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1、西安交大英语四级作文0. Writing Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Creativity. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:1. 创造性的含义2. 许多人缺乏创意3. 一些成功人士具有创新意识Creativity写作思路:1. 按照自己的已有知识,给创造性下定义并简要说明获取这种性能的途径和重要性。2. 说明许多人

2、缺乏创意的事实,并用常见的例子加以支撑,进一步引述这样的人不太引人注目。3. 大多数成功人士不乏创新意识,他们能标新立异,另辟蹊径。各个行业都不乏这样的例子;呼吁大家开动脑筋,发挥自己的创造性。CreativityCreativity refers to the ability to bring forth new ideas, work out novel methods and lead into pleasant changes by using imagination and practice. This capability often stems from working dili

3、gently, thinking deeply and studying intensively. It is therefore one of the standard often used to judge a person or a piece of work. Being creative or not may mean success or failure in the new era.Many people show lack of creativity in their daily work and life. They parrot the words of others an

4、d ape someone at every step. When writing an essay, many students apply a set rule to everything and follow the models mechanically without showing any personal merits. When designing something, few people can break away from the stereotype. Since these people cannot help falling into the convention

5、al patterns, they are likely to be less impressive, less noticeable and less successful.A great majority of successful people attribute their achievements to their originality. In the field of sports, super athletes excel others by tapping their initiatives. Excellent scholars, novelists and artists

6、 etc. are often approved because of their creativeness. Even applicants can fulfill their wishes when they express themselves in special, unusual and commendable ways. We are not stupid; we hate to be outdone. Why not think aloud, work hard and stand out by employing our originality?1. Writing Direc

7、tions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Unity Is Strength. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in English:1. The significance of this saying.2. Many people and groups make great achievements because of their spirit of uni

8、ting others. 3. Yet some people lack this spirit.写作思路:1. 团结就是力量是一个非常响亮的口号,这个说法具有一定的重要意义。2. 说明许多人团结起来取得了令人瞩目的成绩,并引用一些典型的例子加以证实。3. 有少数人缺乏团结他人的精神,呼吁他们与他人拧成一股绳,创造更加辉煌的成就。Unity Is Strength The sonic saying that unity is strength is frequently referred to by many people. Although much work needs to be don

9、e by individuals separately at present, more often than not we have to cooperate with and unite others to make the desirable results. In doing scientific study, in conducting sports activities, in agricultural and industrial manufacturing, in wining certain campaigns, we can often strengthen us and

10、make great progress only by uniting others. Great achievements in various aspects domestically and abroad are made because of the spirit of unity. The establishment of the new China is due to the joint efforts of Chinese people when they united as one. To win any team games, unity is of an essential

11、 factor. Once a participant fails to coordinate and cooperate with others, the chance of their team winning the game is rather slim. A famous writer once said, I could make such achievements because I was standing on the shoulders of the giants. In other words, he succeeded because he united his own

12、 strength with those of others. Some people lack the spirit of unity. Actually, some people may fail miserably as they rely on themselves only and resist any help from others exclusively. Sometimes it works to be alone but more often it is more rewarding to unite others in work and life. A wise way

13、for us is to unite others whenever necessary.2. Writing Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter. Suppose you are Li Ming, writing to your pal friend Tony in the U.S., inviting him to visit Beijing when the Olympic Games are being held in 2008. State your viewpoints cl

14、early and write at least 120 words persuading him to do as you sincerely wish. 写作思路:该文是典型的私人信件的写作文体,为典型的应用文,其写作思路如下:1、第一段为引述段。陈述你的写作目的,即邀请他能够在2008年来北京看奥运会。2、利用列举的办法说明这样做的理由。如中国人将在办奥运时会展示的独特风格,中国人的热情好客,中国众多的名胜古迹等都是值得亲眼目睹的。3、再次表达你的强烈愿望,并以疑问的方式结束书信,令对方深思。A Letter of InvitationDear Tony: Im writing to i

15、nvite you to come to China in the year 2008. As you know, China will be host to the 2008 Olympic Games. This is the first time our motherland is entrusted with the right of undertaking this significant and exceptional grand meeting. Beijing in 2008 will be sure to give a great surprise for everyone

16、worldwide.Do come as I sincerely wish. China will not fail you, Beijing will not disappoint you. You will see with your own eyes the originality of Chinese people in holding this magnificent and pioneering gathering from the constructing of stadiums to the rear-services. All the events as well as th

17、e opening ceremony and closing ceremony will open up new views one after another. You can experience in person the radiating warm feelings and deep-rooted friendships of the Chinese people you will encounter in the metropolitan city of Beijing or other places. You will also be greatly impressed by i

