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Lesson 14 语言重组技巧.docx

1、Lesson 14 语言重组技巧Lesson 14语言重组技巧Reconstruction skills教学目标:使学生掌握语言重组技巧教学内容:语言重组技巧,语言重组技巧练习,短文练习I Theory and skills翻译不是在两种语言中寻找字词或句法的完全对应,而是追求信息的对等。但是由于时间和心理上的巨大压力,口译员在工作时容易受原语的限制,在译文中常会生搬硬套原语的表达和结构,使译文不符合目的语的习惯,有时甚至不知所云。如有的同学听到”We started thismagazine to write about people who make things happen in bu


3、话进行必要的整理和补充,以协助讲话人传递信息。常用的重组技巧有转换、释义、增补、省略等几种。转换(conversion)有词性和句型的转换,例如英语中的名词和介词在汉语中常常译为动词,如“He is a good public speaker.”译成“他很擅长演讲”;而“我谨代表(厦门)市委市政府”则转化为英语的介词结构: 释义(paraphrasing)也是口一种重要的语言重组技巧。对于口译员来说,一词多译或一句多译的练习十分重要,因为这种变通能够帮助译员避免因为某些词句而卡壳,导致口译不连贯甚至中断。使用增补(addition)和省略(omission)的技巧并不意味着在组织译文时可以任意

4、自由发挥,而是要使之符合目的语习惯,协助发言人更好地传达其说话意图,并帮助听众更好地理解信息。如前文提到的发言人重复啰嗦的时候译员可以省略啰嗦的部分,发言人想表达却没能表达出来的意思可以帮助他表达完整;如遇到发言人是专家而听众时非专业人士的情况时,可以适当对一些专业词汇进行解释,以帮助听众更好地接收信息。II Skills practice 13.1大发展我们将继续坚持“大开放促大开发,大开发促大发展”的方针,适应我国加入世界贸易组织的新形势,积极致力于与国际惯例接轨,加快政府职能转变,减少行政审批事项,整顿和规范市场经济秩序,着力营造符合市场化要求的公开、公正、平等的法制环境,统一、稳定、公

5、平的政策环境,诚实守信的信用环境,“亲商、重商、安商、富商”的社会环境,敢富、争富、快富的舆论环境,生态文明的人居环境,不断提高服务质量和水平,确保中外企业在四川得到最好的支持和服务。同时,我们将进一步创新直接利用外资的方式,通过出售产权引进外资;探索引进各类投资基金、探索BOT、TOT等灵活多样的方式;积极引进国内外资,转移在国内的生产基地和研发基地;积极邀请外商到四川设代表处,为已有的投资企业创造条件增资扩股;积极尝试在境外利用外资。通过加强交流合作,实现优势互补、共同发展。Cheap coffee bad for the environment Every new round of ea

6、rth exploration doesnt bring human beings material enjoyment alone, but also ecological catastrophe. Forests and greenbelt are the lungs of the earth, which keep the air on the earth fresh and provide necessary oxygen for survival of animals. But with the development of human society, the earths lun

7、gs are shrinking dramatically due to destruction. Dimons OBrien, a scientist from the World Wildlife Conservation society, said, if no appropriate protective measure is taken, every cup of coffee we drink brings damage to the environment or even accelerates the extinction of some species.Though peop

8、le are spending more and more money on coffee consumption, coffee growers are getting less and less. Partly due to the increased costs of production, storage, transportation and distribution,partly to the decreased price of coffee.To get as much profits possible.The manufactures and sellers have to

9、go all out to lower the purchase price of coffee beans. The annual sales volume of coffee in USA is 70 billion In order to protect the rare wildlife eco-environment,experts call on international society to protect the purchasing price of coffee beans and the local governments to limit the expansion

10、of coffee planting areas.III. Interpreting exercise 提示:请先熟悉列出的词汇与短语后再听录音,并在录音停顿时开始口译。xx海啸词汇与短语xx海啸震惊悲痛斯里兰卡突发灾难灾区传染性疾病捐款援助痛定思痛罪魁祸首归咎于占用地方珊瑚礁浅水地带红树林养虾砍伐惨痛代价预警机制Language tips 1.使全球陷入了震惊和悲痛:(The tsunami) plunged the whole world into shock and grief2.无数家庭失去父母、兄弟和姐妹:countless families lost their loved one

