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高中英语 32 Section Ⅱ Grammar课时训练 新人教版必修5.docx

1、高中英语 32 Section Grammar课时训练 新人教版必修52019-2020年高中英语 3.2 Section Grammar课时训练 新人教版必修5.句型转换1.When it is seen from the top of the mountain,the city looks very beautiful with lights on at night. the top of the mountain,the city looks very beautiful with lights on at night.答案:Seen from2.As he was surrounded

2、 by a group of young people,the old man felt happy. a group of young people,the old man felt happy.答案:Surrounded by3.Because the girl was hurt badly in the earthquake,she was sent to hospital immediately. in the earthquake,the girl was sent to hospital immediately.答案:Hurt badly4.Though Tom was punis

3、hed,he still insisted on behaving badly. ,Tom still insisted on behaving badly.答案:Though punished5.Left alone at home,John didnt feel afraid at all. alone at home,John didnt feel afraid at all.答案:Although he was left.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.The minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, (add) that

4、 he had enjoyed his stay here.答案:adding2.(encourage) by his dream,the student works harder.答案:Encouraged3. (defeat) by his opponent,he never gave up any hope.答案:Defeated4.There was a terrible noise (follow) the sudden burst of light.答案:following5.(catch)in heavy rain,George was wet through.答案:Caught

5、6.The president of the pany came to the factory, (follow) by some workers.答案:followed7.The old man walked into the room, (support) by his son.答案:supported8.He stood there silently,(move)to tears.答案:moved9.(xx江苏高考改编题)His lecture (give),a lively question-and-answer session followed.答案:having been give

6、n10.(xx天津高考改编题)Clearly and thoughtfully (write),the book inspires confidence in students.答案:written.用分词改写句子1.He was born and brought up in the countryside.He was interested in biology.,he was interested in biology.答案:Born and brought up in the countryside2.Most of the parents are devoted to their ow

7、n work.They spend little time with their children.,most of the parents spend little time with their children.答案:Devoted to their own work3.Mike did not attend the party.He was not invited.答案:Not invited,Mike did not attend the party.4.Mary entered the room.She was covered with snow.答案:Mary entered t

8、he room,covered with snow.5.As her mother was ill in bed,Jane couldnt go to school.答案:Janes mother being ill in bed,she couldnt go to school.6.Dont speak until you are spoken to.Dont speak until .答案:spoken to7.He was lost in thought.He sat in the sofa without any movement.,he sat in the sofa without

9、 any movement.答案:Lost in thought8.The drug is taken according to the directions.The drug has no side effect.,the drug has no side effect.答案:(When/If) taken according to the directions.用分词翻译句子1.再给我一个小时,我也能解决这个问题。(give)答案:Given another hour,I can also work out the problem.2.因为是匆忙写成的,这篇文章质量不是很好。(write)

10、答案:Written in a hurry,the article doesnt have good quality.3.尽管受到不少科学家的嘲笑,他还是继续他的研究。(laugh)答案:Laughed at by many scientists,he still went on with his research.4.受好奇心的驱使,她打开了这个包裹。(drive)答案:Driven by curiosity,she opened the parcel.阅读理解New Robot Displays Human EmotionsKobian,a “humanoid” robot,which c

11、an express seven human emotions,has been unveiled(使公之于众)by researchers at Waseda University in Japan.Researchers from Waseda University have teamed up with Kyushu-based robot manufacturer Tmsuk to develop a humanoid robot that uses its entire body to express a variety of emotions.The Emotional Human

12、oid Robot can express seven different feelings,including delight,surprise,sadness and dislike.In addition to assuming different poses to match the mood,Kobian uses motors in its face to move its lips,eyelids and eyebrows into various positions.Apart from being nice,Kobian empathises with you and is

13、sad when you are down.It is capable of performing demanding physical tasks,which his double jointed neck allows him to do.To express delight,for example,the robot puts its hands over its head and opens its mouth and eyes wide.To show sadness,Kobian hunches over,hangs its head and holds a hand up to

14、its face in a gesture of grief.Kobian can also walk around,perceive its environment and perform physical tasks.The robot features a double jointed neck that helps it achieve more expressive postures.It was developed and unveiled by researchers at Wasedas Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engin

15、eering in Tokyo on Tuesday June 23.They were led by Professor Atsuo Takanashi,and worked with robot manufacturer Tmsuk,based in Kitakyushu,southern Japan.According to Kobians developers,the robots expressiveness makes it more equipped to interact with humans and assist with daily activities.There ar

