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高中英语易错点点睛与高考突破专题03 形容词和副词解析版.docx

1、高中英语易错点点睛与高考突破专题03 形容词和副词解析版 【2015高考预测】1.形容词、副词的位置以及易混淆的形容词、副词的用法。2.形容词、副词的比较级结构;形容词、副词前面使用冠词的情况以及倍数的表达方法。3.在比较状语从句中,所比较的人或事物之间的合理逻辑关系。4.比较级的省略以及插入问题。5.复合形容词的用法。【难点突破】难点 1 在比较状语从句中,所比较的人或事物之间的合理逻辑关系1.Shanghai has a larger population _ in China.A. than any city B. than any cities C. than any other ci

2、ty D. than all other city难点 2 比较级的省略以及插入问题2.Her health is . A. as poor as, if not poorer than, her sisters B. as poor as, if not poorer than, her sister C. poor as her sister, if not poorer D. as poor, if not poorer than, her sisters难点 3 复合形容词的用法3.Many students signed up for the _ race meeting to be

3、 held next week.A. 800-meter-long B. 800-meters-long C. 800-meter-length D. 800-meter-length【举一反三】1 A sheep _ on this kind of special grass usually grows much faster than _ on ordinary.A. fed; one B. feeds; the one C. fed; that D. feeding; it2 The purpose of the research had a more important meaning

4、 for them than _ .A. ours B. those of ours had for ours D. it did for us 【易错点点睛】易错点1 形容词、副词的位置以及易混淆的形容词的用法1.This _ girls are Lindas cousin.A. pretty little Spanish B. Spanish little pretty C. Spanish pretty little D. little pretty Spanish2.How is everything going on with you in Europe? Quite we

5、ll. Not so smoothly as I hoped, _ . A. though B. instead C. either D. too3. to take adventure course will certainly learn a lot useful skills. A. Brave enough students B. Enough brave students C. Students brave enough D. Students enough brave4.I dont mind picking up your things from the store._, the

6、 walk will do me good.A. Sooner or hater B. Still C. In time D. Besides5. students are required to take part in the boat race.A. Ten strong young Chinese B. Ten Chinese strong young C. Chinese ten young strong D. Young strong ten Chinese【特别提醒】 1.英语中某些副词短语的意义和用法很重要。 这类短语常见的还有: more than, no more than

7、, too much, much too, by far, more than, more than, no less than, not less than 等,在平常练习中要加以注意。2.意义相近的形容词和副词的用法要加以注意: hard, hardly; deep, deeply; high, highly; dead,deadly; most, mostly; fair, fairly; quite, fairly, rather; almost, nearly; such 等。3.多个形容词同时一个名词时,多用下列顺序:性质+大小+形状+新旧+颜色,有时也要看与名词的密切关系,越密切

8、越靠近名词。多个词同时作前置定语时的一般排列规律是:代词性定语+冠词指物主所有格+数词(先序后基)+形容词+国籍材料用途形容词或名词或动名词+被修饰的名词。例如:a charming small round old brown French oak writing table.【举一反三】1 Excuse me, but can I borrow your pencil- box?A. blue cheap plastic B. cheap blue plastic C. plastic blue cheap D. plastic cheap blue2 Mr. Evans is wise t

9、han smart. Few people can solve such a problem.A. no less B. no more C. less D. more3 Whoever has sense knows that smoking is harmftd to peoples health.A. normal B. general C. ordinary D. common易错点2 形容词、副词的比较级结构;形容词、副词前面使用冠词的情况以及倍数的表达方法 1.David has won the first prize in singing; he is still very ex

10、cited now and feels _ desire to go to bed.A. the most B. more C. worse D. the least2. John is the tallest boy in the class, _ according to himself.A. five foot eight as la/as B. as tall as five foot eight C. as five foot eight tall as D. as tall five foot eight as3. Mary kept weighing herself to see

11、 how much_ she was getting.A. heavier B. heavy C. the heavier D. the heaviest4. I think whoever makes _ tributions to the company than others should get income.A. greater; the higher B. more greater; a higher C. greater; the highest D. more greater; the highest5. The house rent is expensive. Ive got

12、 about half the space I had at home and I paying here.A. as three times much B. as much three times C. much as three times D. three times as much【特别提醒】1.形容词和副词比较级和最高级前的冠词用法:形容词最高级前须加the,副词最高级前都可以。做表语的形容词前如果没有比较范围和比较对象也可省去the,比较级在特指意义时须加the,泛指时可数单数须加aan.Most + 原级形容词的结构中,前面用不定冠词a,an或无冠词时,并非是最高级意思,most

13、意思为“very(非常)”。2.形容词比较级的倍数表达方式:比较级修饰词+ as + adj.adV.十as和比较级修饰词+ as + manymuch+ n.+ as.在“”结构中,第一个as是副词,修饰形容词或副词,强调程度。当某些副词如so,as,too,how等用来修饰名词前的形容词时;不定冠词放在该形容词之后,名词之前。后一个as引导比较状语从句。表示倍数的三个句 型是:(1) times as + 形容词原级 + as例如:This table is three times as big as that one.(2) times +性质名词 + of 例如:This t

