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HDPE反应器R6300吊装方案 B.docx

1、HDPE反应器R6300吊装方案 BHDPE反应器R6300吊装方案1.设备的主要参数General DescriptionHDPE反应器R6300的外形尺寸为7600/500032765mm,重量为278.5t,设备立式安放在标高为+23.25m(以地面的标高为+0.00m,以下相同)的钢结构框架上。安装就位后设备的顶部标高为+42.75m,在吊装的过程中,设备的顶部最大标高约为+57m。主吊耳设在设备顶部的法兰口上,用螺栓将专用的吊装头盖与顶部的法兰口相连接;溜尾吊耳设在距设备底部2.37m处,主吊耳及溜尾吊耳均为单吊点的板式吊耳,HDPE反应器的重心位置是在距设备底部15.4m的轴线上;

2、HDPE反应器R6300的外形及尺寸见图1。The outline size of the HDPE reactor R6300 is 7600/500032765mm with a weight of 278.5t, which is to be installed vertically on the steel structural frame at an elevation on the ground of +23.25m (the reference elevation on the ground is +0.00m). The elevation at the top of the

3、equipment after installed in place is +42.75m. The maximum elevation at the top of the equipment during lifting operation is +57m. The main lifting lug is located at the flange face on the top of the equipment, which is a special lifting device connected to the flange face on the top by bolts. The t

4、ailing lug is set at a position 2.37m from the bottom of the equipment. Both the main lifting lug and the tailing lug are plate-typed lifting lug of single lifting point. The center of gravity of the HDPE reactor is at the axis 15.4m from the bottom of the equipment. The outline and dimension of the

5、 reactor R6300 is shown in sketch 1.2.吊装方案Lifting Scheme反应器R6300的吊装采用我公司从英国Bidlift Limited引进的液压顶升门式吊装系统,按我公司目前的配置,这套系统的最大吊装能力为2400t,最大吊装高度为140m。对本工程而言,只需用这套系统的部分液压千斤顶和部分构架即可满足反应器R6300的吊装要求。因此,反应器R6300的吊装采用液压顶升门式吊装系统主吊,用1台250t履带吊车配合溜尾的吊装方案。The lifting of the reactor R6300 will be performed with the K

6、ramo climbing jack system introduced from Bidlift Limited, U.K by our company. This system has a maximum lifting capacity of 2,400t and a maximum lifting height of 140m according to the present configuration of the system we ordered. For this project, only part of the system is needed to perform the

7、 lift of the reactor R6300. Therefore, the system is to be used as main lifting gear for the lift of the reactor R6300 and a 400t crawler crane for tailing.反应器的吊装操作过程见下面的示意图:The lifting process of the reactor is shown in the following sketches.a. Start LiftingbJacks are climbing up while tailing in

8、crane carries the reactor forwardc. with the help of the tailing in crane, the reactor is lifted from horizontal position to vertical position. djacks continue climbing until the bottom of the reactor is lifted over the top surface of the foundation. e.the reactor is moved over the foundation by hor

9、izontally-moving jacksf. the reactor is lowered in place3.吊装平面布置Lifting Plan Layout反应器R6300在现场的摆放位置及方向见图2。The position and direction of Reactor R-6300 laid on site are shown in sketch 2 below.Sketch 2吊装的平面布置及拖拉绳地锚的位置见下面的图3。The plan layout for the lift and the locations of deadman are shown in sketch

10、 3 below.图34液压吊装系统的安装 Installation of Climbling Jack System4.1 反应器R6300吊装所需的液压吊装系统应尽可能在料场组装。Climbing jack system used for lifting reactor R6300 should be assembled in laydown area as much as possible.4.2 桅杆底座在安装时需要一名测量员对桅杆底座的就位进行精确测量。One surveyor should be assigned to make a precise surveying to pos

11、itioning of mast base when mast base installed. 4.3 每节12m长的桅杆节重12吨,每根桅杆需要安装7节,总高84米。Each mast section of 12m long weighs 12t, and seven of such sections are needed to build one 84m mast tower.4.4 设备应从料场直接运抵安装现场并就位,以避免二次倒运。Move equipment from laydown area and position immediately to avoid double hand

12、ling.4.5 设置临时地锚。Temporary deadmen to be positioned.4.6 安装桅杆至24m的高度。Erect mast to 24m4.7 第三段桅杆节吊装组对前系临时拖拉绳。Section No.3 is to be fitted by temporary guys before lifting.4.8 第三段桅杆吊装就位后稍稍拉紧临时拖拉绳。Lift Section No.3 into position, and then run out Temp. guys and lightly tension.4.9 安装临时对拉绳并检查桅杆的垂直度。Fit te

