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1、商务英语函电实用模板第一章 建立业务关系一、 出口商去函要求建立业务关系句型一 何处得知对方的名称、地址及其他情况We learn your name and address fromWe know your name and address throughWe learn fromthat得知客户资料或信息的渠道:银行Bank 商会Chambers of Commerce 媒体广告Advertisements in the media 商行目录Trade Directory 展销会和交易会Exhibitions and trade fairs 自我介绍或经其他公司介绍Introduction

2、 市场调查 Market investigations 互联网InternetWe owe your name and address toWe obtain your name and address fromYou are introduced byas (为)句型二 自我介绍We introduce ourselves as an important/exporter of(产品)in our country.We are an exporter ofhandling the commodity for many years.We specialize in/deal in/handle

3、We have been in the line offor years.句型三 去函目的We are writing to establish trading relations with you.We shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you.We wish to build up trading relations with you.句型四 提供资料We are sending youWe attach heretofor your reference.Attached please findAttached a

4、re 随函附上。句型五 提供联系方式Should you find any items interesting, please let us know by E-mail.Should you be interested in our products. Please contact us through the above address.If you find that business is possible, please contact us:句型六 结束语We look forward to your early reply.We appreciate your early rep

5、ly.Your prompt reply will be greatly appreciated.二、 进口商去函要求建立业务关系句型一 We learn from句型二 自我介绍 We are句型三 求购意向及去函目的We are interested in and writing to see if there is possibility to trade with you in the line.It may interest you that we are in the market for句型四 索求资料 Please send usWe appreciate your sendi

6、ngYour sending will be appreciated.句型五 提供联系方式Should you be interested in it, please句型六 结束语 Looking forward to第二章 询盘与回复一、进口商询盘自我介绍&信息来源We are one of the leading importers /exporters engaged inWe are an importer/exporter handling for many years.We learn fromthat you are one of the leading manufacturer

7、s of in China.求购意向We are considering the purchase of We are interested in importingWe will place large order with you for this product.索资料&索报价及有关交易条款We appreciate your detailed information about the product as well as your competitive price.Please send us your catalogues and quotations. Please kindl

8、y provide minimum order quantity and payment termsWell be pleased to have your catalogues and quotations.Please make us your best quotation for (数量)of (产品)联系方式&结束信函Should you be able to supply, please contact us: Looking forward to your early reply.三、 出口商答复买方询盘函信函收悉Thanks for your Your enquiry of ha

9、s been received with thanks.按要求寄送资料或报价Attached please findAs requested, we send you提及有关其他交易条款(如需)It is understood thatPlease note thatPlease see to it thatWe have to point out thatWe have to make it clear thatPlease note that: 希望客户对报价满意并能很快收到订单或希望未来长期开展交易We hope you will find our quotation satisfact

10、ory and look forward to receiving your order.We look forward to doing business with you.第三章 报盘完整的报盘应该包括以下内容:1. 对询价表示感谢 2.提供所要求的所有信息 3.对交货期或者装运期的承诺 4.如为实盘,注明有效期 5.希望对方接受报价订购货物发盘书信格式:叙述式 列表式 附件式叙述式一、We have received your letter of+时间Thank you for your letter of +时间Thank you for your enquiry of +时间+for

11、 our+商品Were in receipt of your enquiry of +时间+for+商品 二、Many thanks for your inquiry of Thank you for your enquiry and for your interest in our products.We thank you for your inquiry of and are pleased to quote as follows.In reply, we can make you an offer for+商品件数 of +品名+货号+at+价格+per+贸易术语+for shipme

12、nt in +时间+by +支付条款三其他条款说明Payment is made byShipment is made within+时间Each shirt is packed in a polybag.Please note that there is no commission on our products, but a discount of 5% may be allowed if the quantity of your order is more than 1000 sets.四We must stress that this offer can remain open for

13、 three days only.It is subject to our final confirmation. To remain firm till+日期五We trust you will find our quotation satisfactory and look forward to receiving your order.We look forward to receiving your order.As the demand for our Mountain Bikes is heavy and we recommend you to place your order a

14、sap.列表式Thanks for your enquiry of .As requested, we offer as follows: 第四章 回复&还盘1.报盘收悉 2.对报盘条款的看法 3.还盘建议 4.盼接受还盘一Thanks for your quotation of May 5.Thank you for your offer for ladies shoes.Thank you for your fax of March 16, offering us the subject goods.Your quotation of Oct. 2 was received with ma

15、ny thanks.Thank you for your prompt reply and detailed quotation.Thank you for the samples you sent in response to our enquiry of 8 June2Refuse the offer; 1.Although we are anxious to do business with yu, we find your price rather on the high side and out of line with the ruling market. 2.We have st

16、udied with local buyers, and would like to make a counter offer as follows: 1.We are sorry to tell you that we cannot take you up on the offer as the price you are asking is above the market level here and for the quality in question. 2.I should like to point out that your choice in color and patter