14、able is three times bigger than that one.3.比较级前可以用 even, still,a bit /little,much, a lot, far, by far, no, any等修饰,表示程度。最高级前可以有序数词,by far, nearly, almost, by no means, not really ,not quite, nothing like等来修饰。例如:Is your father any better? 你父亲好些了吗?Yes,much better.是的,好多了。Id like to buy the second most e

15、xpensive laptop.4.形容词副词比较的对象应该相同但不能相互包容。常用以下结构形式:比较级 + than +any other + 单数名词;比较级 + than + anyone else;比较级 + than +any of the other +复数名词。例如:China is larger than any other country in Asia /all the other countries in Asia.The weather here is colder than that of Huanggang.The computers made in our fac

16、tory are better than those in your factory,【举一反三】1 Youd better go and buy some tomatoes for the dinner party, for you see, there are _ _ tomatoes left in the basket than I imagined.A. far more B. far fewer C. many more D. many fewer2 Are you satisfied with his work? Well, Im afraid it couldnt be _ .

17、A. any better B. the best C. any worse D. the worst【2015高考突破】1People complain that decisions to approve or deny a permit are often_rather than based on fixed criteria. Aappropriate BconsciousCarbitrary Dcontroversial2Its said that the power plant is now_large as what it was. Atwice as Bas twiceCtwic

18、e much Dmuch twice3He didnt selfishly keep for himself the money inherited from his uncle.Instead,he made a_contribution to help the community. Acommercial BgenerousCcomparable Dprofitable4Dont defend him any more.Its obvious that he_destroyed the fence of the garden even without apology. Aaccidenta

19、lly BcarelesslyCdeliberately Dclumsily5It may not be a great suggestion.But before_is put forward,well make do with it. Aa good one Ba better oneCthe best one Da best one6Everything seemed to be going _for the first two days after I moved to New York. Avividly BgenerallyCfrequently Dsmoothly7This is

20、 by far_movie that I have ever seen. Aan inspiring Ba much inspiringCthe most inspiring Dthe more inspiring8I think watching TV every evening is a waste of timethere are_meaningful things to do. Aless Bmore Cthe least Dthe most9Tony can hardly boil an egg,still_cook dinner. Aless BlittleCmuch Dmore1

21、0Mike was usually so careful,_this time he made a small mistake.(2012浙江,18)Ayet BstillCeven Dthus11、If what your friend comes up with surprises you,dont reject it immediately._,imagine that it is true. AThus BBesidesCRather DOtherwise12、What a terrible experience!_,youre safe nowthats the main thing

22、.(2013江西,24)AAnyway BBesidesCOtherwise DTherefore13、Can you lend me the book Gone with the Wind?Sorry.I returned it to the library just now.Maybe it is still _. Aavailable BaffordableCacceptable Dvaluable14、Frank put the medicine in a top drawer to make sure it would not be _ to the kids.Aaccessible

23、 BrelativeCacceptable Dsensitive15、I make $2,000 a week.60 surely wont make _ difference to me.Athat a big Ba that bigCbig a that Dthat big a16、This restaurant wasnt _that other restaurant we went to.(2012新课标全国,29)Ahalf as good as Bas half good asC as good as half Dgood as half as17、How was your rec

24、ent trip to Sichuan?Ive never had _ one before. Aa pleasant Ba more pleasantCa most pleasant Dthe most pleasant18、Mr.Stevenson is great to work forI really couldnt ask for a _ boss.Abetter BgoodCbest Dstill better19In the eyes of American parents, every child is _, so they encourage them to develop

25、in their own way.Afamiliar BobviousCunique Dpersonal20Johnson is a qualified driver with more than ten years experience._,I wont hire him. You know honesty is the most important factor I will consider.AMeanwhile BEven soCInstead DMoreover21 The man talks as if he knew the truth about the car acciden

26、t. _ he knows nothing about it.AActually BReallyCObviously DGenerally不知道。根据句意应选actually“事实上”。really“确实地,的确”;obviously“显而易见地”;generally“通常地”。22 Is English Literature a(n) _ course, or does everyone have to learn it?Apotential Btypical Coptional Dcritical23 I know how busy you must be and _ I wouldnt

27、want to take up too much of your time.Afortunately BfinallyCnaturally Dpossibly24 People who study or work away from home are _ to go back to celebrate the Spring Festival. Aeager Bevident Ccontent Dcurious25 Im not sure of the exact number of the audience, but _ speaking, I would say there are 1,50

28、0 or so.Ahonestly BroughlyCproperly Dstrictly26 I have told them with _ certainty therell be no change in policy.Aactual BproperCdirect Dabsolute27、 It is difficult for children to change their eating habit later in life. _, parents should encourage healthy eating from an early age.AOtherwise BThere

29、foreCBesides DHowever28 Your statement is too general. Could you be more_ about what youre going to do in the future?Aspecial BspecificCvivid Dcomplex29 Nowadays it is _ of a young generation to take it for granted that parents should meet whatever they desire.Atypical BcriticalCspecial Duniversal30You dont seem to be quite yourself today. Whats wrong?Oh, Im suffering from a cold. Nothing serious _.Ayet BindeedCanyway D

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