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1、南京林业大学研究生英语期末考试翻译复习资料Unit 1A. 1) Cinderella Today2) Thinking the Unthinkable Leads to Success3)Fail More and Succeed More4)Dare to Break the Rules5)Born to Dance6) Best Laid Plan7) Living History8) Whos To Blame9)Recent Advances in Plant Virus Vector Systems10) Between Panic and ApathyB.1)小巷口,大市场2)

2、网上教育3) 车轮上的国度4 )透过婚姻看文化差异5 )一分为二看互联网6 )生态城市建设经济效益的动态评价7) 读者来信与答复8 )基于生态保护对土地未利用土地分类子系统的讨论9) 试论国土规划与生态环境保护10 )对原生态唱法的思考Unit 2Exercise1A. 1)Theres a lot about McDonalds that angers the farmers its samenesses, blandness, the culinary hegemony it represents.麦当劳有很多让农民恼怒的事:千篇一律,平淡无味,还有其所代表的烹饪霸权。2 )At leas

3、t 40 plants have cleared government reviews.至少有40种作物通过了政府的审核。3 )To date, theres nothing to suggest that re-engineered plants have ever done anyone any harm.至今,还没有证据证明基因重组作物已经危害到任何人。4 )Even without legal action, public opinion is turning a more skeptical eye on GM technology.尽管没有诉讼,但公众的观点也越来越怀疑转基因技术5

4、 )Such souped-up plants are understandably popular with farmers, for whom even a slight increase in yield can mean a big increase in profits.这种强化的植物受到农民的欢迎也是有情可原的,对于他们来说哪怕是一点点的增产也意味着利润的大幅提高。B1)近年来,欧洲人对问题食物变得越来越神经质了,而且颇有理由。In recent years, Europeans have become increasingly jumpy about bad foodand wi

5、th good reasons.2)今年欧盟已经禁止进口未经批准的转基因谷物。This year the E.U. banned the importation of non-approved GM corn.3)仔细掂量这一技术对地球的生态系统可能造成的影响,对我们来说至关紧要。It is crucially important that we take stock of this technologys probable effects on our planets ecosystems.4我们也应该冷静地看一看遗传工程在社会和政治领域重的影响。We should also take a

6、sober look at the effects of genetic engineering in the social and political realms5)大自然从来就没有空闲过。通过无规则的变异,大自然不断地检验着生物体的新基因品种。 Nature is never idle. Through random mutations, nature constantly tests new genetic models organisms.Exercise2A.1 )Around the world people are taking a closer look at the gen

7、etic make-up of what theyre eating-and growing uneasy with what they see. Over the past decade, genetically modified (GM) food has become an increasingly common phenomenon as scientists have rewoven the genes of countless fruits and vegetables, turning everyday crops into uber-crops able to resist f

8、rost, withstand herbicides and ever produce their own pesticides. In all, more than 4,500 GM plants have been tested, and at least 40-including 13 varieties of corn, 11 varieties of tomatoes and four varieties of soybeans-have cleared government reviews.世界各地的人们开始密切关注他们吃的东西的基因组成,并且对他们看到的越来越不安。在过去十年里,

9、因为科学家们重组了数不清的水果和蔬菜,转基因食品越来越普遍。基因重组把一般的农作物变成可能抵抗霜冻,除草剂,甚至能制造出自己的杀虫剂的超级农作物。总的来说,现今已超过4500种转基因植物被制造出来,其中至少有40种已被政府审核,包括13种谷物,11种番茄,4种大豆。2 )But one countrys moratorium is another countrys protectionism, and the U.S. is suspicious of Europes action. Tension between the U.S. and the E.S. was already runni

10、ng high recently after Europe decided to continue a ban on hormone-raised U.S. beef and the U.S. hit back with a 100 tariff on some E.U. food exports. Coming in the midst of such a catfight, the GM ban looks like vengeance as much as prudence. Whats more, if Europe is so worried about GM products, w

11、hy is it growing them? France produces its own small crop of GM corn and uses more of the stuff than any other country in Europe. 但是一个国家的停止兑现对另一个国家来说就是保护主义,美国怀疑欧洲的行为。最近由于欧洲决定继续禁止进口美国牛肉,美国对欧洲食品以100进口关税最为回击,使得美国和欧洲的关系越来越紧张。对于双方之间的争辩,转基因食品的禁令更象是报复而不象审视。另外,如果欧洲担心转基因食品,为什么他们还种呢?法国生产了他们自己的转基因作物而且比其他欧洲国家使用