17、n is very limited and that the shapes that are now fashionable are missing.1.We hope you can make a reduction of 10% in your price.2.Shipment is to be made in three equal monthly installments, beginning from May, 20.3.All other terms and conditions are the same as those stipulated in your Quotation

18、Sheet No.讨价还价 抱怨价高 we find your price on the high side.We find your price too high to be acceptable. Your price is far beyond our reach.It is difficult for us to persuade our client to accept such a high price.价格比较Your price is much higher than that we can get elsewhere.Your price is $10 higher than

19、 that from Indian suppliers.Indian suppliers are offering their price in the market much lower than yours.维护价格Our price is really favorable already.Our price is based on that of the international market.The price itself has left us little margin of profit.建议降价You are requested to reduce your price b

20、y at least 10%Youd better make your price in line with the market and reduceIf you could reduce your price by another 5 dollars, we may sign the contract.拒绝降价This is our rock-bottom price, and any further reduction is impossible.It will be difficult for us to cut our price down to that extend.How ca

21、n you expect us to reduce our price to that extend. Thats impossible.接受降价In view of your first trial order, we accept your counter offer, to encourage your willingness of promoting our products.To set the ball rolling, we accept your counter-offer, and hope this concession will bring us future of bu

22、siness between us.盼接受We hope our accommodation can lead to an increase of business between us.We trust this will satisfy you and look forward to your early reply.第五章 成函交一、交易条款确认函 二、买方发送订单 三、卖方发送合同Dear Sirs,Thank you for your quotation of for the subject good.收到发盘 We enclose our purchase order in dup

23、licate.寄送订单 Please send us your sales confirmation in duplicate with signature.要求销售We confirm accepting your offer.接受发盘,确认接受We send separately our order no.234出口商报盘第六章 付款条件关于付款方式的信函写作:出口方介绍付款的习惯做法进口方建议付款方式关于付款通知的信函写作:进口方通知款项已付出口方催促付款出口方介绍付款条件的习惯做法:句型:We require payment byWe insist payment byPayment

24、is to be made byPayment by is our usual practice.Payment byis requested.Dear *,Re: payment for you order No. *. Please see to it than an irrevocable L/C is required for this initial order. Should it be acceptable, well send our S/C to you.进口方建议付款方式:句型:We suggest payment byWe wonder whether you accep

25、t payment by Payment is byis accepted by us.Payment byis not acceptable .What we suggest is thatPayment by is what we expected.第七章催开信用证一、提醒买方我方货已发或交货期临近,但仍未收到相关信用证We refer to your Order No.123 fax machines under our sales confirmation No.456We would like to remind you that the date of delivery is ap

26、proaching but we have not received your L/C.Please open your L/C asap.Please open the L/C in good time so that we may effect shipment on time.二、提醒买方开立立信用证时需注意事项 Please make sure that the stipulations in the L/C are in exact accordance with the terms of the sales confirmation to avoid any subsequent

27、amendments.三、;总结语We are looking forward to receiving your L/C soon.We are awaiting your earlier reply.修改信用证函的步骤:一 通知进口商已收到信用证二 陈述找到相关的错误和差异,并给出修改的理由三 希望对方尽快修改错误一 Thank your for your L/C No.123Your L/C No.123 has been received with many thanks.二 However, some discrepancies are found in it.On examinat

28、ion, were sorry to find the following discrepancies.Please make the following amendment.1. To insert2. To delete3. To amend to read 三 Thank you for your kind cooperation.展证函起首 延迟发货原因 要求展证一 We inform you thatPlease note that二 Owing to the delay in delivery ,may delivery is possible.Pls extend the L/C

29、 to the end of this month for shipment.第八章敦促立即叫或信函步骤一说明相关信用证已经开立或者提醒对方装货期即将到来二说明立即装运的必要性和理由三提示迟装对生意有害,希望对方早日装运一We wish to inform you that the L/Chas been opened.We are glad to inform you thatThe covering L/C has been established.三 As the selling season is coming, our clients are in urgent need of th

30、e goods.We wish you can ship the goods as soon as possible to enable us to catch the brisk demand三Any delay in shipment will be detrimental toIt is beneficial to both parties to We thank you for your cooperation in this respect.We await your good news。第九章买方保险信函的写作步骤如下:一 提示合同,货物等We refer your to Cont

31、ract No.123Referring toWith regard to our Contract二,提出具体保险要求及理由As we shall be glad if youAs you know,we suggestOwing to we would appreciate it if you二 希望对方同意并希望对方尽早发货 We wish you can accommodate us in this respect.We hope to receive your favorable reply.卖方保险信函写作一, 说明收到信函二, 说明自己的意见,及其理由We agree toWe want to make it clear thatWith regard to we regret being unable to accept三, 说明会立即发货等We

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