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1、牛津高中英语模块五第一单元doc牛津高中英语模块五第一单元Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others Project Giving an oral report (教学设计)223001 江苏省淮安市清河中学 孙 勇 Sunyong30 Thoughts on the design: 本课是以读引做的“project”。在学生课前完成学案的预习之后,教师及时批改并在课堂上及时反馈,总结归纳学案的完成情况,从学生汇报自己所做的调查表结果开始引发同学们对于友谊的不同看法,然后通过课文“Teenagers friendship”的学习,先分析“report”的

2、内容要点,培养学生获取信息的能力,借助于文章信息帮助学生分析这个报告的结构。引导学生写“report”需要注意的事项,并帮助学生复习问卷设计的注意事项。通过学习,学生将能出好一份调查问卷进行调查,并模仿 “Teenagers Friendship” 写一份调查报告并口头呈现给所有同学分享。Teaching aims: 1. To develop the students reading ability by reading the article from the school magazine;2. To get the students to have a deep and clear u

3、nderstanding of different attitudes of boys and girls towards friendship;;3. To practice Ss oral ability by anticipating in the oral report;4. To improve Ss team work spirit by finishing and presenting the project;5. To improve Ss emotional sense of friendship.Focal points: 1. Reading comprehension

4、of the passage. 2.Preparing to give an oral report.Difficult points: Analysis of the strusture of the report.Teaching aids: A questionnaire, a tape recorder, the slide projectorTeaching procedures: Step 1 Feedback of the studying plan. 1. Check if the students have remembered the proverb “有志者事竟成”.2.

5、 Get the students to report his facts according to the questionnaire and discuss if there is any difference between boys and girls friendship. 3. Whats your definition of friendship? (ask boys and girls to answer separately)4. Do you think boys and girls have different attitudes towards friendship?设

6、计意图 “天天记忆”环节有助于学生背诵一些常用的英语谚语,因为谚语已经成为近几年高考题中的一个考察项目,把谚语背诵落实在日常高一高二基础年级的教学活动中可以让学生轻轻松松地学会很多谚语,日积月累之后到高三总复习时再稍作总结就可以基本上满足高考的要求了。这个“project”让学生比较男女生的某个差别并作出一个报告。“Project”的文章给我们提供了一个范本。由本单元的话题导入比较自然,同时也讨论了男女生友谊观的差别,为读文章做了铺垫。通过课前学生完成学案中调查表的内容,可以对于文章内容有所预测,同时该调查表也有助于学生设计和完善自己所要进行的调查内容。在上课的一开始,就给学生明确了本节课的目

7、的是要做一个自己的“report”,能引导学生注意模仿书上的例子。Step 2 Reading 1. Check the answers to the following questions. 1) What puzzles Robert? Some things about Amanda and her friends. For example, he cant understand what girls can talk about for so long.2) Whats the difference between boys and girls in their attitudes t

8、owards friendship? Girls always seem to have a lot to talk about with their best frineds. They seem to have more friendships than boys. Boys cannot name a single best friend.3) What are boys and girls friendships each based on? Girlsfriendships are based on shared feelings and support while boysfrie

9、ndships are based on shared activities or interests.2. Judge the following sentences TRUE or FALSE. If its wrong, then try to correct it.1) Both boys and girls have a lot to talk about with their best friends.FALSE “Girls have a lot to talk about with their best friends.” 2) According to studies, gi

10、rls have more friendships than boys. TRUE3) Boys can easily name a best friend when asked. FALSE “Boys cannot easily name a best friend when asked.” 4) If a boy has a best friend, they seem to share much about their feelings.FALSE “If a boy has a best friend, they seem to share much about activities

11、 or interests.”5) A girls best friend might be the first to tell her about something good or bad that has happened in her life. TRUE6)There is no friendship between boys because their friendship is based on activities.FALSE “Although boys friendship is based on activities, there is still friendship

12、between boys.”3.Check the answers to the task-based reading.Teenagers friendships (可大写或小写)BoysGirlsCharacters / People /PersonsRobertAmanda and SharonActivities Playing football insteadTalking for several hoursDifferencesAttitudesHesitating when asked who his best friend is.Being clear about the sam

13、e question without hesitation Bases Shared activities or interestsShared feelings and support Similarities Friendships are important to both boys and girls, regardless of what they are based on.4. Go over the passage and find the main idea and some detailed information. 1) Analyze para.2 to para.7 b

14、y finding out the answers to the following two questions.Q1. Whats the theme of this part? Different attitudes of boys and girls towards friendship.Q2. What are the differences? Boys friendships are based on shared activities while girls on shared feelings.Para. 2 Raise the topic of this part: boys

15、and girls have different attitudes towards friendship.Para. 3 Results of many studies about friendships are consistent worldwide.Paras 4-5 Adolescent boys cannnot name a single best friend, which is different from adolesect girls.Para. 6 Friendships between girls and boys are based on different thin

16、gs.Para. 7 Conclusion of the differences.Q3. How does the writer prove his idea that boys and girls are different in the attitudes of friends in para. 4 and para.5? By stating what the interviewees actually say about friendships.2)Analyze para. 1- the first paragraph.Whats the function of the first

