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1、五年级第一单元导学案科目English年级Five编写人课题Unit 1 This is My Day课时安排共( 6)课时第( 1 )课时学习目标1、能够听、说、读、写以下动词短语:eat breakfast , do morning exercises , haveEnglish class , play sports , eat dinner .2、能够听懂问句:When do you do morning exercises/并能用所学动词短语替换句型“I usually at”中的关键词回答问句。评价方法师生评价、小组评价学习重点掌握A部分中的五个动词短语,并能用这些回答询问作息时间

2、的问题。学习难点exercises , usually 的发音。教法与学法1、结合四年级所学内容:What time is it ? Its 9:00 oclock. 句型复习所学的时间表达法。2、学生互相讨论自己平时的生活习惯和兴趣爱好。课前准备多媒体课件导学过程和学法指导导学过程学法一Warm-up1 Lets chantWhat do you do on the weekend?I usually go swimming.Sometimes I climb mountains.Sometimes I go shopping.What do you do on the weekend?I

3、usually play the piano.Sometimes I visit grandparents.Sometimes I watch videos.2 师生问候:T: How are you?S: Im fine. Thanks.T: Where are you from?S: Im from China.T: Whats the weather like today?S: Its fine.二 Presentation.1 教师站在黑板上的钟面前,张开手臂演示一个时间,比如:9:30,然后教师提问学生:What time is it? 学生回答:Its .教师请几名学生来演示并提问

4、。2 教师用旧句型提问学生:What do you do on Saturdays? 以及动词短语: watch TV, read books, play computer games等。3教师借助校园分布图来教授生词。Listen to the tape.教师问:What can you hear?学生重复,指名领读。4 教师板书教学生单词 eat breakfast, do morning exercises, have English class, play sports, eat dinner.。其中要注意exercises的发音,及usually这个单词的重音。3 Play a ga

5、me.做传悄悄话的游戏,让学生传单词。评选优胜队。学生兴趣很高,争夺优胜队。【设计意图】用游戏缓解课堂的紧张气氛,放松师生的心情,为下一步的学习创造更好的条件。4 Listen to the tape.1)让学生领读单词。2)齐读单词。3)指名朗读单词,评选模仿秀。学生都争夺模仿秀。三 Practice.1 做Lets chant师生一齐加上动作唱,让学生分成几个小组来加动作学唱。2 做Lets start. 师生最后让学生做一做此部分,让学生写出时间,并集体纠正。3.Check听音,选择,并将序号写在前面括号里。(10分)1.( ) homework the dishes

6、 C. do morning exercises 2.( ) A.week B.weekend C.with 3.( ) A.often B.usually C.sometimes 4.( ) A.have C.hat 5.( ) breakfast lunch dinner 6.( ) A.7:00 B.7:30 C.3:30 7.( ) the morning the afternoon the evening8.( ) A.get up B.get on C.get off 9.( )A.visit friend

7、s B.visit parents C.visit grandparents 10.( )A.go hiking B.go shopping C.go swimming四 Homework.1 听录音三遍,并跟读。2 预习下一课。3 小组做猜猜认认的游戏。学生和老师一起拍着节奏说唱歌谣。回答老师的问题。复习旧知。教师呈现单词,学生跟读单词。学生听录音,跟读单词。学生分小组读,男女分读,排火车读。采用多种形式操练单词,在句子中运用。听力答案:1. Iusually do morning exercises on Sundays. 2. What do you do on the weekend?

8、 3.Sometimes I go shopping. 4.Do you have English class today?5. Usually I eat dinner at 7:00. But today I eat a little earlier. 6. I go to school at about 7:30 in the morning.7. I m a policeman. I work at night, I go home at 5:00 in the morning.8.When do you get up? I get up at 6:00.9.What do you u

9、sually do on the weekend? I often visit grandparents.10. I often play football on the weekend. Sometimes I go hiking.板书设计Unit 1 This is My Dayhave English classdo morning exercisesplay sportseat breakfasteat dinner总结与反思作业日志作业布置(组词成句)1. do, morning exercises, do, when, you 2. at 8:00, I, usually, pla

10、y the piano 3. on the weekend, what, you, do, do 4. sometimes, my grandparents, I, visit, 5. eat dinner, the, evening, at 7:00, I, in 应收(本)实收(本)批改情况改进措施科目English年级Five编写人Xu Liulong课题Unit 1 This is My Day课时安排共( 6)课时第( 2 )课时学习目标1、能够听懂、会说句型:When do you get up/ eat breakfast/?I usuallyat并能在实际情景中运用。能够针对具

