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1、重庆高一英语教材教案重庆高一英语教材教案【篇一:重庆市綦江实验中学校高一英语12周基础性教案】 重庆市綦江实验中学校英语学科教案 12 34【篇二:重大版高中英语4册 unit 4 教案】 unit 4 three gorges teaching aims: 1. know the use of the new words. 2. improve the ss? reading ability teaching important points: 1. improve the ss? reading ability. 2. the new words. 3. language points t

2、eaching difficult points: improve the ss? reading ability. master the new words. language points. teaching aids: a tape recorder a projector the blackboard teaching procedures: period 1 getting ready step 1: greeting step2: free talk three gorges do you like traveling? have you ever been to the thre

3、e gorges? can you give a description of your experience? do you know the names of the three gorges? three gorges: 瞿塘峡 巫峡 西陵峡 step 3: brief introduction of three gorges look at the picture. 三峡水电站,又称三峡工程、三峡大坝。它是世界上规模最大的水电站,也是中国有史以来 建设最大型的工程项目。三峡水电站1992年获得中国全国人民代表大会批准建设,1994年 正式动工兴建,2003年开始蓄水发电,于2009年全

4、部完工。移民是三峡工程最大的难点, 在工程总投资中,用于移民安置的经费便占到了45%。由于重庆市在移民问题上的积极性 和主导性,1997年6月14日,中央政府决定将重庆升格为直辖市. step 4: task 1 look at the map and complete the following tasks. 1) find the area which is to be flooded in the map and circle it. 2) mark out the site of the three gorges dam. step 5: task 2 with the closure

5、 of the three gorge dam across the changjiang river, what did the people there have to do? step 5: task 3 read the following words from the article. consult your dictionary if they are new to you. migrate migrants migration evacuate migrate maigreit vi. 1. 迁移;移居2. (候鸟等)定期移栖;(鱼群)回游 when did asians be

6、gin to migrate to the united states? 亚洲人何时开始向美国移民的? large numbers of birds migrate south every winter. 每年冬季大量的鸟类迁徙南方。 migration maigrei?n n. 1.迁移; (候鸟等的)迁徙uc2. 移民群;移栖动物群c migrant maigr?ntadj. 移居(尤指移出国境)的;流浪的 n. 1. 移民;移居者2. 候鸟3. 随季节迁移的民工(或动物) evacuate iv?kjueit vt. 1. 撤空,撤离;从.撤退2. 使避难,使疏散(+from) the

7、village was evacuated because of flood. 由于洪水这个村子已经撤空。 the civilians were evacuated from the city to farms. 百姓被从城里疏散到了农庄。 step 6: summary and homework 1. after meticulous feasibility studies by experts, it was finally concluded that the merits of the project far overweigh its demerits. on april 3, 19

8、92, the national people?s congress approved the construction of the project. the three gorges project has its main benefits in flood control, power generation and navigation. the project can raise flood control capacity from the present 10-year frequency to 100-year frequency. the project also prese

9、nts daunting problems which should be properly handled and solved to avoid any possible undesired impacts. these include resettlement of population, environmental protection, fund raising, etc. about 1 million people will be relocated owing to the construction of the project. the government has atta

10、ched great importance to the issue and decided to appropriate large sums of money for the resettlement program. the guiding principle of the program is that the life of the relocates can only be improved. for this purpose, the government has adopted development-oriented resettlement, in other words,

11、 to combine resettlement with local economic development. therefore, they feel quite at home and enjoy a better living in their new homes. 3. let students preview the reading part period 2 reading and comprehending step 1: greeting step2: fast reading 1. read through the passage quickly and find the

12、 answer to the following question. q: where did li chaohua, his family and 610 other people leave and resettle? step 3: careful reading q: when will the three gorges project have been completed how many people will need to have been moved? step 4: task 1 scan para. 3 -5 of the passage and decide whi

13、ch group the following words and expressions belong to. migrantshost villagers set apart land and built housesh moved to another provincem prepared the rice and hot pepper m were invited to have jiaozi m tears rolling down m left for guangrao county m waved their hands mmade arrangement h settled do