16、e plans for it to be further developed and then possibly deployed(应用)into the field of nursing.1.The main idea of the passage is that .A.a robot displaying human emotions has been unveiledB.a robot can express seven human emotionsC.the robot will possibly be deployed into the field of nursingD.Kobia

17、n has been unveiled by researchers at Waseda University in Korea提示:主旨大意题。根据全文的内容以及文章的第一句可知文章的主要大意为A项。答案:A2.The underlined word “humanoid” is most likely to mean .A.a robot that can express seven different feelingsB.a robot that is equipped to assist with daily activitiesC.a robot that is equipped to

18、 achieve more expressive posturesD.a robot that resembles a human being提示:词义猜测题。D项是对humanoid“具有人类特点的”最全面的解释。答案:D3.Which section of a newspaper can you probably see the passage?A.Fashion. B.Education.C.Business. D.Science.提示:推理判断题。全文讲述的是日本新型机器人演绎人的喜怒哀乐的新科技问题,因此本文很可能出现在报纸的科普版。答案:D4.Which of the follow

19、ing is TRUE about Kobian?A.In order to express delight,Kobian hunches over,hangs its head and holds a hand up to its face in a gesture of grief.B.Kobian can move its lips,eyelids and eyebrows into various positions by using motors in its face.C.To show sadness,the robot puts its hands over its head

20、and opens its mouth and eyes wide.D.It was developed and unveiled by researchers at Wasedas Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering in Tokyo on Thursday June 23.提示:细节理解题。根据本文第二段最后一句可知B项正确。答案:BBThe home of the future wont be pletely different and we will be living in houses and flats just

21、 as we do today.But people will want to shape their homes to match their dreams.No two homes will be the same.People will be able to buy “house kits” containing a basic house structure,with movable walls,doors and windows.They will put together the different parts to create the home they want.Many j

22、obs that we do today will disappear;others will still exist but will change and new jobs will be created.Skilled workers such as builders,gardeners and electricians wont disappear because machines cant replace them.Teachers will still exist because students need human contact.But they will be using

23、modern technology in class more and students will be working more from home.The medical technology revolution and space travel will create new jobs which we can only imagine today.Space holidays will develop in the future,but these holidays wont be for everyone because they wont be cheap.Short space

24、 trips will develop first,and then space hotels will orbit the earth where it will be possible to have a longer vacation.By the end of the next century,there will be holiday centres on the moon with leisure facilities for families.Paper wont exist in the future.Instead,there will be e-paper which pe

25、ople will be able to use over and over again.This will develop in order to save natural resources.E-newspapers and e-magazines will replace traditional newspapers and magazines and we will download information and news articles from the Internet every day onto our reuseable paper.The laws of physics

26、 tell us that the earth is going to disappear some time in the future.This isnt going to happen tomorrow but scientists predict that it will happen in five billion years when our sun explodes(爆炸).We will have to explore the universe and find another home.At some point in the distant future,either we

27、 stay on the earth and die with it,or we leave and move to another planet.There wont be any other choice.5.Homes of the future will pletely different from those of very similar to our homesC.all be different from one movable as you want提示:细节判断题。从文章第一段的“No two homes will b

28、e the same.”可以推出答案。答案:C6.Space trips and staying in space hotels will .A.bee a very mon way to spend a the cheapest holiday option for familiesC.attract a lot of peopleD.still only be for very rich people提示:细节判断题。从文章的第三段的“.but these holidays wont be for everyone because they wont be chea

29、p.”可以判断出答案。答案:D7.E-paper will replace traditional paper because will be used wont waste natural will be cheaper to will be convenient to carry提示:细节判断题。从文章的第四段的“This will develop in order to save natural resources.”可判断出B项正确。而选项A应为it will be used again and aga

30、in。答案:B8.We will have to move to another planet .A.if we want to save the human raceB.when the sun explodesC.when the earth disappearsD.when the earth is too crowded to fill people on提示:推理判断题。从文章最后一段的“At some point in the distant future,either we stay on the earth and die with it,or we leave and mov

31、e to another planet.”可推断出答案。答案:A2019-2020年高中英语 3.2Learning about Language & Using Language课后演练 新人教版必修2.课文单句语法填空在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式1When I was young, I was crazy _ radios.答案aboutbe crazy about.“对疯狂/着迷”。2Now I am working in a puter pany _ (design) new programs for puters.答案designing分词作伴随状语。3As I grow older I realize how much my life has been _ (connect) with my interest in radios!答案connectedbe connected with“与有联系/相关”。4The scientists hav

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