13、mporary cross guying and check mast verticality采用临时拉绳的原因是因为基础高于地坪24米,起重梁将在36米高处安装至桅杆中间。正常情况下应在12米高处安装。起重梁一方面联结桅杆另一方面起着压重作用以保持吊装系统的稳定性。The temp. guying to be used because the foundation is 24m above ground. The lifting beam is to be fitted between the masts at the 36m level. Normally this would be do

14、ne at the 12m level. The lifting beam connects the masts and also acts as ballast giving the rig stability.4.10 在28米高处将400吨千斤顶及圆形垫板安装到桅杆上。Fit 400t jacks and articulating plates to mast at 28m level.4.11 将起重梁安装至6m高的临时塔架上,在此位置将吊装系统的多种附属设备安装到起重梁上。在安装附件后起重梁的重量将达到60吨,就位后高30米。Position lift beam on stools

15、(6m mast sections) and fully dress before lifting into position. Dressed weight 60t to 30m.4.12 将起重梁从临时塔架移至正式吊装的桅杆上,因高度较高,在36m高处安装起重梁将是一项艰巨的工作。Position the beam between the masts at 26m level and dress, but because of the height, this will make it a difficult procedure.4.13 起重梁就位并使千斤顶受力。Position lif

16、ting beam and release load onto jacks4.14 控制室就位。Position control room尽可能在24米高的基础上放置控制室,以便于操作控制系统。Position control room on top of foundation at 24m level, which will make operation of control system much easier.4.15 控制室接电源:150A、380V。Connect power supply to control room 150A、380V4.16 完成起重梁附件及动力撬块安装。Co

17、mplete dressing beam, power packs, etc.4.17 连接400t千斤顶与动力撬块的配管,接电缆等。Hose up power packs, connect cables, etc.4.18 整理动力电缆和控制电缆。Run out power cables & control cables.4.19 电缆必须接至吊装高度的一半高程的桅杆上,然后自由悬垂到起重梁上的动力撬块,并且在整个吊装过程中不得受到阻碍。These must be connected to the halfway point of the lift on the masts. They th

18、en hang freely to the power packs on the lifting beam and must not be snagged during lifting operation.4.20 用胶带将电缆捆绑到一条悬挂绳上。Tape cables to a rope catenary for support.4.21 如果滑行机构的动力撬块处在北侧桅杆则须提供9米备用电缆以便满足滑行要求。If bogie pushing power pack is supplied from the North tower, 9m of spare cable must be allo

19、wed for travel.4.22 将起重桅杆安装至48m,在此处设置第一层拖拉绳。Erect mast to 48m, and fit upper guy wires.4.23 将起重桅杆安装至60m,在此处设置第一层对拉绳。Erect mast to 60m, and fit upper cross guying.4.24 将起重桅杆安装至84m,在此处设置第二层拖拉绳及第二层对拉绳。Erect mast to 84m, and fit lower guy wire and lower cross guying.4.25 在桅杆的安装过程中,需要有2名测量人员在两个方向对桅杆的垂直度进

20、行监控。During mast installation, 2 surveyors should be assigned to monitor mast verticality in two directions.5. 起重梁的吊装Lifting of Lifting Beam起重梁长18m,高3m,自重45t,在安装了吊装系统的其它附件后,吊装的重量为60t,吊装的高度为40m,重心位置在梁的中心线上,设置有4个板式吊耳,分别布置在中心线左右两侧,每个吊耳到中心线的距离为2m。Lifting beam, 18m in length and 3m in height, has deadweig

21、ht of 45t. After dressed, its weight will be up to 60t and height to 40m. Its center of gravity is on the center line of beam. 4 plate lifting lugs are fitted, two at each side of centerline. The distance from every lifting lug to centerline is 2m.起重梁的吊装采用两台250t履带吊抬吊,吊装的平面布置见图4. Lifting beam will be

22、 lifted by using two 250t crawler cranes together, lifting layout see sketch 4.图4两台250t履带吊在起重梁就位时的工况为54.85m,作业半径18m,在此工况下吊车的额定起重量为49.5t。每台吊车的吊索具重量按2.5t考虑,因此每台吊车的吊装计算重量为32 .5t,吊车的起重负荷率为65.7%。When lifting beam positioning, the operating condition of two 250t crawler cranes is as follows: boom length i

