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本文(简析《呼啸山庄》中男女主人公爱情悲剧的原因学位论文.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、简析呼啸山庄中男女主人公爱情悲剧的原因学位论文 摘 要呼啸山庄是由艾米丽布朗特所创的世界上最伟大的小说之一。艾米丽在小说中成功的塑造了爱与恨为主题的爱情悲剧故事。自该小说诞生以来,国内外学者对于呼啸山庄主题的研究从未停止。本文选取希斯克利夫和凯瑟琳爱情故事原因的角度进行探究,致力通过对男女主人公所处的阶级,受到的教育,各自成长环境的变化,及各自性格原因,来分析男女主人公的爱情悲剧。通过本次研究,能够使读者对希斯克利夫和凯瑟琳的爱情悲剧有更清晰的理解和认识。 关键词: 爱;恨;凯瑟琳;西斯克里夫;呼啸山庄 ContentsAbstract i摘要 ii1Introduction. 11.1 In

2、troduction of Emily Bronte and her Wuthering Heights 11.2 Introduction of the tragic love story 11.3 The structure of this paper 22Literature Review 42.1 Review on the oversea studies 42.2 Review on the domestic studies 43The External Reasons for the Tragedy 63.1 The class barrier 63.2 The education

3、al reasons 7 3.2.1The family education for Heathcliff and Catherine 7 3.2.2Education conducted by European upper class 74The Internal Reasons for the Tragedy 94.1 Catherines own reasons 9 4.1.1 Catherines growing environment 9 4.1.2 Catherines dual personality 9 4.1.3 Catherines betrayal 104.2 Heath

4、cliffs own reasons 10 4.2.1 Heathcliffs growing environment 11 4.2.2 Heathcliffs extreme personality 11 4.2.3 Heathcliffs revenge 125Conclusion 14References 15Acknowledgements 161. Introduction1.1 Introduction of Emily Bronte and her Wuthering HeightsEmily Jane Bronte (July 30, 1818 December 19, 184

5、8) was a great British novelist and pet in the 19th century and one of the extraordinary women writers in the literary history of England, and she is also best remembered for her only novel Wuthering Heights, which is now an acknledged classic of English literature.Emily was born at Thornton in York

6、shire. She was the younger sister of Charlotte Bronte, and the fifth of six children. It was the discovery of Emilys poetic talent by her family that led her and her sisters, Charlotte and Anne, to publish jointly a book of poems entitled Poems by Currer, Ellis and Action Bell in 1846. To evade cont

7、emporary prejudice against female writers, all three used male pseudonyms, Emilys being Ellis Bell. She wrote many poems of her own and some of these during her short life, in the form of powerful lyrics. These lyrics have been esteemed highly as passionate utterances of the authors innermost feelin

8、gs and thoughts.She subsequently published her only novel, Wuthering Heights, in 1847, a powerful, poetic work, but whose innovative structure somewhat puzzled critics. Although it received mixed reviews when it first came out, the book subsequently became an English literary classic. Wuthering heig

9、hts depicts the foundling boy Heathcliff after the adoption by the Earnshaw. He lived with Mr. Earnshaws son Hindley and daughter Catherine. Hindley treat Heathcliff badly.He insulted and maltreated Heathcliff in veery possible way afther Mr.Earnshaws death. At the same time, peculiar emotion occurr

10、ed between Catherine and Heathcliff. Because of her vanity and ignorance, Catherine decided to marry Linton. Heathcliff left with anger. Three years later, Heathcliff returned to revenge. He succeeded in annexing all the property of Hindleys and the Lintons. However, Catherines ghost pestered him al

11、l the time and he died in the dream with Catherine.1.2 Introduction of the tragic love storyWuthering Heights shows us the life scenes in a deformity society through a tragic love story, outlines all kinds of the terrible events caused by the human nature in the distorted society. The title of the n

12、ovel comes from the Yorkshire manor on the moors of the story (as an adjective, Wuthering is a Yorkshire word referring to turbulent weather). The narrative tale centers on the all-encompassing, passionate, but ultimately doomed love between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, and how this unresolved

13、 passion eventually destroys them and the people around them.The plot of story is actually spread gradually through four stages.The first stage describes the childhood life of Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw who the two children spend hours on the moors together and hate every moment; the special

14、feeling between a homeless gypsy boy and an honored, upper-class lady in the unique environment, and their rebel against the tyranny of Catherines brother Hindley. The second stage focuses on describing Catherine as a common lady who pursues the traditional “human love” and denies Heathcliffs love;

15、at last she married to Layton, a young and rich, educated gentleman, and becomes the mistress of Thrushcross Grange. She admitted Nelly that she loves Layton, because he is young, handsome, and rich and loves her, and the most important one is that he can make her become the most respected woman. Wh

