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高考英语二轮短文类训练15 及答案或解析.docx

1、高考英语二轮短文类训练15 及答案或解析德阳市2019高考英语二轮短文类训练(15) 及答案或解析阅读理解It was the first snow of winter an exciting day for every child but not for most teachers. Up until now|, I had been able to dress myself for recess (课间休息)|, but today I would need some help.Miss Finlayson|, my kindergarten teacher at Princess Eli

2、zabeth School near Hamilton|,Ontario|,had been through first snow days many times in her long career|, but l think she may still remember this one.I managed to get into my wool snow pants. But I struggled with my jacket because it didn t fit well. It was a hand me down from my brother|, and it made

3、me wonder why I had to wear his ugly clothes. At least my hat and matching scarf were mine|, and they were quite pretty. Finally it was time to have Miss Finlayson help me with my boots. In her calm|, motherly voice she said|, “By the end of winter|, you will be able to put on your own boots. ”I did

4、nt realize at the time that this was more a statement of hope than of confidence.I handed her my boots and stuck out my feet. Like most children|, I expected the adult to do all the work. After much wiggling and pushing|, she managed to get the first one into place and then|, with a sigh|, worked th

5、e second one on too.I announced|, “They re on the wrong feet. ”With the grace that only experience can bring|, she struggled to get the boots off and went through the joyless task of putting them on again.Then I said|,“ These arent my boots|, you know.” As she pulled the offending boots from my feet

6、|, she still managed to look both helpful and interested. Once they were off|, I said|,“They are my brother s boots. My mother makes me wear them|, and I hate them !” Somehow|, from long years of practice|,she managed to act as though I wasnt an annoying little girl.She pushed and shoved|, less gent

7、ly this time|, and the boots were returned to their proper place on my feet. With a great sigh of relief|, seeing the end of her struggle with me|, she asked|, “Now|,where are your gloves?”I looked into her eyes and said|,“ I didn t want to lose them|, so I put them into the toes of my boots.”语篇解读本文

8、通过为小作者穿靴子的故事|,描写了老师的善解人意和小女孩的顽皮。1According to the passage|, the little girl got_from her brother.A. the wool snow pants and the jacketB. the jacket and the bootsC. the jacket and the hatD. the boots and the gloves解析考查细节理解。根据文章第二段中的“.my jacket because it didnt fit well.It was a hand me down from my b

9、rother.”与第四段中的“These arent my boots.They are my brothers boots.My mother makes me wear them”可知作者穿的是她哥哥的夹克与靴子。答案B2What made it so hard for the teacher to help the little girl put her boots on?A. The gloves in the toes of the boots.B. The slowness of the teacher.C. The wrong size of the boots.D. The u

10、nwillingness of the girl.解析考查细节理解。根据文章的最后一段的“I didnt want to lose them|,so I put them into the toes of my boots”可知让帮助穿鞋的老师费了那么多耐心与力气的是藏在鞋子里的手套。答案A3It can be inferred that before the little girl finally went out to enjoy the first snow of winter|, the teacher had to help her put on her boots_.A. once

11、 B. twiceC. three times D. four times解析考查推理判断。从文章第三段与第四段可知老师要帮小作者穿四次鞋:第一次是穿错了脚|,第二次是脱下来重新穿上|,第三次是作者说了“The arent my boots”之后|,她又把鞋脱下来|,当听说是作者的妈妈非让作者穿哥哥的鞋后|,又把它们给作者穿上|,第四次是听说手套被放在鞋子里了|,就又脱下来重新穿了一次(文中没有点明|,但可推出)。答案D4Which of the following sentences from the text BEST indicates that the teacher is very

12、considerate?A. In her calm|, motherly voice she said|,“ By the end of winter.”( Paragraph 2)B. With the grace that only experience can bring|, she struggled to. (Paragraph 4)C. .she still managed to look both helpful and interested. ( Paragraph 4 )D. .she managed to act as though I wasnt an annoying

13、 little girl. ( Paragraph 4 )解析考查细节理解。经过多年的磨砺|,老师每次给她穿鞋都是那么有耐心|,好像一点也不把小女孩的顽皮放在心上|,这足以说明老师很体贴人。答案D*结束完形填空(共20小题|;每小题1分|,满分20分)阅读下面短文|,掌握其大意|,从每题所给的(A、B、C和D)四个选项中选出最佳选项|,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Around twenty years ago|,I was going through hard timesI could not find 36 work and I found this especially difficult a

14、s I had a lot of experience and a Master degree in a certain 37 To my 38 I was driving a school bus to make ends meet and living with friends as I had lost my 39 I had been through five 40 with a company and one day they called to say I didnt get the jobMy 41 was really hard to bearLater that aftern

15、oon|,while doing my rounds through a quiet suburban neighborhood I had an inner 42 like a scream-arise from deep inside me|,“Why has my life become so 43 ?”Immediately after this internal scream I was 44 the bus over to drop off a little girl when she 45 me an earring|,saying I should keep it in cas

