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高二英语Unit13学案 新课标 人教版.docx

1、高二英语Unit13学案 新课标 人教版2019-2020年高二英语Unit13学案 新课标 人教版语言知识纲要1benefit from2coverwith3turnupside down4fillwith5e up with6make notes of7put an ice cube in each glass8transport9call in10range fromall the way to11that is12break down13bee available to14take advantage of15do the work16be sensitive to17absorb /

2、 be absorbed in18give off19a variety of20decrease21float22create a stable environment23keep the temperature of the earth steady24add energy to the ecosystems25provide energy for the ecosystems26provide both recreation and education for human beings27contribute to28have a relatively high / low freezi

3、ng point29have a relatively high / low density30the relationship between mass and volume重点知识点归纳1benefitvt对有益,得益于sthsb=sth do good to sbeg. This is an invention that benefits mankind.vifrom / by sth 从受益eg. Mankind benefits from the invention in many ways.n. be of benefit to 对有益利益,常见搭配 for the benefit

4、 of 为了的利益to ones benefit 对某人有益get benefit from 从中受益eg. Morning exercise your health.She does all this the people.The new policy will stabilize the prices of oil _.Exercises: 完成句子The experience learned from work (对我有益).Your learning method is (对每个学生都有益).The book was boring. It wasnt to me.Abenefit Bb

5、enefited Cof little benefit Dof much benefit2transport un 运输;运送eg. Modern means of transport enable us to move more easily. The transport of coal is usually by rail.vt运输;运送eg. A bus transported us from the airport to the city of Chengde. It took all day to transport the disaster relief materials to

6、the flooded areas.3rangen 范围、山脉、生长地带Though this factory in Shenzhen is small, it puts out a large range of products.You will find there are many wild plants along the mountain range.Whats the range of the elephant in Asia?v. 变化,变动,从到不等Prices ranged from 5 dollars to 10 dollars. = Prices ranged .Guo

7、Moruo ranges among the greatest poets in modern China.The discussion ranged over various problems.Exercises:This undersea exploration will cover a large part of Chinas coastal areas, from East China Sea to South China Sea.Aranges Bto range Cranging DrangedThe temperature (在15到35摄氏度之间变化). (年龄范围)is fr

8、om six months to twelve years.His studies (涉及好几个学科).China (位列面积最大的国家之一).4take advantage of 对加以利用 / make use ofeg: We should take advantage of all educational opportunities. They take full advantage of the school library to educate students. have gain an advantage over 胜过,取得比更有利的地位 win to ones advant

9、age 对有利eg: Yao Ming has an advantage over others in playing basketball. The situation is getting better, to our advantage.反disadvantage n.不利,不利条件at a disadvantage 处于不利地位to ones disadvantage对某人不利put sb at a disadvantageeg: Her poor health put her at a in the journey. Her height will be very much to h

10、er if she wants to be a dancer.Exercises: 完成句子His inability to speak English (将使他在参加国际会议时处于不利地位). (我的同桌优于我)in learning physics.He always (很好地利用他的业余时间). The young man (利用了我们的善良)to get much more help.The students who have poor memories (处于劣势)in learning a foreign language.5decreasev.变小、减少eg:The doctor

11、 advised you to decrease the dose of the medicine as you feel better.The number of traffic accidents has decreased by 10% this year.The decided to decrease our wages to one thousand yuan a month.n.减少The demand for Chinese tea is on the decrease.A big decrease in sales caused the store to close.There

12、 has been a decrease in our imports this year.Exercises: 完成句子Many countries in the west enjoy (人口正逐渐减少).The pany is trying to (降低生产和管理成本).In China the deaths of AIDS are (在减少)year by year.The population of tigers in that country (减少了10%).6absorb v. 吸收,吸取,吸引;理解,使全神贯注eg: Black cloth absorbs light. Pla

13、nts absorb nutrients from the soil. The imported English book absorbs his attention. Did you absorb everything the professor said? The old man was absorbed in his own work. She was pletely absorbed in writing a letter when I entered.Exercises:When I opened the door, I found my son sitting in his cha

14、ir, pletely a magazine.Aabsorbing in Babsorbed in Cabsorbing to Dabsorbed by完成句子The medicine he took (很快被吸收).Plants are of benefit to the environment by (吸收噪音).He is (如此全神贯注地工作)that he forgot to have a rest.7give off释放,放出eg: The cooker in the kitchen is giving a funny smell off. The sun give off gre

15、at heat and light. give out 分发;发出(气味,热)等;用完,耗尽The teacher gave out the examination papers at the beginning of the class.The radiator is giving out a lot of heat.The enemys supplies began to give out.想一想:give in / give up / give away / give back8sensitive adj.敏感的;灵敏的 be to 对敏感 / be to(about)对在乎/介意eg:

16、 His ears are highly sensitive to any unusual sound in the machine. A writer mustnt be too sensitive to criticism. Some students are especially sensitive about making mistakes. make sense 有意义,讲得通make sense of明白,理解in no sense绝非in a sense就某种意义来说eg:What you said at the class meeting doesnt make sense.H

17、is diary was so badly written that I couldnt make sense of it.Exercises: 完成句子My legs (对温度变化很敏感).Most girls (对自己的相貌很在乎).China is (决不软弱)in attacking terrorism. (从某种意义上来说), China is still a very backward country. (有意义)to play online games ace the time?9. entertainment,招待eg: the entertainment busin

18、ess.A cinema is a place of entertainment.The city offers all kinds of entertainment for young and old.The hotel is famous for its good entertainment.v. entertain (vt/ vi) 请客,招待eg: I dont entertain often. My wife entertained them to dinner / as honoured guests.逗乐,使开心 Can you entertain the child for a

19、n hour while I make supper. Father entertained us with stories and jokes when we were young.10propertyC.特性,性质 This plant has the property of healing burns. Soap has the property of removing dirt. Steal is a metal with the property of great strength.u.财产,资产 The pany is his private property. The polic

20、e found some stolen property hidden in the thiefs house.Exercise: 译一译1.爱护公物2.水有独特的性质11relationship n. 关系,联系,亲属关系常用表达: A have a good/ close/ lasting/ business/ working relationship with B. There is a relationship between A and B. The relation (of A) to the moon and the tides.(月亮与潮汐有关系)She her s

21、tudents.(她学生关系很好)I the president.(我与总裁建立了良好关系)“What Alice?”“She is my wife.”(你与爱丽丝是什么关系)12float (vt/ vi) (使)漂浮,浮现eg: Wood floats on water. Clouds were floating across the blue sky. They floated the logs down the river. The sight floated before my eyes.译一译:1香飘满屋 2他浮想联翩13mass n.质量;团,块;大量Einstein studi

22、ed the relation of energy and mass.There were great masses of clouds in the sky.Someone left a mass of rock in the yard. a mass of/ masses of大量的,许多eg: a mass of letters / books/ money masses ofExercise: I have (大量工作要做). the mass of= the majority of 大部分,大多数eg: The mass of modern people are influenced

23、 by television.14recreation u/c 业余消遣,娱乐(方式);(身心)放松eg: My favorite recreation is chess. Gardening is a kind of recreation. The Water World Recreation Center has many attractions. Ranging from simple swimming pools to exciting water thrill rides.15trust (vt/ un) 信赖;信任,确信,认为;指望 trust sb/ sth = have/ pl

24、ace trust in trust sb / sth to do = depend on sb/ sth to do trust thateg: You shouldnt trust the man. I trust (that) you will enjoy your trip. You cant trust the buses to run on time.(v phr) trust in = have confidence in (n phr) have/ place / put trust in译一译:1你要相信自己的判断。2你或许可以指望她做这项工作。2019-2020年高二英语U

25、nit14 Freedom fighters课 题Unit14 Freedom fighters课时6-1warming upand speaking 主备人万兴安授 课 时 间教 学 目 标1. Enable the Ss to make ments on famous freedom fighters.2. Get the Ss to express sth on civil right and freedom fighters .教学重、难点1.How to make Ss understand the work of the freedom fighters and make ment

26、s on them.2. How to encourage the Ss to talk freely and actively on causes and effects教、 学 具Pictures , photos and slides预 习 要 求Collect some information about the characters教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁 注Step 1 leading-inLeading- inBoys girls,when we talk about the Africa,which word do you think of first? That

27、s Black.Then well certainly e to another topicfreedom and fighters today well take this chance to talk about this topic Now lets e to Warming-up.Step2 Warming uppicture talking show the pictures. please describe the pictures and photos. What have they known about two great freedom Fighters? Why are

28、them great men? About Martin Luther King About Nelson MandelaDiscussion: discuss the great men and the situation in their country now. Task1;In which way struggle was an important parts in the lives of the these great men ?Task2; How is the situation in their countries now? Has the situation improve

29、d?HELP; the whole class is divided into four groups.The students can chose the group whose topic interests him or her most.Each group tried to collect more information about the related figure.Get the Ss to think up more key words or phrases first.One from each group is called on to report their wor

30、k.step3 Speaking This part is meant to supply the Ss with realistic situation so that they can have more chances to practice the function items-causes and effects.Talk about the fight against the slavery Why did certain thing happen and how did they change history?Help; 1. Divide the Ss into groups2.Each Ss has to offer more idea concerning the topic.3. Each member states his or her opinion and reasons.4. Group leader report their work by

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