16、ile Catherine patted on her forehead and chest said: “In my soul my heart, I know I was wrong.” She also loves Heathcliff, but here love for Heathcliff is derived form “he and I are the same piece of material”. Love, from the pursuit of happiness to the pursuit of oneself, has become just “super-hum

17、an love”. In the third stage, the novel, by using a lot of words, describes how Heathcliff who is filled with hatred and despair makes all kinds of actions on his revenge. This part is the main theme of the whole story. With the death of Catherine, Edgar, Isabella, Heathcliffs son and himself, Heath

18、cliff achieves his revenge on those who treated him badly. At last, the novel only narrates the death of Heathcliff, but reveals a brand new change of his minds when he found that Hareton and Cathy fell in love with each other. His minds changes from love, hatred, and revenge to the recovery of huma

19、n nature, which reveals a light of hope in this tragic love which is full of horror color.In the novel, Heathcliff and Catherine later grow close, and their love becomes the central theme of the first volume; his revenge and its consequences are the main theme of the second volume. Therefore, his mi

20、nds change from love, hatred, revenge to the revival of human nature, is not only the essence of the novel, but also the theme throughout the whole novel. The author layouts and arranges the changed scene unpredictably according to this theme, sometimes full of dark clouds, wail like ghosts and howl

21、 like wolves in the wilderness, and sometimes like the storms blow hard, or in a dark courtyard. The tragic love story is always surrounded in a mysterious and terrible atmosphere.1.3 The structure of this paperWuthering Heights is the most unusual novel in the history of English Literature.By descr

22、ibing Catherine and Heathcliffs love; it shows the variation of deformity society, and the distorted humanistic. This article analyzes the book from the reasons of the tradgic love Catherine and Heathcliff. The first chapter is introduction; it gives a brief introduction on Emily Bronte and the Wuth

23、ering Heights. The second chapter is literature review, in this part it introduces the studies of this novel on the oversea and domestic .The third chapter is the external reasons for the tragedy. The fourth is the internal reasons for the tragedy. The last, chapter five, is the conclusion of this p

24、aper.2. Literature ReviewToday considered as a classic of English literature, Wuthering Heights was met with mixed reviews when it first appeared, mainly because of mental and physical cruelty of the narratives stark depiction. Although Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre was generally considered the best o

25、f the Bront sisters works during most of the nineteenth century, many subsequent critics of Wuthering Heights argued that it was a superior achievement. The novel has been studied, analyzed, and discussed from every imaginable critical perspective and from every aspect, yet it remains unexhausted. M

26、ost of them are focused on the character of the hero or the complicated love between the characters. Catherine, the heroine of the Wuthering Heights, is a typical tragic role in Western literature. Caterines emotional has different changes with different environment.(Chen le,2007). Heathcliff, in Wu

27、thering Heights, is the real dramatic center of the story. Heathcliff is a coalescence of several characters and elements, one is the concept of a man whose mind of hatred is pitiless and ruthless, and another is of a man whose desire for revenge degenerates into avarice (Davy Cecil, 1934). There ar

28、e many factors to deal with Heathcliffs distortion; many of the previous studies attempt to explore the reasons for Heathcliffs tragedies. In aboard, they are respectively Davy. L. Roberts analysis based on prototype theory, Davy Cecils analysis based on backgrounds theory and James. C. Janets analy

29、sis based on love theory. 2.1 Review on the oversea studies According to Davy L Robert(1985),The Prototype of Heathcliff suggests the sensational revenge and tragic characters. He addressed in his The Prototype of Heathcliff that Emily Bronte created the name “Heathcliff” to tell the readers the man

30、s temperament in a metaphorical way. Davy L Robert argues that the figure of Heathcliff created by Bronte stands for evil and revenge, and he also thinks that Heathcliffs prototype would be the devil from hell. According to James C Janets (2009) On Brontes Wuthering Heights, the relationship determi

31、nes Heathcliff and Catherines love. Their love is thus formed in the rebellion against those social forces, families and classes, which restrict the ideals. Catherines choice of love, her choice fondness of wealth, position and social distinction in other words, are the primary reasons for forming H

32、eathcliffs tragic characters (James C. Janet, 2009). According to Davy Cecil the backgrounds deal a lot with Heathcliffs distortion. Davy Cecil believes that the change of class state and life experience contribute a lot to form Heathcliffs distortion.2.2 Review on the domestic studiesIn China, many scholars combine characteristics and the fate of life experience of character types in Wuthering Heights with authors personality and characteristic, such as Tang Zheng(2009) believed that, to a certain extent

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