14、wn m lit firecrackers h evacuatedm beat drumsh gathered at the bank m step 5: task 2 retell the story about how the migrants left their hometown and were welcomed by the host villagers with the help of the information in task 1 shandong province. 1991 and 1992, the chinese governments knew that by 2

15、009, when the three gorges project is completed, a total of 1,084 km2 the second stage of evacuation was started in 1998 and in august 2000, people in the even before the migrants arrived, the people of guangrao county the settlement of the land, built houses and prepared food for them. on the migra

16、nts? arrival, the villagers although it will take time for the migrants the life in guangrao county, the step 6: homework how do you understand the last sentence of the article?in the new land they can plant some new crops and have a better harvest because the former farmland had been cultivated for

17、 a long time. furthermore, the communication with the local people in guangrao county could provide these evacuees with another chance to enjoy a new way of living. period 3 4 language focus step 1: greeting step 2: language points in the text 1. at the end (of)在最后, 在尽头。根据需要可接(of), 后可接时间名词也可接 地点名词。

18、如:在街道的末尾有一家医院。 there is a hospital at the end of the street. 上个月末, 一直都在下雨。 it was raining at the end of last month. by the end of 意为“到为此”,常常用于完成时。 如:到下周末我们将会完成这幢 大楼。 by the end of next week we will have finished the building. 我们的新图书馆是在上个月末完工的。 by the end of last month our new library had been built.

19、 扩展:come to an end 结束 put an end to 结束,制止 make ends meet 量入为出 odds and ends 杂七杂八的东西 2. (1) evacueethe person who is evacuated(被疏散的人) 后缀-ee表示“被的人”。 employee: the person who is employed (被雇佣的人) trainee: the person who is trained (被训练的人;新兵) trustee: the person who is trusted (被信赖的人;可信的人) interviewee: t

20、he person who is interviewed(被采访的人) (2) moving to another province from是现在分词短语,作定语,与其修饰的名词之间存在主 动关系(主谓关系)。可转换成定语从句。= who will move go another province from 如:与会的人员都是专家和学者。 扩展 v-ing, v-ed, to do 都能作定语,但意义有所不同: 1) v-ing可作前置定语也可作后置定语,与其修饰的名词之间存在主动关系 (主谓关系) 或 表达进行意义。 the houses being built are for the t

21、eachers. i have never seen a more moving movie. 2) v-ed常作后置定语,强调与其修饰的名词之间存在的被动关系(动宾关系)或表达完成 意义。 things lost never come again.3) to do常作后置定语,不定式作定语与被修饰的中心词之间常表现为主谓关系或者动宾关 系。侧重表达不定式的动作稍后发生。 the browns have a comfortable house to live in. the car to be bought is for his sister. 3. as far back as 1991 a

22、nd 1992, the chinese changjiang river water conservation committee and governments at various levels in the area of the three gorges project knew that by 2009, when the project is completed, a total of 1,084 square kilometers of land will be flooded and 125,00 people in 268 of towns and townships in

23、 20 districts and counties will need to have been evacuated. 远在1991年到1992年这段期间,中国长江水资源保护委员会和三峡库区的各 级政府就已经充分意识到, 在2009年三峡工程完全竣工前,将有总面积约1,084平方公 里的土地会被淹没,20个区县的268个镇和镇一级的125,000人需要重新安置。 (1) 句子成分主语:委员会和政府 谓语:knew 宾从:that.evacuated 非限制性定从: whencompleted (2) as far back as 1991and 1992相当于as early as 1991

24、 and 1992 (3) at various level表示“各级的;各个水平的;各种水平的” 4. the evacuation was to be carried out in two stages. 整个移民安置计划分两个阶段进行。 (1) to do sth 是将来时的一种表达法, 表示“表示打算或即将做某事”。 the plane is to take off, hurry up, please. 请快点, 飞机即将起飞了。 将来时的其他表达法: be going to will/shall do (shall只用于第一人称) be about to do.when.正打算做某事

