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1、英语4月20号:重点是辅音音标:见课本P2 元音、辅音表 1、首先学会按照元音来划分音节。在26个字母中,a 、e、 i 、o 、u 5个字母为元音字母。只有1个元音的属于单音节词,有2个元音属于的是双音节词,有3个元音的属于元音的属于3音节词,有3个以上元音的属于多音节词。4月23号bottles swims basins 浊辅音加s 读音为z maps 清辅音加s 读音为s2、开音节:元音字母+辅音字母+不发音的e 比如:date deit中的 e 不发音、life、 nice 以元音字母结尾:入to he 闭音节:元音字母+辅音字母=闭音节 (无不发音的e) win get 区分开音节闭

2、音节的意义:1, 重读:开音节 :重读的时候元音发音标本音 闭音节:重读的时候不发字母的本音。2, 词性的转变:如果是属于重读闭音节的话,结尾辅音字母要双写:如win (动词转化为名词)的时候双写n 就成了 winner winning 如果不是重读闭音节,那么就不用双写。音标部分的重点内容就是:重点看看词汇表,因为几乎所有的词汇都是出自于词汇表。P42 动词 及物动词: I red newspapers every day. She studies English very hard. 助动词: We do not speak English . We run every morning .

3、 系动词:一般现在时:am is are 过去时: was were 现在分词: being 过去分词been 情态动词:can must may 情态动词后第一个动词要用原形如:be 作业:掌握P42-43 背P272 不规则动词表名词名词部分需要掌握的内容是1:P12 名词单数变复数的规律 (重点)第46条集中记忆2:可数名词及不可数名词的划分3:名词的所有格形式。4:P273 不规则动词表练习题P9P10 语音题巩固语音内容。5月31号:重点是名词的所有格及不定代词。一 课前检测:1. 把下列名词变为复数形式(自己做,然后对照课本) roof, hero, foot, sheep, Ja

4、panese, boy friend, woman teacher, map.2. 给词尾注上音标。 bags, bottles, oranges, cars, potatoes.二 课本第13页(7)重点看一下,of后面如果是不可数名词,如two cups of tea,只在cup加s,tea不加s。 of后面如果是可数名词,如two boxes of apples, box和apple都要加s.4.名词所有格有两种形式,一种是加s,另一种是用of.一般指有生命的,用s,如李华的书,LiHuas book.没有生命的,用of, 如桌子的腿,the leg of the table.还有特殊的

5、,看课本上。三 做课本14页练习题(后面有答案)练习里的词组:around the world 全世界,have a look at看一下,have a discussion讨论一下,pull out拔掉,according to根据,airport regulation机场规则,carrying-on baggages随身携带的行李,weather report天气预报,look forward to盼望,at the age of eighteen在十八岁的时候,put off推迟。16页14,15小题,police, cattle 都是表示整体,本身就是复数,不用加s,但表示数量很多,所

6、以答案都是D。四17页2,4部分物主代词和不定代词是重点。2.物主代词有两种,形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。如:my 与mine 的区别This is my book, and that is mine, too. mine就相当于my book.4不定代词,有九组需要区分(1)some表示“一些”,常用于肯定句中。any 表示“任何”,常用于否定句中(2)all表示“都”,常用于三者以上肯定。 none表示“都不”用于三者以上否定(3)both“都”用于两者肯定,neither“都不”用于两者否定,either“任何一个”表示两者。(4)another“另一个”不限定数量,the oth

7、er“另一个”限定两者,the others“另一些”(5)many“许多”可数名词,much“许多”不可数名词(6)little“很少”,视作否定,a little“有一点”肯定(7)few,a few与上面(6)相似。(8)every“每一个”强调整体,只做定语 each“每一个”强调个体,可作主语,定语,宾语。(9)one替代可数名词,that替代不可数名词。6月7号课堂记录:复习第18,19页课前检测:(从括号中选择正确的答案)1. Jack, Sue and I will (both, all, neither) go to the park.both表示两者,all表示三者或三者以

8、上,neither表示否定,两者都不。2. I asked two people to help me start my car, but (none, both, neither) of them knew what to do.none表示三者以上都不,both表示两者都,neither表示两者都不。3. There are two people, one is a doctor, (the other, another) is a teacher.the other有限定条件,another另一个,无前提限定条件。4. -How (much, many) should I pay? -T

9、hree dollars.虽然dollars是用复数,但上面是问应付多少钱,应用much .看课本21页 6.关系代词 引导从句。小测验:一 将下面的两个句子合成一句。1. Do you know the man ? The man came to get the computer .Do you know the man who came to get the computer ?2. The young man came in . They were talking about him.The young man whom they were talking about came in .

