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1、职称英语考试真题及答案理工类B级doc2020 年职称英语考试真题及答案 (理工类 B 级)Can you hear This ?When something creates a sound wave in a room or an auditorium ( 礼堂 ) ,listeners hear the sound wave directly from the source. They also hear the reflections as the sound bounces off the walls , floor ,and ceiling . These are calledthe

2、 reflected wave or reverberant ( 反射的 ) sound , which can be heard even after the sound is no longer coming from the source .The reverberation time of an auditorium is determined by the volume or interior size of the auditorium .It is also determined by how well or how poorly the walls , ceiling, flo

3、or , and contents of the room (including the people ) absorb sound. There is no ideal reverberation time .The full-sound performance of music such as Wagner operas or Mahler symphonies should have a long reverberation time . Thelight ,rapid musical passages of Bach or Mozart need a reverberation tim

4、e somewhere between .Acoustic problems often are caused by poor auditoriumdesign .Smooth , curved ( 弯曲的 )reflecting surfaces createlarge reflections . Parallel ( 平行的 )walls reflect sound backand forth, creating a rapid ,repetitive pulsing( 有节奏的跳动)effect. Large pillars ( 柱)and corners can cause acous

5、tic shadows as the sound waves try to pass around the object .Some of these problems can be solved by using absorbers and relectors to change the reverberation time of a room .For example , hanging large reflectors , called clouds , over the performers will allow some sound frequencies to reflect an

6、d others to pass yo achieve a pleasing mixture of sound.1.This Passage is mainly aboutA sound waves and their acoustic effect .B the types of music orchestras playC walls of an auditoriumD the design of an auditorium2.Wagner operas and Mahler symphonies sound fuller in an auditorium with 2 / 3 A a s

7、hort reverberation timeB a long reverberation timeC an intermediate reverberation timeD no reverberation time3.This passage suggests that a good auditorium shouldA achieve a pleasing mixture of soundB get rid of all reflectionsC not have absorbers.D have smooth surfaces4.Large pillars and corners ma

8、yA make sound rich and fullB be cures for sound problemsC be sources of sound problemsD function as well as clouds5.The word “acoustic “in the last paragraph has something to do withA performance B MusicC sound D noiseSmart WindowWindows not only let light in to cut down an electricityuse for lighti

9、ng ,but the light coming through the windowalso provides heat.However ,windows are not something people typically associate with being a cutting edge1 technology.Researchers are now working on new technologies that enable a window to quickly change from clear to dark and anywhere in between with a f

10、lip of a switch2.“It took us a long time to figure out what a windowreally is, ” says Claes Granqvist.He s a professor of solidstate physics at Uppsala University in Sweden3. “It scontact with the outside world.You have to have visualcontact with the surrounding world to feel well. ” So,-windows and

11、 natural light are important for improving the way people feel when they re stuck indoors.Yet ,windows are the weak link in a building when itcomes to energy and temperature control.In the winter ,coldair leaks in.When it s hot and sunny , sunlight streamsin.All of this sunlight carries lots of heat

12、 and energy.Andall of this extra heat forces people to turn ontheir airconditioners.Producing blasts of cold air ,which can feel sorefreshing ,actually suck up enormous amounts of electricity in buildings around the world.Windows have been a major focus of energy research for along time. Over the ye

13、ars ,scientists have come up with avariety of strategies for coating ,glazing ,and layering windows to make them more energy efficient.Smart windows go a step further.They use chromogenic technologies which involve changes of color.Electrochromic windows use electricity to changecolor.For example ,a

14、 sheet of glass coated with thin layersof chemical compound such as tungsten oxide works a bit likea battery.Tungsten oxide is clear when an electric charge isapplied and dark when the charge is removed ,that is ,whenthe amount of voltage is decreased ,the window darkens untilit s completely dark af

15、ter all electricity is taken away.So applying a voltage determines whether the window looks clear or dark.One important feature that makes a smart window so smartis that it has a sort of “memory.” All it takes is a smalljolt of voltage to turn the window from one state to the other.Then ,it stays th

16、at way.Transitions take anywhere from 10 seconds to a few minutes ,depending on the size of the window.The development of smart windows could mean thatmassive air conditioning systems may no longer need. “In thefuture, ” Granqvist says, “our buildings may look different. ”练习:1.Which of the following

17、 statements does not indicate the importance of windows as described in the first two paragraphs?A Windows can change from clear to dark to save energy.B Windows help to save energy by letting light in.C Windows help to save energy by providing heat.D Windows enable people to have contact with the o