11、体情况正确使用usually , often , sometimes 三个频度副词。2、能够听懂Lets try 部分的录音,完成并找对应作息时间表的练习.评价方法师生评价、小组评价、自我评价学习重点熟练使用句型:When do you get up / eat breakfast/?I usually at学习难点熟练使用句型:When do you get up / eat breakfast/?I usually at教法与学法1、有效利用学生的生活习惯和常识,来练习时间的表达。2、运用生活中常见的例子,了解usually , often , sometimes 三个频度副词的用法和区别

12、课前准备导学过程和学法指导导学过程学法一Warm-up.1 Lets chantWhat do you do on the weekend?I usually go swinmming.Sometimes I climb mountains.Sometimes I go shopping.What do you do on the weekend?I usually play the piano.Sometimes I visit grandparents.Sometimes I watch videos.2 师生问候:T: How are you ?S: Im fine.Thanks.T:W

13、here are you from?S: Im from China.T: Whats the weather like today?S: Its fine.二 Presenatation.1 用猜一猜的游戏复习旧单词 do morining exercises , have English class, play sports, eat breakfast, eat dinner.2 Listen to the tape.教师问:What can you hear?学生重复句子,并领读。3 Read after the tape.学生跟读录音,扎实有效的机械性操练是学习英语的基础。4 小组互

14、相练习,用各种人物套用句型,来创编新对话。5 学生展示练习情况,两人一组。并争夺模仿秀奖。6 做Lets find out部分的题目,让学生询问家长的作息时间并填写空白。三 Practise.1 练习检测。选择填空( )1. _ do you eat breakfast? A. What B. When C. How( )2. I usually get up _ 6:30 in the morning. A. on B. in C. at( )3. I often read English at 7:00 _ the evening. A. at B. in C. of( )4. Excus

15、e me. Can I ask you some questions?_ A. Sure B. Youre welcome C. Thank you( )5. The weather report says its going to rain tomorrow. I cant go hiking. I cant climbing mountains, _. A. too B. either C. well2 Lets chant.学生学唱歌谣,可分小组进行表演练习。四 Homework.1听录音两遍。2 练写本节课句子三遍学生和老师一起做热身。在游戏中复习旧单词。学生先听,然后两人一组练习。然

16、后学生分成两组练习朗读对话。学生两人一组根据该部分替换图片所提供的信息做替换练习,请几组学生在课堂上演示。学生做检测题一起说歌谣。板书设计Unit 1 This Is My Day A. Lets talk.When do you get up?At 6:00I usually.总结与反思作业日志作业布置找出不的同类的单词。1.( ) A:Saturday B:Sunday C:Thursday D:weekend 2.( ) A:play football B:play basketball C:play the piano D:play baseball3.( ) A:go to scho

17、ol B:go home C:get up D:in the morning4.( ) A:policeman B:farmer C:teacher D:mountain5.( ) A:when B:what C:why D:we6.( ) A:go hiking B:visit grandparents C:go shopping D:eat breakfast7.( ) A:usually B:often C:English D:sometimes8.( ) A:watch TV B: at noon C: do homework D:climb mountains应收(本)实收(本)批改

18、情况改进措施科目English年级Five编写人Xu Liulong课题Unit 1 This is My Day课时安排共( 6)课时第( 3)课时学习目标1、能够听、说、读、写句型:When do you eat dinner ? I eat dinner at 7:00in the evening . When do you get up ? I usually get up at 12:00 at noon .2、能总结字母组合ai , ay , gr , gl的发音规则,并能朗读Pronunciation部分的例词。评价方法小组评价、师生评价、自我评价学习重点掌握四会句子:When

19、do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening . When do you get up ? I usually get up at 12:00 at noon .学习难点掌握四会句子:When do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening . When do you get up ? I usually get up at 12:00 at noon .教法与学法运用不同的时间表格和钟表来表示时间,让同学们在这些时间的基础上,对自己一天的活动来进行表述。并且采访几个同

