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1、国际贸易业务流程实训国际贸易实务出口业务实训案例 一、建立业务联系需求信息:2001年3月,浙江省纺织品进出口公司( Zhejiang textiles I/E corp.)的Bed-sheets Department 的 Li Feng 从国际互联网得知美国的UNITED TEXTILES LTD. 欲求购中国产的全棉床单(all cotton bed-sheets)。美国的UNITED TEXTILES LTD.联系方式: UNITED TEXTILES LTD 1180 CHURCH ROAD NEWYORK, PA 19446 U.S.A. FAX:215-393-3921操作要求:

2、请参照上述基本情况,以Li Feng 的名义给对方发一封建立业务关系的电子邮件,要求格式完整、正确。内容包括公司介绍、产品介绍等,并另寄产品目录,及表达想与对方建立业务联系的热切愿望等。(信头部分已给出,不需重复。注意不能做成简单翻译)信函日期:2001年3月2日 提 示:1.公司介绍简明扼要,突出特点。2.有针对性地介绍产品,可就品牌产品进行较详细的描述。3.为达到吸引客户的目的,商户函电的语言应避免生硬、平淡。4.结尾应起到激励对方尽快做出回复的效果。Zhejiang textiles I/E corp.Add:165 zhonghezhong Road Ningbo China Post

3、 Code:310001Tel:86-571-87075888/EXT FAX:86-571-87079254 E-mail:zjtex March 2nd 2001 UNITED TEXTILES LTD 1180 CHURCH ROAD NEWYORK, PA 19446 U.S.A浙江纺织品进出口公司。添加:165 zhonghezhong路宁波中国邮政编码:310001电话号码:86-571-87075888 / EXT传真:86-571-87079254电子邮件:zjtex2001年3月2日联合纺织品有限公司1180年纽约教会路,19446年美国宾夕法尼亚州 二、出口报价核算 信息如

4、下: 货号:Bs-12(全棉床单)进货成本:每件58.5元人民币(含增值税17%)出口退税率:10% 出口运费:床单每纸箱100件,200纸箱一个20英尺集装箱:每个20英尺集装箱出口运费为40000美元。(宁波到纽约)国内费用:每件5元人民币保险:按发票金额加成10%投保平安险,费率为1%佣金:报价的5%付款方式:即期信用证汇率:8.2元人民币兑换1美元操作要求:1.请根据上述条件分别算出FOBC5、CFRC5及CIFC5的保本价(即利润率为0)并列出详尽的计算过程。(注意:报价结果保留两位小数)2.请根据上述条件分别算出FOBC5、CFRC5及CIFC5在利润率为10的情况下的价格和CIF

5、C5在利润率为7%的情况下的价格并列出详尽的计算过程。(注意:报价结果保留两位小数)提示:1.明确FOB、CFR、CIF等不同术语的价格构成。2.清楚成本、各项费用和利润的计算依据.3.注意计算单位的一致性和计算结果的精确性.三、卖方发盘 信息如下:3月3日,我方收到对方如下函电:UNITED TEXTILES LTD1180 CHURCH ROAD NEWYORKPA 19446 U.S.AFAX:215-393-3921 March 3rd 2001Zhejiang textiles I/E corp.Add:165 zhonghezhong Road Ningbo China Post

6、Code:310001Tel:86-571-87075888/EXT FAX:86-571-87079254 E-mail:zjtexDear Li Feng,We are pleased to receive your email of march 2,and are glad to establish business relations with you.We are interested in all cotton bed-sheets,please offer us the following goods according to the undermentioned terms a

7、nd conditions:Commodity:Art No.Bs12 bed-sheets in your catalogueSpecification;all cotton,redQuantity:40000pcsPacking;in cartons of 100 pcs eachFrom/To:from Ningbo to N.YTime of shipment:in MayPrice;CIFC5 N.YInsurance:covering F.P.A.(CIC)Terms of payment:by irrevocable sight L/C We are looking forwar

8、d to receiving your best offer at your earlist convenience.Yours sincerelyLarry JohnsonImport Manager联合纺织品有限公司1180年教会路纽约19446年美国宾夕法尼亚州传真:215-393-39212001年3月3日浙江纺织品进出口公司。添加:165 zhonghezhong路宁波中国邮政编码:310001电话号码:86-571-87075888 / EXT传真:86-571-87079254电子邮件:zjtex亲爱的李风,我们很高兴收到你的电子邮件的3月2日,而且很高兴与您建立业务关系。我们有

