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1、函授高级英语2011年 福师大函授Lesson Two The Game of the Name1. acquaintance: someone you know , friend熟人,朋友a nodding acquaintance acquaint oneself with sb/sth2. ritual: rules that govern a certain activity 礼节social ritual3. utter: say说4. address: the way to call sb.称谓5. acquire: learn习得6. at first thought, on s

2、econd thoughts7. trivial: unimportant, minor琐碎的8. assumption: assume: believe, think假设9. initial: first, the very beginning: Your initials, please?首先的10. appropriate: proper恰当的11. assimilate: take in, absorb消化吸收12. contemporary: people of the same age, peer同龄人13. determiner: determining factors14. u

3、tterance: speech话语15. be obliged to: must 有义务,必须16. sexist: sexual discrimination 性别歧视 Sexism17. colleague: co-worker18. suspend: disregard, stop 暂停,终止n. suspension19. bestow: grant, permit, give给予,赐予20. remark: words, comments话语21. I answer quicker to Bruce: I will be more at ease if you call me Br

4、uce.22. complication: complicated matters, problem复杂23. arise: come up产生New problems arise.24. disparity: difference 分歧,不同25. adroitly: intelligently灵巧的,机敏的26. exceptional: special 特殊的27. in this respect: in this regard在这方面28. subtle: implied 微妙的the subtle differences between the twins29. kin: relat

5、ive 亲戚 30. alter: change 改变31. spurn: reject 拒绝,摈弃32. executive: office worker 行政人员33ttach: briefcase 公文包课后练习;P28 A1.acquaintance 2. contemporary 3. buddy 4. unconsciously 5. identify 6. phrased/specified 7. disparity 8. sexist 9. specify 10. assumption C:1. What differences are there between the Ch

6、inese and American greeting rituals?2. They reassured us of their friendship.3. The villagers in their holiday attire gathered in the square, waiting for the celebration to begin.4. When he was unable to prove his identity, the bank suspended payment.5. He felt uncomfortable /ill at ease in the reli

7、gious setting.6. Though I have known him for more than six months, we were still on the TLN basis.7. This kind of old-fashioned telephone is no longer in use.8. He put forth s different idea so adroitly that no one was offended.9. You ought to show more respect to your elders.10. The winning of the

8、first prize by your school team calls for a celebration.Lesson Four 38 Who Saw Murder Didnt Call the Police1. abide : obey abide by2. stalk: follow with being noticed悄悄跟行3. stab: pierce with a weapon刺4. glow: light5. assault: murder, kill6. borough: block街区7. veteran: experienced worker (solider, po

9、lice)老兵,老练的8. homicide: assault9. recitation: recall 10. slay: kill11. baffle: confuse12. assailant: killer13. staid: dignified, solemn 沉稳的14. adjacent to: near, by the side of邻近15. frown on: disapprove of 不赞成16. in the rear of: at the back of17. shrouded in : covered by笼罩18. slumber: sleep 睡眠19. ca

10、ll box: phone booth20. punctuate: pierce穿刺21. sedan: saloon car轿车22. stagger: walk unsteadily蹒跚23. slump: stoop低头弯腰走路24. deliberation: consideration细想25. sheepishly: cowardly, uneasily羞怯地26. distraught: frightened, worried烦恼的27. apprehensive: worried, anxious焦虑的,担忧的28. peek: look through窥探29. rattle

11、 off: keep talking with interest喋喋不休30. solemn: serious, with a heavy heart严肃的课后练习:P66A1. in charge of 2. hold out 3. at the foot of 4. in touch with 5. made our way 6. frown onC:1. Dr. Cooper is in charge of this ward.2. The hare lost the race to the tortoise not because he could not run quickly, b

12、ut because he was too conceited.3. We placed a wreath at the foot of the statue.4. He rattled off a string of names of the cities he had visited.5. We kept in touch with the search party by radiophone.6. The doctor did not hold out much hope of the patients recovery.7. The kitchen is in the rear of

13、the house.8. When Ted gets mad, just let him alone.9. Now read the poem again, and this time dont rattle it off like a machine gun.10.He walked on foot as far as the City Hall.Lesson Six Americans and the Land1. wonder at: puzzle at2. savagery: brutality野蛮3. come at: attack4. blast: blow up炸毁5. reck

14、less: thoughtless不顾后果的,鲁莽的6. scythe: sickle镰刀7. virgin:处女地8. timber: forest木材9. pillage: rob, plunder掠夺10. temporarily: for a time暂时11. persist: maintain12. dump: throw away13. sewage: waste water 14. toxic: poisoned, polluted15. filthy: dirty 污秽的16. belch: release排出17. combustion: burning燃烧18. wrec

15、kage, debris: 残骸19. girdle: surround围绕20. uninhibited: uncontrolled白加节制的21. spray:喷洒22. meager: scarce 贫瘠的23. raider: robber掠夺者24. subsequent: later, following之后的25. foray: sudden attack偷袭26. slaughter: killing屠杀27. massacre: slaughter28. scalping: 剥头皮29. punitive: of punishment惩罚的30. bargain for:in