20、学,将他们的采访信息制作成表格的形式记录下来。课前准备多媒体课件导学过程和学法指导导学过程学法一 Warm-up1 学唱Lets chant.Every weekend I climb mountains.What do you do ?Every weekend I read some books.What do you do ?Every weekend I go shopping.What do you do ?Every weedend I go hiking.What do you do?2 师生问候:T: How are you ?S: Im fine.Thanks.T:Where

21、 are you from?S: Im from China.T: Whats the weather like today?S: Its fine.二Presenitation.1 Listen to the tape.教师问:What can you hear?学生重复,指名领读。2 教师板书教学生句型。When do you get up?When do you eat dinner?教师让学生分小组读,男女分读,排火车读。3 Play a game.做你出示我猜的游戏,教师慢慢的出示单词,学生认,认出来可站起来大声的读出。学生都积极参与游戏,兴趣很高。三 Practise.1做Lets

22、 chant.2学唱 Lets sing3.Check短文选词填空。( sports P.E. Sometimes student name at milk day exercises dinner ) Hello.My _ is Zhang Ming. I am a _ at Willow School. My favourite _ is Monday. I often get up _ 6:30 in the morning. I have _ and bread for breakfast. Then I go to school at 7:10. I do morning _ at

23、7:40. I eat lunch at 11:45 at school. In the afternoon, we have art, computer, and _. After school, I play _ with my friends. In the evening, I eat _ at 7:00. Then I do my homework. _ I watch TV. I go to bed at 9:00. This is my day. Do you like my days?四 Homework.1 听录音三遍,并跟读。2 学唱Lets chant。师生共同说唱歌谣,

24、加上动作。复习旧知。学生听录音。多种形式练习句型。做游戏,复习旧知。学生说唱。学生学唱歌曲。学生做练习。板书设计Unit 1 Our SchoolWhen do you eat dinner?I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.When do you get up?I usually get up at 12:00 at noon.总结与反思作业日志作业布置根据答句问问题。1、A: ?B:Its 9:00 now.2、A: ?B:I usually go shopping on the weekend.3、A: ?B:Yes, she often watch

25、 TV.4、A: ?B:No, I go hiking.5、A: ?B:Yes, I am a student.应收(本)实收(本)批改情况改进措施科目English年级Five编写人Xu Liulong课题Unit 1 This is My Day课时安排共( 6)课时第( 4)课时学习目标1、能够听、说、读、写本课时四会动词短语:climb mountains , go shopping , play the piano , visit grandparents , go hiking 。2、能够说唱Lets chant 部分的歌谣,并能理解其含义。3、能够听懂并学唱歌曲“Weekend”

26、评价方法小组评价、师生评价学习重点四会掌握五个动词短语。学习难点正确拼写单词mountain 和 grandparents 。教法与学法采取小组之间自由讨论的方式,谈谈自己周末的计划和兴趣爱好。让他们能够身临其境的理解和学习本课时的四会动词词组。课前准备课件导学过程和学法指导导学过程学法一Warm-up.1 学唱Lets chant.Every weekend I climb mountains.What do you do ?Every weekend I read some books.What do you do Every weekend I go shopping.What do y

27、ou do ?Every weedend I go hiking.What do you do?2 师生问候:T: How are you ?S: Im fine.Thanks.T:Where are you from?S: Im from China.T: Whats the weather like today?S: Its fine.二Presenitation.1 复习旧单词,如do morning exercises等。2 Listen to the tape.教师问:What can you hear?学生重复会说的句子,并让学生领读。3 Read after the tape.学

28、生跟读录音。练习句子。4 Group work .小组互相练习,找单词的拼写规律,让学生在小组内练习。5 学生展示练习情况,两人一组。并争夺模仿秀奖。三 Practice.1 Check选择正确的答句,并将序号写在括号里。( )1.When do you go to school? A:At 9:00 p.m.( )2.Do you often go hiking on Saturdays? B:Sure. ( )3.What do you do on the weekend? C:Usually I watch TV.( )4.Can I ask you some questions? D:Im a teacher.( )5.When do you go to bed? E:No,but sometimes.( )6.What do you do? F:I go to school at 7:00.2 学唱Lets sing.四 Homework.1听录音两遍。2 练写本节课句子三遍教师与学生一齐唱,并加上动作。在教师的带领下,复习运用学过的句子,巩固记忆。学生听听力来回答问题。练习句子。结对练习。学生做练习。纠正错误,评价。板书设计Unit 1 Our SchoolB Lets learnclimb mountainsgo shoppingplay the pianovi

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