9、兴趣全棉床单,请给我们提供下列货物根据under-mentio 操作要求:若我方要求10%的销售利润,请在收函的当天根据以上资料写一个发盘。提示:1.发盘内容完整正确,可以避免争议2.对外报价要说明价格的数量基础3.注意发盘的有效期问题四、卖方还盘信息如下: 3月4日,我方收到对方如下函电: UNITED TEXTILES LTD. 1180 CHURCH ROAD NEWYORK, PA 19446 U.S.A. FAX:215-393-3921 March 3rd 2001 Zhejiang textiles I/E corp. Add:165 Zhonghezhong Road Ning

10、bo China Post Code:310001 Tel:86-571-87075888/EXT FAX:86-571-87079234/87079254 E-mail:* Dear li Feng, We are please to receive your offer of March 3,We are sorry to find that compared with the same product elsewhere,your price is rather too high for us,we also point out that the price for this kind

11、of commodity is tending downward on the world market.Therefore,we have to ask you to consider if you can cut down 15% of your price.Your concession would be highly appreciated.We are looking forward to receiving your early reply.Yours sincerely Larry JohnsonImport Manager亲爱的李风,我们请接受你的提议的3月3日,我们很遗憾地发

12、现,与相同的产品在其他地方,你方价格相当高得我们,我们还指出,这类商品价格是在全球市场上倾向下跌。因此,我们必须请您考虑如果你可以降低你15%的价格。感谢你的让步。我们期待收到您的早日答复。谨启拉里约翰逊进口部经理 操作要求: 1.请判断若我方按对方价格出售产品是否有利可图? 2.若我方欲保持7%的销售利润,请根据以上资料在收函次日回一个还盘。 提示: 1.可以先强调原发盘的合理性 2.说明同意适当降价的原因 3.内容要有说服力 4.注意还盘的有效性问题五、卖方接受信息如下:3月6日,我方收到对方如下函电: UNITED TEXTILES LTD1180 CHURCH ROAD NEWYOUR

13、K,PA 19446 U.S.A. FAX:215-393-3921 March 5th 2001 Zhejiang textiles I/E corp. Add:165 Zhonghezhong Road Ningbo China Post Code:310001 Tel:86-571-87075888/EXT FAX:86-571-87079234/87079254 E-mail:* Dear li Feng, We are glad to receive your counter-offer of March 5th,thank you for your concession,but y

14、our price is too high for us. Because this is the first time we would sell your bed-sheets .We must spend much money on advertisement.If you agree to sell your goods at USD10.30 per piece CIFC5% N.Y,we would doubt the quantity.We are looking forward to receiving your reply as soon as possible.Yours

15、sincerelyLarry Johnson Import Manager联合纺织品有限公司。1180年纽约教会路,19446年美国宾夕法尼亚州传真:215-393-39212001年3月3日浙江纺织品进出口公司。添加:165 zhonghezhong路宁波中国邮政编码:310001电话号码:86-571-87075888 / EXT传真:86 - 571 87079234/87079254电子邮件:*亲爱的李风,我们很高兴收到你方的还盘3月5日,谢谢你的让步,但你们的价格太高了,我们。因为这是我们第一次将出售你的床单。我们必须花很多钱在广告。如果你同意出售你的货物在10.30美元每件成本加运

16、保费至N。Y,我们将双倍的数量。我们盼望着收到尽快收到你们的回信操作要求: 1.在对方答应增大订货量的情况下,我方同意按对方提出的条件成交,请计算按此价成交我方这笔交易的利润为多少人民币,换回成本是多少? 2.请根据以上资料在收函当天写一个表示接受的函电。回函内容提示: 1.注意条款的条理性。 2.表示必须明确,以免引起争议。 3.随函附上销售确认书,催促迅速会签合同、早日开立信用证。六、出口合同签订 操作要求: 请根据出口合同基本条款的要求和双方在来往函电中确定的条件填写销售确认书,要求条款内容全面、具体。 合同日期:2001年3月6日 合同号码:LD-DRGSC01 提示: 1.合同条款要

17、根据来往函电达成的协议列出。 2.合同条款要全面、内容应完整。 3.内容必须明确,不能有歧义。 售 货 确 认 书 SALESCONFIRMATIOM编号No.日期DateThe sellers:浙江省纺织品进出口公司Zhejiang textiles I/E corp.Add:165 Zhonghezhong Road Ningbo China Post Code:310001the buyers: ADD:TEL: FAX:兹确认售予以你方下列货品,其成交条款如下:We hereby confirm having sold to you the following goods on the

18、 terms and conditions as specified below:(1)货物名称及规格: Name of Commodity and Specifications(2)数量:Quantity(3)单价:Unit price(4)总值:Total Amount(5)包装:Packing:(6)装运唛头:Shipping Mark:(7)装运期限:Time of Shippment:(8)装运口岸: 目的地: Port of shipment: destination: (9)付款条件:买方应通过卖方可接受的银行与装运月份前30天开立并送达卖方不可撤销即期付款信用证,有效期限至装运