12、的更多。B.1) 不管你是否已做好准备,世界正在迈进遗传工程时代。经过改变的环境和人工创造的生命形式将成为新时代的一部分。植物可能被改造成生产塑料、药品或香水的微型工厂。动物体内可能被植入人类的基因使其机体组织与人类相容,从而可以将动物心脏和其它器官移植给生命垂危的人。 Ready or not, the world is entering the age of genetic engineering. Altered environments and human-created life forms will be part of new age. Plants may be transfo

13、rmed into miniature factories producing plastics, medicines, or perfumes. Animals may be given human genes to make their tissues compatible with humans, allowing animals heart and other organs to be transplanted into critically ill people.2)我们也应该冷静地看一看遗传工程在社会和政治领域中的影响。由于遗传工程在农业和医学上的好处很多,但代价十分昂贵,所以穷人

14、和穷国将负担不起这种开销至少在未来数年中不行。其结果是贫富之间的经济差距很可能会扩大。还有,第三世界国家领导人有时候拒绝将他们的动植物物种用于遗传学研究。西方国家的公司需要这些物种,以便开展遗传工程项目的研究,他们希望以最低的费用获得它们;第三世界国家的领导人希望,如果这些物种被用来创造有价值的东西,那么他们的人民应得到相应的补偿。 We should also take a sober look at the effects of genetic engineering in the social and political realms. Because the agricultural

15、and medical benefits of genetic engineering are expensive, poor individuals and poor nations will not be able to afford themat least not for years to come. As a result, the economic gap between poor and rich is likely to widen. In addition, third world leaders have sometimes vetoed the use of their

16、plant and animal species in genetic research. Western companies want these species for genetic engineering projects and hope to obtain them with minimal expense; third world leaders want to ensure that their people are fairly compensated if these species are used to produce something of value.Key to

17、 Unit 3 Exercise 1 A. 1)Save meetings for issues which require face-to-face communication, and use e-mail when matter can be handle via a well-worded, concise written message.需要面对面沟通的问题留着见面解决,但凡可以通过精心措词,简明扼要的书面信息处理的事情可使用电子邮件。2) Nothing rankles a baby boomer more than a new employee who breezes in an

18、d wants to change things, with seemingly no thought given to whats gone on before.一个新雇员初来乍到就想有所改变,似乎不顾及过去发生的事情,婴儿潮一代出生的人对此最为恼怒的了。 3)Although office automation was well in place in most large businesses in North America and parts of Europe during the early 1980s, there was little change because techn

19、ology was simply laid over outmoded organizational structures.虽然在二十世纪八十年代初在北美和欧洲部分地区多数大企业里办公室自动化都很到位,但是因为技术仅仅是建立在陈旧的组织结构之上的,所以几乎没有什么变化。4)Pick up any magazine and you will see photos of lavish home offices equipped with the latest information systems, beckoning the high-pressured executive to unwind

20、in a tranquil setting and release the creative intellectual within.拿起任何杂志,你会看到配备了最新信息系统的奢华家居办公室的照片,示意处于紧张压力下的行政人员在一个安宁的环境中放松下来,释放心中的创意和智慧。5)The “traditional job” and the old concept of “pay-for-position,” under which workers were paid for fulfilling specified duties such as arriving at work punctual

21、ly and being cooperative with others will most likely be redefined.工人因为完成特定的工作,如准时上班和配合别人的工作而被支付工资的“传统工作”和“职位工资”的旧概念很可能会被重新调整。/按照“传统工作”和“职位工资”的旧概念,工人因为完成特定的工作,如准时上班和配合别人的工作而被支付工资,而这些很可能会被重新调整。B. 1) 一个半世纪以来,东西方文化在此交融,有时相互融合,又是相互冲撞,但总时产生鲜明的对比,使得到此一游令人难忘。For a century and a half West and East have join

