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1、成长的烦恼第一季104成长的烦恼第一季104104 Springsteen 摇滚音乐会01:35.30Mike: This is it - my Springsteen tickets.01:35.30迈克:是我的电话,肯定是我的摇滚音乐会的票。01:37.90Hello?01:37.90喂?01:39.70Maggie: When did they outgrow skateboards?01:39.70马吉:他们什么时候才不再去溜冰呢?01:41.80Jason: When you buy them a Camaro.01:41.80詹森:等你给他们买相机的时候。01:44.90Mike:

2、 Yeah. Ok, bye.01:44.90迈克:好,再见!01:49.90Jason: Gonna see Springsteen, ah?01:49.90詹森:你要去听音乐会?01:51.90Mike: Yeah, tomorrow night. Its gonna be awesome. Ladies and gentlemen the boss01:51.90迈克:对,明天晚上,肯定很精彩。女士们先生们,演出开始了02:04.20Carol: Wait, wait. I thought the Springsteens concert was sold out.02:04.20卡罗尔

3、:可是我听说花季乐队音乐会的票早就卖完了。02:07.50Mike: Sold out? Carol, to a man with connections, nothings ever sold out. That just happened to be Seth Jameson, nephew of the man whose brother-in-law owns the hot dog concession of the coliseum.02:07.50迈克:卖完了?卡罗尔,对一个有路子的男人来说,没有东西买不到。我正巧认识塞思詹姆士,他叔叔的小舅子有个体育馆的热狗摊位。02:22.2

4、0Jason: Wow.02:22.20詹森:喔。02:24.50Carol: So, did you get tickets?02:24.50卡罗尔:那你弄到票了吗?02:26.30Mike: Did I get the tickets? Of course, I got tickets.02:26.30迈克:弄到没?当然,我弄到票了!02:30.00Carol: You did? Springsteen?02:30.00卡罗尔:弄到了?音乐会的票?02:32.50Mike: Well, no. To the Icecapades. We have got very good seats,

5、and two free hot dogs.02:32.50迈克:哦,不是。是冰酸梅汤,我们搞到了很好的座位,还免费送两份热狗。02:44.20Carol: Talk about connections. Are those all-beef dogs?02:44.20卡罗尔:讲到你的关系路子,你搞的那些热狗是纯牛肉的吗?02:48.80Maggie: Oh, its too bad about the concert, honey. You must be disappointed.02:48.80马吉:音乐会的票这么难搞,你肯定要失望了。02:51.80Mike: Oh, no. I ac

6、tually got a couple of other things going. Ill get the tickets. Alright, this is it. Hello, yes. Talk to me. Yeah, yeah. Ok, yeah Ill see you.02:51.80迈克:不,不,我还是有些办法的。我会拿到票的。看,办法来了。喂,是的,你说吧是的,是的好的好,回头再说吧。03:11.30Jason: No dice?03:11.30詹森:没门?03:12.60Mike: No. Jerry was sure hed be able to get those ti

7、ckets from his friend Chichi, but.03:12.60迈克:没有杰瑞说他本来能从他朋友蛐蛐那里拿到票的,可是03:16.40Maggie: Chichi? Jason, our son knows people named Chichi?03:16.40马吉:蛐蛐?詹森,我们的儿子居然认识一个叫蛐蛐的。03:19.90Jason: Maggie, you cannot judge somebodys on the base of a name. Anyway, Mike, you were saying?03:19.90詹森: 哦,马吉,你怎么能单凭名字来判断一个

8、人呢。 迈克,你说下去吧。03:26.00Mike: Yeah, Chichis parole officer didnt think it would be such a good idea for him to be scalping tickets so close to the trial.03:26.00迈克:是的,蛐蛐快被审判了,他的假释官认为他在这个时候还搜罗倒腾票,这样子不好。03:33.30Jason: Good judgments, there, Chichi.03:33.30詹森:你真有眼光找到蛐蛐这种人。03:35.40Maggie: We are sorry, hon

9、ey.03:35.40马吉:真遗憾,宝贝。03:37.10Mike: Thats all right. I still got one more shot. Yeah, Jimski, Yes, Mike. Yeah, look, I got to have those tickets. Yes, look offer them anything they want. What? My jacket? My leather jacket, the one smells like actual cattle?03:37.10迈克:没关系,我还有一个办法呢。嘿嘿- 吉姆老兄,是的,我是迈克,听着,

10、我一定要搞到一张票。是的,他们要什么就给他们什么。什么?我的夹克?我的真皮夹克?那个闻起来有真牛味道似的夹克?04:04.10Jason: He delivered papers for two years to get that jacket. He loves that jacket. I love that jacket. Of course I never had a jacket that nice.04:04.10詹森:为了买那件衣服他送了两年的报纸呢。他很喜欢那件夹克,我也喜欢。当然了,我从没穿过那么好的夹克。04:13.30Mike: Okay, okay, he can ha