23、s 54.85m, operating radius 18m. The rated lifting capacity of cranes under this condition is 49.5t. If weight of rigging for each crane is calculated as 2.5t, lifting weight for each is 32.5t. The percentage of lifting load of the crane is =65.7%.起重梁吊装所用绳扣为60.5钢丝绳,其单绳的许用荷载为31.7t,双绳的许用荷载为47.6t,每根绳扣配两

24、个17t卸扣使用。见图5 Wire rope used for lifting of lifting beam is60.5 wire rope, allowable load for single is 31.7t and that for double is 47.6t. Every wire rope will be used together with two 17t shackles. See sketch 5.图56吊装系统的配置the Lifting System ConfigurationHDPE反应器R6300吊装的立面图,参见下面图6与图7:Lifting elevatio

25、n of HDPE reactor R6300 is shown in sketch 6 and sketch 7 below.图6图71桅杆Mast Tower 2提升横梁Lifting Beam3顶升式千斤顶Climbing Jacks4底座Base 5底座滑道Base Sliding Rail6回转机构Swivel7拖拉绳系统Guy Wire S对HDPE反应器R6300的吊装,需要使用的吊装系统配置如下The system components required for the lift of the reactor R6300 are described as follows.: 6

26、.1桅杆的塔节Mast Sections塔节横断面的中心尺寸为2.2m3m,长度为12m,共需用14节,这些塔节组成了两根高度为84m的桅杆。The center dimension of the cross section of the mast sections is 2.2m3m. Altogether 14 sections of 12m long each are needed to build two 84m mast towers.6.2主吊横梁Lifting Beam起重量为800t,长度为18m的起重梁1根。The lifting beam is 18m long with

27、a capacity of 800t.6.3顶升千斤顶Jacks2台400t的顶升千斤顶,每台千斤顶均带1套动力装置。Two 400t jacks, each with a power pack.6.4底座Base1200t的桅杆底座台2个。Two mast tower bases have a bearing capacity of 1,200t each.6.5底座滑行梁Base Sliding Beam15m长的桅杆底座滑行梁2根。Two base sliding beams is 15m long each.6.6回转机构Swivel起重量为800t的回转机构1套。One set of

28、 swivel with a lifting capacity of 800t.6.7拖拉绳系统Guy Wire System需设置2层拖拉绳,每层有6根,共12根拖拉绳。Upper and lower guy wires will be set up. There are 12 guy wires altogether, 6 for upper guy wires and 6 for lower guy wires.6.8方钢Square Bar200mm200mm6000mm的方钢28根,100mm100mm3000mm的方钢8根。28 square bars of 200mm200mm6

29、000m each,8 square bars of 100mm100mm3000mm each.6.9水平移动千斤顶Jacks for horizontal movement3台100t的水平移动千斤顶,每台千斤顶均带1套动力装置。Three 100t jacks for horizontal movement, each with a power pack.6.10地锚Deadman需设置60t地锚2个,40t地锚4个。Two 60t deadman and four 40t deanman are required.6.11控制系统Control System需要使用1套计算机控制系统O

30、ne set of computer controlled system is to be used.如果载荷只作用于主吊横梁的中间,不作水平移动时,吊装系统以上的配置可以达到800t的吊装能力,提升的高度至少有80m。If load is only laid on the middle of main lifting beam which will not move horizontally, the lifting capacity of this lifting system will be up to 800t and the lifting height can be 80m at

31、least.7. 有关受力计算Relevant Force Calculation7.1溜尾吊车的最大受力Maximum Load Force of the Tailing Crane以开始起吊时,溜尾吊车的受力最大,参见图8。The tailing crane has the maximum load force when the lifting starts. See sketch 8.图8用1台250t履带吊作溜尾吊车,选其作业工况为:起重臂长度为18.3m,作业半径为6m,在此工况下,吊车的额定起重量为183.2t,吊索具的重量按3t计,吊车的起重负荷率为89%,完全能满足反应器溜尾吊

32、装的要求。One 250t crawler crane will be used for tailing. The operating condition of the crane is: boom length 18.3m, operating radius 6m. The rated lifting capacity of the crane under this operating condition is 183.2 tons, weight of rigging is calculated as 3t and the load percentage is 89%, which satisfy the lifting requirement.7.2千斤顶的最大载荷Maxi

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