17、paragraph. 1?To introduce the topic of this report by using an example.3) Analyze para.8-the last paragraph.Whats the function of the last paragraph?To summarize the similarities in the attitudes towards friendship between boys and girls.5. Review the structure of this report. So after getting the d

18、etails of the report, lets have an overall view of the structure. 1)Use an example or a story to introduce the topic;2)Present some differences by analyzing data or stating what the interviewees say;3)Draw a conclusion;4)Mention some similarities.设计意图 通过第一至三项学案中的练习,有助于学生从整体到细节熟悉文章内容, 学生进一步了解男女生友谊观的差

19、异,培养学生获取信息的能力。在要求学生结合文章对句子进行正误判断的同时要求学生改正错误所在有助于学生更加准确地把握信息;在核对任务型阅读答案的同时要强调书写是否规范,字母的大小写,名词的单复数,动词的词形等问题,避免由于粗心引起的失分。第四至五项的设计是想引导学生分析这篇“report” 的结构,本课“project” 的最终目的是要学生做一个“report”,这样的分析能让学生清楚自己该如何构建自己“report”的结构,使得文章更具可信度和说服力,同时对于书面表达中如何行文也会有潜移默化的帮助作用。Step 3 Language points 1. When asked they usua

20、lly hesitate before responding, My best friend? 当男孩被问及时,他们通常在回答前犹豫地自问, 我最好的朋友? = When they are asked, they usually respond after hesitating for a while.hesitate hesitation (n.)毫不犹豫地without hesitation 犹豫做某事hesitate to do sth.hesitate about/at/over sth./doing sth. 关于(做)某事犹豫不决学习中遇到难题时要立刻问老师或同学。Dont hes

21、itate to ask your classmates or teachers when you meet with difficulties in your studies.respond response (n.) 对某人或某事作出反应 respond to sb. / sth.2. Regardless of what these friendships are based upon, shared feelings or activities, the important thing to remember is that both of them are friendships.

22、不管男孩和女孩的友谊是建立在什么基础上, 共同拥有的感情也好,共同参与的活动也好,要记住的重要的一点是两者都是友谊。 regardless (of) 不管,不顾 () 我极力反对,但她置之不理仍一意孤行。I protested strongly, but she carried on regardless/ regardless of based on/upon 建立在基础上 base sth. on/upon 把基础放在上这部小说是以历史事实为根据的。The novel is based on/ upon historical facts.设计意图 语言点知识的学习有助于学生更加

23、准确地运用语言,因此在实际教学中是不可缺少的环节,但是本课的重点不在语言点的学习,因此要注意重点讲解,详略得当。Step4Prepare to make an oral report Work in a group of 6. Choose a topic on which you want to know the different opinions of boys and girls. Discuss the tasks and decide everyones duty. Design a questionnaire. Then summarize what you have found

24、 out.设计意图这个部分是本“project”的目的,引导他们在课堂上确定好课题、分好工有助于他们在课后进行调查,写出报告。同时,他们已学过制作问卷,在这里再结合学案中问卷调查表的设置让学生对于其中项目进行删减和增添,可以帮他们提高调查问卷的质量,提出“report”的建议,有助于降低学生写“report”的难度,增加他们的信心。Step 5 PresentationAsk several groups to present their result of the survey to the whole class. 设计意图 这个环节是对于本课教学效果的检测,要鼓励学生大胆开口,展现自我;

25、教师在听完后要尽量用鼓励性的语言表扬和激励学生,为了保证小组之间聆听的效果,教师可以要求其他组的同学就所听到的调查结果进行提问,督促学生学会认真倾听。如果本节课展示“reprot”的时间不够,一定要在后面的课时中挤出时间让每个组的学生都有表现的机会。Assignment 1. Revise what is learnt in the passage “Teenagers friendship”.2. Write down your report.Design of what should be written on the Blackboard Module 5 Unit 1 Project

26、Sample: Teenaagers friendship Giving an oral reportThe first para.- To introduce the topic of this report. Planning Body - To prove the main idea by stating what the Preparinginterviewees say. Producing- Draw a conclusion. PresentingThe last para. - Mention some similarities. Rethinking of the whole

27、 classSomething successful:Something to be improved:牛津高中英语模块五第一单元 Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with othersProject Giving an oral report(学案)学案编号:009 班级:_ 姓名:_ 自评: 同伴互评: 师评: (根据学习和完成情况圈出星数)I. 时时记忆:Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。II. Fill in the following questionnaire according to your

28、own facts.SexMale Female Hobbieslistening to music playing basketball reading playing volleyball watching TV playing football climbing mountains swimming (Other hobbies : _)Favorite subject(s)at schoolChinese English Maths Physics Chemistry Biology History Geography Politics P.E. Information Technol

29、ogy Favorite foodVegetables Meat (Anything else: _)Friend(s)What you talk aboutHow often you talkHow long you talk at a timeYour opinions about friendshipIII. Read the school magazine article Teenagers friendships on Page 18 carefully and try to answer the following questions.1. What puzzles Robert?

30、 _.2. Whats the difference between boys and girls in their attitudes towards friendship?_.3. What are boys and girls friendships each based on?_.IV. Judge the following sentences TRUE or FALSE according to the article. If its wrong, then try to correct it.1. Both boys and girls have a lot to talk about with their best friends.2. According to studies, girls have more friendships than boys.3.

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