologists,anthropologists, historians and linguists have been trying to define theconcept of culture from the perspective of the respective discipline. However,so far it still has not have a recognized and satisfactory to statistics, about “culture” at least, it has more thantw

14、o hundred kinds of different definition. Broadly speaking, culture is asocial phenomenon, which is the creation of the products for a long time. Butit is also a kind of historical phenomenon and is the social history , culture refers to a state or national history, geography, localconditions and cus

15、toms, traditions, lifestyles, literature and art, behaviorstandards, way of thinking, values, etc. When we translate something, thebackground of the culture and the background of history should be considered. Therelation between culture and translation is very close in a great extent. Inthis context

16、, we analysis this problem from different aspects: the way ofthinking, the psychology of thinking, and the customs and habits in differentnations. If the background of culture and history is ignored, the truly meaningof the context will be lost. PART ONE THE CONCEPT OF TRANSLATION AND CULTUREOne lin

17、guist in China has said: “what is the most difficult thing during the process oftranslation , it is the differences between two cultures.” Nida has mentioned this too: “translation is the munication between two differentcultures.” And we can not ignore the importance of thebackground of culture and

18、the background of history if we want to translate apiece of text which contains the information about culture or some thing translating some thing, mastering the knowledge of culture and history isindispensable. There are too much factors which can influence the culture ofthe source language.Zhu Gua

19、ngqian, one writer in modern times, thinks the associate meaningis the most difficult thing when we translate one language into anotherlanguage. Because in the dictionary you can not find the truly meaning under acertain context.But for literary study, it is one important factor you can not ignore.

20、Thisrequires us to know the custom and habit of the country we want to translatethe language of it. Or we will find we do not know how to translate when we aregiven a piece of text. We can take a poem as an example. For example the poem: 静夜思 “窗前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月。低头思故乡。”Using English, we can not convey

21、 the essence of this poem without thebackground of old Chinese and the thought when the author write this poem. Andthere are so many versions of it. For instance:(1) In the still of the night : I descry bright moonlight in front of my bed. Isuspect it to be hoary frost on the floor. I watch the brig

22、ht moon, as I tileback my head. Yearn, while stooping, for my home land more. (2) A tranquil night: before my bed I see a silver light, Ithink the ground is covered with hoar frost. Raising my head, I find the fullmoon bright; and bowing down, in thought of home Im lost. And there are lots of other

23、versionstranslated by other translators. No matter which version , the emotion of theauthor must be considered, or they will ruin the essence of the poem. Tyler,one anthropologist in England, whose book primitive culture raises the conceptof culture and describes it as “culture is a kind of plex abi

24、lities andhabits, which includes knowledge, faith, art, moral, law and custom”. Thus we can know the wide coverage of culture, it isa plex system. Language, as a ponent of culture, reflect the phenomenonof a resourceful culture.Translation is so difficult as language reflect the culture, which conve

25、ys tomuch cultural content and limited by culture. Once language entered the humans life as a tool of munication, the problem ofcultural connotation and the ability of express something will arise. This notonly requires the translator master the knowledge of bilingual ability butmultilingual ability

26、, especially they must know the consciousness of twodifferent culture, religious culture and the geographic features, thehistorical customs and traditions, the process of forming culture, etc. Forthese factors, the language cultures of different nations reflect their ownnational features and the bac

27、kground of the nation. The concept of translationThere are many different definitions of translation, in The Oxford EnglishDictionary it means “to turn from one language into another ”. Or recreating according the original text. Websters Third New International Dictionary of the EnglishLanguage give

28、s us the definition of translation is “to turn into ones own or another language”. While the definition in Columbia Encyclopedia isthat translation is the art of reposing a work in another language withoutlosing its original flavor. “Translation is the replacement of textualmaterial in one language

29、by equivalent textual in anotherlanguage.(, 1994)”. “Translation consists in reproducing in the receptorlanguage the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, firstin terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (Eugene Nida, 1969)”. Translation is an old and young work, which e

30、into exist since the old times and it bees so hot in modern times.Translation is the need of humans development and progress. The concept of translationcan be defined from two aspects: broad sense and narrow sense. Generalizedtranslation refers to the language and the language, language variation an

31、dlanguage variants, such as language and nonverbal code conversion which conveythe basic information. Extension of the concept is quite broad, including histranslation between different languages, translation between languagevariation, language and other symbols of the munication conversion, etc. Th

32、econtents of translation rules only emphasizes the “basicinformation”, does not emphasize “pletely loyal”. Sometranslation theorists put forward the understanding and translation theory, sothe language and thinking are also included in the general translation.Narrow sense translation is a linguistic activity, which is a kind of languageto express the content of the faithfully expressed in another language. Thisdefinition emphasizes “translation is a language activity”. Thenature of translation determines the

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