19、月份后十五天内在中国议付。Terms of payment:The Buyer shall open through a bank acceptable to the seller 30 days before the month of shippment,valid for negotiation in china until the 15th day after the month of shippment(10)保险:由按发票金额的,按照中国人民保险公司海洋运输货物保险条款(1981年1月1日)投保Insurance: to the covered by for of total inv

20、oice value against as per the icean marine cargo clauses of the Peoples Insuance company of China.(1981.1.1)(11)品质/数量异议:如买方提出索赔,应提交经卖方同意的公正机构出具的检讨报告。凡属品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起2个月内提出,凡属数量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起15天内提出,对所装货物所提出任何异议属于保险公司,轮船公司及期货有关运输机关所负责者,售方不负任何责任。 Quality/Quantity Discrepancy:Any discrepancy claim shoul

21、d be supported by survey reports issued by a recognized surveyor approved by seller.In case of quality discrepancy claim should be filed by the Buyer within 2 months after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination while for quantity discrepancy claim should be filed by the Buyer within 15

22、days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination It is understood theat Seller shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to cause for which the insurance company shipping company other transportation organization/or Post Office liable.(12)不可抗力:由于人力不可抗拒事故,使买方不能在本合

23、同规定期限内交货或者不能交货,卖方不负责任,但卖方必须用电报通知买方。如买方提出要求,卖方应以挂号函向买方提供有中国国际贸易促进委员会或有关机构出具发生事故的证明文件。Force Majeure :In case of Force Majeure,the seller shall not be held responsible for late delivery of non-delivery of the goods ,but shall notify the buyer by cable.The Seller shall ddeliver to the Buyer by registere

24、d mail ,if so requested by the buyer ,a certificate issued by the China Council for Promotion of International Trade competent authorities.(13)仲裁:凡是执行本合同或本合同有关事项发生的一切争执,应由双方通过友好方式协商解决。如果不能取得协议时,则在被告国家根据被告仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁决定是终局的,对双方具有同等的约束力。仲裁费用除非仲裁机构另有决定外,均有败诉一方负担。Arbitration: All disputes in connection w

25、ith this Contact or the execution thereof shall be settled by negotiation between two parties . If no settlement can reached,the case in dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration in the country of defendant in accordance with the arbitration regulation of the tarbitration organization.卖方(the s

26、ellers) 买方(the buyers)浙江省纺织品进出口公司Zhejiang textiles I/E crop.七、审核信用证信息如下:3月28日,我方收到通知行的信用证通知书一份和对方开出的信用证一份,内容如下:ADDRESS:50 HUQIU ROADCABLE: CHUNGKUOO 中国银行TELEX:3062 BOCSH ECN 信用证通知书SWIFT:BKCHCMBJ30 Notification of Documentary CreditDATE:2201/03/28To: 致:ZHEJIANG TEXTILES I/E CORP165 zhonghezhong Road

27、Ningbo ChinaWHEN CORRESPONDING PLEASE QUOTE OUR REENO:ISSUING BANKChemcial bank New York55 Water street ,room 1702,New York U.S.ATransmittedtous through 转逆行L/C NO.信用证DRG-LDLC01DATED 开征日期March 25th 2001Amount 金额US$782,800Dear sirs ,迳启者We have pleasure in advising you that we have received form the a/

28、m bank a(n)兹通知贵司,我行收自上述银行【】pre-advising of 预先通知【】mail confirmation of证实书【】telex idduing电传开立【】ineffective未生效 original正本【】duplicate副本Letter of credit ,contents of which are as per attached sheets This advice and the attached sheets must accompany the relative documents when presedted for negotiation .

29、信用证一份,先随附通知,贵司交单时,请将本通知书及信用证一并提示。 please note that this advice does not constitute our confirmation of the above L/C,nor does it convey any engagement or obligation on our part 本通知书部构成我行对此信用证之保兑及其它任何责任。 please note that we have added our confirmation to the above L/C,negotiation is restricted to our

30、 ourselves only.上述信用证已由我行加具保兑并限向我行交单。This L/C,consists of two sheets ,including the covering letter and attachments 本信用证连同面函及附近共2纸If you find any terms and conditions in the L/C,which you are anable to comply with and or any errors ,it is suggested that you contact applicant directly for necessary amendments of as to avoid any difficulties which may arise when documents are presented .如本信用证中有无法办到的条款及或错误,请迳与开证申请人联系进行必要的修改,以排除交单时可能发生的问题。FOR BANK OFCHINA 中国银行宁波分行信用证通知章Yours faithful

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