16、e somebody claimed itThe earring was 46 metal|,saying “BE HAPPY”At first I got angry-yeah|,yeah|,I thoughtThen it 47 meI had been putting all of my 48 into what was wrong with my life rather than what was right! I decided then and there to make a 49 of 50 things I appreciatedIt was hard in the begin

17、ning|,and then it got easierOne day I decided to increase it up to 75That night there was a 50 from a manager at a large hospital since I had once 51 for a job to teach a course on stress managementShe asked me if I would do a one-day seminar(研讨会)for 200 hospital workersI said yes and got the 52 My

18、day with the hospital workers went very well I got a standing welcome and many more days of workTo this day I know that it was because I changed my 53 to gratitude(感恩)I spent the next year conducting training workshop all around the Seattle area and decided to 54 everything“The only attitude is grat

19、itude” has been my motto for years now and yes|,it completely 55 my life36Aimportant Btemporary Cinteresting Dsatisfying37Acollege Bfield Cposition Dsituation38Ajoy Banger Cshame Dsurprise39Aapartment Bfortune Cconnection Dconfidence40Aprograms Bactivities Cinterviews Dtasks41Apressure Bloneliness C

20、fear Ddisappointment42Acalm Bstrength Cbalance Dwave43Aspecial Bhard Cunique Dstable44Afixing Bpushing Cpulling Dwatching45Ashowed Bbought Csent Dhanded46Adestroyed Bshaped Ccoated Dstamped47Ainspired Bimpressed Chit Damazed48Asavings Benergies Cchances Dpolicies49Ajoke Bcorrection Csuggestion Dlist

21、50Apromise Bcall Cspeech Ddemand51Aapplied Breached Ccared Dpaid52Awage Binstruction Csympathy Djob53Abehavior Bmethod Cattitude Dreply54Atolerate Bevaluate Caccept Drisk55Achanged Bsaved Cdisturbed Dcreated参考答案3640 DBCAC 4145 DDBCD 4650 DCBD 5155 ADCDA*结束第*套完形填空(共20小题|;每小题1.5分|,满分30分)阅读下面短文|,从短文后各题

22、所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中|,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项|,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Hi Cindy|,Please dont worry if you feel a little strange around boys. You are in the process of 36 from a little girl into a young woman and there are 37 called hormones(荷尔蒙)that are changing not only your body but your 38 . For example|, you say you us

23、ed to feel at ease 39 boys and you would usually run and fight one another for 40 . That was Cindy|, the little girl|, Cindy the 41 woman doesnt want to fight boys or even run with them 42 your interests are changing. That is what is making you feel strange and it is also 43 to the other girls aroun

24、d you and also to the boys. Your life is 44 a different stage but you should understand that this is (a) 45 normal|, and(b) something that will pass quickly.I think you should again try to 46 around boys. You can still talk with them about 47 your like including sports|, movies|, web sites and celeb

25、rities (名人). I 48 that you not try to fight with them|, however|, because the 49 are becoming much bigger and stronger. I think you will find that you will 50 being with boys but that your feelings will be different from the 51 they used to be. I know you are not supposed to have a 52 while you are

26、still in school in China|, but if you start to find some boys very handsome and you are strongly 53 to some of them|, dont be surprised|, 54 |, this is all very normal. For now|, you should 55 your school work|, though you will find that some boys are attracted to you. This will be a new adventure f

27、or you and my best advice is to relax and enjoy it.Good luck|, Brad36. A. starting B. surviving C. changing D. ranging37. A. cells B. nutritions C. objects D. chemicals38. A. head B. mind C. life D. study39. A. against B. for C. with D. without40. A. fun B. honor C. good D. praise41. A. brave B. you

28、ng C. smart D. unique42. A. before B. when C. until D. because43. A. referring B. appealing C. happening D. pointing44. A. setting B. entering C. reflecting D. representing45. A. perfectly B. possibly C. hardly D. nearly46. A. play B. fool C. date D. relax47. A. somebody B. anybody C. anything D. so

29、mething48. A. demand B. recommend C. command D. determine49. A. girls B. adults C. kids D. boys50. A. enjoy B. hate C. avoid D. regret51. A. model B. standard C. way D. style52. A. girlfriend B. boyfriend C. degree D. job53. A. attracted B. opposed C. exposed D. accustomed54. A. Rather B. Besides C.

30、 Afterwards D. Again55. A. depend on B. decide on C. concentrate on D. agree on完形填空参考答案3640 CDBCA 41-45 BDCBA 46-50 DCBDA 51-55 CBADC*结束formed by 60-thousand transparent sticks that sway in the wind and contain fiber-optic filaments(光纤丝). Here at the Joint Pavilion we can visit exhibitions of 42 African countries all in one place. The facility aims to represent the cultural diversity|, solidarity|, and the bright future of the African countries. There i

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