16、tend to get 指望得到31. negotiable: exchangeable可交换的32. trading post: trading station贸易站33. indigenous: native 土著的34. suspicion: doubt, distrust怀疑35. clash: small conflict冲突36. amount to : be equal to等于37. full-fledged: formal正式的38. treasonable: betraying, unfaithful叛逆的39. trickle: a small stream涓流40. s

17、tock: genre, kind 种,类That rose is the finest of its stock.41. for the taking: for the picking , songs for the asking 随意拿42. rape: rob, pillage掠夺43. invader: attacker 侵略者44. freshet: flood 洪水45. stripped: naked, deprived 剥夺46. beckon: signal, summon 示意,召唤47. hide: animal skin 皮48. manure:(动物)粪便49. mi

18、schievous: malicious, naughty 恶作剧50. roam: stroll 漫游课后练习P107A1. topsoil 2. is to 3. indigenous 4. thoughtlessness 5. Reckless 6. meager 7. raid 8. trickle 9. loot 10. mischievousC:1. It is little wonder that the children love to visit the farm.2. The man came at me with a big stick in his hand.3. Th

19、e post office is close to the bank.4. Keeping other peoples possessions for ones own use amounts to theft.5. They ripped off the wallpaper before painting the room.6. They bargained for a supply of minicomputers.7. It is little wonder his health has broken down, for he has overworked in recent years

20、.8. The accident resulted in three deaths.Lesson Seven Mental Depression1. landscape: picture, 图象2. bleak: blank, gloomy 光秃秃的,荒凉的3. depression: in low spirits 沮丧4. insufficient: not enough, inadequate5. blue: sad, depressed6. take the edge of : reduce, impair 削弱Drinking water before your meal will t

21、ake the edge off your hunger.7. incapacitate: make incapable, disable是无力8. lift: disappear9. recur: occur again, happen again 反复10. provoke: stimulate11. out of the blue: suddenly12. compel: force13. rival: compete14. schizophrenia: mental madness精神分裂症15. diminished: reduced16. social isolation: fee

22、ling unable to fit in with others不合群17. prone to : be likely, be liable to, tend to18. undisguised: obvious19. irritability: get angry easily易动怒20. impair: weaken削弱21. constipation:便秘22. insomnia:失眠23. impotence: weakness无力24. physician: doctor25. occupational underachiever: one who is not quite suc

23、cessful in his career事业无成者26. acutely: extremely27. initiative: willing to do sth., instead of being told to 积极性28. musculoskeletal:肌肉骨骼的29. gastrointestinal: 胃肠的30. chronic:慢性的31. diarrhea: 腹泻32. phobia: fear恐惧33. exogenous: external外在的34. endogenous: internal内在的35. viral:病毒的36. bacterial: 细菌的37. i

24、nfection: 感染38. hepatitis:肝炎39. mononucleosis:单核细胞增生症40. tuberculosis:肺结核41. diabetes: 糖尿病42. thyroid:甲状腺43. arthritis:关节炎44. anemia:贫血课后练习P126B. 1. Please keep the children from swimming. 2. He was very angry, but his smile took the edge off what he said to us. 3. The increasing rain and fog is get

25、ting me down. 4. He has never got over the shock of his sons death. 5. His deafness resulted from a fall which he had in infancy. 6. Dont interfere with them and their affairs.C:1. It was a tremendous letdown to be told we had failed.2. The ship weathered the hurricane with no injuries.3. Too rigid

26、control exercised by parents fosters rebellious feelings in children.4. The manager wants him to do excessive work.5. Dont worry. Everything will work out well.6. When I counted the books, I found that, all told, there were 50 on the shelf.7. Donald turned up at the party out of the blue.8. Too heat

27、ed debates only foster dissent and division.9. It was a terrible letdown for the children when the party was cancelled. 10. Mary is prone to giggling at the most improper moments. Lesson Eight Small Kicks in Superland1. kick: small pleasure 乐趣2. superland: supermarket3. saloon: bar4. claustrophobic:

28、 fear of being confined幽闭恐惧症5. clothe: disguise遮掩6. wholesome: normal, healthy健康的7. hedonist: people who seek pleasure only享乐主义者8. justify: prove to be reasonable使有正当理由9. hygiene: health卫生10. gray: cloudy11. fantastic: wonderful12. lure: temptation, attraction引诱13. prowl:search搜寻14. carton: wooden b

29、ox木箱15. rind: skin皮16. checker: check-out counter17. pyramid: pile up18. drain of: use up耗尽19. awesome: terrible可怕的20. ambience: atmosphere氛围21. sneakily: secretly偷偷地22. lid: cover盖子23. peek: look through窥探24. suspect: doubt25. knead:rub, touch, crumple揉,捏26. abdomen: belly 肚子27. yelp: cry out28. appendicitis:阑尾炎29. startling: surprising30. incidentally: by the way课后练习P144A1. urge 2. yearned for 3. delighted 4. drain 5. tempted 6. mixes 7. lure 8. defineC: 1. He felt the urge to leave the place.

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