18、nnumerous historical and scenic spots frequently visited and admired.Seeing is believing. China is a large fast-developing country with a long history of civilization. We are striking a good balance between achieving material progress and fostering an advanced culture. We have made admirable progres

19、ses in all walks of life. The 2008 Olympic Games, as a case in point, will be put in history for sure. Are you willing to lose this golden chance to observe and learn personally? Yours truly, Li Ming.3. Writing Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic

20、 Never Take Things for Granted. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:1. 当今许多人说话办事想当然2. 分析出现这种现象的原因3. 避免这种情况的方法Never Take Things for Granted写作思路:1. 按照自己的背景知识,简要说明当今许多人尤其是年轻人总是想当然地说话办事的现状。2. 说明出现这种现象的基本原因,如上辈人对下一代的娇惯,纵容;社会不良现象的影响等。3. 家庭教育和学校教育必须结合起来才能有效避免这种现

21、象Never Take Things for GrantedNowadays we can easily find that there are many people, especially the young, take things for granted negligently in whatever they do and whatever they say. Whats worse, they do not take their inappropriate behaviors seriously even when some people make negative comment

22、s on them in public. All of us should refrain from this action as it shows lack of culture and nurture. Such uncivilized behavior can be attributed to several reasons. Firstly, with the one-child policy of each couple, many young people and children are the emperors of their families. Parents and gr

23、and parents are under the dictate of them unreasonably. It is no wonder that they tend to take things for granted. Secondly, young people are likely to be influenced by some unhealthy phenomena directly. They may blindly copy those who behave and swagger overbearingly like a conquering hero. Conscio

24、usly or unconsciously they fall into the habit of taking things for granted with increasing intensity.Taking things for granted always does little or no good for ones sturdily growing up. As children are usually unconscious or inattentive of their deeds, family education as well as school education

25、should play a part in nurturing polite, considerate and respectful children.4. Writing Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Attitudes towards Life. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in English:1. People hold dif

26、ferent views towards life.2. Some people are optimistic to life.3. Nevertheless, some people are rather passive.写作思路:1. 按照自己的已有知识,简要扼要地说明当今人们对生活持有不同的态度,有的人消极被动、有的人积极乐观、还有一些人持折衷的态度。2. 举例说明积极热情、乐观向上的人会生活得阳光灿烂,也很容易取得成功,享受快乐、自在的生活。3. 具体说明消极冷漠、被动悲观的人会生活得很郁闷,也不容易取得成功,去享受快乐的生活。Attitudes towards LifeWhen it

27、 comes to the controversial issue of attitudes to life, people may respond more or less alike. Generally speaking, people may fall into three main categories according to their personalities and temperaments. Some people are active, positive and enthusiastic; some may be passive, negative and pessim

28、istic; and there are still some who are in the middle of these two kinds. People of different attitudes enjoy themselves quite differently.Active and optimistic people are always happy and confident. They usually get along with others well and are often popular among their acquaintances. They can fa

29、ce any challenges and difficulties in life and work bravely. They can also approach their lucks and success candidly. As they smile at life constantly, life smiles at them eternally.Undoubtedly, there are some people who detest the world and its ways. They are not willing to take vigorous lead in ad

30、vancing ahead. They do not take initiatives in dealing with difficulties and hardships. They are reluctant to be at their own risks. In a word, they live passively and passionlessly. Life is colorful itself. Lets make it even more resplendent by having a more desirable attitude. Cherish and enjoy li

31、fe energetically. 5. Writing Directions: 假定你是李阳,你的好朋友张强是一名非常优秀的大三学生,他想考研深造,而他的父母亲希望他早点工作,以帮助家庭供妹妹上大学。他很矛盾,征求你的建议,请写信谈谈你的看法。写作思路:该文是较为典型的私人信件的写作的应用文体,其写作思路如下:1、第一段为引述段。陈述你已收到他的来信,简要回答他可能问你的问题,并阐明你对他的困境的看法。2、利用分析、摆事实讲道理的办法说明你这样建议他的理由。3、最后点明如果不这样做将会带来的遗憾。A Letter of AdviceDear Zhang Qiang: Thank you fo

32、r your letter dated Sep. the 10th. I did have a happy teachers day as you wished. I have been busy preparing for my international paper to be presented next month. I can understand you are in a dilemma. Anyway, I am definitely in favor of your entering into the rivalry of competing to become a postgraduate as you are so excellent a student. I know very well that your parents really need you to be some help to the family. All these years your family has almost been reduced to the edge of poverty and ruin because of you an

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