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1、学术英语管理类课程教学大纲 学术英语(管理类)课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:16231602课程名称:学术英语(管理类) 英文名称:Academic English for Business课程类别:通识必修课 学 时:32 学分:2适用对象: 非英语专业的本科生考核方式:考试 先修课程:大学英语IV二、课程简介学术英语(管理)课程内容涉及市场营销、金融、会计、电子商务、公司战略、品牌、人力资源等管理学科的主要分支,适合修完大学英语基础课程,达到一般要求水平的本科学生。虽然本课程以专业内容而不是以语言训练为主线,但是基于培养学术交流能力为目的的听说读写译的训练贯穿整个单元,并且各个单元

2、内容的语言训练相互衔接、前后呼应。学生学完本课程后,其有效、得体地使用英语进行学业学习与学术交流的能力将得到较全面的提高。同时,此课程涉及公司治理与领导决策、商务洽谈与处理技能、金融核算与对外交流等各项技能知识,这不仅能增强学生自信与业务能力,激发学生的理想与信念;更能厚植爱国主义情怀、坚定业务处理原则、加强品德修养、提升学生综合素养。这也是该课程的重要教学目标。该课程每次讲授一个学期,每周2学时,共32学时。授课方式以教师讲解为主,学生模拟商务、案例分析为辅。课堂教学采用的主要教材为季佩英主编的学术英语(管理)。 授课环境为多媒体教室。该课程的教学评估包括形成性评估和终结性评估。具体比例是:

3、形成性评估占50,主要考虑因素包括出勤情况、课堂参与的情况、课内外作业完成的情况;终结性评估即期末考试的形式,占总成绩的50。The contents of this course involve marketing, finance, accounting, e-commerce, corporate strategy, branding,the main branch of human resources management disciplines, for completing college English courses, which can meet requirements o

4、f level of undergraduate students. While the course is based on professional content rather than language training as the main line, but the cultivation of academic communication skills for the purpose of the listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating training is conducted throughout the

5、entire unit based on the content and elements of language training with each other, before and after the echo. After taking this course the students ability of effective, proper use of English learning and academic exchanges will be comprehensively improved. Meanwhile, this course involves various s

6、kills such as corporate governance and leadership decision-making, business negotiation and processing skills, financial accounting and international communication, which can not only enhance students self-confidence and business ability, stimulate students ideals and beliefs, but also cultivate pat

7、riotism, strengthen business handling principles, strengthen moral cultivation and enhance students comprehensive accomplishment. This is also an important teaching goal of the course.The course lasts one semesters, 32 periods in all. The teaching process consists of lectures by the teacher, case st

8、udy and simulated negotiation by students. The textbook is Business Negotiation.The assessment of students is based on both formative assessment and conclusive assessment. Formative assessment takes into account such factors as attendance, in-class performance, grades in assignments. Conclusive asse

9、ssment refers to the final simulated negotiation. Formative assessment contributes 50% to the final total mark, while conclusive assessment, 50%.三、课程性质与教学目的学术英语(管理)(Academic English for Business)是广东财经大学非英语专业本科生在完成基础英语课程学习后,第四学期进入提高阶段英语课程学习的一门必修通识课,是一门从基础英语教学到双语教学或全英语教学的过渡性课程,以应对新时期大学英语教学的发展方向和新形势下我国

10、人才培养目标对高等教育提出的新的要求。本课程的教学目的在于提高大学生的学术英语能力及专业英语水平,拓展学生人文内涵和学科内涵,以内容为依托,提高学生英语水平和综合文化素养,为学生借助英语拓展各自专业发展提供条件,使他们达到用英语表达知识,用英语交流文化的更高要求,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。希望通过学术英语教学与学生所学专业相结合,为学生毕业后直接使用英语从事本专业工作,或者继续深造学习、进行学术研究以及参加学术活动打下坚实基础。四、教学内容及要求 Unit 1 Studying Business(一) 目的与要求Students are expected to 1. understa

11、nd the definition of Business.2. know some common reasons why people study business and various roles people play in relation to business.3. learn how we may benefit from studying business as employees, business owners, consumers and investors.4. acquainted with some specialized vocabulary of busine

12、ss.5. Stick to the principles of business ethics and better business skills(二) 教学内容1. 主要内容1)Definition of Business Customer SatisfactionAn Economic Activity Profit Managerial Efficiency Entrepreneur A Way of Life Professional Manager Functional Specialist 2) Why do we study business?A. for help in c

13、hoosing a careerB. to be a successful employeeC. to start your own businessD. to become a better-informed consumer and investor 3) How we may benefit from studying business as employees, business owners, consumers and investors?A. As an employee, studying business helps you decide on a career, then

14、acquire skills and knowledge necessary for a successful career.B. As a business owner, studying business helps you obtain skills needed to start your own business, identify a product or service that customers want, and realize the potential risks.C. As a consumer, studying business helps you to be m