11、s.3.(国际社会。)找到薄弱环节:to find out what still needs to be done 4.加强对民众如何在地震和海啸发生时逃生的宣传和教育:raise peoples awareness of how to survive earthquakes and tsunamis.5.全人类携起手来,共同努力: if the whole world works together / if we join hands and worktogether / if the human race acts colletively2004年底发生的印度洋海啸,使全球陷入了震惊和悲痛


13、造成几十万人死亡,不能完全归咎于大自然,因为人类占用了本不应占用的地方。为了吸引游客,许多国家在海边盖起了密密麻麻的旅馆、饭店,这无疑增加了人们受到自然灾害侵袭的The Indian Ocean Tsunami shock grief Sri Lanka unexpected disaster disaster-stricken areas infectious diseases donation disaster relief aid reflect upon the disaster primary cause hold responsible expropriate coral reef

14、 shallow water areas mangroves farm prawns log (suffer) a heavy lossPreventive and warning mechanisms 危险。有专家指出,珊瑚礁以及生长在海岸边浅水地带的红树林,能保护海岛免受海啸侵袭。而在过去二三十年里,人们为了在海边的浅水地捕虾、养虾,大量砍伐海边红树林,结果人们为此付出了惨重代价。其次,没有海啸预警机制使人们毫无提防。此次灾难的发生是地震引起的,但对人类造成巨大灾难的不是地震本身,而是地震引起的海啸。海啸发生前两小时就已经发生了地震,在不少地区都有明显震感。如果事先拥有一个非常有效的海啸预

15、防和警告机制,当地的人们就会有足够的时间逃生,那样,海啸造成的人员伤亡和财产损失就会降低。灾难发生后,一些国家的领导人发表谈话,敦促国际社会共同采取预防措施,努力将类似海啸这样的自然灾害的损失降到最低限度。人们应从这次自然灾害中汲取教训,共同承担保护地球环境的责任。相关国家的政府应联合起来,尽快建立一个预警系统。国际社会必须从印度洋这场灾难中吸取教训,找到薄弱环节,并加强对民众如何在地震和海啸发生时逃生的宣传和教育。只要全人类携起手来,共同努力,虽然我们并不能避免类似的自然灾害再度发生,但我们一定能把灾难的损失减少到最低限度。Its time to be green 词汇与短语bring co

16、als to Newcastle 班门弄斧,多此一举下定决心的,致力于的破坏地球的生态不可破坏的、不可摧毁的灾难 indestructible devastation fertilizers, pesticides, other chemicals and siltsmothering marine creature化肥、杀虫剂、化学产品和煤粉都在不断地毒害和扼杀海洋生物bottom trawling fell coral forests 海底拖网捕捞砍倒珊瑚礁smother 扼杀motorization and industrialization 机动化和工业化 test (the limi

17、ts) to breaking point 试探极限deplete be green instead of greedy Language tips 1. make a positive difference in this world:积极地改变世界、使世界变得更美好 停止贪婪,绿化生活个人和政府的共同努take both personal and political will Peak oil:石油峰值 应该取之有度,而非使其枯竭4. its time tobe green:该开始保护我们的环境了。是时候绿化我们的生活了。Distinguished guests, ladies and g

18、entlemen,I feel humbled to be asked to give this speech. I feel like I am bring coals to Newcastle in the presence of this distinguished audience here.The essence of my speech today is this: Climate change is a direct consequence of our massive consumption of fossil fuels: Instead of driving even fa

19、ster as we get closer to the edge of the cliff, its time to slow down. Its time to be green instead of greedy.We need to change the way we live,to change the way we work,to change the way we do business and to change the rules that governments make. That takes both personal and political will. /Home

20、work 提示:请先熟悉列出的词汇与短语后再听录音,并在录音停顿时开始口译。对话环保词汇与短语植树节世界水日世界气象日地球日国际生物多样性日世界环境日警报可持续发展环保理念Arbor Day World Water Day World Meteorological Day Earth Day International Biological Diversity Day World Environment Day warning sustainable development awareness of environmental protection 主持人:欢迎大家来到我们的节目。翻开日历大家