10、3. Is this the student ? His mother has gone to America.Is this the student whose mother has gone to America ?二 把下面的从句分成单句。1 The boy who gave you the letter is my brother.The boy is my brother. The boy gave you the letter.2. They are boys with whom I went to school.They are boys. I went to school wi

11、th them.注意:介词提前时不可用that, 介词不与that连用。作业:做124页2.(1)-(7)286页六,1.阅读短文并背过。短文中单词词组:crowded 拥挤的,vacant空的,get off下车,next stop下一站,take my seat坐我的座位,silent沉默的,thankful感激的,seat chair座椅,still仍然,pretend to 假装。6月14号三、冠词(一)基本分类:不定冠词:a、an 定冠词:the、(二)表示类别:表示一类:在可数名词单数前加a、the 或者用名词复数表示一类事物:1、A horse is a useful anima

12、l. 2、The computer is a wonderful machine . 3、 Desks and chairs are usually made of wood. 冠词+形容词表示一类人:rich-the rich 富人 poor-the poor 穷人old-the old老者 dead-the dead 死者 Who invented the telephone ? 谁发明了电话?This is the book I bought yesterday .我昨天买的这本书。Do you like dogs? 你喜欢狗吗? A doctor must like patient .

13、医生必须不讨厌病人1、 Have you seen a pen ? I left it here yesterday. 2、 Is it a black pen? I think I saw it somewhere .你看到我的钢笔了吗,我昨天放这里了。是支黑色的吗?我好像在什么地方看到过。3、 The way needs a whole day . So we must prepare a packed lunch.需要一天的路程,所以我们必须准备份中午的盒饭。(三)定冠词的应用:1、加定冠词的:世界上独一无二的事物 The earth 地球 the moon 月亮 the sun 太阳

14、2、在一些公用事业的名称之前:the museum 博物馆 the post office 邮局 3、用在乐器的名称前:the piano 4、 用在序数词、形容词或副词的最高级前:the nearest the fist 5、专有名词前:the Red sea 不用冠词的情况:1、专有名词:泛指的抽象名词和物质名词前 2、在星期、月份、季节、节假日前 3、在称呼、头衔职务前 4、在三餐、球类名称前练习冠词和不定冠词:(在横线上适当的位置填上a,an,the)1、_ life is complicated . 生活丰富多彩 2、 She is got two children . a boy

15、and a girl ,_ boy is fourteen and _ girl is eight . 她有两个孩子,一个是男孩十四岁了,一个是女孩八岁了。 3、She loves _ music . 她喜欢音乐4、 Mr. Smith was _ chairman of the committee .He was _ strict man, but we all loved him.斯密斯先生是委员会主席,他是一个严肃的人,但我们都喜欢他。5、 Mr.Edism was _ American . He was _ Amarican who invented many things .爱迪生是

16、美国人,他发明了很多东西。P30 数词必须背过1-12 13-19以teen 结尾 20、30、40以ty 结尾21-99 hundred thousand million billion 382665 thirty-eight thousand two hundred and sixtyfive 5670325 five million six hundred and seventy thousand three hundred and twentyfive 序数词: fist second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tent

17、h twelfth twentieth fortieth twentyfirst hundredth 作业:默写1-20 30、40、.数词P31 3、注意b He is eight years old -He is an eightyear-old boy.读P286短文 6月21号笔记:一P31数词的用法:1.例1:It is a five-pound note. 等同于The note is five pounds.有连线的话不用加s,可以做定语使用。例2:He is eight years old.等同于He is an eight-year-old boy.2.在词组in ones

18、twenties/thirties中表示在二十几岁,三十几岁时例如:in his twenties 而不能用in his twenty3. 分数的表达:分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子大于1时,分母用复数。例如:1/3 one third 2/3 two thirds 练习:1/6, 5/64. P32 日期的表示法:会默写12个月的表达。January, February,March,April, May,. June,July, August, September, October, November, December.日期的表示方法:可以用月日年,日月年的顺序。例如:May 1st,1

19、988 等同于May 1,1988等同于May the first,1988.例如:I was born on April 6,1975.(1975年4月六号) I was born in April, 1975. (1975年4月) I was born in 1975。(1975年)注意所用的介词 on,in。5. 时刻的表示:问时间:What time is it?=Whats the time?(1)回答: (7:40) Its seven forty.=Its twenty to eight.(两种表示方法,前者是直接说7:40,后者是差20分钟到8点)再例如(7:10)Its se

