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三年级上册英语同步拓展词汇期末复习 牛津上海版精选教学文档.docx

1、三年级上册英语同步拓展 词汇期末复习 牛津上海版精选教学文档学员姓名: 学科教师:年 级:三年级 辅导科目:英语授课日期时 间主 题期末复习之词汇学习目标1. 复习期末各个单元重点词汇、句型,并能灵活运用;2. 总结期末各个单元的话题,并且熟练表达方式。教学内容1、 上次课后巩固作业复习; 2、 互动探索教学建议:让学生通过颜色辨认来回忆我们学过的词汇,进而过渡到我们本节课的主题:词汇复习。看图,想一想两个杯子中的颜色能混合出什么颜色 1.purple 2.violet此部分60分钟左右;是本节课的重点。请做到讲练结合,尽量做到每一个知识点都附有相应的练习题

2、;最多不超过3个知识点必须附有相关知识点练习)【知识梳理1】M3U1Vocabularycircle, squre, triangle, star, rectangle, houseExpressionHow are you today? Very well.【巩固练习】一、看图完成句子1. Draw a_, please.2. Look at this clock. Its a_.3. The _has three sides (边).4. There are five _on our national flag (国旗).5. I have an English book. Its a_.

3、二、根据中文填空1-_ _(什么形状)is it? -Its a _(三角形).2Its very hot. _ _(脱下)the coat, please.3I can _ _ _(做一个房子)with some shapes.4_ _(多少)shapes are there in the picture?5I have some cakes _ _(给你).Keys:一、1. circle 2. square 3. triangle 4. stars 5. rectangle二、1. What shape, triangle 2. Take off 3. make a house 4. H

4、ow many 5. for you【知识梳理2】M3U2Vocabularysky, sea, mountain, riverExpressionWhat colour is.?It is/They are.【巩固练习】一、根据要求写单词1turn on(反义词组) 2put on(反义词组) 3spring(同类词) 4cloud(形容词) 5leaf(复数) 6dance(动名词) 7cold(反义词) 8too(同音词) 二、默写单词1天空 2海洋 3山4河 5紫色 6颜色7晴朗的 8多云的 9秋天10冬天 11春天 12长方形Keys:一、1. turn off 2. take of

5、f 3. summer 4. cloudy 5. leaves 6. dancing 7. hot 8. two 二、1. sky 2. sea 3. mountain 4. river 5. purple 6. color 7. sunny 8. cloudy 9. autumn 10. winter 11. spring 12. rectangle【知识梳理3】M3U3Vocabularyplant a tree, have a picnic, ice-skate, skiExpressionMy favourite season is.We can.It is.【巩固练习】一、根据要求写

6、单词1hot(反义词) 2cool(反义词)3I(复数) 4two(同类词)5thin(反义词) 6leaves(单数)7rain(形容词) 8kite(同类词) 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空warm, hot, season, white, spring, is like, but1. _it winter? Yes, it is.2. Autumn is cool, _spring is_.3. I _summer. It is_.4. What _is it? Autumn.5. _is green. Winter is_.Keys:一、l. cold 2. warm 3. we 4.

7、three 5. fat 6. leaf 7. rainy 8. ball二、1. Is 2. but, warm 3. like, hot 4. season 5. Spring, white【知识梳理4】M4U1VocabularyBody, head, shoulder, arm, finger, hand, knee, leg, foot(feet)ExpressionOf course.【巩固练习】一、按要求写单词1knee(复数) 2have(第三人称单数)3I(同音词) 4foot(复数)5me(物主代词) 6long(反义词)二、选择适当的单词填空1. These are yo

8、ur_ (foot, feet).2. Look at_(me, my) eyes. Theyre big.3. Can you draw_ (you, yourself) ? Yes.4. Clap your_ (hand, hands). OK.三、句子配对( ) 1. Here you are. A. Yes, please.( ) 2. How are you? B. No, its a triangle.( ) 3. A Coke? C. I like summer.( ) 4. What season is it? D. Its winter.( ) 5. What season

9、do you like? E. Thanks.( ) 6. Is this ruler a rectangle? F. Fine, thank you.四、默写单词或词组1头 2肩膀 3手臂4手指 5身体 6膝盖7腿 8脚 9手10花 11慢慢地 12你自己五、根据中文完成句子,每格一词1I have _ _(两只手臂)They are _(长的)2-How many _ _(手指)?-Eight.3The elephant has _ _ _ (四只大脚)4This is _ _(一只眼睛)Keys:一、1. knees 2. has 3. eye 4. feet 5. my 6. shor

10、t二、l. feet 2. my 3. yourself 4. hands 5. has三、l. E 2. F 3. A 4. D 5.C 6. B四、l. head 2. shoulder 3. arm 4. finger 5. body 6. knee 7. leg 8. foot 9. hand 10. flower 11. slowly 12. yourself五、1. two arms, long 2. fingers 3. four big feet 4. an eye【知识梳理5】M4U2Vocabularypark, cinema, zoo, our, class, party

11、, take a photograph, parentExpressionHappy Childrens Day!Great!Lets .【巩固练习】一、按要求写单词1child(复数) 2class(复数)3morning(同类词) 4that(复数)5. lets(完整形式) 6does not(缩写)二、选出恰当的词填空1. Listen _ (to, at) me. I have a good idea.2. _ (On, In) the morning, we are _ (at, in) school3. I like to play _ (to, with) my friends

12、.4. Let s go _ (to, for) the park together.5. Where s my pencil? It s _ (in, at) your bag.三、根据中文完成句子,一格一词1.Lets_ _ _(拍照). OK.2. _ _ _ (儿童节快乐).3. _ _ _ (在早上) we go to school.4. We have a_ _ (班会) on Children s Day.5. Do you want to_ _ _ _ (去看电影) ?Yes.Keys:一、1. children 2. classes 3. afternoon 4. those

