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最新牛津广州英语七年级上册《unit 4 hobbies》教案doc.docx

1、最新牛津广州英语七年级上册unit 4 hobbies教案doc 7A Unit 4 Hobbies一、重点词组: used to do,billions of, see sb. do/doing sth, from oneto another,notA but B, as well as, all over the world, take photographs, for example, in the past, make friends, get excited, at the beginning of,grow up,in a second, take part in, think o

2、f, in a second二、重点句型:when I was young, I did not use to have much money.I used to go outside every night to look at the stars.Having photographs is important because people and places always change.You can go with friends or, if you like, you can go alone.I hope I can work with real planes when I gr

3、ow up.三、主要语法:1. when 引导的时间状语从句2. used to / did not use to四、交际用语:1. What about you?2. That would be great.3. Oh, thats a good idea.4. I couldnt believe it.5. Would you like to come?6. By the way五、写作目的:让学生学会根据所给信息表达自己的观点。六、难点精析:Reading Part1. There are billions of stars in the sky 天上有无数的星星1)billions o

4、f 数以十亿计的,无数的 基数词+ hundred (thousand, million, billion)表示具体的数目,如:There are two hundred people on the square. hundreds (thousands, millions, billions) + of 短语, 表示不确定的数目,如:Hundreds of people are homeless. 成百上千的人无家可归。2)表示在空中,介词要用in.2. Not all stars are the same. 并非所有的星星都一样not 与all 连用,表示部分否定,“并非全部都”Not a

5、ll the students like to see this film.Not all the students have read the book. 不是所有的学生都读过那本书。3. However, if you see it move from one group to another, then it is not a star but a planet. 然而,如果你看见它从这一星群移到另一群,那么它就不是恒星而是行星。1)see sb. to sth. “看见某人做某事”, 强调正在做过某事see sb. doing sth 看见某种人正在做某事,强调正在做某事如:I saw

6、 him go into the bookshop. 我看见他走进了书店。(强调“我看见了“这个事实)I saw him working in the garden yesterday.(强调我看见“他正在干活“这个动作)2)oneanother “一个另一个”,用于表示“一些、堆.当中的一个,再一个“,不特指具体那一个。但是the other则指两个当中的“另外那个,剩下的那个“如:This umbrella is too old. Please give me another is a farmer.She has two sons. One is a worker, the other

7、is a farmer.他有两个儿子,一个是工人,另一个是农民。3)not but 意为“不是而是“如:Not Mary but Tom sent me a card.Its not a planet, but a star!4. It was his hobby as well as his well as “不但而且”如:He grows flowers as well as well as 引导的短语做插入语时,强调前面的部分,因此谓语动词要与它前面的主语保持一致。He as well as his parents wants to see th

8、e film.5. Having photographs is important because people and places always change.拥有相片是很重要的,因为人和地方总是不停地变化。having photograph 是动词-ing 形式做主语,谓语动词用单数形式,如Doing morning exercise is good for your body.Collecting stamps is his hobby.6 It is very sad . fot example , if children cannot look at photographs of

9、their parents or grandparents.这是很遗憾的事情,比如,如果我们的孩子们看不到父母或祖父母的照片。for example “”例如,比方说” 一般只举同类人或物中的一个例子,做插入语,用逗号隔开。如:I have many hobbies , for example, swimming.I know many women who have a career and family, for example, Alison.Listen Part1. You can go with friends or, if you like, you can go

10、one 是副词,意为“单独地,独自地”,相当于by oneself/without others如:She went home alone.After his wife died, he lived alone.2. You can make a lot of new friends when you go fishing.make friends 交朋友 make friends with 与交朋友Do you like making friends ?It will not hurt to make friends with them.3. Catching fish is great f

11、un, but eating them is even better.抓鱼是很有趣的事,但吃(自己抓的)鱼会更好。1)fun 是不可数名词,意为“快乐的事情”如:Collecting stamps is 也可以作形容词使用,表示“快乐的,有趣的”如:We will have a fun night today.2)even 修饰比较级,起强调的作用,意为“更加”如:He is very fat, but his brother is even fatter. 他很胖但他哥哥更胖。even 也可以表示“甚至”,用于谈论使人感到意外或惊奇的事情。如You can catch fis

12、h with just a net, or even with just a long piece if string, a hook and some bread.Language Part1. When 引导的时间状语从句1)用一个句子来做整个句子中的一个成分,我们把它叫作“从句”。从句在句中作状语表示时间时,叫做“时间状语从句”。when 既可以表示在某一点的时候,又可以表示在某一段时间内。主句与从句的动作或事情可以同时发生也可是先后发生。It was rainning when we arrived. 我们到达的时候正在下雨。(指到达时那个时间)When I read the book

13、 I cant help thinking of my friend.我读那书时不由自主的想起了我的朋友。(指读书时那个时间段)2)when作为连接副词,引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”,当when 引导的从句放在句首时,常用逗号与其后的句子隔开。When I was young, I often swam in the river.When it rains , I go school by bus.3) When 引导的从句放在句后面时,不用逗号。It gets colder and colder whrn winter comes.2.used to do sth.1) use to

14、“过去常常”,后接动词原形,表述过去的习惯、经常发生的动作或状态。常含有“过去是这样,但是现在已经不再这样了”的意思。I used to live in London. 我过去一直住在伦敦。(表示现在不住了)Life here is much easier than it used to . 如今这里的生活比起从前舒服多了。2)used to 的否定式:didnt use to I didnt use to play football. 我过去不踢足球。I didnt use to like beer. 我过去不喜欢啤酒。3)used to 的疑问式: did sb. use to do.?