15、ore informed before making a purchase decision.D. As an investor, studying business helps you understand the basics of the economy and business and establish the investment program so as to better invest for the future.2. 基本概念和知识点1) Specialized vocabulary: business; business plan; customer service;

16、mutual fund; on-demand; road map; transaction; undercapitalization; work force; price targeting; sale pricing2) Academic reading skills: Theme Sentences; Subheadings3) Academic writing skills: Formal English & Informal English3.问题与应用(能力要求)1) Employers in the market place are more demanding than ever

17、 before. Ask yourself: What can I do that will make employers want to pay me a salary? What skills do I have that employers need?2) What are the skills that you can learn from university courses?3) What are the skills that you need to learn outside the university? (三) 思考与实践Teamwork Presentation: The

18、 term price targeting is more commonly referred to as price discrimination or price differentiation in economics. Work in groups of 4-5 to find examples of price discrimination in different industries, for example: Airlines; Movie theatres; Insurance; Railway etc. (四) 教学方法与手段教学方法:讲授与课堂讨论相结合 教学手段:运用电

19、子教案进行多媒体教学,网络自学Unit 2 Marketing(一)目的与要求 Students are expected to:1. understand 4 different kinds of definition of Marketing.2. know the marketing theory of 5Ps and its application.3. explore what makes a successful marketing campaign by analyzing some successful and unsuccessful cases. 4. to get acq

20、uainted with some specialized vocabulary of marketing.(二)教学内容1主要内容1) The definition of Marketing:A. Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organizati

21、on and its stakeholders.- American Marketing AssociationB. Marketing is the core business philosophy that directs the processes of identifying and fulfilling the needs of individuals and organizations through exchanges which create superior value for all parties. - The World marketing AssociationC.

22、Marketing is the management process for identifying anticipating and satisfying consumer requirements profitably. - the U.Ks Chartered Institute of MarketingD. Marketing is : a) discovering and giving consumers what they want and need, and b) doing this at a profit. - by the author2) 5Ps of marketin

23、gA. People: Marketing revolves around the wants, needs, and desire of people.B. Product: Product is anything that can be offered for sale or use to another individual. C. Price: It not only pays for your cost of goods and profit, it does much more, such as communicating about the product, setting qu

24、ality expectations, segmenting the consumers, and even conveying how a consumer should consume the product.D. Place: Place refers to where and how you sell your product and where and how you distribute your product.E. Promotion: Promotion refers to the way you choose to promote your product, such as

25、 advertising, public relations, sales promotion, event marketing, as well as any personal one-on-one selling you do.3) Analyze the successful and unsuccessful cases.A. successful cases: B; the website of car companyB. unsuccessful cases: P; P2. 基本概念和知识点1) Specialized vocabulary: the act of sales; ma

26、nage customer relationships; business philosophy; satisfy consumer requirements; manipulate the tools of marketing; entice consumers to buy product; effective marketing; ideal target market; promote products; maximize interest; the packaging of the product; the design and manufacturing of the produc

27、t; an established brand; consumer goods; exclusive distribution; event marketing; cut the cost of manufacturing 2) Academic reading skills: a listing pattern; signpost language3) Academic writing skills: signpost words and phrases; Formal English & Informal English3. 问题与应用(能力要求)1) There are the 4 Ps

28、 of marketing as highlighted by McCarthy. To these we have added a fifth P: People. Do you agree with the author? Why or Why not?2) How can a company succeed in this ever-changing market?(三)思考与实践Teamwork Presentation: Work in groups of 4-5 and conduct a survey on how a certain company promotes its p

29、roduct through advertising. Consider the following points:1) Identify the advertising media the company has used.2) Identify what focus its advertisement puts on the product.3) Identify who the advertisement aims at.4) Find out whether the advertisement is successful or not.5) Conclude what can be l

30、earned from it. (四) 教学方法与手段教学方法:讲授与课堂讨论相结合 教学手段:运用电子教案进行多媒体教学, 网络自学Unit 3 Corporate Strategies(一)目的与要求Students are expected to1. master some professional knowledge about corporate strategies;2. master some specialized vocabulary, the structure of business writing and analyze difficult sentences; 3.

31、develop critical thinking; 4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. (二)教学内容1主要内容1) Pre-reading tasks A. Give Ss two assignments before class: a) Ask Ss to fill in the table in the task with the help of the Internet. b) Divide the cl

32、ass into groups of 3-4 to do a survey about peoples opinion of Wal- Mart. Ask them if they think Wal-Mart is successful in China. B. In class, check Ss answers to the task. C. Invite several groups to report their findings of the survey. D. The entire class vote on the question: Do you think Wal-Mart is successful in China? 2) While-reading tasks A. Ask Ss to read Paragraph 1 of Tex

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