21、都会发现,每年当中都有许多值得人们纪念的日子。比如,3月12日是我国的植树节,3月22号是世界水日,3月23号是世界气象日,4月22号是地球日,5月22日是国际生物多样性日,6月5日是世界环境日。这些纪念日之所以说它们特别,是因为它们都和环保有关。在倡导环保理念的人们的眼中,这些日子是一个纪念,也是一个警惕,同时更是一种期待。那么在今天的节目时间当中,我们将围绕着环保展开对话。现在让我们用掌声,请出我们今天的嘉宾,莫瑞斯斯特朗先生。我们请莫瑞斯斯特朗先生跟大家介绍一下您的个人情况,比如您今年高寿?Mr. Strong: Well, I am feeling like I am 21, but

22、the calendar says I will be 75 next month.主持人:不过我们觉得,您此刻坐在我们的现场,更像是21岁,年轻充满了活力的斯特朗先生。过去因为南北方利益不同,大家对于环保的理解和所站的立场肯定是完全不一样的,那么即使到了今天,您个人觉得,在发达国家和发展中国家之间,对于环境保护这个观点的认同上,是差异更大了,还是在不断的缩小当中?Mr.Strong:There is a great deal more knowledge now.We understand much better.What is actually happening is we have a

23、 lot experience and new technologies to help manage these problems, but we are still not doing adequately. Even with all the progress, the scientists tell us that basic conditions are still deteriorating. And this means that prospects for the human future are being affected by our inadequate environ

24、mental performance. But the difference is that we now what we are doing. We know more or less how to fix the problems, but not everything. We must continue to learn, but we are not doing it sufficiently. 主持人:我非常同意您的观点,我觉得在当今的中国来讲,伴随着经济的高速发展,环保的问题也已经上升到国家安全这样一个高度上来,所以其实很多人都在思考着怎么样走这样一条全面协调可持续发展的道路。而且

25、中国怎样走这条路是不是对世界环境的未来有着举足轻重的影响?Mr. Strong:Why I am so convinced that China is the key is because China is the largest country in the world: China is the fastest growing. But we know, we now see for example the Yellow River, the mother river, it has three times as much soil sediment it carries three ti

26、mes as much as the Amazon and the Missippi put together. Of your 4,000 lakes in China, 3,000 have already dried up. The others are in the process of being dried up or polluted. This is happening.I am not criticizing your development because you have gained real benefits. But at the same time,we know

27、 that China will not have a future, that is, a future life for its people and its land unless something is done.Sustainable development is not an option for development it is an absolute necessity and it has to be in everybodys mind.There has to be a sustainable development revolution, as important

28、as your original political revolution. I think it is the key. China must be central to that revolution, not because the world thinks it should, but because Chinas own future requires this.So Ibelieve that the new revolution will bring us to a safer world in which all people can benefit from this pro

29、cess, what we call globalization,because right now lots of new wealth is being generated. Much that wealth is at the expense of others. Many groups of people do not have a share in it we have an exciting world,but we have an imperfect world.And it is in this generation,and the people sitting round h

30、ere,who will really determine whether we have a sustainable future. I am old. I will not live long enough to see it, but I want my grandchildren to live in a sustainable world. I want young people in China to live in a sustainable world that is why you are doing this programme helping to bring this

31、to the attention of people throughout China.This is to help to create the awareness, because everyone must join this revolution, or we will all be victims of it.主持人:每个人的心目当中都会有,像您刚才提到的,这样一个美好的愿望,我想对于我们中国人来说,特别不希望再重走这样一条先污染后治理的老路。那么有没有什么样的方法,能够让我们避免发达国家走过的弯路。Mr.Strong:I would say “makeall development

32、 people-centered”.Everything done should be tested. Does it really benefit the life of the people or just a few people? It is the real test. I am very encouraged by your leadership saying that thats going to be the main measure of its development.That is one of the most encouraging things I have heard in China for many years,that your

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