18、utside world.2. When are windows the weak link in a building?A In the cold winter.B In the hot summer.C When air conditioners are turned on.D Both A and B.3.What are smart windows ,according to Paragraph 4? A Windows that are coated.B Windows that are glazed.C Windows the color of which can be chang

19、ed. D Windows that have many layers.4. To make electrochromic windows change color applied to the window glass? A Electricity.,what isB Tungsten oxide.C A battery.D A voltage.5. What will he the benefit if the research on smartwindows turns out to be successful ,according to the last paragraph?A The

20、 buildings will look different.B Windows can be as large as you want.C We may not need air conditioners any more.D They are less expensive than traditional windows.词汇:flip n.& v. 用手指轻弹,轻击tungsten oxide 氧化钨air conditioner 空调 ( 器)jolt n.& v. 震摇,颠簸,晃动refreshing adj. 使人清爽的electrochromic adj. 电致变色的glaze

21、v. 装玻璃,用玻璃覆盖voltage n. 电压chromogenic adj. 发色的air conditioning 空调,空调系统注释:1.cutting edge :本意为“ ( 刀片的 ) 刃口,刀刃” ; 比喻意为“最先进的,科技含量的”。2. anywhere in between witha flip of a switch :就在开或关的一霎那。3. Uppsala University in Sweden :瑞典的 普 拉大学。 普 拉是瑞典 部一座城市,位于斯德哥 摩的西北方向。答案与 解:1.A 第一段告 我 窗 因 阳光 入房 ,并且 房 提供 源,所以 了能源。第

22、二段 ,窗 使人 能接触外部世界。所以B、C 和 D都 明了窗 的重要性。第一段最后一句 ,研究者正在 能 窗 亮度,但并没有 已 成功,所以 A 是 的 法,是准确 。2.D 短文第三段的第一句 : windows are the weak link in a building ,接下来是 句 分寒冬和炎夏做了 明。所以 D 是准确 。3.C 第四段告 我 ,多年来,科学家已研究出多种通 窗 能的 法,而 smart windows 使用的技 使窗 能 色。所以是准确 。C4. B 第五段第二句提供了答案。 a sheet of glass coated withthin layers of

23、 chemical compound such as tungsten oxide 是“涂上一 薄薄的”的意思。 coated中的5.C 短文最后一段的第五句提供了答案。理工 B 完形填空Warmer Climate Will Bake Tropical BugsGlobal warming could cook tropical insects, with unpredictable knock-on effects, say researchers who warn that rising temperatures also(51) tropical frogs, lizards ( 蜥蜴

24、 ).Temperatures are (52) to increase much faster intemperate and polar regions than in the tropics. But no-one had looked at how warming would affect insects and other cold-blooded animals (53) had evolved in tropical regions with little temperature variation.Curtis Deutsch at the University of Cali

25、fornia at Los Angeles and colleagues analysed data (54)insect survival and reproduction for 38 species in different ecosystems, and then estimated how these values would (55) with predictions of climate change for the 21st century.The team found that the reproductive (56) of tropical insects tends t

26、o peak very close to the temperatures where they normally live, but (57) sharply at higher temperatures. This means that cranking up the heat only a small amount can exert a heavy toll, leaving insects unable to reproduce (58) enough to keep up their numbers.Temperature toleranceTemperate insects re

27、produce well over a broader range, and do not live as (59) to their thermal limit, so they can reproduce successfully when their climate warms more than in the tropics.“Tropical insects do very well in a narrow band of temperatures, but move them above that (60) and they die, says team member Josh T

28、ewksbury of the University of Washington in Seattle.”The heart of the (61) is temperature tolerance. emperate-zone insects have evolved to survive the much broader temperature swings of seasonal climates, than have their tropical relatives.The (62) appears worse for animals that live in hot stable c

29、limate of the lower levels of tropical forests.Lizards in clear areas can find shade to cool down, but thoseliving in the forest are already in the (63), and there s not much they can do to get cooler, Deutsch says.Too few tropical insects have been studied so far to (64) if any particular group wil

30、l be particularly hard-hit, says Tewksbury. Insects play important (65) in forest ecology, including pollination, and eating detritus to recycle carbon.The team are now starting to evaluate how temperature affects ecological interactions of insects with other species, including crops such as African

31、 corn.Journal reference : Proceedings of the National Academyof Sciences (DOI : 10.1073/pnas.0709472105)Climate Change Want to know more about global warming the science, impacts and political debate? Visit our continually updated special report.:Endangered species Learn more about the conservation battle in our comprehensive special report.参考答案:51.threaten 52. ex

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