11、ve the jacket. Oh, come on. Jimmy. Look, I hate to even ask Jerry that. Yeah, all right. Look, Call me right back. He wanted a date with Jerrys sister.04:13.30迈克:好吧,好吧,夹克可以给他,噢,不行,吉姆,不行,噢!可是我该怎么跟杰瑞说呢?那好吧,你等会打给我。他想和杰瑞的妹妹约会。04:36.50Maggie: Trixie? Shes only 11.04:36.50马吉:崔克斯?可她还只有11岁。04:39.70Mike: I s

12、aid no.04:39.70迈克:我跟他说了不行。04:43.90Jason: Say, Mike, you dont really want to part with that jacket, do you?04:43.90詹森:迈克,你不会真想把那件皮夹卖出去吧?04:47.20Mike: No, but, Dad, there is no way that Bruce is gonna play 10 miles from my house and Im gonna miss him. I got to go to that concert.04:47.20迈克:不想,爸爸,可是我不得

13、不这么办,布鲁斯就在我们家不远处演出,我很想见他。我一定要去听音乐会。04:55.20Jason: There it is.04:55.20詹森:电话又来了。04:56.50Mike: What? Its impossible. Yeah, okey, see you.04:56.50迈克:喂!什么?这不行?是的,好,再见!05:10.70Jason: Well?05:10.70詹森:怎么了?05:11.60Mike: Somebody offered him a house.05:11.60迈克:有人拿房子和他换票。05:13.60Maggie: A house? 05:13.60马吉:房子

14、?05:15.20Mike: Well, Its just for a weekend. But thats still out of our league. Unless05:15.20迈克:对,只是给他们度个周末呃,这我可办不到,除非05:26.00Maggie: Mike!05:26.00马吉:迈克!05:29.40Mike: Ok, fine.05:29.40迈克:好,就这么办。05:31.40Jason: Hey, Mike, at least you still have that jacket, right?05:31.40詹森:迈克,你至少保住了你的皮夹克,不是吗?05:36.

15、40Mike: Who cares? It smells like a dead cow.05:36.40迈克:管它呢,它闻起来一股死牛味。05:41.70Ben: Mom, Mom, Mom. I just saw a mouse in the yard like this big.05:41.70本:妈妈,妈妈,妈妈!我刚在院子里看到这么大一只老鼠!05:46.30Maggie: Was this a mouse or a small sheep?05:46.30马吉:这是只老鼠还是小羊啊?05:49.40Ben: Well, it had beady little eyes and a

16、long tail, and went like this.05:49.40本:它的眼睛像珠子,尾巴很长,走起路来就像这样。05:56.00Carol: Thats a sheep, alright?05:56.00卡罗尔:那是一只羊,好吗?05:58.20Maggie: Ok, ok. Where did I put those mousetraps?05:58.20马吉:好吧,好吧,我的老鼠夹放哪儿了?06:01.60Carol: What are you gonna do with the mousetraps, Mom?06:01.60卡罗尔:妈妈,你找老鼠夹干吗?06:03.60Ma

17、ggie: Well, I will be honest with you, Carol. I plan to use them to trap mice.06:03.60马吉:老实说吧,卡罗尔,我想用老鼠夹来抓老鼠。06:07.90Carol: Wont that kill them?06:07.90卡罗尔:那样做会杀了它们的!06:09.10Maggie: Hopefully.06:09.10马吉:我正是希望如此!06:10.30Carol: Mom.06:10.30卡罗尔:妈妈!06:11.90Maggie: Carol, a Moms gonna do what a Moms gonn

18、a do? Son, bring in my Camembert.06:11.90马吉:卡罗尔,当妈妈的应该做好妈妈该做的事情。本,把我的法国乳酪拿来。06:19.10Ben: All right, we are going in with the big guns.06:19.10本: 好的,我们要出动重型武器了。06:23.90Carol: Well, Mom. I mean, they are cute, harmless, little creatures.06:23.90卡罗尔:哦,妈妈,我觉得老鼠是可爱、无害的小动物。06:27.90Maggie: Carol, these are

19、 the same guys who carried the plague all through Europe during the tenth century and killed millions of people.06:27.90马吉:卡罗尔,十世纪的时候就是这些家伙把瘟疫散播到整个欧洲,杀死了上百万人呢。06:34.00Carol: That was a thousand years ago, Mom. How long are you gonna hold the grudge?06:34.00卡罗尔:可那已经是一千年前的事了,妈妈,你还要记恨多久啊。06:46.40Maggie

20、: Michael.06:46.40马吉:迈克。06:48.10Mike: Go ahead. Try it. Try to give me one good reason to go on living, Mom.06:48.10迈克:请给我个活下去的理由吧,妈妈。06:54.20Maggie: The solid girl dancers.06:54.20马吉:歌星舞会。07:00.90Mike: Well, at least Dads not here. I mean, hed really try to cheer me up.07:00.90迈克:可惜爸爸不在这儿,我觉得他是真的想哄