13、 5. let us 6. doesnt二、l. to 2. In at 3. with 4. to 5. in三、1. take a photograph 2. Happy Children s Day. 3. In the morning 4. class party 5. go to the cinema【知识梳理6】M4U3Vocabularystory, stop, greatExpressionHooray!Help!Stop!【巩固练习】一、按要求写单词1salty(名词) 2soft(反义词)3foot(复数) 4rectangle(同类词)5body(复数) 6stamp(同

14、类词)7have(动名词) 8wolf(复数) 9you(物主代词) 10shoulder(同类词)二、按要求写出同类词1. transportation _ _ _2. clothes _ _ _3. toys _ _ _4. shapes _ _ _5. animals _ _ _6. fruit _ _ _Keys:一、1. salt 2. hard 3. feet 4. triangle 5. bodies 6. clap 7. having 8. wolves 9. your 10. arm二、略(此部分测试时间为20分钟左右,讲评时间为15分钟左右。队本次所学内容进行检测)I. R

15、ead and write. (按要求写单词)A. 复数: book _ cake _ boy _ peach _ friend _ butterfly _ leaf _ library _ B. 所有格: I _ you _ he _ she _C. 同类词: two _ yellow _ hall _ balloon _ ladybird _ pig _D. 同音词: I _ C _ B _ O _E. 同义词: much _ hi _ goodbye _ meet _F. 反义词(或相对应的词): sit _ open _ fat _ tall _ Mr _ boy _ white _

16、big _Keys: A. books, boys, friends, leaves, cake, peach, butterflies , ladybirdsB. my your his herC. three, red, library, kite, bee, henD. eye,bee,8ee,ohE. many bye bye hello seeF. stand, thin, Mrs, black, close, short, girl, smallII. Look and write. (看图片写单词) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

17、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Keys: ladybird, bees, butterfly, ant, chick, hen, duck, pig, cat, dog, leaf, cow, boat, balloon, flower, kite, apple, orange, banana, peach, school, library, toilet, hall, playground, classroom, eye, one, three, five, seven , nine, mouth, nose, hair, door3、根据要求写单词A. 写出下列单词的复数形式boy f

18、ly peach branch baby photo he I her B. 在下列单词前加上a或an ant elephant orange pupil unit insectC. 写出下列单词的所有格形式I you he she they we D. 写出下列单词的同音词I four here meat buy their B U sea too know right E. 写出下列单词的同义词much little nice gate F. 写出下列单词的形容词形式sun rain cloud wind snow loveKeys:A. boy boys fly flies peach

19、peaches branch branches baby babies photo photos he they I we her theirB. an ant an elephant an orange a pupil a unit an insectC. I my you your he his she her they their we ourD. eye, for, hear, meet, bye, there, bee, your, see, two, know, writeE. many, small, beautiful, doorF. sun sunny rain rainy

20、cloud cloudy wind windy snow snowy love lovely1. 各个单元词汇分类记忆。2. 掌握个单词词汇拓展,如近义词、反义词、同音词等。 (此部分内容包含本次课所学内容相关的练习题及综合练习题。建议题量保持在30分钟左右可以完成的范围内)I. Choose and fill. (选词填空)A: yellow, orange, red, green1. Look at the sun. Its _ .2. Look at the leaves. Theyre_.3. Look at the bananas. Theyre_.4. Look at the or

21、anges. Theyre_.B:is, am, are1. Hello. I _Peter.2. Who _you? I _Nancy.3. What color _the kite?4. You _tall. But your brother_ short.5. We _good friend now. I _very happy.C:have, has1. What does Alice_?2. Alice _a new kite.3. We _a new school.4. Peter and his mother _many beautiful plants.5. They _a n

22、ew teacher.6. My teacher _many new books.D:a, an, the, /1. This is _apple. That is _orange.2. Do you like _my apples?3. Its _big apple. I like it.4. This is _his cat.5. Can I have _orange coat?6. _ sun is red. _ moon is yellow.E:how many, how much1. _ cats are there? Two.2. _ are they? Two yuan.3. _

23、 birds on the tree? Please count.4. _ are the apples? Nice yuan.F:What, Who, Where, What color1. _ is this? Its a ladybird.2. _ is my coat? Its here.3. _ is the bee? Its yellow and black.4. _ is your friend? Alice is.G:How, How old一般说来,“教师”概念之形成经历了十分漫长的历史。杨士勋(唐初学者,四门博士)春秋谷梁传疏曰:“师者教人以不及,故谓师为师资也”。这儿的“

24、师资”,其实就是先秦而后历代对教师的别称之一。韩非子也有云:“今有不才之子师长教之弗为变”其“师长”当然也指教师。这儿的“师资”和“师长”可称为“教师”概念的雏形,但仍说不上是名副其实的“教师”,因为“教师”必须要有明确的传授知识的对象和本身明确的职责。1. _ are you? I m fine thank you.教师范读的是阅读教学中不可缺少的部分,我常采用范读,让幼儿学习、模仿。如领读,我读一句,让幼儿读一句,边读边记;第二通读,我大声读,我大声读,幼儿小声读,边学边仿;第三赏读,我借用录好配朗读磁带,一边放录音,一边幼儿反复倾听,在反复倾听中体验、品味。2. _ are you? I m five教师范读的是阅读教学中不可缺少的部分,我常采用范读,让幼儿学习、模仿。如领读,我读一句,让幼儿读一句,边读边记;第二通读,我大声读,我大声读,幼儿小声读,边学边仿;第三赏读,我借用录好配朗读磁带,一边放录音,一边幼儿反复倾听,在反复倾听中体验、品味。3. _ is your

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