25、.这时 i was about to jump into the river when a man shouted to me. 我正要跳河这时有个男的对我高 呼。 (2) carry out 实现;完成;实行。强调结果,表示“实现”。 carry on继续;连续。 强调过程,表示“执行”。 our plan must be carried on until it is carried out.我们的计划必须执行下去直到将它实现。 5. it guaranteed the closure of the dam across the changjiang river.这有力地确保了长江流域的成功

26、。 (1) guarantee n. 1)保证; 担保;保证书2) 担保品:抵押品3) 担保人 hard working is the guarantee of success. 辛勤工作是成功的保证 he offered his house as a guarantee. 他以房屋为担保 don?t worry, i may stand guarantee for her. 别担心,我可以做她的担保人 (2) vt. 对提出担保 i want my safety guaranteed. 我希望安全得到保证 we must guarantee to carry out the tasks. 我

27、们必须保证完成任务 6. people gathered at the bank to see them off.父老乡亲们齐聚岸边为他们送行。 (1) gather vt. vi. 1)使集合;聚集 the teacher gathered the pupils round her to tell them a fable. 老师把学生们聚集在她周围给他们讲个寓言故事。 2) 收集;搜集;采集;收拾;收获 gather your toys up. 把你的玩具收拾起来。 3) 推断;得出结论;了解【篇三:重大版高中英语4册unit2教案】 unit 2 animal kingdom teach

28、ing aims: 1. know the use of the new words. 2. improve the ss reading ability teaching important points: 1. improve the ss reading ability. 2. the new words. 3. language points teaching difficult points: 4. improve the ss reading ability. master the new words. language points. teaching aids: a tape

29、recorder a projector the blackboard teaching procedures: period1 getting ready step1 gteeting greet the students as usual. 完成getting ready中的第1项 1) 抢答活动,分组竞争,迅速考察学生已掌握的动物类词汇,教师给与鼓励和 表扬,尤其对优胜组和表现出色的学生。 2) 记录活动:学生快速根据抢答词汇分类记录 3) 双人活动,同桌见交互讨论,补全信息,扩充词汇量。 step 2 第二项活动 1) 快速连线:限制半分钟的时间,学生独立完成练习。 2) 订正答案:教

30、师提问全部获取答案并予以订正。 3) 扩充训练:教师向各组秘密给出或组内自由规定动物名称,限定一分钟内讨 论总结两句话概括其特性,其余组竞猜动物。循环两至三轮,并及时给与表扬。 参考答案: 2. c; a; b; e; d; 3. b; c period 2 comprehending step1 gteeting greet the students as usual. 本课阅读the honey guide 为精读材料。文章大意是:蜂蜜虽深受许多人和动物的喜爱,却不易寻觅。而在非洲有一种意想不到的寻蜜帮手导蜜鸟,它以食蜂房中的蜂蜡为生,由于难以得其门而入故设法召唤引导其他动物或路人前往蜂巢

31、采蜜,并静候蜂蜡掉落,导蜜鸟既可美美地享用。它们总是对蜂蜡颇为敏感,竭尽所能探寻蜜源。对此指源之恩,当地族人充满感激的同时也心怀畏惧,一旦不能留下蜂蜡与其享用,导蜜鸟便会采取报复行为。该文章充满大自然知识的情趣,耐人寻味。要求学生阅读时,对margin notes中的问题进行思考。重点在于根据语境和图画猜测词义。 step 2 处理getting ready中的第3项 1)限时跳读:限制学生在2分钟内熟练运用跳读技巧阅读文章第1、2自然段,并作选择。 2)监控订正:随堂检查学生跳读情况,及时指导、提醒。完成后订正答案。 step 3处理comprehending中的第1项 1)限时略读:限制学生在34分钟内熟练运用略读技巧阅读全文,了解大意,记忆关键信息,并排序。 2)指导监控:随堂检查学生略读情况,及时指导、提醒。 3)双人活动:同桌间交流讨论,更正信息。 4)订正复述:教师订正排序答案,鼓励学生依据答案线索简略复述文章梗概。 step 4处理comprehending中的第2项 1)信息回馈:把握学生对文章的理解程度,从而决

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