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学练考高中英语 unit3 computers练习册 新人教版必修2.docx

1、学练考高中英语 unit3 computers练习册 新人教版必修2Unit 3ComputersPeriod OneWarming Up & Reading.在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式1The couple _(calculate) that the cost spent in building their new house will add up to ¥100, 000.2Many people think highly of him, but _(person), I think he is actually dishonest.3Tom waited

2、at the station for nearly an hour _ the train finally arrived.4Every time the traveller travels to a new place, he always likes _(explore) delicious food there first.5Her mother _(total) broke down at the passing away of her grandmother.6When a person writes, he must organize his mind _(express) his

3、 ideas and feelings more logically.7With the _ (apply) of the new technology,the output of steel almost doubled what it was last year.8English in this story _(simplify) several times to make it easier for children to understand.9The farm _(hand)down from father to son since 1800.10She was so weak _s

4、he was out of breath after walking for only a few minutes.短语填空as well as; sothat; compare with; in reality; from then on; providewith; go by; as a result; in total; share with1It taught me a lesson._I made a determination that I would never put off anything important until the next day.2Tom hurt his

5、 leg when he was running. _, he has to leave school for a few days.3In the performance, the actress dressed as a parrot was _attractive _she attracted all the audience present.4All I thought was that the programme was interesting and could _me _the knowledge I wanted.5Whenever he buys something, whe

6、ther it be drinks or snacks, he remembers to _his buddies.6As the days_, survivors were left with few options and little hope.7_learning to swim he has been taking Spanish lessons this summer.8In theory, this problem should not occur, but _it does.9One of the worst things people do is to measure the

7、ir success by how they _others.10How much do I need to pay _for this package?.完成句子1By the time I got to the stadium, the match_(finish)当我到达体育馆时,比赛已经结束了。2The pilot lost control with the military base. _ the plane crashed in the desert.(result) 那个飞行员和军事基地失去了联系,结果飞机在沙漠里坠毁了。3The loss of the earthquake_

8、accurately yet, but we think it must be over a billion dollars.(calculate)这次地震的损失还没有准确地计算,但我们认为肯定超过了十亿美元。4In order to stop the Ebola virus from spreading further, the scientist, together with his teammates_ all possible ways to control it in the past few months.(explore)在过去的几个月里,这位科学家及其团队一直在探索所有可能的方

9、法来控制埃博拉病毒进一步扩散。5_, the economic condition in the country was becoming better and better.(go)随着时间的流逝,这个国家的经济状况变得越来越好了。6A recent report shows that it will be a long time _ by human beings,which surprises any experts and scholars. (solve)最近的一份报告表明,人类还要过很久才能解开这个奥秘,这让很多专家和学者感到吃惊。7They_They are on good te

10、rms with each other, though.(common)他们俩没有什么共同之处,可是他们彼此相处得很融洽。8She had a car accident a year ago and _back pain from then on.(suffer)一年前她遇到了车祸,从那以后她经常背疼。9_ he made a start on writing out the play.(take)这个剧本他经过多日构思才落笔。10It is said that the novel _English.In that case, Ill buy a copy of it.(put)据说这本小说已

11、被译成了英语,如果是那样的话,我要去买一本。.阅读理解The first robots were invented in the 1920s.Robots have appeared in Hollywood films such as RoboCop and The Terminator.The robots in these films are stronger, faster and more intelligent than people.In real life, robots are mainly used in factories.They do many different j

12、obs.Usually these jobs are too dangerous, difficult or boring for humans.Robots also help disabled people and people who cannot look after themselves.For example, scientists are making a robot to help blind people.Nowadays many blind people have a dog to help them.This dog is called a guide dog.In t

13、he future, robot dogs might take the place of these guide dogs.One robot guide dog is called Meldog.It has wheels.It usually “walks” in front of its owner.It is very clever.It knows the speed of its owners walk.Meldog talks to its owner by radio.The owner wears a special belt.This belt sends instruc

14、tions to the owner from Meldog such as “Stop here”, “Turn left” and “Turn right”In the United States, another type of robot helps disabled workers.This robot, called Kilroy, helps disabled computer operators.The robot hears the sound of its owners voice.It follows instructions such as “Turn the page

15、” and “Make a cup of coffee”This robot will bring its owner tissue paper when he or she sneezes!Robots are also used in American hospitals.They can do simple jobs.For example, they shave patients and brush their teeth and take meals from the kitchen to the patients rooms.They never get lost because

