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1、米兰家具展中国纸家具参展作品【瞬 shun】This lamp is made of bamboo and the construction imitates the frame of an umbrella. When the lamp is turned off, it is a cylinder. When you turn it on, the shape of the shell changes, due to the flexibility characteristics of the bamboo.伞,一开一合;灯,一明一暗;竹,一曲一直;在你的枕边散发大自然的淡淡幽香。【Cha

2、o 巢】This paper storage is made for small things, to keep them organized on table or shelf. It is a wooden paper notebook when it is closed. While open, it is a recognizable chinese traditional paper craft shape, with plenty of small pockets. Those pockets can be filled with pens, scissors, tapes or

3、any small stuff needed on the table.The materials that are used are the same like for a traditional Chinese umbrella wood, rice paper and a bit glue.巢,是一个桌面收纳容器,为一些桌面上常用到的小东西而设计。由宣纸和胡桃木制作。合拢起来,相当于一个木质笔记本,打开后形成30多个小口袋用来放东西。制造工艺来源于纸伞,结构类似于中国的灯笼。【Kong 空】“A touch of lissome shadows flying above the stre

4、am of people it isnt just wandering it is the seeking and return of feeling”The “Kong” is based on the traditional Chinese umbrella. Every part is made of Polycarbonate. The transparency of the material and the pure shape of the general appearance are communicating a certain weightless elegance.一抹轻盈

5、的身影,飘飞于城市的人流之上,并不是孤独的流浪,而是情怀的追寻与回归。源于余杭传统油纸伞,进行改良与简化,更符合现代人的生活,通体使用一种可降解PC材质,便于伞的回收。【Na 纳】The form as well as the mechanism of the foldable waste basket is based and inspired by the traditional Chinese umbrella. It is made of tear proof synthetic paper and obtains its durability and stability throug

6、h the way of folding.纸篓的形态和巧妙折叠方式,灵感来源于中国传统的纸伞。它的材料是一种防撕破的合成纸,可以保持持久耐用和反复折叠。【Piao 飘 -Paper Chair】Gluing layers of paper is the way how to make a traditional paper umbrella. Our Paper Seat is using the same craft. The paper layers are combined until the chair is strong enough to sit on, but is still

7、keeping its flexibility. Hand made paper is rich of natural fibers that give strength to carry a person and is therefore our choice for this comfortable chair.把皮宣纸糊上天然胶水,一层层糊在伞骨上,这是余杭纸伞的传统工艺。Paper Chair 来源于设计师的一个大胆的想法,把宣纸做成椅子。Paper Chair 利用了宣纸细腻的质感和韧性,使其既具备温暖的触摸感,同时提供非常好的支持力。宣纸由安徽泾县宣纸作坊制作,糊纸由设计师和余杭糊

8、伞师傅一起完成。让我们惊讶的是本来柔弱的宣纸,在特定工艺下,具备和实木同样的牢固度。【Wu 无】The concept is inspired by the Yuhang paper umbrella. A bamboo frame is covered by rice paper.The lamp is following the same philosophy and materials. A natural light is created in a natural way.“无”设计源于余杭纸伞的轻韧框架与糊纸的做法。选用了竹签制作框架(骨),传统宣纸制作外部蒙皮(皮肤)的做法,将让框

9、架与遮罩达到最佳的效果,灯具透露出天然的光线。【Xuan 旋】Within this lamp the bamboo is changed into fine and smooth slices. Its shape is easy to control. Especially by a breeze through an open window the delicate curves of bamboo are fluttering and dancing.制作纸伞的过程中,我们发现了这种工艺,利用竹子长纤维的特性,配以特种竹种,进行制作,达到利于造型的极致细丝。“旋”,在生命的热流中绽放,

10、旋舞,自由不羁,坚韧的外在下,散发着温柔,优雅的情怀。【Yan 檐】The traditional Chinese umbrella process is fundamentally based on the century-old Chinese handcraft experience and philosophy.The design principal was to keep the traditional Chinese umbrella mood and philosophy with additional ergonomic and functional characterist

11、ics.基于余杭纸伞的传统工艺,让纸伞慢慢向前演化。檐,保留了几乎所有传统工艺,最大的改进是让其结构简化,更少的部件,重量更轻,更友好的人机体验。传统的纸伞伞面很平,在有风的雨天很难抵挡斜雨。边缘下垂的设计,看似简单,但对遮风挡雨的性能有很大提高。为实现这个设计,工艺师傅和设计师一起做了大量的实验。【Yi 忆】How to remember the last read page of a book after closing it? Just close the book around the main pillar. The book stands safe and reminds the

12、page. The top part of the lamp is made of rice paper which is carried by a solid wooden support. The product contains a pure, innovative and functional design language.你可能会不记得昨晚睡前看到哪?是一盏睡前的阅读灯,当你犯困时,只需轻轻将书立在灯架上,下一次拿起书时,你会很清楚自己读到哪里。用宣纸制作的灯罩,可以透射出柔和的光色,掺夹在宣纸中的纤维,发散着自然的细节。【Ying 盈】This umbrella is made

13、of paper and bamboo. It combines the traditional manufacturing with modern aesthetics. During the production process, the designers learnt how to join the traditional way of thinking with new materials and technologies in order to provide a solution for mass production. The paper umbrella is adapting to the current way of life by keeping its roots and heritage.这是一柄思考传统工艺与现代审美时尚相结合的纸伞,其特殊在于设计师向工艺师傅学习之余,经过思考与创新,结合现代工艺并亲自制作。新的突破与尝试为纸伞提供了一种在未来可以被现代化量产的可能,使其沉淀中国传统工艺精华并融入适应时代的创新,让纸伞的文化能够真正得以传承并适应现在的生活方式。

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