21、我高兴。07:05.90Maggie: The slime07:05.90马吉:哈,他是个滑头。07:08.30Mike: I mean, he always acts like hes gonna be real sympathetic and then before you know it, he turns on you. Mike, Mike, Mike. I find that the times like these its always the best to keep a little perspective on life.07:08.30迈克:他总是装作很同情我,然后就突然

22、对我说,迈克,迈克,迈克,我认为在这种情况下你应该朝前看。07:26.70Maggie: At least, he didnt give you that line about how rough he had it when he was your age.07:26.70马吉:至少他从没说过像你这么大时,他有什么苦闷。07:31.20Mike: No, no. Thats right ,he always says: Mike, now Im not gonna give you that a line about how rough I had when I was your age b

23、ut I think that you should be aware that historically, people have had it rougher than this.07:31.20迈克:没有,从来没有,他总是说,迈克,我不想和你谈当我在你这么大时有什么苦闷,可是你可以看看历史吧,比你苦闷的人还多着呢 !07:47.50Jason: Hi.07:47.50詹森:嗨!07:48.30Maggie: Hi.07:48.30马吉:嗨!07:49.60Jason: Do we have mice?07:49.60詹森:我们家有老鼠吗?07:51.80Maggie: Yup, and

24、if I am not back in 24 hours, call a cat.07:51.80马吉:是的,如果我24小时还没回来,你就去弄只猫吧。08:03.40Jason: Mike, Mike, Mike, still feeling pretty low, huh pal?08:03.40詹森:迈克,迈克,迈克,情绪还低落吗?伙计?08:11.30Mike: Dad, I am feeling fine, lets just drop it, ok?08:11.30迈克:爸爸,我感觉很好,别提这个了,好吗?08:14.50Jason: Come on, come on. I know

25、 what you are going through?08:14.50詹森:算了,算了,我知道你现在的心情。08:17.10Mike: Yes, sure, Dad.08:17.10迈克:你当然知道了,爸爸。08:18.20Jason: No, I do. I really do. You know I didnt want to bring it up this morning and depress you. But I have seen Springsteen in concert.08:18.20詹森:不,你不明白,我真的知道。今天早上我不想提起这事让你沮丧,但我真的在音乐会上见过

26、花季乐队。08:26.60Mike: You have?08:26.60迈克:你听过他们的演唱会?08:27.30Jason: Huh, ten years ago.08:27.30詹森:是的,十年前。08:30.10Mike: Really? What was it like?08:30.10迈克:真的,你觉得怎样?08:31.40Jason: Amazing. I mean the guy completely blows your doors up.08:31.40詹森:太了不起了,我是说他的歌声能把门都震破。08:36.30Mike: Oh, God. I dont wanna hea

27、r this.08:36.30迈克:哦,天哪,这话我可不想听。08:37.60Jason: He made me feel so08:37.60詹森:他让我感到08:38.70Mike: Please, Dad.08:38.70迈克:够了。08:40.00Jason: free!08:40.00詹森:解脱!08:41.10Jason: l could have just walk out of that concert and hitchhiked right across the country.08:41.10詹森:我差点走出演奏场,要求搭车周游全国。08:44.30Mike: Stop.

28、08:44.30迈克:停,不要说了。08:45.30Jason: Sorry. Mike, if you had one wish right now. One thing, what would it be?08:45.30詹森:不说了迈克,如果给你一个愿望,只能有一个愿望,你想做什么?08:53.00Mike: Dad, I am really not in the mood for this.08:53.00迈克:爸爸,我现在没这个心情。08:55.80Jason: Come on, Mike, come on, come on, come on. l mean, if you had

29、one thing that would make you the happiest guy in the world. What would it be?08:55.80詹森:说吧,迈克,说吧,说吧,告诉我一个愿望,一个能够使你感到十分快乐的愿望,是什么呢?09:04.30Mike: A solid girl dancer09:04.30迈克:参加歌星舞会。09:07.30Jason: Alright, two wishes.09:07.30詹森:好的,第二个愿望?09:10.60Mike: Front row tickets to the Springsteen concert.09:10

30、.60迈克:音乐会第一排的票。09:15.90Jason: Well, Would the 7th row be alright?09:15.90詹森:第七排可以吗?09:19.20Mike: Come on, Dad. Dont toy with my emotions. Huntington dry cleaning, three shirts, clean press, no starch. Thanks, Dad. That was my third wish.09:19.20迈克:得了爸爸,别拿我开玩笑了。亨廷顿干洗店,三件衬衫,洗净,不上浆。谢谢老爸,这是我第三个愿望。09:35.80Jason: Okey, okey. Sorry wrong pocket. How about these?09:35.80詹森:好了好了,口袋弄错了,是这几张。09:49.60Mike: lt cant be. Dad, you know what these are? These are Springsteen tickets.09:49.60迈克: 真想不到。爸爸,你

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