16、they have a map of the hospital in their computer memory.1Some robots in real life are_Adangerous Bboring Cfilm stars Dfactory workers2Some disabled people need robots to_Amake robots Bbecome scientistsClook after themselves Ddo dangerous jobs3Meldog is a _Ablind dog Brobot scientistCreal dog Drobot

17、 guide dog4The robots used in American hospitals can do the following except_Amake a mapBshave patientsCbrush the patients teethDtake meals from the kitchen to the patients rooms.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。M: Excuse me, is this seat taken?W: No, go ahead, sit down.M: Sorry to bother you

18、, but the cafe is so 1._ (crowd) today, and this is the only seat 2._ (leave)W: Yeah, I know.But its normally deserted at this time of the day.M: Thats 3._ I come hereits usually so quiet and 4._ (peace)I can relax and enjoy my coffee and read the newspaper.W: Me, too.But today its 5._ (usual) busy

19、and noisy.M: Well, thanks for sharing your table with me.W: Oh, 6._ problem.M: Oh, its nice to stay near the beach.W: Yes, listen to the waves.Arent they great?M: Its 7._ beautiful sound.W: I remember the first time I 8._ (come) here.The sound of the waves always reminds me 9._ that.M: Oh, look, som

20、e people are surfing in the ocean.Its interesting, isnt it?W: Yes, you can always meet lots of new and 10._ (interest) people on the beach, and the cafe is specially busy during the vocations.Period TwoLearning about Language & Using Language .在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式1Mary doesnt believe what he

21、 has said, _ he always tells lies.2At the sight of his _(appear) on the stage, the hall rang with thunderous applause.3In many peoples opinion,that company, though relatively small, is pleasant _(deal) with.4The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if _(carry) out regularly, can improve

22、 our health.5It is not how much you have but how much you enjoy that makes_ (happy)6The computer can _(program) to consider certain facts which are stored in memory and then come to a decision.7Obviously, what worries most parents is how easy it is for children _(download) images on the Internet.8He

23、 stood up, _(signal) to the officer that he had finished with his lawyer.9I cant go out today.The boss has some letters _(type)10In recent years, many difficulties _(arise) as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel.短语填空in a way; make up;with the help of; for fun; as a result; make good us

24、e of; after all; watch over; give away; deal with1I didnt quite follow him because he explained the theory _that was too abstract(抽象的)for me.2My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever;_, he could neither eat nor sleep.3People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her._,she

25、is a great musician.4If the matter isnt _properly, youll get into trouble.5The children have stayed at home for a whole day; just let them go out_6_robots, man can explore some dangerous areas of the world.7Being_ by his father, he had to do his homework attentively.8He _so much to the poor that he

26、was always poor himself.9Since Maggie asked for a sick leave of three days, she should _for her lost lessons.10The teacher advised that we should _every minute here.完成句子1As the public square dancing is popular, _ the noise of it increasingly becomes a great concern to all involved in it.(deal)随着广场舞的

27、流行,怎样处理它的噪音日渐成为所有相关人员关注的问题。2He made a few friends soon after he transferred to the new school, _ he had no difficulty in fitting in.(help) 转到了新学校不久他就交了几个新朋友,在他们的帮助下他毫不费劲地就适应了(那里的生活)。3A child _if you give him whatever he asks for.(spoil)如果孩子要什么就给什么的话,他会被宠坏的。4They would really like to watch the footba

28、ll match at the scene, _ playing football.(crazy)他们真的想到现场观看这场足球赛,因为他们非常喜欢踢足球。5_the football game that they kept shouting at the top of their voices? (while)是在看足球比赛时他们扯大嗓门不停叫喊的吗? 6There was a power failure when she _a new song.(download)她正在下载一首新歌时停电了。7At a corner farther up a man stood by the track a

29、nd_(signal)在前面的拐角处,一个人站在轨道旁,示意车子停下。8Over the past twenty years, environmental protection _as one of the hottest topics.(arise)在过去的二十年里,环境保护已经上升成为最热门的话题之一。9Mother remained awake most of the night and only slept for a couple of hours, _the children.(watch)妈妈这个晚上大部分时间是醒着的,为了照看孩子,仅仅睡了几个小时。10_, Im glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as a warning to you.(way)在某种程度上说, 你犯那个错误我倒感到高兴, 因为它可以给你敲警钟。.阅读理解If you are cycling in foreign countries, you will need to know what these traffic signs and signals mean.A sign like this one means that there is a bike lane(道)If there is a bik

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