15、如:Did he use to be a teacher in our school? 他曾经是我们学校的一位老师吗?Speaking Part1. Ill be ready in a second我会很快准备好。in a second 很快 相当于soon/ very fast类似的短语: in a minute, in momentIll finish my homework in a second.More practice Part1. Do you boys think of nothing except watching football and collecting footba

16、ll posters?1) think of 考虑 (可与think about通用),如:There are so many things to think of before we decide.我们要考虑到许多方面然后才能做决定。 对有某种看法(可与think about通用)Theyre thinking of moving to America. 他们有意移居美国。 想出,想到(不与think about 互换)Who thought of the idea? 想起,记起(不与think about 互换)I cant think of his name at the moment.

17、我一时想不起他的名字。2) nothing except “除了之外什么都么没有”There is nothing except a chair in the room. 房间里除了一张椅子意外,什么都没有。She remembered nothing (about him ) except that his hair was black.她(对他)什么都不记得,只记得他的头发是黑的。【Reading A达标精炼】一 根据短文和首字母提示,写出短文中所缺的单词的正确形式There are b of stars in the sky- but you can only see about 3,0

18、00 with your o eyes. Get a map of the stars and begin to find your way t the sky. In different s , you can see different groups of stars. The s of these group never c . It is easy to learn the name of each group. Sometimes,you may see a star move.H , if you see it move from one group to a , then it

19、is not a star but a p . You will soon begin to learn more and m about the star.二 选择填空( )1.I go outside every night to the stars. A. use to , look safter B. used to , look up C. used to ,look at D. use to , look for( )2. His parents teachers.A. are both B. are all C. both is D. all are( )3. It is har

20、d a child to dress himself. A. of B. for C. with D. to ( )4. When I was young, I read many English words. A. can B. may C. am able to D. was able to ( )5. We can see stars at night if it is fine. A. thousand B. thousands of C. thousands D. thousand of ( )6. We must who did this. A. find B. find out

21、C. look for D. look at三 根据汉语意思填写所缺的单词,每条横线只限填写一个单词1. 那不是一顶帽子,而是一只猫。Its a cap a cat.2 做早操对你的健康有益。 is good your health morning exercise.3.如今,英语变得越来越重要。English is becoming today.4.在我下时候,常常走路上学。When I was young, I on foot.5.我们通常星期一到星期五上学。We usually go to school Monday Friday.Reading B一 翻译下列短语1. 到旅行 2.不但

22、而且 3.全世界 4.为照相 5.例如 6.这些问题的答案 7.超过50年 8.在过去 二 语法选择 photographs is a favourite hobby of many people all over the world. It can help us things. We love to take photographs of , espacially when we travel to new places. We like to remember our trip. We also like to have a photograph everybody in the gro

23、up together. Having photographs important because people and places always change. It is very sad, for example, children cannot look photographs of their parents photographs. Photographs help us know and undersand history.( ) 1. A.Taking B. Take C. Takes D. Took( )2. A.remember B. remembered C. reme

24、mbering remember( )3.A. both B. all C. neither D. none( )4. A. the other B. the others C. each other D. another ( )5. A. for B. of C. to D. with ( )6. A. is B. was C. are D. were( )7. A. when B. if C. so D. but( )8.A. for B. after C. at D. up( )9.A.and B. but C. or D. so( )10.A. we B. us C. our

25、 D. ourselves三 句型转换1. His father is a doctor. His mother is a doctor, too.His doctors.2.When I was young, I usually had no money. When I was young, I to have any money.3.She is our teacher. She is also our friend. She is our teacher our friend.4.Some boys like swimming. Some boys dont. the boys like

26、 swimming.Listening一 用所给单词的适当形式填空1.I learn a lot about the sky by (read) books.2.Reading is one of my (hobby).3. The moon is the (bright) thing in the sky at night.4.In the day, it is much (hot) on the moon than on Earth.5.I weigh 50 (kilo) on Earth.6.I like collecting stamps with sports and (sports

27、man) on them.7. (collect) stamps is fun and interesting.8.Everybody gets (excite) when someone catches a big fish.9.Making small machines (be) my favorite hobby.10. It is very (interest ) to make things. 二 依据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词1. She lives a in that large house.2. If my model planes crash, I will have t

28、o m them.3.The fishmen are mending their n .4.I cant understand the new word. Can you give me some e ?5.I love cold drinks, e in summer.三 用所给连词填空after before id when as soon as 1. Never get on or off a bus it is still running.2 . X=Y and Y=Z,then X=Z3. All things are difficult they are easy.4. Ill t

29、alk about it with you we meet next week.5. I left school at the age of seventeen, I went to college.6. the thief saw the policeman, he ran away as fast as he could.Language一 将含有时间状语从句的复合句改写成简单句1.The singer began to learn singing whrn she was five. 2. He got up only when it was nine in the morning. 3

30、.They set off after had breakfast. 4.She always take a bag when she goes to the market. 二 句型转换1.He often went to work on foot, but he doesnt do it now. (合并成一个句子)He go to work on foot.2. He used to go to the cinema at weekends.(改为一般疑问句) he go to the cinema at weekends?3.He used to fall asleep in class.(改为否定句) He fall asleep in class.三 选择填空( )1. someone gets a big prize,everyone gets . A. When ,exciting B. After,exciting C.When, excited D. Before, excited( )2. I always try to stay awake on Christmas Eve I was young.A. used to , when B. use to, whenC. used to, before D

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