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本文(答案福建师范大学秋《语言与文化》在线作业一.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、答案福建师范大学秋语言与文化在线作业一1.() is the communicative value an expression has in addition to the purely conceptual meaning.答案:AA.Connotative meaningB.Social meaningC.Reflected meaningD.Collective meaning2.Computer power now allows automatic searches of fingerprint files to match a print at a crime _.答案

2、ageB.sceneC.locationD.occasion3.We expected many club members would come to the tea party, _ turned up.答案:DA.only a fewB.very fewC.but a fewD.but few4.Id like to go to the cinema, but Im _ to.答案:CA.enableB.disableC.unableD.able5.Companies are struggling to find the right _ between supply and demand,

3、 but it is no easy task.答案:CA.equationB.formulaC.balanceD.pattern6.We finished the run in less than half the time _.答案 allowC.allowedD.allows7.In deciding _ a course of action, the candidates tried to estimate its likely impact on the voters.答案:CA.what to pursueB.which to pursueC.whe

4、ther to pursueD.if to pursue8.() refers to some words or expressions which are to be avoided because tradition or social customs strongly frowns on their use and some topics which are to be avoided.答案:DA.HonorificsB.Terms of humilityC.EuphemismsD.Verbal taboos9.When the city was _, everyone knew tha

5、t total defeat was certain.答案:AA.cut offB.cut downC.cut acrossD.cut out10.The doctors are _ about the guidelines under which they can carry out euthanasia.答案 a a length11._ is the communicative value an expression has in addition to the purely conceptual meaning

6、.答案:AA.Connotative meaningB.Social meaningC.Reflected meaningD.Collective meaning12.Hardly had he arrived at the airport _ he was told that the flight had been cancelled.答案:BA.thanB.whenC.beforeD.then13._ refers to some words or expressions which are to be avoided because tradition or social customs

7、 strongly frowns on their use and some topics which are to be avoided.答案:DA.HonorificsB.Terms of humilityC.EuphemismsD.Verbal taboos14.Then the speaker _ the various factors leading to the present economic crisis.答案:CA.went afterB.went forC.went intoD.put up with15.The decision _ how much money shou

8、ld go to education is of vital importance.答案:CA.due toB.owing as to16.A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it enables you to enter and _ your text more easily.答案:BA.registerB.editC.proposeD.discharge17.Waving good-bye is an example of ().答案:AA.substitutionB.accenti

9、ngC.regulatingD.complementing18.Many a man _ sacrificed his life for the cause of revolution.答案:AA.hasB.haveC.isD.are19.Analogy is often made in English between _ and people who are rude or hot-tempered or people with high intelligence or remarkable power of endurance.答案:AA.bearsB.horsesC.monkeysD.f

10、oxes20.A major-party nominee has the critical advantage in the campaign for the presidential election _ he has the support from the party-faithful.答案 whichC.for whichD.for that21.It was Allen who _ with the bright idea to have a barbecue near the lake.答案:DA.went upB.came alongC.went a

11、longD.came up22.Some research workers completely _ all those facts as though they never existed.答案:AA.ignoreB.leaveC.refuseD.miss23.In English culture, privacy is regarded as part of ().答案:CA.human natureB.human desireC.human rightsD.individualism24.I would appreciate _ it a secret.答案:AA.your keepin

12、 to keepC.that you keepD.that you will keep25.When the fever eventually _, he is likely to feel tired and weak for a while.答案:AA.dies downB.dies outC.losesD.leaves26.We didnt know his telephone number; otherwise we _ him.答案:AA.would have telephonedB.must have telephonedC.would telephoneD.had t

13、elephoned27.“Red tape ” means ().答案:BA.a red cassetteB.the rigid unnecessary official rules and regulationsC.the necessary of official rules and regulationsD.a red string28._ the Internet is of great help. I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it.答案:BA.IfB.WhileC.BecauseD.As29.Altho

14、ugh he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only _ to his confusion.答案:CA.extendedB.amountedC.addedD.turned30.The word “workaholic ” is often used to refer to ().答案:BA.AfricansB.AmericansC.ChineseD.Koreans31

15、.() relations at the sentential level refer to construction whose components are linked through the use of conjunctions.答案:AA.HypotacticB.ParatacticC.GrammaticalD.Branching32.I am for your proposal that the discussion about future plans _.答案 be put put offC.should put offD.was put off3

16、3.Americans dont like being inquired about their choice of voting, because ().答案:AA.they dont want others to know about itB.they are afraid to being murderedC.they dont want others to support their choice of votingD.they are not sure of their own choice of voting34.The prisoners will work for up to

17、90 days _ the gang.答案:CA.toB.atC.onD.of35.When you want to learn about someones family relationship with another person, you may ask _.答案:DA.Are you relatives?B.Are you family members?C.How are you called?D.How are you related?36.Stereotyping has its practical uses and limitations, because it helps

18、us better understand what appears to be a mess and at the same time any generalization is very often an overgeneralization. ()答案:BA.错误B.正确37.North Americans prefer to sit where they are side-by-side to one another. ()答案:AA.错误B.正确38.In certain situations body action contradicts what is being said. ()

19、答案:BA.错误B.正确39.On your way to the school cinema, you happen to meet Professor Jones walking to the cinema, too. You can greet him by saying Youre going to see the film, arent you? ()答案:AA.错误B.正确40.Whenever someone responds to the behavior. or the behavior. residue of another person, communication ha

20、s taken place. ()答案:BA.错误B.正确41.“Promises ” like Why dont we get together one of these days?, though frequently made by Americans, are no commitment. ()答案:BA.错误B.正确42.To initiate conversation with an Englishman, you can say Its raining today, isnt it? ()答案:AA.错误B.正确43.Some anthropologists refer to c

21、ustom, rituals and, in a word, the total life way of a people as popular culture. ()答案:BA.错误B.正确44.In the United States, the extended family, rather than the nuclear family, is considered the family. ()答案:AA.错误B.正确45.It is a Chinese way of showing hospitality to insist on people accepting offers of

22、drinks and cigarettes. ()答案:BA.错误B.正确46.Given name or forename has recently replace Christian name in many English form, because religious beliefs are very much a matter of privacy. ()答案:BA.错误B.正确47.Americans expect an invitation to a dinner or a request for a date or for any other social event to b

23、e offered reasonably far in advance. ()答案:BA.错误B.正确48.Monochronic time systems are characterized by several things happening at once. ()答案:AA.错误B.正确49.In the U.S., it is a compliment to tell someone that he or she has put on some weight. ()答案:AA.错误B.正确50.In the United States, the extended family, rather than the nuclear family, is considered the family. ()答案:AA.错误B.正确

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