20、ven ten.=Its ten past seven.(后者是7点过10分)(2)回答整点时:习惯加上oclock.例如:Its seven oclock.二p34形容词和副词:掌握形容词在句子中的位置关系和形容词比较级最高级的使用。1.形容词的位置:(1)描绘性形容词+(2)表示大小形状+(3)表示新旧+(4)表示颜色+(5)材料质地+(6)所属性2.比较级最高级例如:talltallertallest例句:He is tall.(高)。He is taller than I.。He is the tallest in his class.在最高级之前加定冠词the.再如:beautifu

21、lmore beautifulmost beautiful4. P36 c.表示“和一样”时,用asas例如:He is tall. He is as tall as I. 他和我一样高。 The room is as big as that one. 这个房间和那个房间一样大。 The room is two times as big as that one . 这个房间是那个房间的两倍大。最后作业:P33课后练习,会默写12个月。7月14日课堂笔记P65 被动语态:be+ done理解为“被”,被动语态。将下列句子主动语态转变为被动语态I give him a book (一般现在时) H

22、e is given a book(by me).I gave him a book.(过去时) He was given a book.I will give him a book.(一般将来时) He will be given a book.I am giving him a book.(现在进行时)He is being giving a book.I have given him a book.(现在完成时)He has been given a book.I may give him a book.(情态动词)。 He may be given a book.课堂练习P69 练习2

23、,P45练习1,P68练习1,作业:P46练习2.7月19号:主要讲助动词。一.助动词构成强调句结构:1He works hard. 变为强调:He does work hard. He worked hard. 变为强调:He did work hard.2.It is(was) +强调部分+that(who)+其他部分 例:I met him yesterday.变为强调句: It was yesterday that I met him.强调:遇见他的那天是昨天。 It was him that I met yesterday.强调:昨天遇见的人是他。3. 助动词构成“也”的句型。例如:

24、I went to the concert yesterday. So did he. I have finished the work. So has he. I am writing a letter, so is she. We will study English ,so will they .4. 构成倒装句:例如:He never went there again. -Never did he go there again. I only then understood what she meant.-Only then did I understand what she mean

25、t. You can only in this way learn from your mistakes.-Only in this way can you learn from your mistakes.二 情态动词:can 1.基本词义“能,会”,其过去式could.如果用于将来时态,完成时态,可用be able to 代替。例如:I can swim. I cant swim. We shall be able to finish the work next week.2.can的否定形式可以表示“最不可能的推测”,理解为“不可能”。例如:Isnt that Jack playing

26、football? It cant be .He got his leg broken yesterday.May1. 基本词义“可以”。例:You may go now. 在疑问句中用否定回答时,可以用mustt代替may not .例:May I watch TV after supper? No,you mustt.2. may 也可表示推测,只是语气不肯定,意为“也许,或许”。例:He may come today.Must1. 注意must疑问句的否定回答。Must I be home before 8 oclock ? 肯定回答:Yes, you must . 否定回答: No ,

27、you neednt.2. must 也有推测的意思,语气肯定,理解为“一定,一定已经”。情态动词还有:have to ,“不得不,只好”含被迫之意。 Ought to “应该”,neednt “不必”。7月26号:1.非谓语动词:包括动词不定式,动名词,分词。即 to do , doing ,done 形式。例句:I want the article to be typed before the meeting opens. I consider myself fortunate to be working with you now.2.动词不定式做主语 To answer the ques

28、tion was not easy. =It was not easy to answer the question.3.动名词做主语。Talking about it is no use. =It is no use talking about it.4.动词不定式做宾语。I want to have a cup of tea.5.动名词做宾语。I enjoy watching TV.6.动词不定式作定语。例如:He was the last to come . Have you anything to say ?7.动名词作定语。There is a swimming pool.8.复合结

29、构:It is necessary for us to study English. It is kind of you to see me. Would you mind my smoking here ?9.We often hear her sing.(主动句) She is often heard to sing.(被动句)当hear,see 以被动形式出现时,其后动词必须带“to”10.remember doing ,“记住曾经做过”,remember to do “记得去做”。还未做。 Forget doing “忘记曾经做过”,forget to do “忘记去做”,还没有做。

30、Stop doing “停止做”,stop to do “停下来去做”。8月2号笔记:1.以do为例,do的形式有四种:do,did,done,doing。例句:The work is done well. I am doing my homework.复合句变简单句:The man who is standing there is my leader.=The man standing there is my leader.This is a factory which was built in 1950s.=This is a factory built in 1950s.2.分词做定语。

31、This is a book written by an American.3.分词做宾语补足语。P82 4、分词作状语 例:Because I didnt know her addess. I couldnt get in touch with her. =Not knowing her addess, I couldnt get in touch with her. As she saw nobody at home, she decided to leave them a note.=Seeing nobody at home, she decided to leave them a note.做练习77-83,预习介词,做出习题97-99.8月9号笔记:记住87页3.介词的固定搭配。100页连词:注意no

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