22、ed here, sometimes blending, sometimes clashing, but always spawning dazzling contrasts that make a visit here simply unforgettable.2)铝总是和其他元素结合在一起,最普遍的是跟氧结合,因为铝跟氧有很强的亲和力,由于这个原因,在自然界中找不到游离状态的铝,所以,铝直到19世纪才被人发现。Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it fou

23、nd free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has a strong affinity.3) 我们正亲眼目睹信息技术进入了一个所有划时代技术都会经历的重要阶段,此时,信息技术不再为少数专业人员所掌握,它们已成为被大众所接受并无处不在的东西。We are seeing information technology reach the point that all transformational technologies reach

24、 when they are no longer controlled by just a small group of skilled professionals, and they cross over to mass acceptance and ubiquity. 4) 生态旅游也是一个蓬勃发展的产业,现今从热带到极地,对任何野生动物生活相对不受干扰的地区,凡具有环境意识的旅游者都愿意花大笔钱去观赏。Ecotourism is a boom industry. Wherever wildlife exists in a relatively undisturbed area, from

25、 the tropics to the poles, todays environmentally aware tourists are willing to pay large sums to see it.5)如果做父母的对这种青少年期的反应有准备,而且意识到这是一个信号,表明孩子正在成长、正在发展宝贵的观察力和独立的判断力,那么他们就不会感到如此的伤心,也就不会迫使孩子因愤恨和反抗而产生逆反心理。If parents were prepared for this adolescent reaction, and realized that it was a sign that the c

26、hild was growing up and developing valuable powers of observation and independent judgment, they would not be so hurt, and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting and resisting it.Exercise 2A. 1)Generation Xers-Born 1965 to 1980 Generation Xers are technologically savvy, hav

27、ing ushered in the era of video games and personal computers during their formative years. But witnessing skyrocketing divorce rates, their parents, being laid off after years of dedicated service and challenges to the presidency, organized religion and big corporation, instilled a sense of skeptici

28、sm and distrust of institutions. Because they dont expect employer loyalty, they see no problem changing jobs to advance professionally.Xers一代(X世代人) 出生于1965至1980年。在成长时期,他们进入了电子游戏和个人电脑的时代,因此他们技术上有实际经验。但他们的父母由于亲眼目睹了急剧增长的离婚率,以及自己多年兢兢业业奋战在工作岗位上、服务于宗教组织或大公司,到头来还是下岗,他们灌输给孩子的是对制度的怀疑和不信任。Xers一代不期望忠实于雇主,所以,为

29、谋求专业上的发展而跳槽在他们看来不成问题。2) For those who have enough psychological imagination, it is a good plan to imagine an argument with a person having different bias. This has one advantage, and only one, as compared with actual conversation with opponents; this one advantage is that the method is not subject t

30、o the same limitation of time and space. I have sometimes been led actually to change my mind as a result of this kind of imaginary dialogue, and short of this, I have frequently found myself growing less dogmatic and cocksure through realizing the possible reasonableness of a hypothetical opponent.

31、对于那些有充分的想象力的人来说,设想自己与一个持不同意见的人进行争论,也不失为良策。比起与真正的对手交锋来说,这样做有一个好处(也只有一点好处),即不会在时间和空间上受到限制。有时,这种假想的对话使我真的改变了自己的看法。即使没有改变的话,我也往往由于意识到假想中的对手可能是讲道理的而变得不那么武断和过于自信了。B. 1)泰山将自然景观与文化景观完美地融为一体,山上有无以计数的奇石、清瀑、古松、石桥、庙宇、亭阁、古塔、殿堂。名胜古迹数不胜数,尤其是历史文人雅士、书法家所留下的石刻碑文,令游客目不暇接,叹为观止Mount Tai is a perfect example of the kind

32、of mountain resort that embodies natural scenery and cultural heritage, boasting numerous grotesque rock formations, clear waterfalls, age-old pine trees, stone bridges, temples, pavilions, pagodas, and halls. And in particular, tourists will invariantly marvel at the vast number of stone inscriptions left by famous ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers of various dynasties. 2) 何谓政治?“政治”一词来源古希腊字“Polis”,意思是城市,因为在古希腊,人类组织的基本单位就是城市。由“Polis”又产生“Polites”,意思是“公民”,继而是“Politikos”,形容词,“与城市相关的、与公

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